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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This paper presents a study of the applicability of adsorption isotherms, known as Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm, between the biosorptive interaction of yeast lyophilized Saccharomyces cerevisiae and textile dyes. To that end, we prepared stock solutions of the textile dyes Direct Red 23 and Direct Red 75 in the concentration of 1.000μg/mL and a yeast suspension at 2,5%. We did experiments for two cases, firstly for the case that we have a fix concentration of yeast at 0,500mg/mL and an variable concentration of dye range from40, 50, 60, 80 and 100μg/mL, then for the case that we fixed the concentration of dye at 100μg/mL and the yeast concentration was variable range from 0,250, 0,500, 0,750, 1,000, 1,250mg/mL. For the dye Direct Red 23 we did analysis in the pH 2,5, 4,5 and 6,5; for the Direct Red 75, we just did for the pH 2,5. We leave the dye solution in contact with the yeast for 2 hours at a constant temperature of 30°C and then centrifuged and analyzed the sample in a spectrophotometer and finally made and analysis of parameters for the removal and study of the isotherms. After the biosorption, was observed that for the Direct Red 23 in the pH 2,5 was needed 1,407mg/mL of yeast for total removal, while for the pH 4,5 was needed 8,806mg/mL and in pH 6,5 was 9,286mg/mL; for the Direct Red 75 in pH 2,5 was needed 1,337mg/mL. This difference can be explain by the adsorption isotherms, was observed that in the case when the yeast was fix when we had in a acid pH the behavior of the system was compatible with the Langmuir isotherm, and thus, an monolayer pattern. And that when we decrease the acidity of the medium the system became more compatible with a Freundlich isotherm, and thus, a multilayer pattern; for the case that the yeast was variable this is not much evident, however for the pH 2,5 she became compatible with a Langmuir isotherm... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
Baccharis trimera (Less.) DC. Asteraceae e Casearia sylvestris Swartz Salicaceae são plantas nativas do Brasil e de uso tradicional em doenças do trato digestório. Seus extratos e substâncias purificadas apresentaram diversas atividades farmacológicas (ex.antiulcerogênica, antimicrobiana) e baixa toxicidade. O Helicobacter pylori (bacilo gram-negativo) coloniza o estômago humano, associada ao maior risco de incidência de várias doenças (úlceras pépticas, linfomas e adenocarcinomas gástricos). Com o objetivo de avaliar a atividade antibacteriana de diferentes extratos, frações e substâncias de ambas as plantas medicinais, extratos de partes aéreas de B. trimera e de folhas de C. sylvestris foram preparados utilizando-se técnicas de maceração, obtendo-se o extrato acetato de etila e etanólico de C. sylvestris e acetato de etila, etanólico, etanol 70% e hexânico de B. trimera. Estes foram fracionados e analisados por técnicas cromatográficas. Os extratos e suas frações e substâncias foram submetidos a ensaios para avaliação da atividade antibacteriana para a determinação da concentração inibitória mínima (CIM). O método utilizado para os ensaios foi a diluição em microplacas usando as bactérias Helicobacter pylori ATCC 43504, Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923 e Escherichia coli ATCC 25922. A partir do fracionamento do extrato acetato de etila de B. trimera e do extrato etanólico de C. sylvestris foram obtidas oito frações distintas do EAcBt e a fração de diterpenos do EEtCs. A análise em CCD demonstrou a presença de casearina X, B e caseargrewiina F na fração de diterpenos (EFSCs2). Os extratos da B. trimera EAcBt, EEtBt e EEt70Bt e da C. sylvestris EAcCs e EEtCs apresentaram atividade anti-H. pylori, com valores de CIM de 250, 500, 500, 125 e 750 g/mL, respectivamente... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
Health Care Waste (HCW) represents 1%, and it has presently gained a lot of importance. Adequate management is one of the great challenges to be faced by health care centers. It has gained distinction and been widely discussed by members of the sectors involved with sanitation, public health and environmental issues due to waste physical, chemical biological characteristics, which pose potential risk to the environment and public health. The present study aims at evaluating HCW internal management by following all its phases, determining indicators, classifying and quantifying, establishing production rates (kg /patient/day) for the sector and designing materials to disseminate appropriate HCW disposal in the Emergency Room of the UNESP University Hospital in the city of Botucatu according to the guidelines presently in force. : From June to October 2011, the waste flow was observed from its production to final disposal. Four weight measurements were performed on four consecutive days in the month of August by using a properly calibrated (in grams) digital scale at the times scheduled for collection of the produced waste. Hence, the daily and monthly amounts were estimated according to their classification. All the waste packaged in the bags in garbage cans in the Emergency Room for a 24-hour period was considered to be a sample. Separation was not adequately performed in that sector, and waste from Group A was mixed with that from Group D. The amount of infectious waste produced in the sector corresponded to 87.80 %, common waste to 10.93 % and recyclable waste to 1.27%. The mean daily HCW production was of 123.300 kg/day, and the total monthly production was of 3,822 kg/month, which was distributed as follows: Group A 3,355,750 kg/month; Group D 417,570 kg/month and recyclables 48,670 kg/month. The production rate corresponded to 0.47 kg/patient/day, thus showing... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
