976 resultados para Advisory Committees


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Es cerca l’efecte dels informes pels equips psicosocials de Catalunya en les mesures judicials adoptades. Els resultats obtinguts mostren un elevat impacte dels informes del SATAF en les decisions judicials. La intervenció dels pèrits esdevé un recurs rellevant en l’avaluació dels actuals sistemes familiars.


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The Directory of Familial Cancer Genetics Specialist Teams has been produced under the auspices of the Northern Ireland Regional Advisory Committee on Cancer. It contains details of the full membership of the clinical teams providing care in each of Health and Social Services Board Area. Lead Clinicians for Familial Cancer Genetics Service (PDF 58 KB) Eastern (PDF 68 KB) Northern (PDF 61 KB) Southern (PDF 62 KB) Western (PDF 11 KB) The Directory will be updated on an annual basis. Please e-mail amendments to:- irene.wilkinson@dhsspsni.gov.uk


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The National Council for the Elderly is an advisory body to the Minister for Health on all aspects of ageing and the welfare of the elderly. One of its terms of reference is to advise the Minister on measures to promote the health of the elderly. As one of its contributions towards the realisation of this objective the Council published a report in October 1996 entitled, Mental Disorders in Older Irish People: Incidence Prevalence and Treatment. The report provides a profile of mental disorders in the older Irish population by bringing together in one publication the information which exists on the prevalence, incidence and treatment of mental disorders in older people. It will be a valuable source of information for planning and developing mental health services for older people. Download the Report here  


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The National Council on Ageing and Older People is an advisory body to the Minister for Health on all aspects of ageing and the welfare of older people. In fulfilment of its terms of reference, the Council has recently published a Review of the implementation of the recommendations of the 1988 report The Years Ahead â?" A Policy for the Elderly The Review was a major undertaking and required contact with Government Departments, the eight health boards, a large sample of local authorities and many other organisations. All of the recommendations contained in The Years Ahead report were analysed, and a comprehensive picture of health and social services for older people was presented. The Council is indebted to the authors of the review, Dr Helen Ruddle, Dr Freda Donoghue and Mr Ray Mulvihill for their efforts in preparing such a comprehensive and high quality reportDownload the Report here


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The Healthcare Materials Management Board (HMMB) was established following the report to the Materials Management Advisory Group on procurement and materials management in the health sector Download the Report here


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This Report is the second report of the National AIDS Strategy Committee (NASC). It comprises the reports of the four Sub-Committees of NASC – Surveillance, Education and Prevention, Care and Management and Discrimination Download the Report here


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Breast Implants Information for women considering breast implants The information in this booklet is being provided for women considering the option of breast implant surgery. The aim of the booklet is to assist women in making an informed choice about breast implants before opting for surgery. The information has been compiled by a subcommittee of the Advisory Committee for Medical Devices at the Irish Medicines Board and has included consultation with health professionals and representatives of interested organisations.  Download the PDF


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  The risk of transmission of blood-borne pathogens in the health-care setting has become a matter of increasing concern in Ireland in recent years. Health-care workers undertaking exposure-prone procedures are at risk of contracting blood-borne diseases from the patients they are treating and there is also a small risk that patients who are undergoing such procedures may become infected by the health-care workers who are treating them. An Advisory Group on the Transmission of Infectious Diseases in the Health-Care Setting was established in 1995 to advise the Minister for Health on the prevention of the transmission of such diseases. The Advisory Group published its report in 1997. It was realised at that time that this matter would need to be kept under review and a Standing Advisory Committee was established. Guidelines on this subject were published by the Advisory Committee in June1999. In the current document, these guidelines have been substantially revised in the light of recent information and technical developments and are now considered to be a Code of Practice in the area of prevention of the transmission of blood-borne pathogens in the health-care setting.    


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Immunisation Guidelines for Ireland (2008) This revised report on immunisation guidelines for Ireland has been prepared with the assistance of an active Committee from associated disciplines in Paediatrics, Infectious Diseases, General Practice, Public Health, Microbiology, Occupational Health, Travel Medicine and the Irish Medicines Board. The report itself continues to be simple and concise in design and of course does not claim to contain all information on any pharmacological material. Click here to download PDF 2mb


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National Council on Ageing and Older People – Annual Report 2008 2008 was a year of change for the National Council on Ageing and Older People. In January the Government announced the establishment of the Office for Older People at the Department of Health and Children and that the Office would have a key role in progressing the Governmentâ?Ts agenda for older people. The decision provided that Council staff would be transferred to the Office and that the Council would be replaced by an Advisory Council. Although a sad day for the Council itself, we regard this as a significant step forward in bringing older peopleâ?Ts issues right to the centre of Government policy-making. Click here to download PDF 333kb


