952 resultados para Alveolar bone loss
Background: Maxillary sinus floor augmentation procedures are currently the treatment of choice when the alveolar crest of the posterior maxilla is insufficient for dental implant anchorage. This procedure aims to obtain enough bone with biomaterial association with the autogenous bone graft to create volume and allow osteo conduction. The objective of this study was to histologically and histometrically evaluate the bone formed after maxillary sinus floor augmentation by grafting with a combination of autogenous bone, from the symphyseal area mixed with DFDBA or hydroxyapatite.Methods: Ten biopsies were taken from 10 patients 10 months after sinus floor augmentation using a combination of 50% autogenous bone plus 50% dernineralized freeze-dried bone allograft (DFDBA group) or 50% autogenous bone plus 50% hydroxyapatite (HA group). Routine histological processing and staining with hernatoxylin and eosin and Masson's trichrome were performed.Results: the histomorphometrical analysis indicated good regenerative results in both groups for the bone tissue mean in the grafted area (50.46 +/- 16.29% for the DFDBA group and 46.79 +/- 8.56% for the HA group). Histological evaluation revealed the presence of mature bone with compact and cancellous areas in both groups. The inflammatory infiltrate was on average nonsignificant and of mononuclear prevalence. Some biopsies showed blocks of the biomaterial in the medullary spaces close to the bone wall, with absence of osteogenic activity.Conclusions: the results indicated that both DFDBA and HA associated with an autogenous bone graft were biocompatible and promoted osteoconduction, acting as a matrix for bone formation. However, both materials were still present after 10 months.
Inferior Alveolar Nerve (IAN) transposition is an option for prosthetic rehabilitation in cases of moderate or even severe bone reabsorption for patients that do not tolerate removable dentures. The aim of the present report is to describe an inferior alveolar nerve transposition with involvement of the mental foramen for implant placement. The surgical procedure was performed under local anesthesia, by the inferior alveolar, lingual and buccal nerve blocking technique. Centripetal osteotomy was performed, and bone tissue was removed, leaving the nerve tissue free in the foramen area. After that, transsection of the incisor nerve was performed, and lateral osteotomy was started from the buccal direction, toward the trajectory of the IAN. The procedure was concluded, by making use of a delicate resin spatula to manipulate the vascular-nervous bundle. The drilling sequence for placing the dental implants was performed, and autogenous bone was harvested using a bone collector attached to the surgical suction appliance. After the implants were placed, the bone tissue previously collected during the osteotomies and drilling processes was placed in order to protect the IAN from contact with the implants. The surgical protocol for inferior alveolar nerve transposition, followed by implant placement presented excellent results, with complete recovery of the sensitivity, seven months after the surgical procedure.
Aim: To evaluate the healing at implants with a moderately rough surface placed and stabilized in recipient sites of dimensions deeper and larger than that of the implants to avoid any contact between parent bone and the implant.Material & methods: In six Labrador dogs, premolars and first molars were extracted bilaterally in the mandible. After 3 months of healing, mucoperiosteal full-thickness flaps were elevated and the premolar area of the alveolar bony crest was selected. Three recipient sites were prepared to place three implants. One implant was used as control. The other two were placed in recipient sites which left a circumferentially and periapical prepared defect of 0.7 mm (small) and 1.2 mm (large), respectively. All implants were stabilized with passive fixation plates to maintain the implants stable and without any contact with the implant bed. After 3 months of submerged healing, the animals were sacrificed. Ground sections were prepared and analyzed histomorphometrically.Results: The BIC% was 5.3% and 0.3% for implants placed in small and large defect sites, respectively, whereas it was 46.1% for control implants. The differences were statistically significant. The width of the residual defects was 0.4 and 0.5 mm at the small and large defects, respectively. An approximately 0.09 mm layer of dense connective tissue (DCT) rich in fibers and fibroblast-like cells was observed adherent to the implant surfaces. The percentage of implant surface covered by DCT was 92.8% and 95.6% at the small and large defects, respectively.Conclusion: Osseointegration was observed at the test sites, and the dimensions of the defects influenced the outcomes. However, the degree of osseointegration at both small and large defects was very low compared with the control sites.
The effects of Tissucol on alveolar healing following stress were evaluated histologically, comparing three groups of 28 male albino rats each. Stress was applied and their right upper incisors were extracted. Group A served as an empty control site. In Group B, Tissucol was applied into the alveolar cavity. Group C received local antifibrinolytic treatment (alveolar irrigation with epsilon-aminocaproic acid solution) before implant of Tissucol into the tooth socket. Four animals in each group were killed at 1, 3, 6, 9, 15, 21 and 24 days after surgery. Results showed that: 1) Tissucol did not interfere with connective and osseous tissue formation; 2) Tissucol allowed new bone formation; 3) Tissucol residues in Group B in sections of 24-day specimens did not impair healing; 4) Tissucol was usually completely resorbed and healing was complete 24 days after surgery in Group C.
