950 resultados para ALEPH training sessions


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While the previous chapter by L. Fallowfield and V. Jenkins focuses on different communication skills training (CST) concepts currently being utilized, this chapter reviews and comments the scientific evidence of the impact of CST on improving communication skills. The aim of this chapter is not to provide a complete review of the evidence-this has already been done in systematic reviews-but to discuss the scientific evidence and reflect on the available results and relevant topics for further investigations.


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[Introduction (extrait)] Il existe de nombreuses formations destinées à prévenir la maltraitance envers les personnes âgées. A ce jour, leur efficacité n'est cependant pas prouvée, faute d'évaluation de leur impact sur les pratiques professionnelles. La formation PREMALPA, qui existe depuis 2003, a fait l'objet d'une évaluation en 2013.


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The educational programme reported was an experiment in the vocational training scheme of the department of General Practice, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, Holland, and is now part of the course. The programme focused on the training in team function (co-operation) given to trainee GPs and social workers. It became clear that both groups during their professional training develop markedly different attitudes and views about patient (client) care. These differences form a fundamental handicap in any discussion about teamwork. During the programme the students were made aware of this divergence of viewpoint and were taught how to handle these resulting handicaps and, if possible, to eliminate them.


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Training future pathologists is an important mission of many hospital anatomic pathology departments. Apprenticeship-a process in which learning and teaching tightly intertwine with daily work, is one of the main educational methods in use in postgraduate medical training. However, patient care, including pathological diagnosis, often comes first, diagnostic priorities prevailing over educational ones. Recognition of the unique educational opportunities is a prerequisite for enhancing the postgraduate learning experience. The aim of this paper is to draw attention of senior pathologists with a role as supervisor in postgraduate training on the potential educational value of a multihead microscope, a common setting in pathology departments. After reporting on an informal observation of senior and junior pathologists' meetings around the multihead microscope in our department, we review the literature on current theories of learning to provide support to the high potential educational value of these meetings for postgraduate training in pathology. We also draw from the literature on learner-centered teaching some recommendations to better support learning in this particular context. Finally, we propose clues for further studies and effective instruction during meetings around a multihead microscope.


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Desde la creación de la asignatura de "Bases de Inmunología" del Master Oficial Interuniversitario URV-UB en Nutrición y Metabolismo (curso 2007-2008), se están utilizando diversas metodologías docentes innovadoras que permiten trabajar competencias transversales y acerca el estudiante a tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC) con las que se encontrará durante el desarrollo de su actividad profesional. El objetivo de la presente innovación consistió en la realización de se-siones formativas audiovisuales con tal de trabajar las habilidades comunicativas necesarias en el desarrollo del ejercicio profesional.


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Desde la creación de la asignatura de "Bases de Inmunología" del Master Oficial Interuniversitario URV-UB en Nutrición y Metabolismo (curso 2007-2008), se están utilizando diversas metodologías docentes innovadoras que permiten trabajar competencias transversales y acerca el estudiante a tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC) con las que se encontrará durante el desarrollo de su actividad profesional. El objetivo de la presente innovación consistió en la realización de se-siones formativas audiovisuales con tal de trabajar las habilidades comunicativas necesarias en el desarrollo del ejercicio profesional.


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Desde la creación de la asignatura de "Bases de Inmunología" del Master Oficial Interuniversitario URV-UB en Nutrición y Metabolismo (curso 2007-2008), se están utilizando diversas metodologías docentes innovadoras que permiten trabajar competencias transversales y acerca el estudiante a tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC) con las que se encontrará durante el desarrollo de su actividad profesional. El objetivo de la presente innovación consistió en la realización de se-siones formativas audiovisuales con tal de trabajar las habilidades comunicativas necesarias en el desarrollo del ejercicio profesional.


