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Sistemas binários e ternários envolvendo cobre (II) e benzalpiruvatos. Equilíbrios em solução aqöosa
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This Work focuses the importance of children‟s literature with the insertion of authors‟ like Aesopo, La Fontaine and Monteiro Lobato in the early years of elementary school, so that children could develop their reading that could bring reflections about the use of the language. It entends to show that books can give kids maturity to notice that when it comes to language there‟s not righ or wrong, but contexts that they should fit, in so that they can communicate and decrease the language prejudice. The authors studied in this study are the ones who study the language, the importance of children‟s literature and language prejudice at schools. This work was done through quantitative and qualitative approach, divided into 2 parts, observation and interventions, the research could be in touch with the observed class and get information about the students. Later the researcher could act by telling stories and get data. A third-grade class in a public school in the year of 2010, was observed during the internship in the early years of elementary school compared to another fourth grade class of another public school. The results and analisis oh the data show kids‟ lack of contact with an appropriate children‟s literature, like the fables which are short tales with moral and romance like Emília no País da Gramática by Monteiro Lobato, would make it difficult to learn the production of consistent texts and appropriate language in different contexts. Schools play an important role for kids to be in touch with these good books, so they should have the main role in the children‟s development and background, making them able to be aware of the importance of reading and writing in their lives. Most of the children found it difficult to write texts, but in the end they reached a god level of language related to the proposed context, writing consistent texts, but the part of children still mistake and in literacy and language adaptation
The alimentary act of three species of frugivorous bats of the genus Artibeus: A. lituratus, A. fimbriatus and A. planirostris, in a total of nine individuals, was studied by observations in field and captivity, during the months of May to September of 2008. With the objective to caracterize the form of consumption of two tipes of fruits (soft and consistent) and it relates with the dentary structure of this bats, the alimentary act was film and analysed later. It had little variation between the species. The fruits had been consumed in similar way, being that statistics analisis had demonstrated that consistent fruits had received more lateral bytes than the soft fruits. The dentary analisis shown that the posterior teeth (pre-molar and molar) present important characteristcs to triturate pieces of more consistent fruits and the incisors serve to scrape the pulp of the soft fruits. This study it served to describe the form of feeding of frugivorous bats, that little is explained in the studies of alimentary behavior
Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FCAV
This article has been generated by the interface between geography and music. Methodologically, we have used a multidisciplinary bibliography that contemplates cultural geography, history, music, linguistics, literature, anthropology, for we understand that, for the understanding of a polysemous code, as it is in music, we need a diversity of looks. Our main document for an analysis of the construction of Brasília is the “Sinfonia da Alvorada” (Symphony of the Dawn), composed by Antônio Carlos Jobim and Vinícius de Moraes. Here, we attempt mainly to do a textual analysis of the work under an external perspective of the symphonic work, we mean, analyzing more its semantics (considering the product between interlocution and interpretation), and less its instrumental aesthetics, although the latter is also present. Finally, we attempt to understand the connection that exists between the actors and the spaces which are metamorphosing along with the construction of the city and which puts into evidence the idea of social circularity, proposed by the “Sinfonia da Alvorada”. This piece captures social and cultural elements related to the construction of Brasília and repositions and rearranges it through the execution of the music, in such a way that this arrangement can provide a change in the senses which are constructed from the urban experience in Brasília.
Pós-graduação em Odontologia Restauradora - ICT
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Objective The Brazilian National Hansens Disease Control Program recently identified clusters with high disease transmission. Herein, we present different spatial analytical approaches to define highly vulnerable areas in one of these clusters. Method The study area included 373 municipalities in the four Brazilian states Maranha o, Para ', Tocantins and Piaui '. Spatial analysis was based on municipalities as the observation unit, considering the following disease indicators: (i) rate of new cases / 100 000 population, (ii) rate of cases < 15 years / 100 000 population, (iii) new cases with grade-2 disability / 100 000 population and (iv) proportion of new cases with grade-2 disabilities. We performed descriptive spatial analysis, local empirical Bayesian analysis and spatial scan statistic. Results A total of 254 (68.0%) municipalities were classified as hyperendemic (mean annual detection rates > 40 cases / 100 000 inhabitants). There was a concentration of municipalities with higher detection rates in Para ' and in the center of Maranha o. Spatial scan statistic identified 23 likely clusters of new leprosy case detection rates, most of them localized in these two states. These clusters included only 32% of the total population, but 55.4% of new leprosy cases. We also identified 16 significant clusters for the detection rate < 15 years and 11 likely clusters of new cases with grade-2. Several clusters of new cases with grade-2 / population overlap with those of new cases detection and detection of children < 15 years of age. The proportion of new cases with grade-2 did not reveal any significant clusters. Conclusions Several municipality clusters for high leprosy transmission and late diagnosis were identified in an endemic area using different statistical approaches. Spatial scan statistic is adequate to validate and confirm high-risk leprosy areas for transmission and late diagnosis, identified using descriptive spatial analysis and using local empirical Bayesian method. National and State leprosy control programs urgently need to intensify control actions in these highly vulnerable municipalities.
