961 resultados para Antibodies, Monoclonal -- immunology


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The sperm cells of Rhododendron laetum and R. macgregoriae differentiate within the pollen tube about 24 h after germination in vitro. Threedimensional reconstruction shows that the sperm cells are paired together, and both have extensions that link with the tube nucleus, forming a male germ unit. Quantitative analysis shows that the sperm cells in each pair differ significantly in surface area, but not in cell volume nor in numbers of mitochondria or plastids. When isolated from pollen tubes by osmotic shock, the sperm cells became ellipsoidal and surrounded by their own plasma membrane, while a proportion remained in pairs linked by the inner tube plasma membrane. Both generative and sperm cells are visualized in pollen tube preparations by immunofluorescence with anti-tubulin and anti-actin monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) combined with H33258 fluorescence of the nuclei. Video-image processing shows the presence of an axial microtubule cage in the generative cells, and some microtubules are present in the cytoplasmic extensions that clasp the tube nucleus. Following sperm cell division, the extensive phragmoplast between the sperm nuclei is partitioned by the plasma membranes.


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Background Grass pollen allergens are known to be present in the atmosphere in a range of particle sizes from whole pollen grains (approx. 20 to 55 μim in diameter) to smaller size fractions < 2.5 μ (fine particles, PM2.5). These latter particles are within the respirable range and include allergen-containing starch granules released from within the grains into the atmosphere when grass pollen ruptures in rainfall and are associated with epidemics of thunderstorm asthma during the grass pollen season. The question arises whether grass pollen allergens can interact with other sources of fine particles, particularly those present during episodes of air pollution.

Objective We propose the hypothesis that free grass pollen allergen molecules, derived from dead or burst grains and dispersed in microdroplets of water in aerosols, can bind to fine particles in polluted air.

Methods We used diesel exhaust carbon particles (DECP) derived from the exhaust of a stationary diesel engine, natural highly purified Lol p 1, immunogold labelling with specific monoclonal antibodies and a high voltage transmission electron -microscopic imaging technique

Results DECP are visualized as small carbon spheres, each 30–60 nm in diameter, forming fractal aggregates about 1–2μ in diameter. Here we test our hypothesis and show by in vitro experiments that the major grass pollen allergen, Lol p I. binds to one defined class of fine particles, DECP.

Conclusion DECP are in the respirable size range, can bind to the major grass pollen allergen Lol p I under in vitro conditions and represent a possible mechanism by which allergens can become concentrated in polluted air and thus trigger attacks of asthma.


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Aptamers are single-stranded structured oligonucleotides (DNA or RNA) that can bind to a wide range of targets ("apatopes") with high affinity and specificity. These nucleic acid ligands, generated from pools of random-sequence by an in vitro selection process referred to as systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment (SELEX), have now been identified as excellent tools for chemical biology, therapeutic delivery, diagnosis, research, and monitoring therapy in real-time imaging. Today, aptamers represent an interesting class of modern pharmaceuticals which with their low immunogenic potential mimic extend many of the properties of monoclonal antibodies in diagnostics, research, and therapeutics. More recently, chimeric aptamer approach employing many different possible types of chimerization strategies has generated more stable and efficient chimeric aptamers with aptameraptamer, aptamernonaptamer biomacromolecules (siRNAs, proteins) and aptamernanoparticle chimeras. These chimeric aptamers when conjugated with various biomacromolecules like locked nucleic acid (LNA) to potentiate their stability, biodistribution, and targeting efficiency, have facilitated the accurate targeting in preclinical trials. We developed LNA-aptamer (anti-nucleolin and EpCAM) complexes which were loaded in iron-saturated bovine lactofeerin (Fe-blf)-coated dopamine modified surface of superparamagnetic iron oxide (Fe3O4) nanoparticles (SPIONs). This complex was used to deliver the specific aptamers in tumor cells in a co-culture model of normal and cancer cells. This review focuses on the chimeric aptamers, currently in development that are likely to find future practical applications in concert with other therapeutic molecules and modalities.