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National Therapy Research Strategy The Expert Group Report on Various Health Professionals (2000) recommended that the Therapy Advisory Unit in the Department of Health and Children once established, take a lead role in determining how best to improve the quality of therapy services. The Therapy Advisory Unit was established in 2004 and advises the Minister on six therapy professions including; Dietetics, Orthoptics, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Podiatry/Chiropody and Speech and Language Therapy. Click here to download PDF 3.4mb


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  This Composite Report on the work of the Action Committees established for Phase I of the Health Reform Programme sets out a brief summary of the issues raised and conclusions reached during Phase I. It is intended as an input to the planning of subsequent phases and should not be regarded as binding in any respect. Click here to download PDF


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This thesis concerns the role of scientific expertise in the decision-making process at the Swiss federal level of government. It aims to understand how institutional and issue-specific factors influence three things: the distribution of access to scientific expertise, its valuation by participants in policy for- mulation, and the consequence(s) its mobilization has on policy politics and design. The theoretical framework developed builds on the assumption that scientific expertise is a strategic resource. In order to effectively mobilize this resource, actors require financial and organizational resources, as well as the conviction that it can advance their instrumental interests within a particular action situation. Institutions of the political system allocate these financial and organizational resources, influence the supply of scientific expertise, and help shape the venue of its deployment. Issue structures, in turn, condition both interaction configurations and the way in which these are anticipated by actors. This affects the perceived utility of expertise mobilization, mediating its consequences. The findings of this study show that the ability to access and control scientific expertise is strongly concentrated in the hands of the federal administration. Civil society actors have weak capacities to mobilize it, and the autonomy of institutionalized advisory bodies is limited. Moreover, the production of scientific expertise is undergoing a process of professionalization which strengthens the position of the federal administration as the (main) mandating agent. Despite increased political polarization and less inclu- sive decision-making, scientific expertise remains anchored in the policy subsystem, rather than being used to legitimate policy through appeals to the wider population. Finally, the structure of a policy problem matters both for expertise mobilization and for the latter's impact on the policy process, be- cause it conditions conflict structures and their anticipation. Structured problems result in a greater overlap between the principal of expertise mobilization and its intended audience, thereby increasing the chance that expertise shapes policy design. Conversely, less structured problems, especially those that involve conflicts about values and goals, reduce the impact of expertise.


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In ‘Sugar Reduction: Responding to the Challenge’, PHE is calling on charities, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), academics, businesses, retailers and consumers to work together to reduce the amount of sugar we eat as a nation. By analysing dietary data and discussing food habits with stakeholders, we have identified a range of areas that need exploring further. PHE already runs successful marketing campaigns designed to promote healthy living. To build on this, we also want to look at the way foods are being advertised to children, financial measures that relate to sugar sweetened drinks, food procurement across the public sector and education and training. Today, PHE received a draft report from the Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition (SACN): ‘Carbohydrates and Health’. PHE is particularly interested in SACN’s research because it is clear that the nation is consuming more sugar than the UK’s current recommendations. Diets high in sugar can contribute to excess calorie intake, which can lead to weight gain and obesity.


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In this report for the Medico Social Research Board the author provides an overview of the drug problem in Dublin's inner city. On 12-14 July 1982 the author visited the Sean Mac Dermott street area of the inner city, the Eastern Health Board, Coolmine Community, Jervis Street Drug Advisory and Treatment Centre and the Garda drug squad. From these interviews, the author concludes that Dublin's inner city has a serious problem with drug use, in particular the injecting of heroin. Heroin addicts steal on a regular basis to fund their habit, and frequently inject themselves in public spaces of local authority flat complexes. Despite the best efforts of the support services (Social workers, doctors, Gardai and clergy) there is a high prevalence of injecting heroin use. There has also been abuse of prescription services. Addicts frequently seek opiates from a small number of doctors who are willing to prescribe. Drug education is severely lacking or inappropriate, according to the author, and the Garda drug squad is severely over stretched. While cannabis use is said to be prevalent in Dublin's two universities, drug use has been most problematic in the deprived parts of the city. The author presents the drug epidemic, which has developed over the last two years, in moral terms, and wonders if Christian society, in particular the Catholic Church, and the health authorities can do anything to stop the crisis from worsening. Recommendations include; conducting epidemiological surveys to determine the true extent of the problem, cross disciplinary co-operation, greater drug awareness through education, and more rehabilitation units.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.