914 resultados para Australian Football in the Nineteenth Century


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La tesis se centra en el estudio, descripción y análisis del libro publicado por el arquitecto británico George Edmund Street en 1865, bajo el título Some Account of Gothic Architecture in Spain. El libro dio a conocer una de la colecciones más importantes de dibujos realizada en el siglo XIX sobre la arquitectura gótica española, y por lo tanto fue una primera referencia para su estudio, hasta bien entrado el siglo veinte. El volumen incluyó 107 grabados de diversos tipos de edificios con perspectivas y detalles, y 25 láminas con 45 planos de plantas de iglesias y claustros, muchos de ellos publicados por primera vez. Gracias a varias campañas de verano por la mitad norte del país, la casi inexplorada -desde un punto de vista académico- arquitectura española medieval fue finalmente descubierta. Este hecho conduce a una pregunta intrigante que está en el origen de esta investigación ¿cómo pudo Street en pocos viajes sentar las bases de la historia del gótico español que hasta entonces los estudiosos españoles no habían sido capaces de definir? Esta tesis comienza describiendo la obra de Street en su contexto cultural con un breve repaso a su biografía y a su posición profesional y teórica. También su relación con las personas más representativas que participaron en el estudio de la arquitectura gótica, como Robert Willis, William Whewell, Augustus Pugin, o George G. Scott. Se ha prestado especial atención, en explicar su papel relevante en el Gothic Revival, para entender el significado de su interés en la arquitectura gótica continental. Estos capítulos preliminares son seguidos por una revisión del papel del dibujo como herramienta para la arquitectura de los viajeros en sus rutas en busca de la arquitectura gótica. También se trata la influencia de la Royal Academy y sus académicos, (entre los cuales estuvo Street) y su formación académica. Finalmente la tesis entra en el estudio de los planos arquitectónicos que Street hizo durante sus viajes continentales de arquitectura, seguido por una descripción detallada de sus dibujos de España, analizando su método, su técnica, y las nuevas características aportadas, que fueron una novedad en el contexto español. También se lleva a cabo algunos estudios comparativos de los dibujos de España, gracias a una recopilación exhaustiva de bocetos y dibujos originales de Street, que en su gran mayoría se conservan en los archivos del RIBA, cotejándolos con sus versiones finales, con dibujos de la época de otros autores sobre los mismos edificios, y con fotos recientes. La tesis deja claro por qué y cómo Street, gracias a su soporte teórico y habilidades para el dibujo, pudo realizar algo que había pasado desapercibido para los estudiosos españoles de la época (construcción, historia de los estilos, señalamiento de períodos constructivos), lo que le permitió encontrar el lugar adecuado de la arquitectura gótica española en la historia y en el mapa de la arquitectura gótica europea. ABSTRACT This thesis focuses on the study, description and analysis of the book published by the British architect George Edmund Street in 1865, under the title Some Account of Gothic Architecture in Spain. The book displayed one of the most significant collections of drawings on Spanish Gothic Architecture made in the nineteenth century, and therefore was a first reference for its study, until well into the twentieth century. The book included 107 engravings, the surveying of various types of buildings with perspectives and details, and 25 sheets containing 45 ground plans of churches and cloisters, many of them new and published for the first time. Thanks to several summer campaigns in the north half of the country, the almost unexplored -from a scholar point of view- medieval Spanish architecture was eventually revealed. This fact lead to an intriguing question that is at the origin of this research: how could Street in a few trips lay the foundations of the history of Spanish Gothic that until then Spanish scholars had not been able to define? This thesis begins inscribing this Street's work in his cultural context. A brief review of his biography and professional and theoretical positions has been seen as necessary. Also his debts and relationship with the most representative people involved in the study of Gothic architecture, like Robert Willis, William Whewell, Augustus Pugin, or George G. Scott are discussed. Special attention has been paid, taken into account his relevant role in the Gothic Revival, to understand the significance of his interest in continental Gothic architecture. These preliminary chapters are followed by a review of role of drawing as a tool for Architectural travellers in their Tours in search of the Gothic architecture. The influence of the Royal Academy and its academicians, (among which was Street) and his educational background are here tackled. Eventually this thesis enters into the study of the architectural drawings Street made during his continental architectural journeys, which is followed by a detailed description and analysis of the Spanish ones: his methods, his technique, and the new features which were a novelty in the Spanish context are explored. Also in this thesis is carried out some comparative studies thanks to a previous exhaustive gathering of Street's sketches and original drawings, most of which are preserved in the RIBA archives. Their final versions, drawings of the same buildings from other contemporary draughtsman and pictures of their current state are compared with them. This thesis makes clear why and how Street thanks to his theoretical back-ground and portraying skills could realize what have passed unnoticed by contemporary Spanish scholars (construction, genealogy of forms, dating of periods) allowing him to find the proper place of the Spanish architecture in the history and the map of European Gothic architecture.


