999 resultados para Aderência microbiana
The adhesive mortars are a mixture of cement, sand, and additives to polymers that retain the mixing water and promotes adherence, being used in setting on various ceramic substrates. The sand used in the production of these mortars is from the riverbeds, and with the increasing restriction of these sands extraction by environmental agencies, and often having to be transported over long distances to the consumer center. This work aims to design and physical and mechanical characterization of ecological adhesive mortar with total replacement of natural sand by sand from the crushing of limestone, and the addition of mineral ash biomass of cane sugar in partial replacement cement used in the production of adhesive mortar , aiming compositions that meet the regulatory specifications for use adhesive mortar. Standardized tests to determine the tensile bond strength (NBR 14081-4), determination of open time (NBR 14081-3) and determination of slip (NBR 14081-5) were performed. Were also conducted trials squeeze flow in different formulation, the mortar with addition of 15 % gray biomass of cane sugar for cement mortars as well as the total replacement of natural sand by sand limestone crushing, got the best performance among the mortars studied, it was found that the addition of biomass to replace cement is perfectly feasible due to its pozzolanic activity, which contributed to this reduction in the cement matrix formation of adhesive mortar
O objetivo principal desta revisão foi reunir informações a respeito da ação de compostos orgânicos produzidos por plantas na disponibilidade de nutrientes nos solos, principalmente sobre os cátions Ca, Mg e K e sobre o ânion fosfato. O sistema de cultivo adotado ocasiona mudanças nas propriedades químicas e físicas do solo, especialmente na disponibilidade de nutrientes e condicionamento físico do solo. Tem-se observado o acúmulo de nutrientes nas camadas superficiais do solo no sistema de semeadura direta, pelo não-revolvimento do solo e pela deposição de resíduos de culturas na superfície. Os ácidos orgânicos provenientes de plantas podem interagir com a fase sólida e ocupar os sítios de adsorção de nutrientes, competindo diretamente com eles e aumentando sua disponibilidade no solo. A adição de resíduos vegetais pode promover, antes da humificação, a elevação do pH, por promover complexação de H e Al com compostos do resíduo vegetal, deixando Ca, Mg e K mais livres em solução, o que pode ocasionar aumento na saturação da CTC por estes cátions de reação básica. Também é normal observar o aumento na disponibilidade de P no solo com a adição de resíduos vegetais, tanto pelo P presente no resíduo como por competição de compostos orgânicos dos resíduos pelos sítios de troca no solo. A persistência dos compostos orgânicos também é fator que tem grande interferência nos processos de sorção/dessorção de cátions e ânions, dependendo da atividade microbiana, da disponibilidade metabólica do substrato carbonado e da sorção aos colóides do solo.
Materials known as technical textiles can be defined as structures designed and developed to meet specific functional requirements of various industry sectors, which is the case in automotive and aerospace industries, and other specific applications. Therefore, the purpose of this work presents the development and manufacture of polymer composite with isophthalic polyester resin. The reinforcement of the composite structure is a technical textile fabric made from high performance fibers, aramid (Kevlar 49) and glass fiber E. The fabrics are manufactured by the same method, with the aim of improving the tensile strength of the resulting polymer composite material. The fabrics, we developed some low grammage technical textile structures in laboratory scale and differentiated-composition type aramid (100%), hybrid 1 aramid fiber / glass (65/35%) and hybrid 2 aramid fiber / glass (85/15% ) for use as a reinforcing element in composite materials with unsaturated isophthalic polyester matrix. The polymer composites produced were tested in uniaxial tensile fracture surface and it´s evaluated by SEM. The purpose of this work characterize the performance of polymer composites prepared, identifying changes and based on resistance to strain corresponding to the mechanical behavior. The objectives are to verify the capability of using this reinforcement structure, along with the use of high performance fibers and resin in terms of workability and mechanical strength; verify the adherence of the fiber to the matrix and the fracture surface by electron microscopy scanning and determination of tensile strength by tensile test. The results indicate that, in a comparative study to the response of uniaxial tensile test for tensile strength of the composites and the efficiency of the low percentage of reinforcement element, being a technical textile fabric structure that features characteristic of lightness and low weight added in polymer composites
