899 resultados para Anti-Anxiety Agents


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This paper presents the outcome of a study that investigated the relationships between technology prior experience, self-efficacy, technology anxiety, complexity of interface (nested versus flat) and intuitive use in older people. The findings show that, as expected, older people took less time to complete the task on the interface that used a flat structure when compared to the interface that used a complex nested structure. All age groups also used the flat interface more intuitively. However, contrary to what was hypothesised, older age groups did better under anxious conditions. Interestingly, older participants did not make significantly more errors compared with younger age groups on either interface structures.


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The mechanistic details of the pathogenesis of Chlamydia, an obligate intracellular pathogen of global importance, have eluded scientists due to the scarcity of traditional molecular genetic tools to investigate this organism. Here we report a chemical biology strategy that has uncovered the first essential protease for this organism. Identification and application of a unique CtHtrA inhibitor (JO146) to cultures of Chlamydia resulted in a complete loss of viable elementary body formation. JO146 treatment during the replicative phase of development resulted in a loss of Chlamydia cell morphology, diminishing inclusion size, and ultimate loss of inclusions from the host cells. This completely prevented the formation of viable Chlamydia elementary bodies. In addition to its effect on the human C. trachomatis strain, JO146 inhibited the viability of the mouse strain, Chlamydia muridarum, both in vitro and in vivo. Thus, we report a chemical biology approach to establish an essential role for Chlamydia CtHtrA. The function of CtHtrA for Chlamydia appears to be essential for maintenance of cell morphology during replicative the phase and these findings provide proof of concept that proteases can be targetted for anti-microbial therapy for intracellular pathogens.


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Anxiety traits can be stable and permanent characteristics of an individual across time that is less susceptible of influences by a particular situation. One way to study trait anxiety in an experimental context is through the use of rat lines, selected according to contrasting phenotypes of fear and anxiety. It is not clear whether the behavioral differences between two contrasting rat lines in one given anxiety test are also present in others paradigms of state anxiety. Here, we examine the extent to which multiple anxiety traits generalize across selected animal lines originally selected for a single anxiety trait. We review the behavioral results available in the literature of eight rat genetic models of trait anxiety - namely Maudsley Reactive and Non-reactive rats, Floripa H and L rats, Tsukuba High and Low Emotional rats, High and Low Anxiety-related rats, High and Low Ultrasonic Vocalization rats, Roman High and Low Avoidance rats, Syracuse High and Low Avoidance rats, and Carioca High and Low Conditioned Freezing rats - across 11 behavioral paradigms of innate anxiety or aversive learning frequently used in the experimental setting. We observed both convergence and divergence of behavioral responses in these selected lines across the 11 paradigms. We find that predisposition for specific anxiety traits will usually be generalized to other anxiety provoking stimuli. However this generalization is not observed across all genetic models indicating some unique trait and state interactions. Genetic models of enhanced-anxiety related responses are beginning to help define how anxiety can manifest differently depending on the underlying traits and the current environmentally induced state.


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Railway Bridges deteriorate over time due to different critical factors including, flood, wind, earthquake, collision, and environment factors, such as corrosion, wear, termite attack, etc. In current practice, the contributions of the critical factors, towards the deterioration of railway bridges, which show their criticalities, are not appropriately taken into account. In this paper, a new method for quantifying the criticality of these factors will be introduced. The available knowledge as well as risk analyses conducted in different Australian standards and developed for bridge-design will be adopted. The analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is utilized for prioritising the factors. The method is used for synthetic rating of railway bridges developed by the authors of this paper. Enhancing the reliability of predicting the vulnerability of railway bridges to the critical factors, will be the significant achievement of this research.


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Speeding remains a pervasive road safety problem, increasing both crash frequency and severity. Advertising countermeasures which aim to change individuals’ attitudes and behaviours are a key component in the array of countermeasures aimed at reducing this risky behaviour. Enhancing individuals’ perceptions of the personal relevance of such messages is important for increasing persuasiveness. This study examined what males and females reported as the most concerning aspects associated with (i) receiving a speeding fine, (ii) losing one’s license, and (iii) being involved in a crash. For each of these outcomes, a range of specific and appropriate aspects were assessed. For instance, in relation to receiving a fine, individuals reported the extent to which they would, for example, feel concerned about losing demerit points and paying more in insurance premiums. An online survey of 751 drivers (579 males; 16-79 years) was administered. When controlling for age, overall significant gender differences were found in relation to two of the three outcomes; receiving a fine and being in a crash. Follow-up tests of univariate effects revealed that females consistently reported being significantly more concerned than males on all aspects. Thus, for being fined, females were significantly more concerned with, for example, being caught and receiving a ticket in the mail; while, for being in a crash, specific aspects included, for example, injuring/killing oneself and seeing oneself as not a good/safe driver. The findings are discussed in terms of their implications for developing well-targeted messages aimed at discouraging drivers from speeding.


