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Las aplicaciones de alineamiento múltiple de secuencias son prototipos de aplicaciones que requieren elevada potencia de cómputo y memoria. Se destacan por la relevancia científica que tienen los resultados que brindan a investigaciones científicas en el campo de la biomedicina, genética y farmacología. Las aplicaciones de alineamiento múltiple tienen la limitante de que no son capaces de procesar miles de secuencias, por lo que se hace necesario crear un modelo para resolver la problemática. Analizando el volumen de datos que se manipulan en el área de las ciencias biológica y la complejidad de los algoritmos de alineamiento de secuencias, la única vía de solución del problema es a través de la utilización de entornos de cómputo paralelos y la computación de altas prestaciones. La investigación realizada por nosotros tiene como objetivo la creación de un modelo paralelo que le permita a los algoritmos de alineamiento múltiple aumentar el número de secuencias a procesar, tratando de mantener la calidad en los resultados para garantizar la precisión científica. El modelo que proponemos emplea como base la clusterización de las secuencias de entrada utilizando criterios biológicos que permiten mantener la calidad de los resultados. Además, el modelo se enfoca en la disminución del tiempo de cómputo y consumo de memoria. Para presentar y validar el modelo utilizamos T-Coffee, como plataforma de desarrollo e investigación. El modelo propuesto pudiera ser aplicado a cualquier otro algoritmo de alineamiento múltiple de secuencias.


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Abstract Right hemispheric stroke aphasia (RHSA) rarely occurs in right- or left-handed patients with their language representation in right hemisphere (RH). For right-handers, the term crossed aphasia is used. Single cases, multiple cases reports, and reviews suggest more variable anatomo-clinical correlations. We included retrospectively from our stroke data bank 16 patients (right- and left-handed, and ambidextrous) with aphasia after a single first-ever ischemic RH stroke. A control group was composed of 25 successive patients with left hemispheric stroke and aphasia (LHSA). For each patient, we analyzed four modalities of language (spontaneous fluency, naming, repetition, and comprehension) and recorded eventual impairment: (1) on admission (hyperacute) and (2) between day 3 and 14 (acute). Lesion volume and location as measured on computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) were transformed into Talairach stereotaxic space. Nonparametric statistics were used to compare impaired/nonimpaired patients. Comprehension and repetition were less frequently impaired after RHSA (respectively, 56% and 50%) than after LHSA (respectively, 84% and 80%, P = 0.05 and 0.04) only at hyperacute phase. Among RHSA, fewer left-handers/ambidextrous than right-handers had comprehension disorders at second evaluation (P = 0.013). Mean infarct size was similar in RHSA and LHSA with less posterior RHSA lesions (caudal to the posterior commissure). Comprehension and repetition impairments were more often associated with anterior lesions in RHSA (Fisher's exact test, P < 0.05). Despite the small size of the cohort, our findings suggest increased atypical anatomo-functional correlations of RH language representation, particularly in non-right-handed patients. Rapport de synthèse : Des aphasies secondaires à un accident vasculaire ischémique cérébral (AVC) hémisphérique droit sont rarement rencontrées chez des patients droitiers ou gauchers avec une représentation du langage dans l'hémisphère droit. Chez les droitiers, on parle d'aphasie croisée. Plusieurs études sur le sujet ont suggéré des corrélations anatomocliniques plus variables. Dans notre étude, nous avons inclus rétrospectivement, à partir d'une base de données de patients avec un AVC, seize patients (droitiers, gauchers et ambidextres) souffrant d'une aphasie suite à un premier et unique AVC ischémique hémisphérique droit. Un groupe contrôle est composé de vingt-cinq patients successifs avec une aphasie suite à un AVC ischémique hémisphérique gauche. Pour chaque patient, nous avons analysé quatre modalités de langage, à savoir la fluence spontanée, la dénomination, la répétition et la compréhension et leur éventuelle atteinte à deux moments distincts : 1) à l'admission (phase hyperaiguë) et 2) entre le 3e et le 14e jour (phase aiguë). Le volume et la localisation de la lésion mesurés, soit sur un CT-scanner soit sur une imagerie par résonance magnétique cérébrale, ont été analysés à l'aide de l'échelle stéréotaxique de Talairach. Des statistiques non paramétriques ont été utilisées pour comparer les patients atteints et non atteints. . La compréhension et la répétition étaient moins souvent atteintes, seulement en phase hyperaiguë, après une aphasie suite à un AVC hémisphérique droit (resp. 56% et 50%) plutôt que gauche (resp. 84 % et 80%, p= 0.05 et 0.04). Parmi les aphasies suite à un AVC ischémique hémisphérique droit, moins de gauchers et d'ambidextres que de droitiers avaient des troubles de la compréhension lors de la seconde évaluation (p=0.013}. La .taille moyenne de la zone infarcie était semblable entre les aphasies droites et gauches, avec moins de lésions postérieures (caudale à la commissure postérieure) lors des aphasies droites. Les troubles de la répétition et de la compréhension étaient plus souvent associés à des lésions antérieures lors d'aphasie droite. (Fischer's exact test, p>0.05). Malgré la petite taille de notre cohorte de patients, ces résultats suggèrent une augmentation des corrélations anatomocliniques atypiques lors d'une représentation du langage dans l'hémisphère droit, surtout chez les patients non droitiers.


