911 resultados para Automobile ownership


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The Mayo North East Ballina Eat Wise project will proactively engage with disadvantaged communities, including migrant and Traveller groups, in Ballina to encourage and support people to make informed decisions regarding their diet and that of their families. The project aims to empower people with the resources, skills and knowledge to improve their physical and mental wellbeing through affordable healthy eating. A steering group comprising local stakeholders will be established to co-ordinate and inform the CFI’s work and to ensure it is fully addressing the needs of the target group. The CFI will begin by developing a training module to equip a group of peer researchers to carry out a needs analysis. The information gathered will inform the practical aspects of the project ensuring participation and a sense of ownership from the local community. Young people will be targeted through local schools and youth organisations. Training will be provided for both adults and young people in vegetable/fruit growing, nutrition, cooking, preventing food wastage, smart shopping and budgeting. Practical cookery demonstrations coupled with advice on healthy eating will take place in the target areas. The project will also engage with local supermarkets and takeaways to encourage the provision of healthy affordable options. Other options to increase the availability of healthy food in the target areas will be explored. Part of theCFI Programme 2013-2015 Initiative Type Nutrition Education and Training Programmes Location Mayo Target Groups Children (13-18 years) Families Partner Agencies safefood


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In 2012, CARDI was asked by The Office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister in Northern Ireland to carry out a series of research projects on ageing in Ireland, North and South. This study, An exploratory study of the wealth of older people in Ireland – North and South, was led by Professor Paddy Hillyard, Queen's University Belfast. It had the following objectives: Examine what information is available on the wealth of older people on the island of Ireland. Describe the type and level of housing, property and other assets. Provide comparable estimates of the wealth of older people in Northern Ireland (NI) and the Republic of Ireland (ROI). Draw out the policy implications of the research. Stimulate a wider discussion about wealth and inequalities. Key findings: In NI the total personal wealth was estimated at just under �100 billion. People aged 50 and under were estimated to have 35% of the total wealth, while people aged 50 and over had 65%. Existing data does not allow for a similar comparison in ROI. People aged 65+ in NI have a median disposable weekly income of �280 compared to �494 for those aged 25-49, �452 for those aged 50-64 and �251 for those aged 16-24. In ROI, people aged 65+ have a median disposable weekly income of €446 compared to €790 for those aged 25-49, €654 for those aged 50-64 and €418 for those aged 16-24. In NI, people aged 65+ have the highest rate of home ownership (63%) and the lowest level of outstanding mortgage (3%) of any age group. They also have the highest level of savings (�4,000 on average) but the lowest level of value of household goods (a median of �525). In ROI, 87% of people over 65 own their house outright and 2% own their house with a mortgage. The average value of savings held by this age group is €5,519. In ROI the total value of owner-occupied housing stock was estimated to be €280 billion, of which 54% was held by those under 50. In NI people over 50 had �42.5 billion (60%) of owner-occupied housing assets while those under 50 had �28.2 billion (40%).


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La fréquence et la complexité des problèmes médicaux qui concernent la conduite automobile augmentent progressivement. Dans la plupart des cantons suisses, tout médecin peut être amené à se prononcer sur l'aptitude à conduire en tant que médecin-conseil au sujet d'un de ses patients. Ces dernières années, plusieurs nouvelles recommandations de différentes sociétés médicales ont été publiées en Suisse. Il nous a paru utile de faire une synthèse de ce qui paraît essentiel de savoir avant de rédiger un certificat d'aptitude à la conduite. Medical problems related to car driving are more and more complex and frequent. In the most areas of Switzerland each doctor can be asked to assess the fitness to drive of his patients. Several guidelines from medical societies have been published recently in Switzerland. Therefore it appears to be useful to synthesize the essential knowledge to have before signing fitness-to-drive certificates