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Survival, oxygen consumption (MO2), total plasma cortisol and glucose levels and gill heat-shock protein 70 (hsp70) expression were measured in 10 and 50 g juvenile Atlantic cod Gadus morhua during an acute temperature increase (2° C h−1) to their critical thermal maximum. Ninety three per cent of the fish in both size classes survived to 24° C; however, mortality was 100% within 15 min of reaching this temperature. The MO2 for both size classes increased significantly with temperature, reaching peak values at 22° C that were c. 2·8-fold those of control (10° C) fish. Resting plasma cortisol and glucose levels were lower in 10 g as compared to 50 g fish. Plasma glucose levels were highly variable in both size classes, and significant increases were only seen at >22° C for the 10 g fish. In contrast, plasma cortisol showed an exponential increase with temperature starting at 16° C in both size classes, and reached maximum levels at 22° C that were 19-fold (10 g fish) and 35-fold (50 g fish) higher than their respective control groups. Both the constitutive (73 kDa) and inducible (72 kDa) isoforms of hsp70 were detected in both size classes using the widely utilized mouse monoclonal antibody. Expression of these isoforms, however, did not change when Atlantic cod were exposed to elevated temperature, and the 72 kDa isoform was not detected using salmonid-specific antibodies. These results indicate that juvenile Atlantic cod are very sensitive to acute increases in water temperature. In addition, they (1) show that MO2and plasma cortisol, but not plasma glucose or gill hsp 70 levels, are sensitive indicators of thermal stress in Atlantic cod and (2) support previous reports that the upper critical temperature for this species is 16° C.


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EpCAM is expressed at low levels in a variety of normal human epithelial tissues, but is overexpressed in 70–90% of carcinomas. From a clinico-pathological point of view, this has both prognostic and therapeutic significance. EpCAM was first suggested as a therapeutic target for the treatment of epithelial cancers in the 1990s. However, following several immunotherapy trials, the results have been mixed. It has been suggested that this is due, at least in part, to an unknown level of EpCAM expression in the tumors being targeted. Thus, selection of patients who would benefit from EpCAM immunotherapy by determining EpCAM status in the tumor biopsies is currently undergoing vigorous evaluation. However, current EpCAM antibodies are not robust enough to be able to detect EpCAM expression in all pathological tissues.

Here we report a newly developed EpCAM RNA aptamer, also known as a chemical antibody, which is not only specific but also more sensitive than current antibodies for the detection of EpCAM in formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded primary breast cancers. This new aptamer, together with our previously described aptamer, showed no non- specific staining or cross-reactivity with tissues that do not express EpCAM. They were able to reliably detect target proteins in breast cancer xenograft where an anti-EpCAM antibody (323/A3) showed limited or no reactivity. Our results demonstrated a more robust detection of EpCAM using RNA aptamers over antibodies in clinical samples with chromogenic staining. This shows the potential of aptamers in the future of histopathological diagnosis and as a tool to guide targeted immunotherapy.


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Aptamers, also known as chemical antibodies, are short single-stranded DNA, RNA or peptide molecules. These molecules can fold into complex three-dimensional structures and bind to target molecules with high affinity and specificity. The nucleic acid aptamers are selected from combinatorial libraries by an iterative in vitro selection procedure known as systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment (SELEX). As a new class of therapeutics and drug targeting entities, bivalent and multivalent aptamer-based molecules are emerging as highly attractive alternatives to monoclonal antibodies as targeted therapeutics.

Aptamers have several advantages, offering the possibility of overcoming limitations of antibodies: 1) they can be selected against toxic or non-immunogenic targets; 2) aptamers can be chemically modified by using modified nucleotides to enhance their stability in biological fluids or via incorporating reporter molecules, radioisotopes and functional groups for their detection and immobilization; 3) they have very low immunogenicity; 4) they display high stability at room temperature, in extreme pH, or solvent; 5) once selected, they can be chemically synthesized free from cell- culturederived contaminants, and they can be manufactured at any time, in large amounts, at relatively low cost and reproducibly; 6) they are smaller and thus can diffuse more rapidly into tissues and organs, leading to faster targeting in drug delivery; 7) they have lower molecular weight that can lead to faster body clearance, resulting in a low background noise for imaging and minimizing the radiation dose to the patient in diagnostic imaging. Thus, the high selectivity and sensitivity, ease of screening and production, chemical versatility as well as stability make aptamers a class of highly attractive agents for the development of novel therapeutics, targeted drug delivery vehicles and molecular imaging.

In the review, we will discuss the latest technological advances in developing aptamers, its application as a novel class of drug on its own, as well as in surface functionalization of both polymer nanoparticles or nanoliposomes in the treatment of cancer, viral and autoimmune diseases.