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Background: Previous studies reported an increase of mean platelet volume (MPV) in patients with acute ischemic stroke. However, its correlation with stroke severity has not been investigated. Moreover, studies on the association of MPV with functional outcome yielded inconsistent results. Methods: We included all consecutive ischemic stroke patients admitted to CHUV (Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois) Neurology Service within 24 h after stroke onset who had MPV measured on admission. The association of MPV with stroke severity (NIHSS score at admission and at 24 h) and outcome (Rankin Scale score at 3 and 12 months) was analyzed in univariate analysis. The chi(2) test was performed to compare the frequency of minor strokes (NIHSS score </=4) and good functional outcome (Rankin Scale score </=2) across MPV quartiles. The ANOVA test was used to compare MPV between stroke subtypes according to the TOAST classification. Student's two-tailed unpaired t test was performed to compare MPV between lacunar and nonlacunar strokes. MPV was generated at admission by the Sysmex XE-2100 automated cell counter (Sysmex Corporation, Kobe, Japan) from EDTA blood samples. Results: There was no significant difference in the frequency of minor strokes (p = 0.46) and good functional outcome (p = 0.06) across MPV quartiles. MPV was not associated with stroke severity or outcome in univariate analysis. There was no significant difference in MPV between stroke subtypes according to the TOAST classification (p = 0.173) or between lacunar and nonlacunar strokes (10.50 +/- 0.91 vs. 10.40 +/- 0.81 fl, p = 0.322). Conclusions: MPV, assessed within 24 h after ischemic stroke onset, is not associated with stroke severity or functional outcome.


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El sinhogarismo es un fenómeno emergente que ha aumentado en los países desarrollados económicamente durante los últimos veinte años. En este estado de la cuestión se presentan los ejes temáticos en los que se han centrado las investigaciones sobre sinhogarismo publicadas durante la última década (1999-2008) en varias revistas académicas de geografía y los argumentos principales de estos estudios. Asimismo, se debate en torno a la definición del sinhogarismo, se muestran sus causas principales y se presentan algunos datos sobre su cuantificación y caracterización.