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This dissertation is a combination of three relatively independent chapters on the subject of corporate governance. Corporate governance is presently at the epicenter of the global financial crisis. The lack of regulation and the misalignment of objectives have greatly contributed to the major crisis we are now in. Most governance research has been conducted in the United States in a context of widely held corporations and great executive power. It does not reflect the variety of situations around the world and we question the validity of this model in other contexts. The aim of this dissertation is to look at other governance models, in particular the Swiss corporate governance not only from a practical point of view, but also from a multi-theoretical approach. Traditional corporate governance literature has focused on the Anglo-American model that mainly follows the agency theory (Jensen and Meckling, 1976) in a shareholder-manager context, and overlooked other approaches. We focus on three different aspects of corporate governance using three different theories. First, we look at the ownership type of various corporations, using the agency theory in a context where issues between shareholders predominate over the typical shareholder-manager relationship. Second, we explore the adoption process of several governance mechanisms that, due to changes in legislation, has taken place in Switzerland since 2002. We use the institutional theory (DiMaggio and Powell, 1983), in a context where the environmental pressures are particularly high. Finally, we spotlight the board of directors as a key element of the governance of publicly listed corporations. Particularly, we focus on the independence of the board of directors, using a combination of the agency and resource dependence theories (Pfeffer, 1972; Pfeffer and Salancik, 1978).


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The aim of this contribution is to highlight the long-term evolution of family capitalism in Switzerland during the twentieth century. We focus on 22 large companies of the machine, electrotechnical and metallurgy (MEM) sector whose boards of directors and general managers have been identified in five benchmark years across the twentieth century, which allows us to distinguish between family-owned and family-controlled firms. Our results show that family firms prevailed until the 1980s and thus contradict the dominance of 'managerial capitalism'. Although we observe a decline of family capitalism during the last decade of the century, the significant remaining presence of family firms in 2000 allows us to relativise the advent of investor capitalism.


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El projecte és una web per a un taller mecànic dels anomenats ¿de servei ràpid¿, amb tecnologies J2EE.Els clients del taller poden demanar dia i hora per fer unareparació al seu cotxe. I el taller, en el seu cas el cap de taller o persona autoritzada, pot llistar les reparacions del dia.


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Aquest mètode permet calcular numèricament l¿espai necessari per crear zones lineals d¿aparcament d¿ n places sense haver de recórrer a la modelització gràfica. Està dissenyat especialment per trobar amb facilitat les característiques òptimes de zones d¿aparcament en vies amb limitacions d¿espai. Aquest estudi és una anàlisi trigonomètrica d¿una àrea d¿aparcament tenint en compte el comportament d¿un vehicle estàndard en la maniobra d¿estacionament.


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Aquest mètode permet calcular numèricament l'espai necessari per crear zones lineals d'aparcament d' n places sense haver de recórrer a la modelització gràfica. Està dissenyat especialment per trobar amb facilitat les característiques òptimes de zones d'aparcament en vies amb limitacions d'espai. Aquest estudi és una anàlisi trigonomètrica d'una àrea d'aparcament tenint en compte el comportament d'un vehicle estàndard en la maniobra d'estacionament.


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Aquest treball final de carrera es basa en la creació d'un sinòptic d'avaries que permeti a tots els treballadors de SEAT que estiguin en la nau de Premses de la Zona Franca visualitzar el motiu d'atur del Towveyor. Per tant, l'estudi queda centrat en les fases de la planificació, anàlisi, disseny, implementació, creació del prototip i testeig.