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The traditional model of learning based on knowledge transfer doesn't promote the acquisition of information-related competencies and development of autonomous learning. More needs to be done to embrace learner-centred approaches, based on constructivism, collaboration and co-operation. This new learning paradigm is aligned with the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) requirements. In this sense, a learning experience based in faculty' librarian collaboration was seen as the best option for promoting student engagement and also a way to increase information-related competences in Open University of Catalonia (UOC) academic context. This case study outlines the benefits of teacher-librarian collaboration in terms of pedagogy innovation, resources management and introduction of open educational resources (OER) in virtual classrooms, Information literacy (IL) training and use of 2.0 tools in teaching. Our faculty-librarian's collaboration aims to provide an example of technology-enhanced learning and demonstrate how working together improves the quality and relevance of educational resources in UOC's virtual classrooms. Under this new approach, while teachers change their role from instructors to facilitators of the learning process and extend their reach to students, libraries acquire an important presence in the academic learning communities.


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Training has been shown to induce cardioprotection. The mechanisms involved remain still poorly understood. Aims of the study were to examine the relevance of training intensity on myocardial protection against ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) injury, and to which extent the beneficial effects persist after training cessation in rats. Sprague-Dawley rats trained at either low (60% [Formula: see text]) or high (80% [Formula: see text]) intensity for 10 weeks. An additional group of highly trained rats was detrained for 4 weeks. Untrained rats served as controls. At the end of treatment, rats of all groups were split into two subgroups. In the former, rats underwent left anterior descending artery (LAD) ligature for 30 min, followed by 90-min reperfusion, with subsequent measurement of the infarct size. In the latter, biopsies were taken to measure heat-shock proteins (HSP) 70/72, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) protein levels, and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity. Training reduced infarct size proportionally to training intensity. With detraining, infarct size increased compared to highly trained rats, maintaining some cardioprotection with respect to controls. Cardioprotection was proportional to training intensity and related to HSP70/72 upregulation and Mn-SOD activity. The relationship with Mn-SOD was lost with detraining. VEGF protein expression was not affected by either training or detraining. Stress proteins and antioxidant defenses might be involved in the beneficial effects of long-term training as a function of training intensity, while HSP70 may be one of the factors accounting for the partial persistence of myocardial protection against I/R injury in detrained rats.


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A pilot study was conducted to determine the effect of a 10-week, low intensity, exercise training program on fear of falling and gait in fifty (mean age 78.1 years, 79% women) community-dwelling volunteers. Fear of falling (measured by falls self-efficacy) and gait performance were assessed at baseline and one week after program completion. At follow-up, participants modestly improved their falls self-efficacy and gait speed. To investigate whether this effect differed according to participants' fear of falling, secondary analyses stratified by subject's baseline falls efficacy were performed. Subjects with lower than average falls efficacy improved significantly their falls efficacy and gait performance, while no significant change occurred in the others. Small but significant improvements occurred after this pilot training program, particularly in subjects with low baseline falls efficacy. These results suggest that measures of falls efficacy might be useful for better targeting individuals most likely to benefit from similar training programs.