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La investigació actualitza les dades de dues recerques anteriors, la publicada l’any 1993 i la publicada el 2004/2005. Aquesta sèrie, que ja suma 3 recerques, permet comparar les taxes de reincidència penitenciària de 1992, 2002 i 2008 i totes les variables que es deriven dels estudis. En aquesta nova recerca la població objecte d’estudi són les 2.579 persones que van sortir excarcerades l’any 2002, d’alguna de les presons catalanes, per algun dels motius previstos a la llei o per haver protagonitzat un trencament de condemna (un no reingrés de permís, no haver tornat d’una sortida laboral o haver protagonitzat una evasió). La grandària de la mostra és de 1.403 persones. L’estudi ha consistit a recollir informació sobre diferents variables descriptives del perfil personal, penal i penitenciari dels components de la mostra i a comprovar si, un cop excarcerats l’any 2002, tornaven al sistema penitenciari, com a preventius o penats, per haver comés un nou delicte posteriorment a la data d’excarceració (reincidència penitenciària). El període de seguiment ha estat fins al 31 de desembre de 2007. Diverses anàlisis ens han permet descriure relacions significatives entre les variables estudiades i la reincidència. La font de les dades ha estat, com en els altres dos estudis, el SIPC (sistema informàtic penitenciari català).


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El estudio actualiza los datos de dos investigaciones anteriores realizadas sobre la misma temática. En esta se estudian las personas excarceladas el año 2002, a las que se les hace un seguimiento hasta el 31 de diciembre de 2007 para saber si han vuelto al sistema penitenciario, por un nuevo delito cometido en fecha posterior a la de su excarcelación. En la investigación se realizan diversos análisis que han permitido describir las relaciones significativas entre las variables estudiadas y la reincidencia.


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Aquest treball presenta un estudi sobre les variables de risc de reincidència d’un grup de 315 delinqüents sexuals. Els subjectes han estat obtinguts del total d’interns que van sortir en llibertat condicional o definitiva de les presons de Catalunya entre 1998 i 2003. La investigació té dues parts. Una primera quantitativa on s’analitza la capacitat predictiva de 18 variables representatives de la carrera delictiva, l’incompliment de les mesures de supervisió a la comunitat, la conflictivitat a la presó, el tractament i les condicions de la condemna. Durant un període de seguiment que va de tres anys i 10 mesos a nou anys i dos mesos s’ha enregistrat la reincidència en delictes sexuals, delictes violents, qualsevol tipus de delicte violent (tant sexual com no sexual) i reincidència general. A la segona part, qualitativa, s’han fet entrevistes semiestructurades a un grup de 14 delinqüents sexuals dels quals nou havien reincidit i cinc estaven en llibertat condicional. Si bé les variables més comunes a la investigació sobre delinqüència general han mostrat relació amb la reincidència general, només tres variables de la carrera delictiva han mostrat relació amb la reincidència sexual. L’estudi qualitatiu ha permès obtenir informació sobre la influència de les variables dinàmiques més importants. A partir de l’anàlisi del procés del delicte es configuren tres perfils de delinqüents sexuals que ja s’havien trobat a altres investigacions. A partir de la informació obtinguda es proposen algunes orientacions pels programes de tractament.


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The purpose of this study was to determine the prognostic accuracy of perfusion computed tomography (CT), performed at the time of emergency room admission, in acute stroke patients. Accuracy was determined by comparison of perfusion CT with delayed magnetic resonance (MR) and by monitoring the evolution of each patient's clinical condition. Twenty-two acute stroke patients underwent perfusion CT covering four contiguous 10mm slices on admission, as well as delayed MR, performed after a median interval of 3 days after emergency room admission. Eight were treated with thrombolytic agents. Infarct size on the admission perfusion CT was compared with that on the delayed diffusion-weighted (DWI)-MR, chosen as the gold standard. Delayed magnetic resonance angiography and perfusion-weighted MR were used to detect recanalization. A potential recuperation ratio, defined as PRR = penumbra size/(penumbra size + infarct size) on the admission perfusion CT, was compared with the evolution in each patient's clinical condition, defined by the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS). In the 8 cases with arterial recanalization, the size of the cerebral infarct on the delayed DWI-MR was larger than or equal to that of the infarct on the admission perfusion CT, but smaller than or equal to that of the ischemic lesion on the admission perfusion CT; and the observed improvement in the NIHSS correlated with the PRR (correlation coefficient = 0.833). In the 14 cases with persistent arterial occlusion, infarct size on the delayed DWI-MR correlated with ischemic lesion size on the admission perfusion CT (r = 0.958). In all 22 patients, the admission NIHSS correlated with the size of the ischemic area on the admission perfusion CT (r = 0.627). Based on these findings, we conclude that perfusion CT allows the accurate prediction of the final infarct size and the evaluation of clinical prognosis for acute stroke patients at the time of emergency evaluation. It may also provide information about the extent of the penumbra. Perfusion CT could therefore be a valuable tool in the early management of acute stroke patients.


