998 resultados para Acari, biomass, wet mass


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Ice-wedge polygon (IWP) mires in the Arctic and Subarctic are extremely vulnerable to climatic and environmental change. We present the results of a multidisciplinary paleoenvironmental study on IWPs in the northern Yukon, Canada. High-resolution laboratory analyses were carried out on a permafrost core and the overlying seasonally thawed (active) layer, from a low-centered IWP located in a drained lake basin on Herschel Island. In relation to 14 Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) radiocarbon dates spanning the last 5000 years, we report sedimentary data including grain size distribution and biogeochemical parameters (organic carbon, nitrogen, C/N ratio, d13C), stable water isotopes (d18O, dD), as well as fossil pollen, plant macrofossil and diatom assemblages. Three sediment units (SUs) correspond to the main stages of deposition (1) in a thermokarst lake (SU1: 4950 to 3950 cal yrs BP), (2) during transition from lacustrine to palustrine conditions after lake drainage (SU2: 3950 to 3120 cal yrs BP), and (3) in palustrine conditions in the IWP field that developed after drainage (SU3: 3120 cal yrs BP to AD 2012). The lacustrine phase (pre 3950 cal yrs BP) is characterized by planktonic-benthic and pioneer diatoms species indicating circumneutral waters, and very few plant macrofossils. The pollen record has captured a regional signal of relatively stable vegetation composition and climate for the lacustrine stage of the record until 3950 cal yrs BP. Palustrine conditions with benthic and acidophilic species characterize the peaty shallow-water environments of the low-centered IWP. The transition from lacustrine to palustrine conditions was accompanied by acidification and rapid revegetation of the lake bottom within about 100 years. Since the palustrine phase we consider the pollen record as a local vegetation proxy dominated by the plant communities growing in the IWP. Ice-wedge cracking in water-saturated sediments started immediately after lake drainage at about 3950 cal yrs BP and led to the formation of an IWP mire. Permafrost aggradation through downward closed-system freezing of the lake talik is indicated by the stable water isotope record. The originally submerged IWP center underwent gradual drying during the past 2000 years. This study highlights the sensitivity of permafrost landscapes to climate and environmental change throughout the Holocene.


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Based on sedimentological, mineralogical, geochemical, and micropaleontological data on comprehensively investigated Core ASV16-1372, Late Pleistocene - Holocene sedimentation history is reconstructed for the Voring marginal plateau (continental margin of the Norwegian Sea). An age model constructed is based on correlation with several adjacent cores, for which AMS radiocarbon datings are available. Lithostratigraphic correlation made it possible to compare stratigraphic division of Core ASV16-1372 with other cores sampled on the Voring Plateau and the shelf and continental slope off Central Norway. It is concluded that compositional and structural features of bottom sediments are correlated with paleoclimatic and paleoceanographic changes, variations in provenances, as well as agents and pathways of sedimentary material transport.


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Values of physical properties measured in the upper sections of sediment cores recovered at Sites 504 and 505 exhibit a remarkable similarity. Below a depth of 145 m Site 504 sediments appear to have undergone changes which are reflected in physical property values. This alteration may have been due to high temperatures in the sediment. In most of Site 505, and in Site 504 above 145 m, seismic velocity averages 1.51 km/s, wet bulk density 1.32 g/cm**3, porosity 80%, and thermal conductivity 0.80% W/m °K. Below 145 m at Site 504 and 210 m at Site 505, mean density increases to 1.40 g/cm**3, porosity decreases to 67%, seismic velocity increases to 1.53 km/s, and thermal conductivity increases to values in excess of 1.0 W/m °K. A good correlation between independent measurements of water content and thermal resistivity supports the existence of small but regular variation in the measured parameters on the scale of 10 m and less.


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Soft corals of the family Xeniidae are particularly abundant in Red Sea coral reefs. Their success may be partly due to a strong defense mechanism against fish predation. To test this, we conducted field and aquarium experiments in which we assessed the antifeeding effect of secondary metabolites of 2 common xeniid species, Ovabunda crenata and Heteroxenia ghardaqensis. In the field experiment, the metabolites of both investigated species reduced feeding on experimental food pellets in the natural population of Red Sea reef fishes by 86 and 92% for O. crenata and H. ghardaqensis, respectively. In the aquarium experiment, natural concentration of crude extract reduced feeding on experimental food pellets in the common reef fish Thalassoma lunare (moon wrasse) by 83 and 85%, respectively. Moon wrasse feeding was even reduced at extract concentrations as low as 12.5% of the natural concentration in living soft coral tissues. To assess the potential of a structural anti-feeding defence, sclerites of O. crenata were extracted and mixed into food pellets at natural, doubled and reduced concentration without and in combination with crude extract at 25% of natural concentration, and tested in an aquarium experiment. The sclerites did not show any effect on the feeding behavior of the moon wrasse indicating that sclerites provide structural support rather than antifeeding defense. H. ghardaqensis lacks sclerites. We conclude that the conspicuous abundance of xeniid soft coral species in the Red Sea is likely a consequence of a strong chemical defence, rather than physical defences, against potential predators.


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Intensive reduction processes within bottom sediments from the Bay of Bengal lead to marked enrichment of the oxidized layer in iron and manganese. This is not observed in sediments from the Arabian Sea. Oxidized bottom sediments in central areas of the Indian Ocean show high iron concentrations, but fraction of reactive Fe in total Fe is lower. Manganese concentration increases steadily with distance from the shore to the pelagic region of the ocean, and fraction of reactive manganese also increases in the same direction. There is close correlation between total Mn and Mn(4+) in these sediments.