Currently, vegetable oils have been studied for bio-lubricants base that fits the new environmental standards. Since, in a world full of finite natural resources, mineral oils bring consequences to the environment due to its low biodegradability and toxicity, also it is important to consider that synthetic oils have a high cost The aim of this work is to obtain a biolubricant additived with oxide nanoparticles (ZnO and CuO) for better resistance to friction and wear, which is not toxic to the environment and have better adherence under boundary lubrication. The methodology consisted in the synthesis of bio-lubricants (soybean and sunflower base) by epoxidation reaction. Then, some physical-chemical analysis in bio-lubricants are made to characterize theses lubricants, such as, density, acidity, iodine value, viscosity, viscosity index. Later, the lubricants were additive with nanoparticles. The tribological performance was evaluated by the equipment HFRR (High Frequency Reciprocating Rig) consisting of a wear test ball-plan type. The characterization of wear analysis was performed by SEM / EDS. The results show that bio-lubricants may be synthesized by reaction of epoxidation with good conversion. Tribological point of view, the epoxidized oils are more effective than lubricant additived with the oxide nanoparticles, they had lower coefficients of friction and better rate of film formation in the study. However, because they are environmentally friendly, bio-lubricants gain the relevant importance in tribological field
A diversidade morfológica da superfície foliar existente entre as espécies de plantas e a presença de estruturas foliares, como tricomas, estômatos, cutícula e ceras, podem exercer grande influência na aderência e deposição das gotas de pulverização, assim como na absorção do herbicida. Dessa forma, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi estudar, em plantas daninhas aquáticas emersas (Brachiaria mutica, Brachiaria subquadripara e Panicum repens), o pH foliar, bem como a área de molhamento de gotas de pulverização na superfície foliar adaxial e abaxial. O experimento foi conduzido no Núcleo de Pesquisas Avançadas em Matologia - NUPAM, pertencente à Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas de Botucatu/SP - UNESP. As plantas foram cultivadas em caixas d'água no campo, quando elas atingiram seu pleno desenvolvimento (antes do florescimento), foram feitas as avaliações de pH foliar e da área de molhamento de gotas de pulverização. As tensões superficiais das gotas depositadas (0,5 µL), apresentadas pelas soluções de glyphosate aplicado isoladamente (5,0% v v-1, Rodeo 480g L-1 e.a. - produto comercial), glyphosate + Aterbane BR (5,0% + 0,5% v v-1), glyphosate + Silwet L-77 (5,0% + 0,05% v v-1), além das soluções com os adjuvantes isolados, Aterbane BR (0,5% v v-1) e Silwet L-77 (0,05% v v-1), foram respectivamente de 72,1; 28,7; 23,3; 37,3; e 22,1 mN m-1. As médias obtidas de pH foliar variaram entre 5,71 e 6,03, destacando-se a espécie B. mutica, com valores de 5,72 e 6,03 para as faces adaxial e abaxial, respectivamente. Contudo, mais estudos devem ser realizados para verificar a influência do pH foliar na absorção de herbicidas por espécies daninhas aquáticas. Das plantas daninhas aquáticas avaliadas, B. subquadripara foi a espécie que obteve as maiores médias de área de molhamento nas faces adaxial e abaxial da folha, proporcionadas pelas soluções de glyphosate + Aterbane BR, glyphosate + Silwet L-77 e Silwet L-77, com valores de 6,44 - 4,36; 7,77 - 10,59; e 10,94 - 10,28 mm², respectivamente.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Some microorganisms from virgin ecosystems are able to use petroleum it as source of carbon and energy. The knowledge of microbial biodiversity can help to reveal new metabolic systems for utilization alkanes with biotechnological importance. The aim of this study is: i) Accomplish an in silico study of the AlkB protein aimed to understand the probable mechanism involved on selectivity of alkanes in Gram positive and Gram negative bactéria. ii) prospect and analyze the response of the microbial alkanotrophics communities in soil and mangrove sediments of BPP RN and soil of Atlantic forest in the Horto Dois Irmãos Reserve area/PE using the molecular biomarker, gene alkB; with the PCR and PCR-DGGE approach
This paperwork attempts to measure the project management maturity in the State Department of Taxation in Rio Grande do Norte. Project management has shown to be a critical component to any organization success, as the projects are directly related to a set of activities resulting into organizational innovations such as products, services and processes; and its improvement is directly aligned with the strategic management. Methodologically, this paperwork uses both a quantitative and qualitative approach that will be applied to the coordinators, sub-coordinators, and directors of the Regional Offices of the State Department of Taxation. In the theoretical reference it is about the public management and analyzes the strategic management in contemporary public administration. Presents the maturity in project management is by discussing the main models: CMM, Capability Maturity Model; PMMM, Project Management Maturity Model; OPM3, Organization Project Maturity Model and the Prado-MMGP, Modelo de Maturidade em Gerenciamento de Projetos. From this analysis, considering attributes as an aid in taking strategic positioning, access to the model, possibility of benchmarking and continuous improvement, the Prado-MMGP model was the most appropriate for this research process. It has been proved that the State Department of Taxation shows a very low project management maturity level. Regarding the acceptance of the maturity dimensions by the State Department, it is still in an early developmental stage, as one of the dimensions showed a poor performance while the rest showed a regular one. In contrast with similar organizations, the maturity results have shown to be below the national average. The maturity assessment enables in the institution the implementation of a plan for institutional growth with the creation of sector strategic and project management
