974 resultados para 368.28
Los métodos de estimación indirecta de variables sociodemográficas para áreas geográficas menores han experimentado un franco desarrollo en América Latina y el Caribe. Aunque algunos de estos métodos tienen referentes en trabajos que datan de varias décadas atrás, durante los años noventa confluyeron tres factores principales, que dieron un gran impulso a esta línea de investigación: a) el fuerte aumento de la demanda de este tipo de información, originado en exigencias legales vinculadas a la representación política o a ciertas asignaciones presupuestarias, en el marco de procesos de descentralización, ven la focalización de las políticas sociales en general; b) una mayor frecuencia, periodicidad y sistematización del levantamiento de encuestas de hogares y demográficas con representación nacional, urbana y rural, y c) la más amplia disponibilidad de medios computacionales de bajo costo y alta velocidad de procesamiento de bases de datos con varios miles o millones de registros individuales, como las encuestas y los censos de población y vivienda. En los artículos aquí reunidos, los temas y variables estudiados (población, prevalencia y demanda anticonceptiva, ingreso, pobreza), las fuentes de información utilizadas (registros vitales y administrativos, censos, encuestas) y los procedimientos de análisis y estimación (imputación proporcional simple, tipificación, análisis discriminante y de regresión) pueden aparecer, en una primera mirada, bastante disímiles. No obstante, los trabajos tienen importantes elementos en común, como el propósito de obtener estimaciones de indicadores de forma indirecta, cuando es imposible o insatisfactoria la estimación directa; el recurso a la combinación de dos o mas fuentes de información, y la especificación y elaboración de modelos estadísticos, en general de tipo multivariado, apropiados para el objetivo que se persigue.
Neste trabalho, é feita uma tentativa para estabelecer a influência dos teores [0,5; 0,7 e 0,9]%Si, como agentes modificadores da liga Al-0,05%Cu-[0,24-0,28]%Fe, avaliada através de aspectos que levaram em conta parâmetros operacionais de vazamentos unidirecionais horizontais tais como velocidades (Vs) e taxas de solidificação (Tx). Após operações de corte e usinagem foram obtidos perfis cilíndricos, com diâmetros de 9,5mm e comprimento de 120mm, a partir dos quais, após operações de trabalho à frio, chegou-se a fios com diâmetros de 2,7; 3,0; 3,8 e 4,0mm. Estes perfis foram submetidos à caracterização elétrica, com base na condutividade elétrica, à caracterização mecânica, com base em ensaios tensão/deformação enfatizando o alongamento, e a caracterização estrutural em seções longitudinais, com ênfase na distribuição das partículas de segunda fase e no aspecto da fratura, na qual a metodologia de avaliação das dimensões das microcavidades se utiliza da razão do cumprimento (L) pela largura (W).
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
INTRODUCTION: Basketball is characterized with high injury rate. In the literature it's not defined whether or not there are differences between the sexes. OBJECTIVE: Characterize and analyze the incidence of athletic injuries in basketball players, comparing the sexes. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Fifteen under-23 category athletes of each sex were interviewed with the reported morbidity inquire. RESULTS: The age of the female and male teams, in average, was 18 ± 0.65 and 18.20 ± 1.57 years respectively. The male team had more injuries than the female one (respectively 2.6 ± 1.45 against 1.2 ± 1.18, p < 0.05). The joint damage was the most common injury in the male team, representing 58.97%, and the second most common in the female team (33.33%). The lower limbs were the most common injured sites (80.95% in the female and 69.23% in the male). The most frequent injury mechanism in the male team was the landing (43.59%), and in the female was the vertical jump (28.57%). In both teams the most injuries occurred during the training (61.9% in the female and 71.8% in the male). The absence was necessary in 47.62% (female) and 56.41% (male). Great part of the athletes didn't received any treatment (61.9% and 51.28% in the female and male team respectively). The return to the activities was mostly symptomatic, in both female and male team (85.71% and 84.62% respectively). CONCLUSION: The incidence of injuries in basketball is higher in the lower limbs. The male team is more likely to suffer injuries, and the main injury mechanisms were different between male and female team.
This paper proposes a comparative analysis of cultural critical, articles and reports related to the 28th International Biennial of Art of São Paulo published in the newspapers O Estado de S. Paulo and Jornal Semanal da 28ª Bienal de São Paulo, from October to December 2008. Specific aims of analysis are how an institution devoted, like Biennial, creates mechanisms to defend their choices and hegemonic position within the arts field and also to examine how this dedication can be demystified by critics from diffusion field not linked to the institution. For the study will be used the concepts of field, hierarchy of legitimacy and position of an agent developed by Pierre Bourdieu, as well as historical notions of Cultural Journalism and journalistic criticism