This patient report presents an unusual onlay bone graft failure following local cocaine application. Three months after the bone grafting procedure performed in the anterior maxilla for bone volume augmentation, the bone graft was totally exposed in the oral cavity as a result of the rubbing of cocaine on the gingival tissue that covered the bone graft. A histologic view of the removed bone fragment presented not only an area of necrosis but also ample spaces filled with necrosis material and resorption areas. Dental practitioners need to be aware of this phenomenon because such patients often do not report the use of drugs, particularly cocaine. Copyright © 2005 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
This research evaluated the bone repair process in surgical defects created on the parietal bones of diabetic rabbits using the guided bone regeneration technique to observe the effects of alloxan in the induction of diabetes mellitus. Twenty-four adult rabbits were divided into three study groups: control (C), diabetic (D) and diabetic associated to polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) membrane (D-PTFE). For diabetes induction the animals received one dose of monohydrated alloxan (90 mg/kg) by intravenous administration in the auricular or femoral vein. In group D-PTFE the membrane covered both the floor and the surface of the bone defect. In groups D and C, the bone defect was filled up with blood clot. The specimens were fixed in 10% formol and prepared for histomorphometric analysis. The results showed that the 90 mg/kg dose of monohydrate alloxan was sufficient to promote diabetes mellitus when administered in the auricular vein. Bone regeneration was slower in the diabetic group when compared with the control and diabetic-PTFE groups, but there was no significant statistical difference between the two experimental groups (D and D-PTFE). The oral and general clinical complications among the diabetics were weight loss, polyuria, polyphagia and severe chronic gingivitis.
Maxillomandibular reconstructions are traditionally performed by means of autogenous bone grafts collected from intraoral donor areas and extraoral donor areas such as clavicle, iliac bone, rib, and tibia. The calvarial bone has been studied as an alternative donor area, with a low incidence of complications and minimal postoperative morbidity. Complications such as dural lacerations associated with cerebrospinal fluid leakage and extradural and subdural bleeding were minimized due to the use of surgical trepan, allowing the diploic layer delimitation before the osteotomy, preserving the internal calvarial cortical. The purpose of this article is to suggest a new technique for the obtainment of calvarial bone grafts with surgical trepan.
Background: In sites with diminished bone volume, the osseointegration of dental implants can be compromised. Innovative biomaterials have been developed to aid successful osseointegration outcomes. Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the osteogenic potential of angiogenic latex proteins for improved bone formation and osseointegration of dental implants. Materials and Methods: Ten dogs were submitted to bilateral circumferential defects (5.0×6.3mm) in the mandible. Dental implant (3.3×10.0mm, TiUnite MK3™, Nobel Biocare AB, Göteborg, Sweden) was installed in the center of the defects. The gap was filled either with coagulum (Cg), autogenous bone graft (BG), or latex angiogenic proteins pool (LPP). Five animals were sacrificed after 4 weeks and 12 weeks, respectively. Implant stability was evaluated using resonance frequency analysis (Osstell Mentor™, Osstell AB, Göteborg, Sweden), and bone formation was analyzed by histological and histometric analysis. Results: LPP showed bone regeneration similar to BG and Cg at 4 weeks and 12 weeks, respectively (p≥.05). Bone formation, osseointegration, and implant stability improved significantly from 4 to 12 weeks (p≤.05). Conclusion: Based on methodological limitations of this study, Cg alone delivers higher bone formation in the defect as compared with BG at 12 weeks; compared with Cg and BG, the treatment with LPP exhibits no advantage in terms of osteogenic potential in this experimental model, although overall osseointegration was not affected by the treatments employed in this study. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Aim: To describe the adaptation of the Edentulous Ridge Expansion (E.R.E.) technique for implant removal. Material and Methods: The E.R.E. technique for the removal of failed implants is described in detail. A clinical case is also reported. In a patient carrying a full arch removable prosthesis in the upper jaw, sustained by two bars, two out of five implants were found to be fractured. Bucco-lingual partial-thickness flaps were used to access the fractured implants. The implants were subsequently removed applying the E.R.E. technique. Two recipient sites were prepared in the same position, using bone expanders, and two new implants were installed. Results: After 4 months of healing, the implants were integrated and a new bar was fabricated, and the old prosthesis readapted. Conclusion: The ERE technique may be successfully applied for the removal of failed implants, and the immediate or delayed reinstallation of new implants. © 2012 John Wiley & Sons A/S.