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It is known that bioscience is perceived to be difficult and causes anxiety within undergraduate nursing students; yet, commencing students' perceptions of bioscience is not known. Therefore, the aim of this study was to ascertain incoming students' perceptions, knowledge and approaches to learning bioscience. Incoming students to the Bachelor of Nursing completed a questionnaire prior to undertaking bioscience. Two hundred and seventy three students completed the questionnaire that explored their expectations, preconceptions of bioscience content, approaches to learning bioscience, and relationship to clinical practice in the context of biosciences. Participant ages ranged from 17 to 53 (mean 23 years), and 78% of students had completed at least one secondary school science subject, of which 60% had studied biology. Overall, students' preconceptions included anxiety about studying bioscience, bioscience being difficult and harder than nursing subjects, and that more content will be required for bioscience than nursing subjects. Analysis using ANOVA revealed the relationships for secondary school science and age on student responses. A significant effect of secondary school science was found for science in school being advantageous for bioscience (p = 0.010), understanding what bioscience entails (p = 0.002), needing to study science prior to the start of the semester (p = 0.009), and that bioscience is considered difficult (p = 0.029). A significant effect of age was found for exams being more difficult than other assessments (p = 0.000) and for being able to see the relevance of nursing when reaching the workplace (p = 0.011). The findings also indicated that perceptions and associated anxieties related to bioscience were present in commencing students, similar to those which have been reported previously in established student groups. This strongly suggests that the faculty should attempt to dispel preconceptions about bioscience and target improved supports to facilitate the transition of students into the commencement of bioscience for nursing students.


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Intravitreal injections of GABA antagonists, dopamine agonists and brief periods of normal vision have been shown separately to inhibit form-deprivation myopia (FDM). Our study had three aims: (i) establish whether GABAergic agents modify the myopia protective effect of normal vision, (ii) investigate the receptor sub-type specificity of any observed effect, and (iii) consider an interaction with the dopamine (DA) system. Prior to the period of normal vision GABAergic agents were applied either (i) individually, (ii) in combination with other GABAergic agents (an agonist with an antagonist), or (iii) in combination with DA agonists and antagonists. Water injections were given to groups not receiving drug treatments so that all experimental eyes received intravitreal injections. As shown previously, constant form-deprivation resulted in high myopia and when diffusers were removed for 2 h per day the period of normal vision greatly reduced the FDM that developed. GABA agonists inhibited the protective effect of normal vision whereas antagonists had the opposite effect. GABAA/C agonists and D2 DA antagonists when used in combination were additive in suppressing the protective effect of normal vision. A D2 DA agonist restored some of the protective effect of normal vision that was inhibited by a GABA agonist (muscimol). The protective effect of normal vision against form-deprivation is modifiable by both the GABAergic and DAergic pathways.


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Purpose: GABA antagonists inhibit experimental myopia in chick and GABA receptors have been localized to chick sclera and the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE). The RPE and the choroid alter scleral DNA and glycosaminoglycan (GAG) content in vitro; opposite effects have been observed for tissues from myopic and hyperopic eyes. The aim was to determine the effect of GABAergic agents on the DNA and GAG content of chick scleral fibroblasts directly and in co-culture with ocular tissues from myopic and hyperopic chick eyes. Materials and Methods: Primary cultures of fibroblastic cells expressing vimentin and α-smooth muscle actin were established. GABAergic agents were added separately (i) to the culture medium of the scleral cells and (ii) to the culture medium of the scleral cells with the addition of posterior eye cup tissue (retina, RPE, retina + RPE, choroid + RPE) to cell culture inserts. Ocular tissues were obtained from chick eyes wearing + 15D (lens-induced hyperopia, LIH) or −15D lenses (lens-induced myopia, LIM) for three days (post-hatch day 5–8) (n = 12). GAG and DNA content of scleral fibroblasts were measured. Results: GABA agents had a small direct effect on scleral cell GAG and DNA content but a larger effect was measured when GABA agents were added to the culture medium with myopic and hyperopic RPE and choroid + RPE tissues. GABA agonists increased (p = 0.002) whereas antagonists decreased (p = 0.0004) DNA content of scleral cells; effects were opposite for scleral GAG content. GABA agents significantly altered the effect of both LIM and LIH tissues (p = 0.0005) compared to control; the effects were greater for LIM tissue versus LIH tissue co-culture (p = 0.0004). Conclusion: GABAergic agents affect the DNA and GAG content of scleral fibroblasts both directly and when co-cultured with ocular tissues. GABA antagonists that prevent myopia development in chick model could act via a scleral mechanism utilizing the RPE/choroid.


