998 resultados para Abraham Lincoln Centre (Chicago)
Two groups of nonmaternal day care providers, one made up of in-horne caregivers, and the other of providers of day care in centres, were asked to focus on their goals for the children in their care. A group of kindergarten teachers was asked to consider any differences they noticed in children in· the two types of day care mentioned above. It was found that in-horne caregivers, through flexibility, meet the developmental goals of the children in their care. Providers of tlay care in centres used a more structured and social program in order to meet the overall developmental goals for the children in their care. It was found that the kindergarten teachers noticed differences in the children in their classes in terms of their attitude and social behaviour. The type and quality of care were seen as possible influences on this outlook of young children in kindergarten. The one common element that each group highlighted with respect to the effects of day care at the kindergarten level was the important role of the family in the child's development not only in day care, but also in kindergarten class. There is still a strong need to determine the effects of various types of day care at all levels, and specifically at the kindergarten level. The more the kindergarten teacher is able to understand about the child's day care experience, and his or her own life,the better off these children in day care will be. This study confirmed both the importance of quality in child care, and the important role of the family in the child care decision.
Transcript (original spelling and grammar retained): We the Commissioned Officers belonging to the Second Regiment of Lincoln Militia - Do sincerely promise and swear that we will be faithful and bear true allegiance to his Majesty King George, and heirs will defend to the utmost of our power against all traitorous conspiracies and attempts whatsoever which shall be made against his Person, Crown or Dignity; and we will do our utmost endeavours to disclose and make them known to his Majesty, His Heirs and successors, all treasons and traitorous conspiracies and attempts, which we shall know to be against Him or them. So help us God. Thomas Clark - Lt. Col. David Secord - Major John Crysler - Capt James Macklin - Capt John [Ross] - [Captain] [Abraham] Bowman - Lieut Gilbert McMicking - Quartmaster John [Misiner] - Ensign Robert Campbell - Capt John [Couke] - Ensign Nicholas Smith - Lieut I certify that the officers who have here [subscribed] the oath took it before me at Chippawa 4 Sept 1812 Thomas Dickson JP
Cabinet card photographic portrait of Colum C. Chapman in his National Guard uniform, Chicago, Illinois, ca. 1890.
Studio portrait of Frank M. Chapman, Jr. son of Frank M. and Wilhelmina Chapman, Chicago, Illinois, ca. 1891.
Studio portrait of Frank C. Chapman, Chicago, Illinois, ca. 1890.
Cabinet card portrait of Wilhelmina Zillen Chapman, mother of Grant Chapman and grandmother of Joyce Chapman, taken by G. D. Morse, Chicago, Illinois, July, 1892.
Charles C. Chapman and his wife, Lizzie Pearson Chapman, with baby daughter Ethel in a hammock, Chicago, Illinois, ca. 1885.
By-laws included are numbers 31-34 and deal with school issues, raising funds for the municipality, payment of fees, and remuneration to the sheriff of the municipality.
The first Rotary Club was created in February 1905, by Chicago lawyer Paul P. Harris. Harris envisioned a club which would bring members of the business community closer together. As his vision grew more members were acquired. In order to accommodate everyone, meetings were held at each of the member’s place of business; hence the name Rotary Club was adopted. A wagon wheel was chosen as an appropriate symbol to denote the club; which today has become the cogwheel. By the close of its first year the club had thirty members. Slowly Rotary Clubs began emerging across the country and by 1910 they had become International by moving North to Canada. By 1921 Rotary representation was present in every Continent and in 1922 the name Rotary International had been approved. The Rotary Club of St. Catharines came into existence on May 19, 1921 under the Charter President Canon Bill Broughall. The Club’s beginnings were humble with only twenty-five members; however, by their seventy-fifth anniversary the club had grown to one hundred and forty-four. The Rotary Club of St. Catharines is a non-profit charity, prescribing to the motto Service above Self. This motto is demonstrated through the Clubs numerous contributions to society both locally and internationally. The Club raises funds, supports exchange programs, and participates in community service work. Some of the organizations which have benefited from the Clubs donations; include, Easter Seals, the Niagara Peninsula Children’s Centre, and the Youth Exchange Program.
The site of present-day St. Catharines was settled by 3000 United Empire Loyalists at the end of the 18th century. From 1790, the settlement (then known as "The Twelve") grew as an agricultural community. St. Catharines was once referred to Shipman's Corners after Paul Shipman, owner of a tavern that was an important stagecoach transfer point. In 1815, leading businessman William Hamilton Merritt abandoned his wharf at Queenston and set up another at Shipman's Corners. He became involved in the construction and operation of several lumber and gristmills along Twelve Mile Creek. Shipman's Corners soon became the principal milling site of the eastern Niagara Peninsula. At about the same time, Merritt began to develop the salt springs that were discovered along the river which subsequently gave the village a reputation as a health resort. By this time St. Catharines was the official name of the village; the origin of the name remains obscure, but is thought to be named after Catharine Askin Robertson Hamilton, wife of the Hon. Robert Hamilton, a prominent businessman. Merritt devised a canal scheme from Lake Erie to Lake Ontario that would provide a more reliable water supply for the mills while at the same time function as a canal. He formed the Welland Canal Company, and construction took place from 1824 to 1829. The canal and the mills made St. Catharines the most important industrial centre in Niagara. By 1845, St. Catharines was incorporated as a town, with the town limits extending in 1854. Administrative and political functions were added to St. Catharines in 1862 when it became the county seat of Lincoln. In 1871, construction began on the third Welland Canal, which attracted additional population to the town. As a consequence of continual growth, the town limits were again extended. St. Catharines attained city status in 1876 with its larger population and area. Manufacturing became increasingly important in St. Catharines in the early 1900s with the abundance of hydro-electric power, and its location on important land and water routes. The large increase in population after the 1900s was mainly due to the continued industrialization and urbanization of the northern part of the city and the related expansion of business activity. The fourth Welland Canal was opened in 1932 as the third canal could no longer accommodate the larger ships. The post war years and the automobile brought great change to the urban form of St. Catharines. St. Catharines began to spread its boundaries in all directions with land being added five times during the 1950s. The Town of Merritton, Village of Port Dalhousie and Grantham Township were all incorporated as part of St. Catharines in 1961. In 1970 the Province of Ontario implemented a regional approach to deal with such issues as planning, pollution, transportation and services. As a result, Louth Township on the west side of the city was amalgamated, extending the city's boundary to Fifteen Mile Creek. With its current population of 131,989, St. Catharines has become the dominant centre of the Niagara region. Source: City of St. Catharines website http://www.stcatharines.ca/en/governin/HistoryOfTheCity.asp (January 27, 2011)
Survey map and description of Jacob Augustine's land created by The Welland Canal Company. Included is a written description of the land along with a drawing of the land. The land surveyed is lot #26 in Humberstone.Noteable features include; canal, concession, line between Abraham and Jacob Augustine's land. The land totals 7 1/4 acres. Surveyor notes are seen in pencil on the map.
Survey map and description of Abraham Neff's land created by The Welland Canal Company. Included is a written description of the land along with a drawing of the land. Noteable features include; line between A. Neff and Jacob Neffs land, line between lots, canal, bridge. The land totals 7 acres The deed for the land is dated October 25, 1836. Surveyor notes are seen in pencil on the map.