Aim: To evaluate the influence of deproteinized bovine bone mineral in conjunction with a collagen membrane, at implants installed into sockets in a lingual position immediately after tooth extraction, and presenting initial horizontal residual buccal defects <2 mm. Material and methods: The pulp tissue of the mesial roots of 4P4 was removed in six Labrador dogs, and the root canals were filled with gutta-percha and cement. Flaps were elevated, and the buccal and lingual alveolar bony plates were exposed. The premolars were hemi-sectioned, and the distal roots were removed. Implants were installed in a lingual position and with the margin flush with the buccal bony crest. After installation, defects resulted at about 1.7 mm in width at the buccal aspects, both at the test and control sites. Only in the left site (test), deproteinized bovine bone mineral (DBBM) particles were placed into the defect concomitantly with the placement of a collagen membrane. A non-submerged healing was allowed. Results: After 3 months of healing, one implant was found not integrated and was excluded from the analysis together with the contralateral control implant. All remaining implants were integrated into mature bone. The bony crest was located at the same level of the implant shoulder, both at the test and control sites. At the buccal aspect, the most coronal bone-to-implant contact was located at a similar distance from the implant margin at the test (1.7 ± 1.0 mm) and control (1.6 ± 0.8 mm) sites, respectively. Only small residual DBBM particles were found at the test sites. Conclusion: The placement of an implant in a lingual position into a socket immediately after tooth extraction may favor a low exposure of the buccal implant surface. The use of DBBM particles, concomitantly with a collagen membrane, did not additionally improve the outcome obtained at the control sites. © 2011 John Wiley & Sons A/S.
Aim: To evaluate the integration of implants installed at the interface of pristine and grafted tissue augmented with particulate autologous bone or deproteinized bovine bone mineral (DBBM), concomitantly with a collagen membrane. Material and methods: In 6 Labrador dogs, the distal root of 3P3 and 4P4 was endodontically treated and hemi-sected, and the mesial roots extracted concomitantly with the extraction of 2P2. The buccal bony walls were removed, and two box-shaped defects, one larger and one smaller, were created. After 3 months, flaps were elevated, and the defects were filled with particulate autologous bone or DBBM in the right and left side of the mandible, respectively. Collagen membranes were used to cover the grafted areas. Three months later, flaps were elevated, and a customized device was used as surgical guide to prepare the recipient sites at the interface between grafts and pristine bone. One implant was installed in each of the four defects. After 3 months, biopsies were harvested and ground sections prepared for histological evaluation. Results: The augmentation technique was effective at all sites and all the foreseen implants were installed. In the histological analysis, all implants were integrated in mature bone, at both the buccal and lingual aspects. The most coronal bone-to-implant contact and the top of the buccal bony crest were located at a similar distance between test and control implants. However, these distances were higher at the larger compared with the smaller defects. Especially in the large defect, residual particles of DBBM were found embedded into connective tissue and located outside the bony crest. Conclusions: Particulate autologous bone as well as DBBM particles used to augment horizontally the alveolar bony process allowed for the osseointegration of implants installed after 3 months of healing. © 2012 John Wiley & Sons A/S.
Objective: To study the early sequential stages of osseointegration at implants installed in alveolar bony. Materials and methods: In 12 Labrador dogs, all mandibular premolars and first molars were extracted bilaterally. After 3 months of healing, full-thickness flaps were elevated in the edentulous region of the right side of the mandible. Implants were installed, and the flaps were sutured to allow a fully submerged healing. The timing of the installations in the left side of the mandible and of sacrifices were performed with a schedule that various observation periods to sacrifice from 5, 10, 20, and 30 days were available so that n = 6 was obtained per each healing period. Ground sections were prepared and analyzed. Results: Newly formed bone in contact with the implant surface was found after 10 days of healing and the percentage increased up to 50% after 1 month of healing. A higher percentage was found in the trabecular compared with the cortical bony compartment. Old bone decreased by about 50% during healing, being still present after 1 month (16%). The proportions of bone debris and bone particles were at 27% after 5 days and decreased during healing to 6% after 1 month. Conclusion: Osseointegration (new bone-to-implant contact) developed at various rates for cortical and trabecular compartments, respectively. In the trabecular region, mesenchymal cells were identified, subsequently developing into new bone in contact with the implant surface. In the cortical compartment, however, resorptive processes were observed throughout all periods of healing. The proportion of newly formed bone percentage was lower compared with that of the trabecular area. Old bone was still present after 1 month of healing in both compartments. Bone debris and small bone particles appeared to be involved in initial bone formation. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons A/S.