In this paper a space X is pseudocompact if it is Tychonoff and every real-valued continuous function on X is bounded. We obtain conditions under which a Tychonoff space is maximal pseudocompact and study conditions under which a regular space is maximal R-closed.
Este trabalho relata a experiência de avaliação do acolhimento em saúde mental na cidade de São Paulo-SP, utilizando entrevistas com trabalhadores de um Centro de Atenção Psicossocial (CAPS) e duas Unidades Básicas de Saúde (UBS). Objetivou entender o acolhimento, considerando a percepção dos trabalhadores e identificando o vínculo e a articulação da rede nesse processo. Utilizou-se como método a hermenêutica filosófica, para identificar que elementos participantes do processo de acolhimento poderiam ser destacados. Procedeu-se à análise das narrativas a partir de três linhas de argumentação: vínculo, acolhimento e articulação da rede - resultando em quatro categorias: sensação de ausência; mistura de modelos; primazia em tecnologias duras; e ineficiência quanto à integralidade. A discussão apontou uma imbricação dessas categorias, colocando o investimento em tecnologias leves como centro do debate para a superação da sensação de ausência, da mistura dos modelos e para construção da integralidade do cuidado.
In questa tesi si è voluta porre l’attenzione sulla suscettibilità alle alte temperature delle resine che li compongono. Lo studio del comportamento alle alte temperature delle resine utilizzate per l’applicazione dei materiali compositi è risultato un campo di studio ancora non completamente sviluppato, nel quale c’è ancora necessità di ricerche per meglio chiarire alcuni aspetti del comportamento. L’analisi di questi materiali si sviluppa partendo dal contesto storico, e procedendo successivamente ad una accurata classificazione delle varie tipologie di materiali compositi soffermandosi sull’ utilizzo nel campo civile degli FRP (Fiber Reinforced Polymer) e mettendone in risalto le proprietà meccaniche. Considerata l’influenza che il comportamento delle resine riveste nel comportamento alle alte temperature dei materiali compositi si è, per questi elementi, eseguita una classificazione in base alle loro proprietà fisico-chimiche e ne sono state esaminate le principali proprietà meccaniche e termiche quali il modulo elastico, la tensione di rottura, la temperatura di transizione vetrosa e il fenomeno del creep. Sono state successivamente eseguite delle prove sperimentali, effettuate presso il Laboratorio Resistenza Materiali e presso il Laboratorio del Dipartimento di Chimica Applicata e Scienza dei Materiali, su dei provini confezionati con otto differenti resine epossidiche. Per valutarne il comportamento alle alte temperature, le indagini sperimentali hanno valutato dapprima le temperature di transizione vetrosa delle resine in questione e, in seguito, le loro caratteristiche meccaniche. Dalla correlazione dei dati rilevati si sono cercati possibili legami tra le caratteristiche meccaniche e le proprietà termiche delle resine. Si sono infine valutati gli aspetti dell’applicazione degli FRP che possano influire sul comportamento del materiale composito soggetto alle alte temperature valutando delle possibili precauzioni che possano essere considerate in fase progettuale.
Background: MPLC represents a diagnostic challenge. Topic of the discussion is how to distinguish these patients as a metastatic or a multifocal disease. While in case of the different histology there are less doubt on the opposite in case of same histology is mandatory to investigate on other clinical features to rule out this question. Matherials and Methods: A retrospective review identified all patients treated surgically for a presumed diagnosis of SPLC. Pre-operative staging was obtained with Total CT scan and fluoro-deoxy positron emission tomography and mediastinoscopy. Patients with nodes interest or extra-thoracic location were excluded from this study. Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) expression with complete immunohistochemical analisis was evaluated. Survival was estimated using Kaplan-Meyer method, and clinical features were estimated using a long-rank test or Cox proportional hazards model for categorical and continuous variable, respectively. Results: According to American College Chest Physician, 18 patients underwent to surgical resection for a diagnosis of MPLC. Of these, 8 patients had 3 or more nodules while 10 patients had less than 3 nodules. Pathologic examination demonstrated that 13/18(70%) of patients with multiple histological types was Adenocarcinoma, 2/18(10%) Squamous carcinoma, 2/18(10%) large cell carcinoma and 1/18(5%) Adenosquamosu carcinoma. Expression of EGFR has been evaluated in all nodules: in 7 patients of 18 (38%) the percentage of expression of each nodule resulted different. Conclusions: MPLC represent a multifocal disease where interactions of clinical informations with biological studies reinforce the diagnosis. EGFR could contribute to differentiate the nodules. However, further researches are necessary to validate this hypothesis.