The Atlantic forest has a large number of endemic species due to the varieties of environments, altitudes, and climates found along its distribution. The species Brachycephalus ephippium is an example of endemic anuran from this forest formation, occurring in the states of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Minas Gerais, between 750 and 1200 m altitude. This species is abundant in the Serra do Japi, an Atlantic Forest remnant, which houses high biodiversity, located in Jundiaí city, between three big urban centers in the state of São Paulo. This remnant, which has altitude ranging between 700 and 1300 meters, is threatened by global climate changes and, spite of legally protected, by intense pressure of urbanization. The aim of the present study was to verify the association between of environmental variables with the abundance and distribution of B. ephippium in the Serra do Japi. The air relative humidity showed a positive correlation with the presence of B. ephippium individuals and the best model to explain the abundance involved air relative temperature and litter temperature. These results allowed the investigation of the environment use by this species and can be used to provide conservationist actions
Introdução: O futsal é uma modalidade esportiva altamente dinâmica e sua prática em nível de rendimento é caracterizada por uma exigência altíssima dos sistemas anaeróbio e aeróbio, sendo o último, responsável por sustentar as altas intensidades exigidas durante a partida. Um exemplo de teste para avaliar a capacidade aeróbia é o “Circuito de Hoff”, porém específico para o futebol. Com a finalidade de elaborar um protocolo de teste específico para o futsal, este estudo procura padronizar o teste “Circuito de Hoff” como uma forma i ndireta de i nvestigar a capacidade aeróbia de atletas dessa modalidade. Objetivo: Padroni zar o “Circuito de Hoff” para avaliação da capacidade aeróbia de jogadores de futsal, determinada pelo teste de lactato mínimo. Metodologia: Participaram do estudo 8 atletas de futsal do sexo masculino (idade: 21,75±2,05 anos) pertencentes a uma equipe universitária de competição do Estado de São Paulo. Inicialmente os participantes passaram por uma avaliação antropométrica e deram início ao um período de 5 dias de familiarização ao Hofffutsal e logo após então realizaram o teste de lactato mínimo no circuito Hofffutsal. Após 7 dias, teste de lactato mínimo no circuito Hofffutsal foi reaplicado para a verificação da reprodutibilidade (intra-teste). Para análise estatística de normalidade e homogeneidade dos dados foram utilizados os testes Shapiro-Wilks e Levene respectivamente. Para comparação dos resultados foi realizado o teste t de Student pareado e a correlação de Pearson (p<0,05). Resultados: O teste t de Student não encontrou diferenças estatísticas entre os valores de Lac_mín teste x Lac_min Re-teste, e R2 Teste X R2 Re-teste. Apresentou-se valores de 7,75±0,29 mmol/l de lactato mínimo e r2 de 0,94±0,09 para teste e um valor de 7,69±0,29 mmol/l de lactato mínimo ...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
This study focuses on metasedimentary rocks from the Passos Nappe in São Sebastião do Paraíso, southern Minas Gerais, Brazil. These rocks belong to the Internal Domain (Araxa Group) of the Southern Brasilia Belt, a Neproterozoic orogenic belt associated to the formation of the Gondwana Supercontinent. Rocks from the studied area are characterized by an inverted metamorphic gradient. Previously calculated metamorphic conditions show an increasing from geenschist facies at the base (450°C, 6 kbar), to upper amphibolite facies (750°C, 11 Kbar) at the top of the sequence. However, most of these estimates are based on Fe-Mg exchange thermometers and peak temperatures may be underestimated due to Fe-Mg exchange from cooling after peak metamorphism. In this study, we present new PT results for these rocks, based on metamorphic mineral assemblage LA-ICP-MS analyses. In the studied area, rocks from the top of the sequence have a typical granulite facies mineral assemblage: Grt+Ky+Kfs+/-Pl+liq. These rocks lack muscovite and have only minor amounts of Ti-rich, dark brown biotite. In a simplified NaKFMASH system the stability field for this mineral assemblage is bounded by the reactions Sil = Ky on the low pressure side, Ms+Ab = Ky+Kfs+liq on the low temperature side and for high-Mg bulk compositions Bt + Grt = Opx + Ky + liq on the high-temperature side. Minimum temperatures (considering post-peak reequilibration) of ca. 750°C are obtained by Fe/(Fe+Mg) values of 0.7 in garnets from a Grt+Ky+Kfs bearing sample. LA-ICP-MS results obtained for three samples show that rutiles included in garnets have up to 1847 ppm of Zr, which would translate into temperatures up to 830°C for a pressure between 12 to 15 kbar. Also for retroeclogite sample, the results indicate the contents of Zr in the garnet 537 ppm at a temperature of 708 ° C. It is noteworthy that several occurrences of retroeclogites occur in the upper part of the sequence and pressures...
Pós-graduação em Genética e Melhoramento Animal - FCAV
Pós-graduação em Química - IQ
To evaluate the effect of the oxidative stress on human dental pulp cells (HDPCs) promoted by toxic concentrations of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) on its odontoblastic differentiation capability through time. Methods HDPCs were exposed to two different concentrations of H2O2 (0.1 and 0.3 μg/ml) for 30 min. Thereafter, cell viability (MTT assay) and oxidative stress generation (H2DCFDA fluorescence assay) were immediately evaluated. Data were compared with those for alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity (thymolphthalein assay) and mineralized nodule deposition (alizarin red) by HDPCs cultured for 7 days in osteogenic medium. Results A significant reduction in cell viability and oxidative stress generation occurred in the H2O2-treated cells when compared with negative controls (no treatment), in a concentration-dependent fashion. Seven days after H2O2 treatment, the cells showed significant reduction in ALP activity compared with negative control and no mineralized nodule deposition. Conclusion Both concentrations of H2O2 were toxic to the cells, causing intense cellular oxidative stress, which interfered with the odontogenic differentiation capability of the HDPCs. Clinical significance The intense oxidative stress on HDPCs mediated by H2O2 at toxic concentrations promotes intense reduction on odontoblastic differentiation capability in a 7-day evaluation period, which may alter the initial pulp healing capability in the in vivo situation.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)