999 resultados para Assisted cases
BACKGROUND: Infected postpneumonectomy chest cavities may be related to chronic postpneumonectomy empyema or arise in rare situations of necrotizing pneumonia with complete lung destruction where pneumonectomy and pleural debridement are required. We evaluated the safety and efficacy of an intrathoracic vacuum-assisted closure device (VAC) for the treatment of infected postpneumonectomy chest cavities. METHOD: A retrospective single institution review of all patients with infected postpneumonectomy chest cavities treated by VAC between 2005 and 2013. Patients underwent surgical debridement of the thoracic cavity, muscle flap closure of the bronchial stump when a fistula was present, and repeated intrathoracic VAC dressings until granulation tissue covered the entire chest cavity. After this, the cavity was obliterated by a Clagett procedure and closed. RESULTS: Twenty-one patients (14 men and 7 women) underwent VAC treatment of their infected postpneumonectomy chest cavity. Twelve patients presented with a chronic postpneumonectomy empyema (10 of them with a bronchopleural fistula) and 9 patients with an empyema occurring in the context of necrotizing pneumonia treated by pneumonectomy. In-hospital mortality was 23%. The median duration of VAC therapy was 23 days (range, 4-61 days) and the median number of VAC changes per patient was 6 (range, 2-14 days). Infection control and successful chest cavity closure was achieved in all surviving patients. One adverse VAC treatment-related event was identified (5%). CONCLUSIONS: The intrathoracic VAC application is a safe and efficient treatment of infected postpneumonectomy chest cavities and allows the preservation of chest wall integrity.
We report three new cases of leiomyosarcoma of the inferior vena cava observed between 1985 and 1990. Two of them developed in women and one in a man. The age of the patients were 56, 29 and 57 years. The three tumors have been removed completely. One patient received postoperative radio- and chemotherapy and is well 68 months after excision. One patient developed liver metastasis 18 months after resection despite chemotherapy and died after 3 years. The last one refused postoperative radio- and chemotherapy, developed massive local recurrence and pulmonary metastasis three months postoperatively, and is still alive with disease after 8 months. The diagnostic modalities of these rare tumors as well as the problems created by their surgical resection and the need for a complementary treatment are discussed.
The in situ saphenous vein bypass has been introduced in our department since 1989. A total of 26 bypasses in 22 patients have been followed prospectively. Indications for revascularisation have been severe arterial insufficiency in 73% of the cases (stage III or IV). With the exception of one postoperative death (myocardial infarction), all the patients have recovered uneventfully, with a regression to stage I. No amputation has been necessary. Morbidity has been 30%, with mainly minor local complications. The primary patency rate is 83% at one year and 78% after 2 and 3 years, whereas the secondary patency rate is 91% at one year, and remains constant thereafter up to 3 years. Considering our results and those from the literature, we believe that the in situ technique is very valuable, especially for below-knee vascular reconstruction. Technical difficulties of the method are analysed.
Micronization techniques based on supercritical fluids (SCFs) are promising for the production of particles with controlled size and distribution. The interest of the pharmaceutical field in the development of SCF techniques is increasing due to the need for clean processes, reduced consumption of energy, and to their several possible applications. The food field is still far from the application of SCF micronization techniques, but there is increasing interest mainly for the processing of products with high added value. The aim of this study is to use SCF micronization techniques for the production of particles of pharmaceuticals and food ingredients with controlled particle size and morphology, and to look at their production on semi-industrial scale. The results obtained are also used to understand the processes from the perspective of broader application within the pharmaceutical and food industries. Certain pharmaceuticals, a biopolymer and a food ingredient have been tested using supercritical antisolvent micronization (SAS) or supercritical assisted atomization (SAA) techniques. The reproducibility of the SAS technique has been studied using physically different apparatuses and on both laboratory and semi-industrial scale. Moreover, a comparison between semi-continuous and batch mode has been performed. The behaviour of the system during the SAS process has been observed using a windowed precipitation vessel. The micronized powders have been characterized by particle size and distribution, morphology and crystallinity. Several analyses have been performed to verify if the SCF process modified the structure of the compound or caused degradation or contamination of the product. The different powder morphologies obtained have been linked to the position of the process operating point with respect to the vapour-liquid equilibrium (VLE) of the systems studied, that is, mainly to the position of the mixture critical point (MCP) of the mixture. Spherical micro, submicro- and nanoparticles, expanded microparticles (balloons) and crystals were obtained by SAS. The obtained particles were amorphous or with different degrees of crystallinity and, in some cases, had different pseudo-polymorphic or polymorphic forms. A compound that could not be processed using SAS was micronized by SAA, and amorphous particles were obtained, stable in vials at room temperature. The SCF micronization techniques studied proved to be effective and versatile for the production of particles for several uses. Furthermore, the findings of this study and the acquired knowledge of the proposed processes can allow a more conscious application of SCF techniques to obtain products with the desired characteristics and enable the use of their principles for broader applications.