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Importance of the field: Reactive oxygen species (ROS) occur as natural by-products of oxygen metabolism and have important cellular functions. Normally, the cell is able to maintain an adequate balance between the formation and removal of ROS either via anti-oxidants or through the use specific enzymatic pathways. However, if this balance is disturbed, oxidative stress may occur in the cell, a situation linked to the pathogenesis of many diseases, including cancer. Areas covered in this review: HDACs are important regulators of many oxidative stress pathways including those involved with both sensing and coordinating the cellular response to oxidative stress. In particular aberrant regulation of these pathways by histone deacetylases may play critical roles in cancer progression. What the reader will gain: In this review we discuss the notion that targeting HDACs may be a useful therapeutic avenue in the treatment of oxidative stress in cancer, using chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), NSCLC and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) as examples to illustrate this possibility. Take home message: Epigenetic mechanisms may be an important new therapeutic avenue for targeting oxidative stress in cancer. © 2010 Informa UK, Ltd.


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Recent studies have demonstrated that angiogenesis and suppressed cell- mediated immunity (CMI) play a central role in the pathogenesis of malignant disease facilitating tumour growth, invasion and metastasis. In the majority of tumours, the malignant process is preceded by a pathological condition or exposure to an irritant which itself is associated with the induction of angiogenesis and/or suppressed CMI. These include: cigarette smoking, chronic bronchitis and lung cancer; chronic oesophagitis and oesophageal cancer; chronic viral infections such as human papilloma virus and ano-genital cancers, chronic hepatitis B and C and hepatocellular carcinoma, and Epstein- Barr virus (EBV) and lymphomas; chronic inflammatory conditions such as Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis and colorectal cancer; asbestos exposure and mesothelioma and excessive sunlight exposure/sunburn and malignant melanoma. Chronic exposure to growth factors (insulin-like growth factor-I in acromegaly), mutations in tumour suppressor genes (TP53 in Li Fraumeni syndrome) and long-term exposure to immunosuppressive agents (cyclosporin A) may also give rise to similar environments and are associated with the development of a range of solid tumours. The increased blood supply would facilitate the development and proliferation of an abnormal clone or clones of cells arising as the result of: (a) an inherited genetic abnormality; and/or (b) acquired somatic mutations, the latter due to local production and/or enhanced delivery of carcinogens and mutagenic growth factors. With progressive detrimental mutations and growth-induced tumour hypoxia, the transformed cell, to a lesser or greater extent, may amplify the angiogenic process and CMI suppression, thereby facilitating further tumour growth and metastasis. There is accumulating evidence that long-term treatment with cyclo-oxygenase inhibitors (aspirin and indomethacin), cytokines such as interferon-α, anti-oestrogens (tamoxifen and raloxifene) and captopril significantly reduces the incidence of solid tumours such as breast and colorectal cancer. These agents are anti-angiogenic and, in the case of aspirin, indomethacin and interferon-α have proven immunomodulatory effects. Collectively these observations indicate that angiogenesis and suppressed CMI play a central role in the development and progression of malignant disease. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd.


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The aims of this phase I study were to establish the maximum tolerated dose, safety profile and activity of liposomal daunorubicin, DaunoXome (NeXstar Pharmaceuticals), in the treatment of metastatic breast cancer. DaunoXome was administered intravenously over 2 h in 21 day cycles and doses were increased from 80 to 100, 120 and 150 mg m 2. Sixteen patients were enrolled. A total of 70 cycles of DaunoXome were administered. The maximum tolerated dose was 120 mg m 2, the dose-limiting toxicity being prolonged grade 4 neutropenia or neutropenic pyrexia necessitating dose reductions at 120 and 150 mg m 2. Asymptomatic cardiotoxicity was observed in three patients: grade 1 in one treated with a cumulative dose of 800 mg m 2 and grade 2 in two, one who received a cumulative dose of 960 mg m 2 and the other a cumulative dose of 600 mg m 2 with a previous neoadjuvant doxorubicin chemotherapy of 300 mg m 2. Tumour response was evaluable in 15 patients, of whom two had objective responses, six had stable disease and seven had progressive disease. In conclusion, DaunoXome is associated with mild, manageable toxicities and has anti-tumour activity in metastatic breast cancer. The findings support further phase II evaluation of DaunoXome alone and in combination with other standard non-anthracycline cytotoxic or novel targeted agents. Although the dose-limiting toxicity for DaunoXome was febrile neutropenia at 120 mg m 2, we would recommend this dose for further evaluation, as the febrile neutropenia occurred after four or more cycles in three of the four episodes seen, was short lived and uncomplicated. © 2002 Cancer Research UK.