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Background: To study the characteristics of vascular aphasia in a cohort of patients with a first-ever stroke. Methods: All patients admitted to the Lausanne neurology department for a first-ever stroke between 1979 and 2004 were included. Neurological examination including language was performed on admission. Stroke risk factors, stroke origin and location, associated symptoms and Rankin scale scores were recorded for each patient. The influence of these factors on aphasia frequency and subtypes was analyzed using logistic regression models. Results: 1,541 (26%) of patients included in this study had aphasia. The more frequent clinical presentations were expressive-receptive aphasia (38%) and mainly expressive aphasia (37%), whereas mainly receptive aphasia was less frequently observed (25%). In ischemic stroke, the frequency of aphasia increased with age (55% of nonaphasic vs. 61% of aphasic patients were more than 65 years old), female sex (40% of women in the nonaphasia group vs. 44% in the aphasia group) and risk factors for cardioembolic origin (coronary heart disease 20 vs. 26% and atrial fibrillation 15 vs. 24%). Stroke aphasia was more likely associated with superficial middle cerebral artery (MCA) stroke and leads to relevant disability. Clinical subtypes depended on stroke location and associated symptoms. Exceptions to the classic clinical-topographic correlations were not rare (26%). Finally, significant differences were found for patients with crossed aphasia in terms of stroke origin and aphasia subtypes. Conclusions: Risk factors for stroke aphasia are age, cardioembolic origin and superficial MCA stroke. Exceptions to classic clinical-topographic correlations are not rare. Stroke aphasia is associated with relevant disability. Stroke location and associated symptoms strongly influence aphasia subtypes.


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Ante la creciente necesidad de puesta a punto de técnicas de cultivo de manzano en agricultura ecológica (AE), el IRTA (Institut de Recerca i Tecnologia Agroalimentàries) de Cataluña y el SERIDA (Servicio Regional de Investigación y Desarrollo Agroalimentario) de Asturias han aunado esfuerzos para estudiar los puntos críticos de la producción y proponer soluciones técnicas al sector productor. Las investigaciones que se presentan se han centrado en el estudio de la adaptación a las condiciones locales de variedades resistentes y de algunas de las principales variedades comerciales, en la evaluación de técnicas de control del moteado y del pulgón ceniciento, en el desarrollo de itinerarios prácticos para reducir la alternancia de cosechas y obtener frutos de buen calibre y calidad, y en el manejo de cubiertas arvenses para limitar la competencia de la vegetación espontánea y propiciar la conservación de los enemigos naturales y el control biológico de las plagas. Se trata, en definitiva, de disponer de alternativas de manejo que permitan obtener una manzana de la máxima calidad producida de manera respetuosa con el medio ambiente y la salud, en el marco de una orientación agroecológica. A la vista de los resultados, se muestra que la producción ecológica de manzana es factible, aunque será necesario seguir profundizando en la optimización del sistema de producción.


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Background: Inhibition of the c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) pathway by the TAT-coupled peptide XG-102 (formerly D-JNKI1) induces strong neuroprotection in ischemic stroke in rodents. We investigated the effect of JNK inhibition in intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH). Methods: Three hours after induction of ICH by intrastriatal collagenase injection in mice, the animals received an intravenous injection of 100 mu g/kg of XG-102. The neurological outcome was assessed daily and the mice were sacrificed at 6 h, 1, 2 or 5 days after ICH. Results: XG-102 administration significantly improved the neurological outcome at 1 day (p < 0.01). The lesion volume was significantly decreased after 2 days (29 +/- 11 vs. 39 +/- 5 mm(3) in vehicle-treated animals, p < 0.05). There was also a decreased hemispheric swelling (14 +/- 13 vs. 26 +/- 9% in vehicle-treated animals, p < 0.05) correlating with increased aquaporin 4 expression. Conclusions: XG-102 attenuates cerebral edema in ICH and functional impairment at early time points. The beneficial effects observed with XG-102 in ICH, as well as in ischemic stroke, open the possibility to rapidly treat stroke patients before imaging, thereby saving precious time.