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Humans transformed Western Atlantic coastal marine ecosystems before modern ecological investigations began. Paleoecological, archeological, and historical reconstructions demonstrate incredible losses of large vertebrates and oysters from the entire Atlantic coast. Untold millions of large fishes, sharks, sea turtles, and manatees were removed from the Caribbean in the 17th to 19th centuries. Recent collapses of reef corals and seagrasses are due ultimately to losses of these large consumers as much as to more recent changes in climate, eutrophication, or outbreaks of disease. Overfishing in the 19th century reduced vast beds of oysters in Chesapeake Bay and other estuaries to a few percent of pristine abundances and promoted eutrophication. Mechanized harvesting of bottom fishes like cod set off a series of trophic cascades that eliminated kelp forests and then brought them back again as fishers fished their way down food webs to small invertebrates. Lastly, but most pervasively, mechanized harvesting of the entire continental shelf decimated large, long-lived fishes and destroyed three-dimensional habitats built up by sessile corals, bryozoans, and sponges. The universal pattern of losses demonstrates that no coastal ecosystem is pristine and few wild fisheries are sustainable along the entire Western Atlantic coast. Reconstructions of ecosystems lost only a century or two ago demonstrate attainable goals of establishing large and effective marine reserves if society is willing to pay the costs. Historical reconstructions provide a new scientific framework for manipulative experiments at the ecosystem scale to explore the feasibility and benefits of protection of our living coastal resources.


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Seventeenth-century French painter, Georges de La Tour, was a forgotten artist. His rediscovery in the nineteenth century set off a firestorm of research and a hunt to find more works by the artist. One problem after another arose as scholars attempted to define the artist by his works, his style, and the remnants of his personal history. There remains a volume of contradictory reports, authentication issues, and new scientific techniques which continue to influence study on the artist.


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"Although famous for his paintings and etchings today, James McNeill Whistler (1834-1903) was also an important interior designer in the nineteenth-century British Aesthetic movement. Whistler‘s most famous and only extant interior design is Harmony in Blue and Gold: The Peacock Room (1876-77). It is also his most puzzling interior. Long considered an exception to the rule of Whistler‘s other interiors, the Peacock Room has often been overlooked in the few studies of the artist‘s interior designs"


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"The purpose of t his thesis is to present a history of stained glass used in the De.nver area in tbe past hundred years. It has been necessary to present a sufficient background on t he history of the art since its heritage in the twelfth century so that t he evolution can be properly understood. Differ.ent movements, first in Europe and later in America and Europe, have influenced the art and brought it to its present state in t he Denver area"


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According to the importance of rehabilitation and recovery of Architectural Heritage in the live of people, this paper is aimed to strengthen the traditional methods of stone vaults calculation taking advantage of the technological characteristics of the powerful program ANSYS Workbench. As an example of this, it could find out the possible pathologies that could arise during the construction history of the building. To limit this research, the upper vault of the main chapel of the Santiago parish church in Orihuela -Alicante- is selected as a reference which is a Jeronimo Quijano´s important building work in the XVI century in the Renaissance. Moreover, it is an innovative stone masonry vault that consists of 8 double intercrossed arches with each other and braced by severies. During the seventeenth century there was a lantern in the central cap and it is unknown why it was removed. Its construction could justify the original constructive solution with intercrossed arches that freed the center to create a more enlightened and comfortable presbytery. By similarity with other Quijano’s works, it is considered a small lantern drilling the central spherical cap. It is proposed to carry out a comparative study of it with different architectural solutions from the same period and based on several common parameters such as: a vault of square plant with spherical surround, intercrossed arches, a possible lantern, the dimension of the permitted space, similar states of loads and compact limestone masonry. The three solutions are mainly differentiated by their size and the type of lantern and its comparison lets us know which one is the most resistant and stable. The other two building works maintain some connection with the Quijano's professional scope. It has selected the particular case of the Communion chapel of the Basilica in Elche (a large prismatic lantern with a large cylindrical drum that starts from the own arches and an upper hemispherical dome), for its conservation, its proximity to Orihuela and its implementation during the century XVIII. Finally, a significant Dome Spanish Renaissance complete the selection: a cross vault of the Benavides Chapel of the Saint Francisco Convent in Baeza - Jaén-, designed by Andres of Vandelvira in the sixteenth century (a large hemispherical dome that starts from the own arcs). To simplify the calculation and standardize the work that have to be contrasted, all of them were considered with some similar characteristics: 30 cm constant thickness, the intercrossed arches were specifically analyzed and had identical loads, Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio. Regarding the calculation solutions, in general terms, the compressive stresses predominate, influencing on it the joint collaboration of the filling material on the vault, the vault itself, the thick side walls, the buttresses and the top cover weight . In addition, the three solutions are suitable, being the Orihuela one the safest and the Baeza one the riskiest for its large dimensions. Thus, the idea of intercrossed arches with suitable thickness would allow carry out the heaviest lantern and this would confirm it as a Renaissance architectural typology built in stone.


