998 resultados para Avaliação Ambiental


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O ozônio troposférico ê o principal poluente responsável por danos às plantas, tornando-as mais suscetíveis a estresses ambientais como seca e calor excessivo, bem como ao ataque de pragas e doenças, resultando em perdas consideráveis à produtividade agropecuária. Os níveis de O3 troposférico vêm aumentando, e medidas de controle ambiental são necessárias para minimizar os impactos da poluição por O3. Este trabalho introduz os problemas causados pela poluição por O3 sobre as atividades agropecuárias, e apresenta as informações a serem consideradas na avaliação dos impactos do O3 sobre a agricultura brasileira.


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Avaliação dos impactos econômicos de tecnologias agropecuárias; Avaliação dos impactos sociais de tecnologias agropecuárias; Avaliação dos impactos na geração de empregos de tecnologias agropecuárias; Avaliação do impacto ambiental de inovações tecnológicas agropecuárias; Avaliação de impactos sobre o conhecimento, sobre a capaciatação e de impacto político-institucional da pesquisa da Embrapa; Análise dos impactos econômicos, sociais e ambientais da máquina extratora de água de coco verde: considerações sobre a cadeia reprodutiva.


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Impacto de mudanças climáticas globais sobre a microbiota terrestre - Raquel Ghini. Impacto de xenobióticos e metais pesados na microbiota do solo - Célia Maria Maganhotto de Souza Silva e Rosana Faria Vieira. Microrganismos, minerais e metais - Oswaldo Garcia Jr. e Denise Bevilaqua. Bioprospecção da diversidade microbiana cultivável e não cultivável - Raquel Silva Peixoto, Alexandre Soares Rosado e Rodrigo Gouvêa Taketani. Técnicas moleculares aplicadas aos estudos de ecologia microbiana: A PCR em tempo real - Paulo Teixeira Lacava e João Lúcio de Azevedo. Biofilmes microbianos - René P Schneider. Biossurfactantes - Fátima Menezes Bento, Flavio A. de Oliveira Camargo e Christine Claire Gaylarde. Importância ambiental da biocatálise - Viridiana Santana Ferreira-Leitão, Maria Antonieta Ferrara e Elba P S. Bom. Estratégias de isolamento de microrganismos envolvidos na degradação de xenobióticos - Itamar Soares de Melo e João Lúcio de Azevedo. Biodegradação anaeróbia - Rosana Filomena Vazoller, Márcia Helena Rissato Zamariolli Damianovic e Juliana Calábria Araújo. Biodegradação de compostos aromáticos - Aneli de Melo Barbosa, Ellen Cristine Giese e Luiz Gustavo Covizzi. Biodegradação de organoclorados no solo por basidiomicetos lignovelulolíticos - Vera Lúcia Ramos Bonomi, Kátia Maria Gomes Machado, Dácio Roberto Mateus e Vera Maria Vitali. Biodegradação de lignina e tratamento de efluentes por fungos ligninolíticos: atualização - Nelson Durán e Elisa Esposito. Biodegradação de corantes têxteis - Priscila Maria Dellamatrice, Regina Teresa Rosim Monteiro e Doralice de Souza Luro Balan. Biodegradação de superfícies pintadas - Denise de Souza Saad. Biodegradação de polímeros sintéticos - Sandra Mara Martins Franchetti, José Carlos Marconato e Adriana de Campos. Biodegradação de fungicidas - Célia Maria Maganhotto de Souza Silva, Elisabeth Francisconi Fay e Rosângela Blotta Abakerli. Biodegradação de monoterpenos - Lucia Regina Durrant. Degradação de cafeína por bactérias - Paulo Mazzafera e Dirce Mithico Yamaoka-Yano. Degradação abiótica de xenobióticos - Elisabeth Francisconi Fay, Célia Maria Maganhotto de Souza Silva e Itamar Soares de Melo. Biodeterioração no ambiente construído - Márcia A. Shirakawa, Vanderley M. John e Maria Alba Cincotto. Biodeterioração de monumentos históricos - Maria Aparecida de Resende. Biodeterioração de monumentos históricos - Maria Aparecida de Resende. Biorremediação de solos contaminados por petróleo e derivados - Paulo Negrais Seabra. Fitorremediação de metais - Marcia Pletsch, Á ndrea C. A. Barros e Brancilene S. de Araujo. Importância da rizosfera na biodegradação de xenobióticos - Itamar Soares de Melo. Microbiologia aquática marinha - Irnia Nelly G. Rivera, Claudete Rodrigues Paula e Claudiana Paula de Souza. Transferência horizontal de genes de plantas geneticamente modificadas: avaliação dos riscos para as comunidades microbianas - Welington Luiz Araújo, Priscilla de Barros Rossetto e Júlia Ifuklinsky-Sobral.


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As situações de risco presentes no ambiente de trabalho modificam o padrão de saúde da população da mesma forma que os processos de produção podem alterar as condições ambientais. Este módulo foi elaborado com o objetivo principal de provocar reflexões sobre a relação trabalho, saúde e ambiente, contextualizando os principais cenários vivenciados na realidade brasileira e incorporando a atuação dos profissionais das equipes de Saúde da Família. Assim, vemos que é importante compreender as interrelações do ambiente com os processos de produção, do trabalhador com a produção e com o ambiente, para então conhecer como este dinamismo pode afetar a saúde do ser humano e dos ecossistemas.


