999 resultados para Animal transitoriamente infectado


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Until 1990, beef cattle production in Brazil was recognized as an enterprise of low investment, low cost of production, as well as an extensive production system that used large land areas to be economically feasible. The situation changed for the Brazilian beef market when the economy stabilized in 1994 and all sectors involved in the beef supply chain were able to predict their associated costs and profits. During the same period, purchasing power of the Brazilian population grew, and as a consequence, consumers began to demand higher quality beef products. This new scenario in the late 1990s and early 2000s has led to more intensive beef production systems in Brazil as well as the need for a greater understanding of how technologies might be applied. As consequence of this evolution, in the last five years, a necessity to increase beef production has occurred. The quality of Brazilian beef has improved compared with beef produced 15 years ago, but continued improvements are needed to achieve excellence in terms of large-scale production of high quality beef, be sustainable over a long period of time, and increase our contribution to global food security.


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Aiming at developing a tool for assessing the magnitude of farm animal health, an indicator named herd “animal health status” was built. To illustrate the construction of the indicator, serum samples were taken from 923 goats on 17 goat farms in the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil, where three diseases were evaluated along with their impact percentages: caprine arthritis encephalitis, toxoplasmosis and neosporose – all of an infectious and transmissible nature and the cause of considerable economic losses. The mathematical rationale underlying the building of the “animal health status” indicator ranks properties on a 0 - 100% scale in terms of disease positivity in the herd, with the lowest indicator value indicating the highest cumulative disease frequency (0% = all animals tested positive for the three diseases, 100% = all animals tested negative for all diseases). Anti-T. gondii, anti-N. caninum and anti-CAEV antibodies were tested using indirect immunofluorescence reaction (IIFR ≥ 16), Neospora agglutination test (NAT ≥ 25) and agarose gel immunodiffusion (AGID positive or negative), respectively. The animal health status of the farms ranged from 32.38% to 96.40% according to disease positivity. The animal health status value will have a direct reflection on the production chain both on and off the farm, providing not only great market advantages, due to how the expression of animal health will add value to livestock farms, as well as on the consumer who can check the quality of animal health at the beginning of the production chain.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O Brasil é considerado um grande produtor e consumidor de carnes, leite e alimentos de origem animal e os medicamentos veterinários têm sido amplamente utilizados na criação dos animais destinados ao consumo humano, com o intuito de prevenir o aparecimento de doenças e também como promotores de crescimento. Os fármacos utilizados para esta finalidade, no entanto, podem ocorrer nos alimentos derivados desses animais tratados, com conseqüências sobre a saúde humana. Além das substâncias utilizadas intencionalmente, a contaminação ambiental ou a presença de contaminantes em rações constitui uma fonte potencial de compostos cuja concentração no alimento final processado pode exceder os limites de segurança estabelecidos para garantir a saúde humana. Com o intuito de promover maior segurança alimentar, no Brasil, foram estabelecidos os programas PNCRC e o PAMVet, que são responsáveis pelo monitoramento da presença de substâncias ilegais (como os antimicrobianos nitrofuranos) e também, visam o controle do Limite Máximo de Resíduos (LMR). O objetivo do presente trabalho é reunir e discutir as informações sobre os principais resíduos e contaminantes de medicamentos veterinários em alimentos de origem animal no Brasil, assim como as publicações referentes às avaliações mais recentes desses produtos alimentícios presentes no mercado brasileiro. Estas informações serão utilizadas para novas discussões relacionadas ao uso adequado de medicamentos veterinários e à proposição de estudos de farmacocinética que poderão fundamentar o estabelecimento do período de carência para esses produtos farmacêuticos.


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Discutimos as implicações da noção de adaptação que é uma noção chave para a teoria da evolução clássica. Em lugar de obstinar-se em considerar os organismos como coleção de traços adaptados, propomos buscar estudar a evolução por meio de um quadro teórico onde prevalece uma outra ontologia que destaca o fato de que os organismos e as circunstâncias são totalmente integrados. A etapa preliminar necessária para esta reconsideração consiste em passar de uma lógica prescritiva para uma lógica proscritiva. Isto é, da idéia de que tudo que não é permitido, é proibido; à idéia que o que não é proibido, é permitido. Propomos que a idéia de que os sistemas vivos especificam o mundo no qual eles vivem pode modificar nossa maneira de encarar os processos adaptativos.