The high blood pressure is a multifactorial chronic disease which possesses emotional and social features in the illness appearance and evolution and in the adherence to the treatment which involves a decision-making through patient so that he or she process the necessary changes on harmful living habits. Adhesion, traditionally, it is referred to the patient to answer to the doctor orientations or of other health professional, about the appearance to the appointment with a doctor, about the use of medicine or lifestyle changes and maintaining this adhesion is the main problem to be overcame. It is expected the adhesion will ever be a continual, stable and satisfactory action, disregarding the complexity of subjectivity processes which permeate the sicken. This research aimed to investigate the difficulties which the person with high blood pressure has to adhere to the treatment, from the signification processes which give sense to the actions dealing with the adhesion. The study was carried out with 48 users of assistance program to the high blood pressure patient from Hospital Universitário from Natal RN, between 40-65 age. The answers were submitted to a double analysis process: 1) answer systematization in categories and codes and admission in statistical program SPSS (Statistical Package of Social Science), for generation of descriptive statistics; 2) Sense and signification analysis which permeated the deepener statement and interpretatively. The greater difficulties found are present on low-salt and law-calorie diets, in the dealing with everyday feeling and stress, being these factors cited as direct motive to the high blood pressure, regardless of interviewee s sex. It is observed there is not adhesion, but adhering, as an experienced everyday process. This work contributes with its results, assessing the used strategies by program with the aim of increasing the adhesion rates
In this work, the objective in study was the development of a biossensor potencyometric for urea detection, starting from the extracted urease of soy grains. Initially, was made a chemometrics study, through a planning factorial 24, objectified to find great conditions for the extraction of the urease without its properties were affected. Starting from this study, the best conditions were determined for the obtaining of rich extracts in urease, allowing the biossensors making with good characteristics. These were made using a platinum electrode as transducer with the dispersed urease in chitosan head office and reticulated in glutaraldehyde vapor. The biossensors obtained presented a limit of urea detection the same to 0,33 mM and lineal strip between 0,33 and 3 mM of the substratum. The time of answer was considered loud, mainly, in low concentrations of the substratum, where it was taken about 5 minutes by analysis. For high concentrations that time was reduced for not more than one minute. The time of life was limited by the adherence of the enzymatic membrane to the transducer, but it was possible to maintain the biossensor with operation for one month with about 50 accomplished measures. Application of the biossensor for analyses of fertilizers to the urea base presented excellent result for a sample with few interfering, but it was different when the used fertilizer was originating from of a complex sample. Even so the label was not expressed the text of nitrogen it was totally coming of the urea. An evaluation of the kinetic parameters of the catalytic reaction of the biossensor showed coherence with the results exposed in the literature
O objetivo deste trabalho foi quantificar variáveis microbiológicas e produtividade do feijoeiro em razão do manejo do solo e da calagem. Parte de uma área cultivada há 20 anos em plantio direto (PD) foi submetida ao cultivo mínimo (CM), com escarificação a 0,25 m de profundidade, para incorporação do calcário. Os tratamentos consistiram de manejo do solo (PD e CM) e 0 e 2 t ha-1 de calcário dolomítico aplicadas na superfície, com quatro repetições. Os maiores valores de C da biomassa microbiana foram verificados no CM e os de C de CO2 liberado no PD sem calagem. A menor colonização micorrízica e a maior esporulação foram observadas no CM sem calagem. Não foram detectadas diferenças entre os tratamentos em relação à produção de matéria seca, enquanto na produtividade de grãos, o maior valor foi verificado no CM com calagem. É possível evitar a interrupção do PD com aplicação de calcário na superfície, visto que a incorporação do material de cobertura e a calagem pouco alteraram a estabilidade do sistema, conforme comprovado pelos valores estatísticos semelhantes de C do CO2 liberado e pelas pequenas diferenças observadas nas demais variáveis entre manejos.