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Real Estate Agency education in Australia has undergone many changes during the last 40 years. This is primarily due to the changing nature of consumer protection provided by government and the expectation of increased fields of knowledge relating to real estate transactions. Each state and territory within Australia has a range of regulatory bodies to oversee consumer protection and the distinct licenses and educational requirements that comprise their regimes. Since the 1970’s minimum educational requirements in New South Wales are prescribed for real estate agency work. However, very little research exists in the Australian literature, where an analysis has been undertaken to evaluate these changes, which includes course content, hours allocated for each subject, assessment criteria for each subject,the educational qualification attained, and the requirement for industry experience as a pre-requisite for licensing approval. It is argued that the change to educational requirements, has impacted negatively for the consumer, with an increase in consumer complaints, particularly during the last 10 years.


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Introduction: Domperidone is a dopamine D2-receptor antagonist developed as an antiemetic and prokinetic agents. Oral domperidone is not approved in the US, but is used in many countries to treat nausea and vomiting, gastroparesis, and as a galactogogue (to promote lactation). The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have issued a warning about the cardiac safety of domperidone. Areas covered: The authors undertook a review of the cardiac safety of oral domperidone. Expert opinion: The data from preclinical studies are unambiguous in identifying domperidone as able to produce marked hERG channel inhibition and action potential prolongation at clinically relevant concentrations. The compound’s propensity to augment instability of action potential duration and action potential triangulation are also indicative of proarrhythmic potential. Domperidone should not be administered to subjects with pre-existing QT prolongation/LQTS, subjects receiving drugs that inhibit CYP3A4, subjects with electrolyte abnormalities or with other risk factors for QT-prolongation. With these provisos, it is possible that domperidone may be used as a galactogogue without direct risk to healthy breast feeding women but more safety information should be sought in this situation. Also, more safety information is required regarding risk to breast feeding infants or before domperidone is routinely used in gastroparesis or gastroesphageal reflux in children.


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Despite positive results in large scale chemoprevention trials, many physicians are unaware of the potential cancer preventive properties of drugs in common usage. The antioestrogen tamoxifen and the selective cyclo-oxygenase-2 inhibitor celecoxib have been licensed in the USA for the chemoprevention of breast and colorectal cancers respectively in selected high risk individuals. Similarly, folate and retinol have been shown to decrease the incidence of colorectal cancer and squamous cell carcinoma of the skin respectively in large scale intervention trials. Other retinoids have proved efficacious in the tertiary chemoprevention of cancers of the breast and head/neck. Epidemiological evidence also exists in favour of aspirin, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors preventing certain cancers. Phytochemicals may represent less toxic alternatives to these agents. Although some of these drugs are available without prescription and most are not yet licensed for use in cancer chemoprevention, physicians and students of medicine should be aware of this accumulating evidence base. Practitioners should be amenable to patient referral to discuss complex issues such as risk estimation or potential benefit from intervention.


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Thalidomide is an anti-angiogenic agent currently used to treat patients with malignant cachexia or multiple myeloma. Lenalidomide (CC-5013) is an immunomodulatory thalidomide analogue licensed in the United States of America (USA) for the treatment of a subtype of myelodysplastic syndrome. This two-centre, open-label phase I study evaluated dose-limiting toxicities in 55 patients with malignant solid tumours refractory to standard chemotherapies. Lenalidomide capsules were consumed once daily for 12 weeks according to one of the following three schedules: (I) 25 mg daily for the first 7 d, the daily dose increased by 25 mg each week up to a maximum daily dose of 150 mg; (II) 25 mg daily for 21 d followed by a 7-d rest period, the 4-week cycle repeated for 3 cycles; (III) 10 mg daily continuously. Twenty-six patients completed the study period. Two patients experienced a grade 3 hypersensitivity rash. Four patients in cohort I and 4 patients in cohort II suffered grade 3 or 4 neutropaenia. In 2 patients with predisposing medical factors, grade 3 cardiac dysrhythmia was recorded. Grade 1 neurotoxicity was detected in 6 patients. One complete and two partial radiological responses were measured by computed tomography scanning; 8 patients had stable disease after 12 weeks of treatment. Fifteen patients remained on treatment as named patients; 1 with metastatic melanoma remains in clinical remission 3.5 years from trial entry. This study indicates the tolerability and potential clinical efficacy of lenalidomide in patients with advanced solid tumours who have previously received multi-modality treatment. Depending on the extent of myelosuppressive pre-treatment, dose schedules (II) or (III) are advocated for large-scale trials of long-term administration. © 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.