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Numerous species of mammals are susceptible to Mycobacterium bovis, the causative agent of bovine tuberculosis (TB). Several wildlife hosts have emerged as reservoirs of M. bovis infection for domestic livestock in different countries. In the present study, blood samples were collected from Eurasian badgers (n = 1532), white-tailed deer (n = 463), brushtail possums (n = 129), and wild boar (n = 177) for evaluation of antibody responses to M. bovis infection by a lateral-flow rapid test (RT) and multiantigen print immunoassay (MAPIA). Magnitude of the antibody responses and antigen recognition patterns varied among the animals as determined by MAPIA; however, MPB83 was the most commonly recognized antigen for each host studied. Other seroreactive antigens included ESAT-6, CFP10, and MPB70. The agreement of the RT with culture results varied from 74% for possums to 81% for badgers to 90% for wild boar to 97% for white-tailed deer. Small numbers of wild boar and deer exposed to M. avium infection or paratuberculosis, respectively, did not cross-react in the RT, supporting the high specificity of the assay. In deer, whole blood samples reacted similarly to corresponding serum specimens (97% concordance), demonstrating the potential for field application. As previously demonstrated for badgers and deer, antibody responses to M. bovis infection in wild boar were positively associated with advanced disease. Together, these findings suggest that a rapid TB assay such as the RT may provide a useful screening tool for certain wildlife species that may be implicated in the maintenance and transmission of M. bovis infection to domestic livestock.


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Wildlife biologists are often interested in how an animal uses space and the habitat resources within that space. We propose a single model that estimates an animal’s home range and habitat selection parameters within that range while accounting for the inherent autocorrelation in frequently sampled telemetry data. The model is applied to brown bear telemetry data in southeast Alaska.


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We propose a general framework for the analysis of animal telemetry data through the use of weighted distributions. It is shown that several interpretations of resource selection functions arise when constructed from the ratio of a use and availability distribution. Through the proposed general framework, several popular resource selection models are shown to be special cases of the general model by making assumptions about animal movement and behavior. The weighted distribution framework is shown to be easily extended to readily account for telemetry data that are highly auto-correlated; as is typical with use of new technology such as global positioning systems animal relocations. An analysis of simulated data using several models constructed within the proposed framework is also presented to illustrate the possible gains from the flexible modeling framework. The proposed model is applied to a brown bear data set from southeast Alaska.


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"The problems that exist in the world today cannot be solved by the level of thinking we were at when we created them." That quote, attributed to Albert Einstein, epitomizes for me the importance of land grant universities in the 21 st century, and whenever I hear someone say that land grants are obsolete - which, occasionally, I do hear - I want to pull that quote out and say "here - read this." When all the problems in the world have been solved, then - and only then - will land grant universities be obsolete. Maybe. I'm not really willing to commit to the idea that the day of obsolete land grants ever will come, but if all the problems in the world are one day solved, then maybe - maybe - I'd consider it.


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Each winter an estimated 350 million starlings, red-winged blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus), common grackles (Quiscalus quiscula), and brown-headed cowbirds (Molothrus ater) congregate in roosts in the southeastern United States (Meanley 1971, Meanley and Royall 1976). These birds have been of increasing concern because of agricultural damage claims (Stickley et al. 1976, Dolbeer et al. 1978), reputed health hazards (Monroe and Cronholm 1977), and other nuisance problems associated with them. Historical population trends (Dolbeer and Stehn 1979) and the source of winter-roosting blackbirds (Meanley 1971, Meanley and Dolbeer 1978, and Dolbeer 1978) have been summarized, but little information on the number of consecutive nights a bird returns to the same roost (roost fidelity) or the dynamics of a winter roost is available. The purpose of this paper is to present information on roost fidelity and population dynamics needed to better understand and manage winter blackbird and starling roosts.