El trabajo esta titulado 'La presentación del síntoma en la demanda asistencial', correspondiente al tema de beca de investigacion de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata, por ahora en tiempos preliminares, de observación y tiempos de recabar información, en 'el instante de ver', hablando en función a los tiempos lógicos planteados por Lacan. La problemática de la inserción del psicoanálisis en este tipo particular de dispositivo asistencial, la demanda terapéutica no seleccionada que arriba a la consulta, la relación de los pacientes con el Centro y el necesario proceso de rectificación subjetiva que implicaría posibles intervenciones analíticas, son algunos de los temas que se plantearían, entre otros, al hablar de la demanda de atención psicológica en los Centros de Salud de la Municipalidad de La Plata. De la sistematización de algunos de los datos se han podido extraer e incluso se esperan extraer, importantes consecuencias que permitan una aproximación al entendimiento de los principales motivos de consulta en este tipo de servicio salud, vinculados en parte con síntomas de los que podría conceptualizarse como manifestaciones del malestar en la cultura contemporáneo. En ese sentido, ha sido posible escuchar en el relato de algunos pacientes una sensación de tedio, una suerte de llamado a esquemas de referencia imperativos, por lo general ausentes. Para la obtener cierta informacion pertinente para elaborar la casuistica resultó de suma importancia el recurso de la entrevista de admision, crucial para la entrada al dispositivo asistencial denominado de atencion primaria. Por consiguiente, sera esto ultimo, el campo de la llamada de la atencion primaria en psicologia uno de los campos mas importantes de interrogar, cuestionando la asimilacion de nuestro campo a la de la medicina. Si bien la noción y denominación de 'entrevista de admisión' remite fundamentalmente a criterios institucionales, su orientación desde una perspectiva psicoanalítica no difiere del dispositivo específico de tratamiento. Cabe aclarar, en palabras de Miller, que en nuestro enfoque todo abordaje de la demanda debe suponer el objetivo de llegar a lo más profundo de las determinaciones subjetivas A partir de la entrevista inicial se podrán establecer las primeras hipótesis respecto a las características diagnósticas del caso y en función de ello, las líneas directrices del tratamiento. Sin embargo es necesario precisar que el lugar al que se dirige la demanda no es ajeno a la forma y al cotenido al que esta se presenta. Es uno de los objetivos de la investigacion centrarnos en este condicionamiento y en las transformaciones que se pueden operar. Además, resulta de vital importancia delimitar la configuración de al menos dos momentos: aquel en el que el sujeto consulta, por un lado, y aquel en que refiere haber comenzado a padecer. Cuando hablamos de configuración nos referimos al ordenamiento particular que brinda el sujeto de su vida y de su historia; qué aspectos destaca y qué aspectos minimiza; qué hechos se presentan como sobresalientes; de qué modo todos ellos inciden en su sufrimiento y hasta que punto la situacion actual ha conmovido las identificaciones que lo han sostenido en su existencia. En ese sentido, el motivo de consulta da cuenta de los aspectos manifiestos de un caso y constituyen un punto de partida cuya formalización se hace ineludible en función del tratamiento, por un lado, y en función de la elaboracion de intervenciones posibles, por otro. Es necesario tener en cuenta, las variadas modalidades de presentación, condicionadas por las características particulares de la cultura de la época, como es el caso de las toxicomanías, ludopatías, anorexias, bulimias, depresiones, inhibiciones, crisis de angustia, violencia familiar que otorgan cualidades especiales a la demanda de asistencia en un momento dado y que se encuentran inscriptas sin fijeza alguna, dentro de los 3 grandes grupos diagnosticos que estan delimitados en el campo freudiano. Nuestra investigacion tendra en cuenta la insercion del psicoanalisis en la oferta social, donde cobra una especial importancial el analisis del contexto de la epoca en la que el Otro, como sistema de normas, referencias identificatorias, roles y garantias que ofrece la sociedad se ha ido progresivamente desvaneciendo, y todo esto servira para atender a la articulacion de la demanda de asistencia que se presenta en estos dispositivos asistenciales
Este trabajo de investigación es un ANALISIS PRAXIOLOGICO DE LA ACCION DE JUEGO EN FUTBOL, en el que se estudian equipos canarios en categoría nacional y forma parte de una tesis doctoral en la que estamos trabajando en la actualidad. En una primera fase nos dispusimos a grabar partidos de equipos canarios en categoría nacional (Temporada 2008 / 2009 y temporada 2009 / 2010). De esta forma, al final de estas dos temporadas, obtuvimos un total de 45 partidos. De ellos 15 partidos de la U. D. Las Palmas y C. D. Tenerife, militando en Segunda División A, 15 partidos de equipos que militaban en Segunda División B, y 15 partidos de Tercera División Grupo Canario. Aplicamos una metodología observacional sistemática, estudiando y analizando lo que transcurre en la acción de juego en fútbol, tratando de proporcionar una visión más clara, contrastada y rigurosa. Los objetivos planteados para este estudio: 1. Identificar las secuencias de acción colectivas teniendo en consideración exclusivamente las conductas motrices generadas por los deportistas en su relación con el balón: - Se corresponde a los momentos en que el equipo está en posesión del balón, con el fin de ganar espacio, aproximarse a la meta contraria y, a ser posible, finalizar para buscar la obtención de un tanto. - Interacciones positivas y significativas entre los jugadores del mismo equipo