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Aborda a questão da avaliação de risco à saúde humana por exposição a substâncias químicas, com base na experiência brasileira da aplicação da metodologia da Agência de Registro de Substâncias Tóxicas e Controle de Doenças - Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR).


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Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is characterized by a persistent pattern of inattention and/or hyperactivity/impulsivity. The aim of this research was to contribute more precisely to the diagnosis of ADHD, to propose a battery of neuropsychological assessment and to analyze the contribution of each test. We studied 10 matched pairs of children with ADHD and normal controls (7 to 11 years). Inclusion criteria were: presence of ADHD typical behavior, positive diagnosis of ADHD based on DSM-IV, normal IQ, normal neurological examination and parental consent. We used extensive neuropsychological battery. The results showed differential sensitivity for detection of attentional problems in children with ADHD, although most tests did not reach statistical significance. The item, errors, of WCST revealed statistically significant difference between the two groups: ADHD performance was inferior to controls . In conclusion the neuropsychological assessment battery used in this research contributed to the diagnosis of ADHD.


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The purpose of this study is to introduce a method to evaluate visual functions in infants in the first three months of life. An adaptation of the Guide for the Assessment of Visual Ability in Infants (Gagliardo, 1997) was used. The instrument was a ring with string. It was implemented a pilot study with 33 infants, selected according to the following criteria: neonates well enough to go home within two days of birth; 1 to 3 months of chronological age; monthly evaluation with no absence; subjects living in Campinas/SP metropolitan area. In the first month we observed: visual fixation (93,9%); eye contact (90,9%); horizontal tracking (72,7%); inspects surroundings (97,0%). In the third month, we observed: inspects own hands (42,4%) and increased movements of arms (36,4%). This method allowed the evaluation of visual functions in infants, according to the chronological age. Alterations in this function will facilitate immediate referral to medical services for diagnoses.


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This text offers some contributions to the debate on the changes proposed to the National Curricular Directives to reform secondary education in Brazil. In the first part, the political and economic scene is evaluated as the context which generated the last stage of reforms in the educational field in the 90s. It questions the option for a model of structural reform (in the Brazilian case more restricted to the Program for Reform of Professional Education - PROEP) and of the curriculum, whose themes find their justification in the contemporary economic, social cultural and political context. It discusses the use of a model that bases itself on experiences developed in other countries and takes the international orientation of the multilateral organizations as its theoretical methodological reference, leaving out the peculiarities and injunctions of the Brazilian political administrative system. Such a policy measure can increase the tension and distance normally existing between government programs and the possibility of their real implementation in the school network. In the second part, it discusses the Resolution of the National Education Council, the Congress on Basic Education, no.3, of 16.698 that instituted the National Curricular Directives for secondary education, as well as the Legal Bases - Part I - of the National Curricular Parameters for secondary education. The analysis of official discourse takes Bardin's (1977, p. 209) proposals as its methodological reference for the models of structural analysis, seeking to make the implicit values and the connotations of the legal texts explicit


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The goals of this study are to identify the potencialities avaiable in elementary public schools for the development of an educational process wich includes environmental issues helpping to find its integration with university in order to contribuite raises teaching levels for a better comprehension of regional environmental problems. Research data were collected through questionnaires and interviews with geography teachers analyising theirs activities and perspectives on the environmental crisis and environmental education. The study also offers sugestions for the devellopment of interdisciplinaires programs trying to contibute for the construction of citizenship showing the importance of better comprehension from environmental problems which includes physical, economics, social, political and cultural aspects.


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Vitamin C stability and concentration was evaluated in isotonic beverages and B group vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5 and B6) in power beverages. The amount of vitamins was found to be above of that declared on the labels, even after the shelf life had been exceeded. A small decrease in the amount of B group vitamins was observed during the shelf life of the products. In the case of vitamin C this decrease was slightly higher. The present research shows the need of increased quality control and inspection.


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Fundamental aspects of the conception and applications of ecomaterials, in particular porous materials in the perspective of green chemistry are discussed in this paper. General recommendations for description and classification of porous materials are reviewed briefly. By way of illustration, some case studies of materials design and applications in pollution detection and remediation are described. It is shown here how different materials developed by our groups, such as porous glasses, ecomaterials from biomass and anionic clays were programmed to perform specific functions. A discussion of the present and future of ecomaterials in green chemistry is presented along with important key goals.


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Volatile compounds from green and roasted yerba mate were analyzed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry and the flavor profile from yerba mate beverages was determined by descriptive quantitative analyses. The main compounds tentatively identified in green mate were linalool, alpha-terpineol and trans-linalool oxide and in roasted mate were (E,Z)-2,4-heptadienal isomers and 5-methylfurfural. Green mate infusion was qualified as having bitter taste and aroma as well as green grass aroma while roasted mate was defined as having a smooth, slightly burnt aroma. The relationship between the tentatively identified compounds and flavor must be determined by olfatometric analysis.