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Immunology is the branch of biomedical sciences to study of the immune system physiology both in healthy and diseased states. Some aspects of autoimmunity draws our attention to the fact that it is not always associated with pathology. For instance, autoimmune reactions are highly useful in clearing off the excess, unwanted or aged tissues from the body. Also, generation of autoimmunity occurs after the exposure to the non-self antigen that is structurally similar to the self, aided by the stimulatory molecules like the cytokines. Thus, a narrow margin differentiates immunity from auto-immunity as already discussed. Hence, finding answers for how the physiologic immunity turns to pathologic autoimmunity always remains a question of intense interest. However, this margin could be cut down only if the physiology of the immune system is better understood. The individual chapters included in this book will cover all the possible aspects of immunology and pathologies associated with it. The authors have taken strenuous effort in elaborating the concepts that are lucid and will be of reader's interest.


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 Angiogenesis is a complex multistep process of formation of new blood vessels. Interactions between several cellular factors including growth factors, cytokines and haematopoietic factors lead to activation of various cellular pathways, finally resulting in extracellular matrix (ECM) degradation, endothelial cell proliferation, survival and migration. Normally, angiogenesis is an essential requirement for vascular development in growing embryos as well as in adult tissues, where this process depends on the intricate balance between the activities of the pro- and anti-angiogenic factors. Abnormal angiogenesis results in aberrant vasculature leading to various pathological conditions. The most important factor implicated in angiogenic processes in vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and its family of ligands and receptors. Several anti-angiogenic drugs have been developed and many more are currently in different phases of clinical trials, which target various angiogenesis-inducing agents, including VEGF, VEGF receptors, angiopoietins and ECM components such as integrins. Anti-angiogenic therapy can be divided into gene-based therapy and protein-based therapy. Gene-based therapies include use of antisense oligonucleotides, siRNA, aptamers, catalytic oligonucleotides including ribozymes and DNAzymes and transcription decoys. Protein-based therapeutics includes monoclonal antibodies, peptidomimetics, fusion proteins and decoy receptors. The later class of therapeutics has several advantages over gene-based and small molecule drugs, including specificity and complexity in functions, better tolerability, less interference with normal biological processes and lesser adverse effects due to decreased immune response by virtue of being mostly body's natural proteins. This review provides a comprehensive overview of angiogenesis and on the current protein-based anti-angiogenic therapeutics under research and in the clinic.


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Clubroot, caused by Plasmodiophora brassicae, is one of the most important diseases of brassicas. Management of clubroot is difficult, and the best means of avoiding the disease include planting in areas where P. brassicae is not present and using plants and growing media free from pathogen inoculum. As P. brassicae is not culturable, its detection has traditionally relied on plant bioassays, which are time-consuming and require large amounts of glasshouse space. More recently, fluorescence microscopy, serology, and DNA-based methods have all been used to test soil, water, or plant samples for clubroot. The use of fluorescence microscopy to detect and count pathogen spores in the soil requires significant operator skill and is unlikely to serve as the basis for a routine diagnostic test. By contrast, serologic assays are inexpensive and amenable to high-throughput screening but need to be based on monoclonal antibodies because polyclonal antisera cannot be reproduced and are therefore of limited quantity. Several polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based assays have also been developed; these are highly specific for P. brassicae and have been well-correlated with disease severity. As such, PCR-based diagnostic tests have been adopted to varying extents in Canada and Australia, but wide implementation has been restricted by sample processing costs. Efforts are underway to develop inexpensive serologic on-farm diagnostic kits and to improve quantification of pathogen inoculum levels through real-time PCR. Proper detection and quantification of P. brassicae will likely play an increasingly important role in the development of effective clubroot management strategies.


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Ageing is frequently claimed to result in an age-dependent deterioration in immune function. Our results, however, based on 30 known-aged water pythons (Liasis fuscus; age ranging from <1 to 18 years) immunized with keyhole limpet haemocyanin (KLH), demonstrate that age-related changes in immune function may follow different and opposing pathways. Python-specific humoral antibodies (SpAb) showed an age-dependent decrease in cross-reactivity to KLH, whereas natural antibodies (NAbs) ability to bind to this antigen increased with age. Notably, when humoral SpAb and NAb titres were combined, no effect of age was detected in antibody cross-reactivity, strongly suggesting that NAbs may play a crucial role in maintaining immunocompetence during the ageing process.


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