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A year ago, the Parliament of Ukraine adopted four bills on the policy of national memory: on granting access to the archives of the repressive organs of the Communist totalitarian regime in the years 1917–1991, on the legal status and commemoration of Ukrainian independence fighters in the twentieth century, on the immortalisation of the victory over Nazism in the Second World War, 1939–1945, and on the condemnation of the Communist and National Socialist (Nazi) totalitarian regimes and the forbidding of their symbolism from being promoted. The laws came into force on 21 May 2015. After a year, it can be stated that only the latter two are being observed – the official narrative regarding World War II has been changed, mainly due to the activity of the Ukrainian Institute of National Remembrance (UINR), but also as a result of public statements by President Petro Poroshenko. The process of removing from public places the names and commemorations referring to the Soviet era is underway, and the fears that this may trigger serious conflicts have not proved true. From roughly a thousand placenames subject to de-communisation some two thirds have been changed so far (parliamentary bills regarding the remaining ones are awaiting approval) and most statues of Communist leaders have been removed. However, the law concerning independence fighters, which raised the most serious controversies, did not have any practical consequences. Moreover, nothing suggests that this could change. The implementation of the de-communisation laws is associated with a significant change in Ukrainian patriotic narrative: it is no longer focused on national martyrdom and it is beginning to emphasize heroic motives, which is in line with wartime needs. The fact that some of these motives are likely to trigger problems in Ukraine’s relations with Poland seems to be viewed as a marginal ‘by-product’.


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Large amounts of dust responsible for bright colors of atmospheric precipitation in the temperate, subpolar and polar zones of the northern hemisphere have been rarely observed. In the twentieth century and in the beginning of the twenty first century in the Northern European Russia such events were not registered up to March 25-26, 2008. At that time in some parts of the Arkhangel'sk region, Komi Republic, and Nenets Autonomous Area atmospheric precipitation as sleet and rain responsible for sand- and saffron colors of ice crust formation on the snow surface was observed. During detailed mineralogical, geochemical, pollen, diatom and meteorological investigations it was established that semidesert and steppe regions of the Northwest Kazakhstan, Volgograd and Astrakhan' regions, and Kalmykia are the main sources of the yellow dust.


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Reprinted from various periodicals.


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"These essays have appeared at various times in "The Nineteenth century," and are now printed with some alterations, corrections, and additions."


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"A special report from the Strategic Studies Institute."


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"A greater part...has already appeared...in the Nineteenth century and after."


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"Appeared originally in the Nineteenth century of May last."--Pref. (dated May 1886)


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Confucianism in the ninteenth century. By H. A. Giles.--Buddhism. By T. W. R. Davids.--Mohammedanism in the nineteenth century. By O. Mann.--Brahminism. By Sir A. C. Lyall.--Zoroastrianism and the Parsis. By D. Menant.--Sikhism and the Sikhs. By Sir L. Griffin.--Positivism: its position, aims and ideals. By F. Harrison.--Bābism. By E. D. Ross.--Jews and Judaism in the ninetenth century. By M. Gaster.--The outlook for Christianity. By W. Gladden.--Catholic Christianity. By Cardinal Gibbons.


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"References" at end of chapters.