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Els ports esportius a nivell català han augmentat considerablement a causa de la creixent afició a la navegació i els esports nàutics. L’increment de la demanda d’amarratges al port i la conseqüent concentració d’iots, ha implicat la necessitat d’un estudi dels seus impactes potencials. El Port Garraf té un impacte més reduït degut a que prioritzen les embarcacions de vela, en canvi pel que fa al Port d’Aiguadolç i Port Ginesta la proporció d’embarcacions a motor és superior, per tant tindran un consum més elevat de combustible. Pel que fa a residus especials, concretament olis, els tres ports tenen un impacte sever per la difícil recuperació del medi en cas d’accident, encara que hi ha una bona gestió en els ports. Per acabar el Port d’Aiguadolç és el que té un consum d’aigua superior. Segons la comparació que s’ha realitzat dels diferents fluxos, es pot concloure que el port Ginesta és el més sostenible. Gràcies a la bona gestió portuària i a la sensibilització dels usuaris del port, tot i tenir major superfície i més quantitat d’embarcacions, aquest port és el que té menors impactes potencials.


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We compared cerebral blood flow velocity during anesthesia with sevoflurane and halothane in 23 children admitted for elective surgery (age, 0.4-9.7 yr; median age, 1.9 yr; ASA physical status I-II). Inhaled induction was performed in a randomized sequence with sevoflurane or halothane. Under steady-state conditions, cerebral blood flow velocity (systolic [V(s)], mean [V(mn)], and diastolic [VD]) were measured by a blinded investigator using transcranial pulsed Doppler ultrasonography. The anesthetic was then changed. CBFV measurements were repeated after washout of the first anesthetic and after steady-state of the second (equivalent minimal alveolar concentration to first anesthetic). The resistance index was calculated. VD and V(mn) were significantly lower during sevoflurane (V(mn) 1.35 m/s) than during halothane (V(mn) 1.50 m/s; P = 0.001), whereas V(s) was unchanged. The resistance index was lower during halothane (P < 0.001). Our results indicate lower vessel resistance and higher mean velocity during halothane than during sevoflurane. IMPLICATIONS: The mean cerebral blood flow velocity is significantly decreased in children during inhaled anesthesia with sevoflurane than during halothane. This might be relevant for the choice of anesthetic in children with risk of increased intracranial pressure, neurosurgery, or craniofacial osteotomies.


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The Chronic Conditions Hub is a website that brings together information on chronic health conditions. It allows you to easily access, manage and share relevant information resources. The Chronic Conditions Hub includes the Institute of Public Health in Ireland’s (IPH) estimates and forecasts of the number of people living with chronic conditions. On the Chronic Conditions Hub you will find: - A Briefing for each condition - Detailed technical documentation - Detailed national and sub-national data that can be downloaded or explored using online data tools - A prevalence tool that allows you to calculate prevalence figures for your population data A stroke happens when blood flow to a part of the brain is interrupted by a blocked or burst blood vessel. A lack of blood supply can damage brain cells and affect body functions. IPH has systematically estimated and forecast the prevalence of stroke on the island of Ireland.   Epidemiology Age, family history, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, smoking, unhealthy diet, physical inactivity and alcohol are the main risk factors for stroke. The World Health Organization estimates that stroke and cerebrovascular disease is responsible for 10% of all world deaths and is the second most common cause of death worldwide. Cerebrovascular diseases (ICD 10 codes I60-I69) were responsible for 7.2% of all deaths in the Republic of Ireland in 2009 and for 8.6% of all deaths in Northern Ireland in 2010.