Supernumerary premolars are 'extra' teeth morphologically belonging to the premolar group. Hyperdontia affecting premolars can be single (when only one supernumerary tooth is found), multiple (if several teeth are involved) or related to a syndrome such as cleidocranial dysplasia. Supernumerary premolars are the third most frequent group of supernumerary teeth, following mesiodens and fourth molars; the prevalence among the general population ranges from 0.09-0.64%. The present study describes 10 cases of supernumerary premolars treated in our Service of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery of the Dental Clinic of the University of Barcelona. A late onset was demonstrated in one case, contrasting the present pantomograph with another obtained 5 years before. In only one case did the presence of a supernumerary premolar alter normal tooth eruption. Two supernumerary premolars were affected by follicular cysts
Introduction: Odontomas are benign odontogenic tumors composed of enamel, dentine, cement and pulp tissue. They are usually clinically asymptomatic, but often associated with tooth eruption disturbances. In exceptional cases the odontoma erupts into the mouth. The present study reports three cases of odontomas erupted into the oral cavity and reviews the literature. Clinical cases: The first case was an 11-year-old girl with impacted 4.6 associated to a radiopaque mass measuring about 2 cm in diameter. The histological diagnosis was complex odontoma. A clinical and radiological follow-up of 4.6 was carried out until its spontaneous eruption. The second case was a 26-year-old male presenting a hard, yellowish-brown mass located distal to the upper left second molar. Computed tomography confi rmed the presence of a radiopaque lesion, and the histopathological study confirmed a complex odontoma. The third patient was a 27-year-old male reporting tongue irritation due to tooth eruption in the inferior lingual region. A periapical radiograph revealed a mixed radiopaque lesion associated to impacted 3.2. The histological report in this case indicated a compound odontoma. Discussion: Odontomas erupting into the oral cavity are rare. The first case was published in 1980, and since then only 17 cases have been reported in the literature. Eight of the 17 cases were complex odontomas; the rest were compound odontomas. Pain, swelling and infection were the most common symptoms, and 13 cases presented an impacted tooth associated with the lesion
Solitary fibrous tumors are rare neoplasms of mesenchymal origin that have been reported in various other extrathoracic sites, including the liver. We present a case series of three malignant solitary fibrous tumors of the liver, occurring in two women 74 and 80 years old and one 65-year-old man. No clinical features were predictive of malignancy except the large sizes and synchronous presence of lung metastases in two of the three cases. Histological examinations revealed the presence of high pleomorphic cellularity with nuclear atypia, necrosis and high mitotic ratios. All patients died of disease progression.