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The book is devoted to study of diagenetic changes of organic matter and mineral part of sediments and interstitial waters of the Pacific Ocean due to physical-chemical and microbiological processes. Microbiological studies deal with different groups of bacteria. Regularities of quantitative distribution and the role of microorganisms in geochemical processes are under consideration. Geochemical studies highlight redox processes of the early stages of sediment diagenesis, alterations of interstitial waters, regularities of variations in chemical composition of iron-manganese nodules.


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Seagrass meadows, one of the world's most important and productive coastal habitats, are threatened by a range of anthropogenic actions. Burial of seagrass plants due to coastal activities is one important anthropogenic pressure leading to the decline of local populations. In our study, we assessed the response of eelgrass Zostera marina to sediment burial from physiological, morphological, and population parameters. In a full factorial field experiment, burial level (5-20cm) and burial duration (4-16 weeks) were manipulated. Negative effects were visible even at the lowest burial level (5 cm) and shortest duration (4 weeks), with increasing effects over time and burial level. Buried seagrasses showed higher shoot mortality, delayed growth and flowering and lower carbohydrate storage. The observed effects will likely have an impact on next year's survival of buried plants. Our results have implications for the management of this important coastal plant.


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To understand the adaptation of euphausiid (krill) species to oxygen minimum zones (OMZ), respiratory response and stress experiments combining hypoxia/reoxygenation exposure with warming were conducted. Experimental krill species were obtained from the Antarctic (South Georgia area), the Humboldt Current system (HCS, Chilean coast), and the Northern California Current system (NCCS, Oregon). Euphausia mucronata from the HCS shows oxyconforming or oxygen partial pressure (pO2)-dependent respiration below 80% air saturation (18 kPa). Normoxic subsurface oxygenation in winter posed a "high oxygen stress" for this species. The NCCS krill, Euphausia pacifica, and the Antarctic krill, Euphausia superba maintain respiration rates constant down to low critical pO2 values of 6 kPa (30% air saturation) and 11 kPa (55% air saturation), respectively. Antarctic krill had the lowest antioxidant enzyme activities, but the highest concentrations of the molecular antioxidant glutathione (GSH) and was not affected by 6 h exposure to moderate hypoxia. Temperate krill species had higher SOD (superoxide dismutase) values in winter than in summer, which relate to higher winter metabolic rate (E. pacifica). In all species, antioxidant enzyme activities remained constant during hypoxic exposure at habitat temperature. Warming by 7°C above habitat temperature in summer increased SOD activities and GSH levels in E. mucronata (HCS), but no oxidative damage occurred. In winter, when the NCCS is well mixed and the OMZ is deeper, +4°C of warming combined with hypoxia represents a lethal condition for E. pacifica. In summer, when the OMZ expands upwards (100 m subsurface), antioxidant defences counteracted hypoxia and reoxygenation effects in E. pacifica, but only at mildly elevated temperature (+2°C). In this season, experimental warming by +4°C reduced antioxidant activities and the hypoxia combination again caused mortality of exposed specimens. We conclude that a climate change scenario combining warming and hypoxia represents a serious threat to E. pacifica and, as a consequence, NCCS food webs.


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Results and discussion cover pigment analyses of 36 sediment samples recovered by Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 64, and six samples from the Leg 64 site-survey cruise in the Guaymas Basin (Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Leg 3). Pigments investigated were tetrapyrroles, tetraterpenoids, and the PAH compound perylene. Traces of mixed nickel and copper ETIO-porphyrins were ubiquitous in all sediment samples, except for the very surface (i.e., <2 m sub-bottom), and their presence is taken as an indication of minor influxes of previously oxidized allochthonous (terrestrial) organic matter. Phorbides and chlorins isolated from Site 479 sediment samples (i.e., the oxygen-minimum locale, northeast of the Guaymas Basin) well represent the reductive diagenesis ("Treibs Scheme"; see Baker and Palmer, 1978; Treibs, 1936) of chlorophyll derivatives. Three forms of pheophytin-a, plus a variety of phorbides, were found to give rise to freebase porphyrins, nickel phylloerythrin, and nickel porphyrins, with increasing depth of burial (increasing temperature). Sediments from Sites 481, 10G, and 18G yielded chlorophyll derivatives characteristic of early oxidative alterations. Included among these pigments are allomerized pheophytin-a, purpurin-18, and chlorin-p6. The high thermal gradient imposed upon the late Quaternary sediments of Site 477 greatly accelerated chlorophyll diagenesis in the adjacent overlying sediments, that is, the production of large quantities of free-base desoxophylloerythroetioporphyrin (DPEP) occurred in a section (477-7-5) presently only 49.8 meters sub-bottom. Present depth and age of these sediments are such that only chlorins and phorbides would be expected. Carotenoid (i.e., tetraterpenoids) concentrations were found to decrease rapidly with increasing sub-bottom depth. Less deeply buried sediments (e.g., 0-30 m) yielded mixtures of carotenes and oxygen-substituted carotenoids. Oxygencontaining (oxy-, oxo-, epoxy-) carotenoids were found to be lost preferentially with increased depth of burial. Early carotenoid diagenesis is suggested as involving interacting reductions and dehydrations whereby dehydro-, didehydro-, and retro-carotenes are generated. Destruction of carotenoids as pigments may involve oxidative cleavage of the isoprenoid chain through epoxy intermediates, akin to changes in the senescent cells of plants. Perylene was found to be a common component of the extractable organic matter from all sediments investigated. The generation of alkyl perylenes was found to parallel increases in the existing thermal regime at all sites. Igneous sills and sill complexes within the sediment profile of Site 481 altered (i.e., scrambled) the otherwise straightforward thermally induced alkylation of perylene. The degree of perylene alkylation is proposed as an indicator of geothermal stress for non-contemporaneous marine sediments.