978 resultados para 357-M0076B
This work had as objective verifies the water quality used for irrigation by the vegetables producers of Botucatu-SP area. They were interviewed 27 producers that sell vegetables in the street markets of Botucatu. Among these producers, ten were selected, being one of each place. Three samples of water of each source were collected. The main standard to evaluate the obtained results were the CONAMA Resolution (National Environment Council) N° 357, March 17, 2005, that it establishes the standard for water classification. The Electric Conductivity was evaluated of agreement value suggested by CETESB and the color was verified according to OMS (Health World Organization), for potable water due to CONAMA Resolution not to stipulate a value for classification. For the public health, just the coliformes and nitrate are the preoccupying variables for they be related with the incidence of diseases, so, the analyzed waters, 40% of them (A, F, H and J producers) offer some risk for the health of Botucatu population, second established standard for CONAMA. We can to conclude that in a general way, those waters, are in conditions no alarming, because they don't present values very different from those established by the legislation.
We use the black hole entropy function to study the effect of Born-Infeld terms on the entropy of extremal black holes in heterotic string theory in four dimensions. We find, that after adding a set of higher curvature terms to the effective action, attractor mechanism, works and Born-Infeld terms contribute to the stretching of near horizon geometry. In the α′ → 0 limit, the solutions of attractor equations for moduli, fields and the resulting entropy, are in conformity with the ones for standard two charge black holes.
Copper, zinc and nickel oxides present different properties in nanostructured form. These nanomaterials present very interesting morphologies such as urchin and flowers. This differents arquitechures can be employed in near future in several areas of applications as: nanocatalysis, nanooptoeletronic and nanomedicine.
Cytogenetical data in 3 populations of characid fish assigned to the complex of Astyanax scabripinnis from São Francisco river basin and Grande river basin, Minas Gerais State, Brazil, are presented for the first time. The same diploid number, 2n=50, was detected in the 3 populations, which has conspicuous differences involving karyotype morphology: 8M, 20SM, 6ST and 16A (Cambeba stream), 6M, 28SM, 6ST and 10A (Machado headwater), 6M, 24SM, 8ST and 12A (Pedra Branca stream). Differences involving amount and/or locations of heterochromatin blocks, number and position of nucleolar organizer regions (NORs) and CMA3 positive signals were also observed. Some aspects related to the chromosome diversification of Astyanax scabripinnis are discussed. © 2007 The Japan Mendel Society.
The interaction of the leafhopper-of-roots with the sugar cane is still poorly marked and there is little information on resistant varieties. The phenolic compounds are involved in resistance mechanisms of the antibiosis type, but few studies are devoted to the studying role of these compounds in the interaction of plants with sucking insects. The study was conducted to determine how the sugar cane responded to the infestation of Mahanarva fimbriolata in terms of accumulation of phenolic compounds. An experiment was carried out under controlled conditions in a randomized design in a factorial schedule 3 x 2 x 4, with 3 genotypes and sugar cane, 2 levels of nymphs infestation of M. fimbriolata and sampling 4 times, with 4 repetitions. The genotypes SP80-1816 and RB72454 showed higher levels of total phenols when subjected to an infestation of the pest, but the duration of the nymphal stage and mortality of sharpshooters were significantly lower in those varieties, indicating that the increase in the concentration of phenolic compounds may had been caused by death and decay of the roots. It was not observed variation in levels of total phenols in the variety SP83- 5073 subject to an infestation of M. fimbriolata. However, the mortality of the leafhopperof- roots and duration of the stage of nymphs were significantly higher in genotype, indicating the existence of resistance-type antibiosis. Analysis of correlation showed that higher initial levels of phenolic compounds resulting in mortality of the pest can increase the duration of the nymph stage.
Aim: Several typing methods for Candida spp. have been suggested in the literature in order to distinguish isolates for studies about the virulence or infection routes of these microorganisms and, in particular, for epidemiological purposes. The aim of this study was to establish a comparison between the phenotypic profile of oral Candida isolates from periodontitis patients and control individuals. Methods: The morphotyping and biotyping of 35 C. albicans isolates obtained from chronic periodontitis patients and 48 isolates from control individuals were performed. For morphotyping, the isolates were plated on malt extract agar and incubated for 10 days. Sixteen different morphotypes were observed for C. albicans, the most frequently observed being 0000 and 0001. Results: Biotype 0000 (complete absence of fringe) was most prevalent among the isolates obtained from periodontitis patients compared to those from control individuals, with statistical significance. Biotyping revealed 5 different biotypes with higher prevalence of the biotype 357 among the isolates from control and periodontitis groups. Conclusions: The results obtained by biotyping of the isolates did not permit to differentiate a characteristic model related to periodontal disease, whilst the morphotype 0000 was most frequently isolated from periodontitis patients.
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Objectve: To perform a critical analysis of the diet record model adopted, to evaluate the cariogenicity of the maternal diet, and the incidence of dental caries in pregnant women treated at a prevent on clinic in an undergraduate dental course. Method: A cross-sectional study was performed with consultations to the database of the clinic and review of patients' charts and diet records. The sample was calculated and 205 patents were randomly selected. Bivariate statistical analysis was done at a significance level of 5% (α=0.05), using the statistical soft wares Epi Info versão 3.2, GraphPad Instat 3.6 and BioEstat. Results: The analysis of the diet records showed that 68.8% of the pregnant women presented a cariogenic diet, with high frequency of ingest on of fermentable carbon hydrates, mainly sucrose, with liquid consistency, and preferably consumed between the main meals. There was higher trend of the pregnant women mentioning a low frequency of carbon hydrate ingestion during the interview, while registering a diet rich of these components in their diet records (p<0.0001). The mean DMFT of the patients was 13.9 ± 5.4. There was no statistically significant association between diet and oral health variables (p>0.05). Conclusion: The diet record was proven an effective and valid method, if correctly employed. The prevalence of dental caries in the group of pregnant women was high and, although more than half of the sample presented a cariogenic diet, a significant association between diet and co-factors was not found.
The Cerrado (Brazilian savanna) has suffered massive destruction in recent years, mainly due to the expansion of agricultural areas. Many remnants of this vegetation are still poorly studied. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to carry out a floristic survey in a remnant of Cerrado in the municipality of Pratânia, central-west region of state of São Paulo, southeastern Brazil. In total, 120 species (38 families, 88 genera) were registered. The families with greater richness were: Fabaceae (23 species), Asteraceae (15), Myrtaceae (10), Malpighiaceae and Rubiaceae (seven each) and Bignoniaceae (five). The shrub component was predominant in the study area representing 37.5% of the recorded species. A comparison among eight Cerrado areas showed greater similarity between areas with similar altitude. © 2010 Check List and Authors.