El treball que es presenta a continuació és una recerca aplicada, consistent en l’anàlisi descriptiva d’una mostra d’infants i adolescents de 5 a 19 anys atesos al projecte “Cases d’Infants” des del desembre de 2010 fins al juliol de 2013. Aquesta investigació pretén donar a conèixer la nova perspectiva o paradigma d’atenció a la infància i l’adolescència a Catalunya que neix de la Llei dels Drets i les Oportunitats de la Infància i l’Adolescència (LDOIA, maig de 2010): basada en la prevenció, el model sistèmic i de complexitat, la col·laboració de la família com a element de canvi, el treball en xarxa i interprofessionalitat, la participació dels infants i adolescents, i la territorialitat, principalment. Un cop feta aquesta aproximació teòrica, s’ha concretat identificant aquesta nova perspectiva al projecte pilot “Cases d’Infants” (nascut al setembre de 2010), el qual desplega les actuacions que sorgeixen d’aquesta filosofia de treball i suport. Per a elaborar aquesta recerca s’ha emprat un disseny d’investigació no experimental descriptiu, on s’han associat i comparat variables per tal d’identificar interferències en les relacions –a través de proves estadístiques-, i proposar una certa tendència i pronòstic de les característiques del perfil atès al projecte i les interferències d’algunes variables amb el recurs final de l’infant o adolescent. Finalment, s’extreuen unes conclusions en relació a la bibliografia inicial i els resultats obtinguts en l’anàlisi de la mostra estudiada.
Assisted reproductive technologies (ART) predispose the offspring to vascular dysfunction, arterial hypertension, and hypoxic pulmonary hypertension. Recently, cardiac remodeling and dysfunction during fetal and early postnatal life have been reported in offspring of ART, but it is not known whether these cardiac alterations persist later in life and whether confounding factors contribute to this problem. We, therefore, assessed cardiac function and pulmonary artery pressure by echocardiography in 54 healthy children conceived by ART (mean age 11.5 ± 2.4 yr) and 54 age-matched (12.2 ± 2.3 yr) and sex-matched control children. Because ART is often associated with low birth weight and prematurity, two potential confounders associated with cardiac dysfunction, only singletons born with normal birth weight at term were studied. Moreover, because cardiac remodeling in infants conceived by ART was observed in utero, a situation associated with increased right heart load, we also assessed cardiac function during high-altitude exposure, a condition associated with hypoxic pulmonary hypertension-induced right ventricular overload. We found that, while at low altitude cardiac morphometry and function was not different between children conceived by ART and control children, under the stressful conditions of high-altitude-induced pressure overload and hypoxia, larger right ventricular end-diastolic area and diastolic dysfunction (evidenced by lower E-wave tissue Doppler velocity and A-wave tissue Doppler velocity of the lateral tricuspid annulus) were detectable in children and adolescents conceived by ART. In conclusion, right ventricular dysfunction persists in children and adolescents conceived by ART. These cardiac alterations appear to be related to ART per se rather than to low birth weight or prematurity.
It is not known whether rainfall increases the risk of sporadic cases of Legionella pneumonia. We sought to test this hypothesis in a prospective observational cohort study of non-immunosuppressed adults hospitalized for community-acquired pneumonia (1995-2011). Cases with Legionella pneumonia were compared with those with non-Legionella pneumonia. Using daily rainfall data obtained from the regional meteorological service we examined patterns of rainfall over the days prior to admission in each study group. Of 4168 patients, 231 (5.5%) had Legionella pneumonia. The diagnosis was based on one or more of the following: sputum (41 cases), antigenuria (206) and serology (98). Daily rainfall average was 0.556 liters/m2 in the Legionella pneumonia group vs. 0.328 liters/m2 for non-Legionella pneumonia cases (p = 0.04). A ROC curve was plotted to compare the incidence of Legionella pneumonia and the weighted median rainfall. The cut-off point was 0.42 (AUC 0.54). Patients who were admitted to hospital with a prior weighted median rainfall higher than 0.42 were more likely to have Legionella pneumonia (OR 1.35; 95% CI 1.02-1.78; p = .03). Spearman Rho correlations revealed a relationship between Legionella pneumonia and rainfall average during each two-week reporting period (0.14; p = 0.003). No relationship was found between rainfall average and non-Legionella pneumonia cases (−0.06; p = 0.24). As a conclusion, rainfall is a significant risk factor for sporadic Legionella pneumonia. Physicians should carefully consider Legionella pneumonia when selecting diagnostic tests and antimicrobial therapy for patients presenting with CAP after periods of rainfall.