Este trabalho teve por objetivo estudar os efeitos de diferentes sistemas de uso e manejo na densidade do solo nas suas propriedades químicas e na atividade microbiana em um Latossolo Vermelho distrófico (Oxisol). As amostras de solo foram retiradas de parcelas dos seguintes tratamentos: cerrado denso preservado, pastagem de Brachiaria decumbens degradada (20 anos), plantio direto com rotação de culturas (8 anos) e sistema convencional com rotação de culturas anuais (10 anos). O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado, com dez repetições. O uso contínuo de plantio direto resultou em mais alta taxa de C-biomassa microbiana e menor perda relativa de carbono pela respiração basal, podendo determinar, desta forma, maior acúmulo de C no solo a longo prazo. Proporcionou, ainda, melhoria na densidade aparente e nas propriedades químicas do solo. Assim, o sistema plantio direto, com manejo de culturas, mostrou ser uma alternativa para a conservação e manutenção das condições físicas e do potencial produtivo de solos de cerrado.
The construction of wells is one of the most important activities of the oil industry. The drilling process is the set of activities and operations to design, program and perform the opening thereof. During this process, the cuttings are removed by the drilling fluid, or mud, and carted to the surface. This fluid is injected into the drill string and returns to the surface through the annular space between the well walls and the drill string. After the descent of the column casing, the annular space between the casing string and the walls of the borehole is filled with cement so as to secure the spine and prevent any migration of fluids between the various permeable zones traversed by the well behind of the coating. To ensure the good quality of the cementation scrubbers are used mattresses which are pumped ahead of the cement slurry so as to avoid contamination of the drilling fluid paste, or vice versa, and assist in the removal of plaster, formed by drilling fluid of the borehole walls, thus enabling a better cement bond to the well. Within this context, this work aims to evaluate the efficiency of mattresses scrubbers, the basis of ionic and nonionic surfactants, on the removal of nonaqueous drilling fluid, based on n-paraffin in oil wells, and the compatibility between the Mattress relations washer / drilling fluid bed scrubber / cement paste mattress washer / cement slurry / drilling fluid and the drilling fluid / cement slurry using laboratory tests rheology, thickening time and compressive strength. Also technique was performed X-ray diffraction (XRD) for a more detailed analysis of these mixtures with hydrated cement paste. In compatibility tests the conditions of temperature and pressure used in the same laboratory procedure simulating the conditions of oil wells, the well is considered the depth of 800 m. The results showed that the compositions of the mattress washer nonionic, KMS obtained a 100% efficient in removing the non-aqueous drilling fluid, and the best formulation showed good results with respect to compliance testing
In Brazil, the upland rice Culture system is predominant, but its water supply depends of precipitation and its distribution. Sol-lie practices or disturbances on soil conditions may cause alterations that call be detected by microorganisms, which are quite sensitive. This experiment was developed to study microbiological alterations (microbial biomass carbon (MBC), released CO2 (C-CO2), metabolic quotient (qCO(2)) and mycorrhization), as well as alterations in soil fertility and productivity of upland rice, cultivated under different soil and water managements. Cultivar BRS Talento was used in the experiment. The experimental design was a completely randomized block design, with four replications, using three soil managements: no-tillage (NT), heavy disk + leveling disk harrowing (HL), and chisel plowing + leveling disk harrowing (CL), plus three water managements: no irrigation (WD0); water depth 1 (WD1), with irrigation at the reproductive and maturation periods; and water depth 2 (WD2), with irrigation throughout the rice cycle. Autochthones arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi proved to be sensitive to soil and water management. The NT presented the highest values for MO, Ca, SB and V% and the lowest for H+A1. This management, together with irrigation at the reproductive and maturation periods of BRS Talento cultivar, promoted goods results for crop yield and microbiology characteristics.