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Le cannabis est l'une des drogues illégales les plus consommées au monde. Le delta-9- tétrahydrocannabinol (THC) est le composé psychoactif majeur du cannabis et est fréquemment détecté dans le sang de conducteurs impliqués dans un accident de la route, alors qu'il est actuellement interdit de conduire sous l'influence du THC en Suisse comme dans de nombreux pays européens. La détection de ce composé dans le sang est suivie d'une série de mesures pénales et administratives à l'encontre du conducteur impliqué. Cette thèse intitulée « Etude d'administration contrôlée de cannabis et profils cinétiques dans les fluides biologiques » s'inscrit dans une étude toxicologique menée au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV). Le but de cette étude est d'évaluer les effets du cannabis sur le fonctionnement du cerveau lorsque le consommateur accompli une tâche fondamentale de la conduite automobile. Pour cela, l'imagerie médicale par résonnance magnétique fonctionnelle (IRMf) est combinée à un test informatisé simulant une tâche psychomotrice requise pour une conduite automobile sûre. Il s'agit d'un test de double tâche de poursuite d'une cible au moyen d'un curseur dirigé par un joystick, combiné à une tâche secondaire de détection de signaux routiers. Parallèlement, les profils cinétiques sanguins et salivaires des volontaires ont été déterminés grâce à des prélèvements effectués tout au long de la journée d'étude. Les objectifs principaux de ce travail de thèse sont les suivants : après une revue de la littérature existante sur les techniques d'analyse des cannabinoïdes dans les fluides biologiques, une méthode a été développée et validée pour ces composés dans la salive puis appliquée aux échantillons de l'étude. En parallèle, les échantillons sanguins et urinaires ont été analysés, en partie avec une méthode adaptée de celle développée pour la salive. Pour montrer la versatilité de cette méthode, celle-ci a été employée pour analyser des échantillons de bile qui a l'avantage de contenir des concentrations élevées de métabolites conjugués. Dans un deuxième temps, les dosages effectués sur le sang et la salive ont permis d'établir les profils cinétiques des cannabinoïdes, de déterminer leurs paramètres pharmacocinétiques et de les comparer. Les données obtenues ont montré que la concentration sanguine en acide 11-nor-9- carboxy-delta-9-tétrahydrocannabinol (THCCOOH) pouvait servir à distinguer les fumeurs occasionnels des fumeurs réguliers de cannabis, car elle est significativement plus élevée chez les consommateurs réguliers. De plus, d'autres cannabinoïdes présents dans la salive pourraient servir de marqueurs de consommation récente dans ce fluide biologique. Enfin, que ce soit dans le sang, la salive ou l'urine, des phytocannabinoïdes peuvent être utilisés comme marqueur de consommation de cannabis illégal car ils sont absents des médicaments à base de cannabis utilisant des préparations synthétiques ou purifiées du THC.


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Estudi centrat en el sector de components d'algunes empreses catalanes que tendeixen a buscar inversions en els països asiàtics com a mesura d'adaptació al nou ordre, mitjançant la seva unió amb empreses locals del país destinació conegudes com joint-ventures.


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A new 'Consent Commons' licensing framework is proposed, complementing Creative Commons, to clarify the permissions given for using and reusing clinical and non-clinical digital recordings of people (patients and non-patients) for educational purposes. Consent Commons is a sophisticated expression of ethically based 'digital professionalism', which recognises the rights of patients, carers, their families, teachers, clinicians, students and members of the public to have some say in how their digital recordings are used (including refusing or withdrawing their consent), and is necessary in order to ensure the long term sustainability of teaching materials, including Open Educational Resources (OER). Consent Commons can ameliorate uncertainty about the status of educational resources depicting people, and protect institutions from legal risk by developing robust and sophisticated policies and promoting best practice in managing their information.


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We build a theoretical framework that allows for endogenous conflict behaviour (i.e., fighting efforts) and for endogenous natural resource exploitation (i.e., speed, ownership, and investments). While depletion is spread in a balanced Hotelling fashion during peace, the presence of conflict creates incentives for rapacious extraction, as this lowers the stakes of future contest. This voracious extraction depresses total oil revenue, especially if world oil demand is relatively elastic and the government's weapon advantage is weak. Some of these political distortions can be overcome by bribing rebels or by government investment in weapons. The shadow of conflict can also make less efficient nationalized oil extraction more attractive than private extraction, as insecure property rights create a holdup problem for the private firm and lead to a lower license fee. Furthermore, the government fights less intensely than the rebels under private exploitation, which leads to more government turnover. Without credible commitment to future fighting efforts, private oil depletion is only lucrative if the government's non-oil office rents are large and weaponry powerful, which guarantees the government a stronger grip on office and makes the holdup problem less severe.


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Se analiza el efecto de las pérdidas y ganancias recientes sobre la conducta arriesgada y el riesgo percibido en la ejecución del simulador de conducción TIC/PC. Los modelos teóricos analizados coinciden en predecir aumento de la conducta arriesgada tras la pérdida y no modificación tras la ganancia. Los resultados obtenidos no confirman estas predicciones en cuanto al efecto de las pérdidas recientes. Tras las ganancias los sujetos no se diferencian de los controles. En cuanto al riesgo percibido, sólo la Teoría de Riesgo-Cero predice modificaciones tras la pérdida. Si bien nuestros sujetos experimentales perciben menos riesgo tras la pérdida, ello no se traduce en un aumento de la conducta arriesgada. Parece ser que percepción y conducta se rigen por mecanismos diferentes