Objectives: To compare autogenous bone (AT) and fresh-frozen allogeneic bone (AL) in terms of histomorphometrical graft incorporation and implant osseointegration after grafting for lateral ridge augmentation in humans. Materials and methods: Thirty-four patients were treated with either AL (20 patients) or AT (14 patients) onlay grafts. During implant installation surgery 6 months after grafting, cylindrical biopsies were harvested perpendicularly to the lateral aspect of the augmented alveolar ridge. Additionally, titanium mini-implants were installed in the grafted regions, also perpendicularly to the ridge; these were biopsied during second-stage surgery. Histological/histomorphometric analysis was performed using decalcified and non-decalcified sections. Results: Histological analysis revealed areas of necrotic bone (NcB) occasionally in contact with or completely engulfed by newly formed vital bone (VB) in both AT and AL groups (55.9 ± 27.6 vs. 43.1 ± 20.3, respectively; P = 0.19). Statistically significant larger amounts of VB (27.6 ± 17.5 vs. 8.4 ± 4.9, respectively; P = 0.0002) and less soft connective tissue (ST) (16.4 ± 15.6 vs. 48.4 ± 18.1, respectively; P ≤ 0.0001) were seen for AT compared with AL. No significant differences were observed between the groups regarding both bone-to-implant contact (BIC) and the bone area between implant threads (BA) on the mini-implant biopsies. Conclusion: Allogeneic bone block grafts may be an option in cases where a limited amount of augmentation is needed, and the future implant can be expected confined within the inner aspect of the bone block. However, the clinical impact of the relatively poor graft incorporation on the long-term performance of oral implants placed in AL grafts remains obscure. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons A/S.
Objectives: To evaluate dimensional changes in autologous (AT) and fresh-frozen allogeneic (AL) block bone grafts 6 months after alveolar ridge augmentation. Material and methods: Twenty-six partially or totally edentulous patients treated either with fresh-frozen AL bone or AT bone onlay block grafts prior to implant placement (13 patients in each group), were included in this analysis. Patients received CBCT (i-CAT Classic) examinations prior to surgery and 14 days and 6 months after grafting. Differences in alveolar ridge area among the various observation times were evaluated by planimetric measurements on two-dimensional CBCT images of the grafted regions. Nineteen grafted blocks from each group were evaluated. Results: Significant increase in alveolar ridge dimensions, allowing implant placement, was obtained with both types of grafts 6 months after grafting; no significant differences in alveolar ridge area were observed between the groups at the various observation times. However, graft resorption in the AL group was significantly larger compared to that in the AT group at 6 months. Conclusions: Larger bone graft resorption was seen in patients treated with fresh-frozen AL bone than in those treated with AT bone 6 months following alveolar ridge augmentation. © 2011 John Wiley & Sons A/S.
Objective: To compare immediate and staged approach implant placement in circumferential defects treated with deproteinized bovine bone mineral (DBBM); hidroxyapatite/tricalcium phosphate (HA/TP); autogenous bone (Ab); and coagulum (Cg); upon implant stability, osseointegration and alveolar crest maintenance. Materials and methods: Six dogs underwent extractions of lower premolars, bilaterally. Twelve weeks later four bone defects (6 mm wide/4 mm long) were drilled at one side and randomly filled with DBBM; HA/TP; Ab; and Cg, respectively, and left to heal (staged approach). Eight weeks later one implant (Osseospeed™, AstraTech) was placed in experimental sites. At the same session four defects were drilled on contra-lateral side and implants were inserted immediately after biomaterials grafting (immediate approach). Animals were euthanized 8 weeks later. Implant stability was measured by resonance frequency analysis (RFA) at installation and after sacrifice. Ground sections were prepared for bone contact (BIC); bone area (BA); distance implant shoulder-bone crest (IS-C); distance implant shoulder first bone contact (IS-B); and areas occupied by soft tissue. Results: The BA and BIC were superior in the staged approach. The Cg exhibited higher BIC and BA as compared with other materials at the total implant body (P = 0.004 and 0.012, respectively). The DBBM, HA/TP and Ab groups rendered similar BA and BIC. The immediate approach resulted in less crest resorption compared to staged approach. The biomaterials did not affect the IS-C and IS-B measurements. Particles area tended to be higher in DBBM group than HA/TP (P = 0.15), while soft tissue infiltrate was higher in DBBM group when used in the immediate approach (P = 0.04). The RFA indicated gain in stability in the staged approach (P = 0.002). The correlation test between RFA vs. BIC and BA demonstrated inferior stability for DBBM group in immediate approach (P = 0.01). Conclusions: Implants placed in healed defects resulted in better stability as a consequence of higher BIC and BA. The Cg alone rendered increased BIC compared to other materials in both approaches. Immediate approach should be preferable to staged approach in terms of alveolar crest maintenance. The BIC and BA values did not vary between micro and macro-threads in this experimental model. Implants installed in sites filled with DBBM in immediate approach were less stable. © 2011 John Wiley & Sons A/S.