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New methods and devices for pursuing performance enhancement through altitude training were developed in Scandinavia and the USA in the early 1990s. At present, several forms of hypoxic training and/or altitude exposure exist: traditional 'live high-train high' (LHTH), contemporary 'live high-train low' (LHTL), intermittent hypoxic exposure during rest (IHE) and intermittent hypoxic exposure during continuous session (IHT). Although substantial differences exist between these methods of hypoxic training and/or exposure, all have the same goal: to induce an improvement in athletic performance at sea level. They are also used for preparation for competition at altitude and/or for the acclimatization of mountaineers. The underlying mechanisms behind the effects of hypoxic training are widely debated. Although the popular view is that altitude training may lead to an increase in haematological capacity, this may not be the main, or the only, factor involved in the improvement of performance. Other central (such as ventilatory, haemodynamic or neural adaptation) or peripheral (such as muscle buffering capacity or economy) factors play an important role. LHTL was shown to be an efficient method. The optimal altitude for living high has been defined as being 2200-2500 m to provide an optimal erythropoietic effect and up to 3100 m for non-haematological parameters. The optimal duration at altitude appears to be 4 weeks for inducing accelerated erythropoiesis whereas <3 weeks (i.e. 18 days) are long enough for beneficial changes in economy, muscle buffering capacity, the hypoxic ventilatory response or Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase activity. One critical point is the daily dose of altitude. A natural altitude of 2500 m for 20-22 h/day (in fact, travelling down to the valley only for training) appears sufficient to increase erythropoiesis and improve sea-level performance. 'Longer is better' as regards haematological changes since additional benefits have been shown as hypoxic exposure increases beyond 16 h/day. The minimum daily dose for stimulating erythropoiesis seems to be 12 h/day. For non-haematological changes, the implementation of a much shorter duration of exposure seems possible. Athletes could take advantage of IHT, which seems more beneficial than IHE in performance enhancement. The intensity of hypoxic exercise might play a role on adaptations at the molecular level in skeletal muscle tissue. There is clear evidence that intense exercise at high altitude stimulates to a greater extent muscle adaptations for both aerobic and anaerobic exercises and limits the decrease in power. So although IHT induces no increase in VO(2max) due to the low 'altitude dose', improvement in athletic performance is likely to happen with high-intensity exercise (i.e. above the ventilatory threshold) due to an increase in mitochondrial efficiency and pH/lactate regulation. We propose a new combination of hypoxic method (which we suggest naming Living High-Training Low and High, interspersed; LHTLHi) combining LHTL (five nights at 3000 m and two nights at sea level) with training at sea level except for a few (2.3 per week) IHT sessions of supra-threshold training. This review also provides a rationale on how to combine the different hypoxic methods and suggests advances in both their implementation and their periodization during the yearly training programme of athletes competing in endurance, glycolytic or intermittent sports.


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MI-based interventions are widely used with a number of different clinical populations and their efficacy has been well established. However, the clinicians' training has not traditionally been the focus of empirical investigations. We conducted a meta-analytic review of clinicians' MI-training and MI-skills findings. Fifteen studies were included, involving 715 clinicians. Pre-post training effect sizes were calculated (13 studies) as well as group contrast effect sizes (7 studies). Pre-post training comparisons showed medium to large ES of MI training, which are maintained over a short period of time. When compared to a control group, our results also suggested higher MI proficiency in the professionals trained in MI than in nontrained ones (medium ES). However, this estimate of ES may be affected by a publication bias and therefore, should be considered with caution. Methodological limitations and potential sources of heterogeneity of the studies included in this meta-analysis are discussed.


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Background: The 1st Swiss federal Transplant Law was finally enforced in July 2007 with the obligation to promote quality and efficiency in transplant procedures. The LODP was created to develop organ and tissue donation in the Latin area of Switzerland covering seventeen hospitals (29% of the population).Methods: Each of the partner hospitals designated at least one Local Donor Coordinator (LDC), member of the Intensive Care team, trained in the organ donation (OD) process. The principal tasks of the LDC's are the introduction of OD procedures, organisation of educational sessions for hospital staff and execution of the Donor Action programme. The LODP has been operational since July 2009, when training of the LDC's was completed, the web-site and hotline activated and the attendance of Transplant Procurement Coordinators (TPC) during the OD process organised.Results: National and regional guidelines are accessible on the LODP website. The Hospital Attitude Survey obtained a 57% return rate. Many of the staff requested training and sessions are now running in the partner hospitals. The Medical Record Revue revealed an increase in the conversion rate from 3.5% to 4.5%. During the 5 years before creation of LODP the average annual number of utilised donors was 31, an increase of 70%, has since been observed.Conclusion: This clear progression in utilised donors in the past two years can be attributed to the fact that partner hospitals benefit from the various support given (hotline, website and from TPC's). Despite the increase in OD within the LODP the Swiss donation rates remain low, on average 11.9 donors per million population. This successful model should be applied throughout Switzerland, but the crucial point is to obtain financial support.