978 resultados para 312.275
A baseline survey for the project which had been conducted in 2009 had gaps that could not allow assessment of project performance in the outcome and impact indicators to be made. This study was, therefore, commissioned to reconstruct the baseline data, aligned to the impact and outcome indicators on the project logframe and results framework, against which project achievements could be assessed. The purpose and scope of the study was to reconstruct the baseline data and analysis describing the situation prior to QAFM Project inception, taking 2008 as the baseline year, which was aligned to the project logframe outcome and impact indicators; to collect data on current status to compare project outcome (and where possible impact) in improved fish handling sites in comparison with the baseline as well as with comparable non-improved fish landing sites as control group. The study was conducted through secondary data search from sources at NaFIRRI, DFR and ICEIDA. Field data collection was carried out using a sample survey covering 312 respondents including boat and gear owners, crew members, processors and traders at eight project and two control landing sites. Key Informant Interviews were conducted with DFOs and BMU leaders in the study districts and landing sites respectively.
麻疹疫苗可引起小鼠骨髓微核细胞率、染色体畸变率以及精细胞微核细胞率 明显升高, 与接种剂量和接种后的时间有关; 生殖细胞染色体畸变和对照比无 显著性差异。图版2表3参21
Avalanche multiplication has been one of the major destructive failure mechanisms in IGBTs; in order to avoid operating an IGBT under abnormal conditions, it is desirable to develop peripheral protecting circuits monolithically integrated without compromising the operation and performance of the IGBT. In this paper, a monolithically integrated avalanche diode (D av) for 600V Trench IGBT over-voltage protection is proposed. The mix-mode transient simulation proves the clamping capability of the D av when the IGBT is experiencing over-voltage stress in unclamped inductive switching (UIS) test. The spread of avalanche energy, which prevents hot-spot formation, through the help of the avalanche diode feeding back a large fraction of the avalanche current to a gate resistance (R G) is also explained. © 2011 IEEE.
使用蝌蚪红细胞微核率作为指示器蝌蚪在明通河各种水样品中暴露7d。采心脏血制片。在对照组中, 微核率分别为4.40‰和4.68‰ 1/4明通河污水组诱发蝌蚪的微核率是17.01%。同对照组相比有明显差异。表1参18
银额果蝇的B染色体在其生长和发育过程中具双重性调节作用。一方面, B染色体以单一的形式存在于单雌系核型中, 即1B或2Bs可刺激生长发育,增强生活力。另一方面, 在单雌系的细胞中存在多条B染色体, 并形成核型多态性, 似乎对生长发育有一定的抑制作用而减弱其生活力。图1表1参5
首次记述了黑叶猴、菲氏叶猴和银叶猴集面部表情肌, 并与其他灵长类作了比较研究。这三种叶猴的面肌大部分与猴超科的共同特征相一致, 但在口三 角肌等方面也有些差异。并与叶猴的姊妹属金丝猴作了比较。图4表1参12
具大、小吸盘的两个类群是盘qu鱼类在演化进程中分化成的两个自然类群, 它们为适应不同的栖息环境, 吸盘的微观结构和须的长短等进一步分化, 分化途径在两个类群各不相同。图版2参9
对分布在我国的石貂北方亚种染色体进行了较详细的研究。并对我国石貂染色体的特殊C- 带分布以及和核型进化的关系进行了讨论。图版1表1参23
A new approximate solution for the first passage probability of a stationary Gaussian random process is presented which is based on the estimation of the mean clump size. A simple expression for the mean clump size is derived in terms of the cumulative normal distribution function, which avoids the lengthy numerical integrations which are required by similar existing techniques. The method is applied to a linear oscillator and an ideal bandpass process and good agreement with published results is obtained. By making a slight modification to an existing analysis it is shown that a widely used empirical result for the asymptotic form of the first passage probability can be deduced theoretically.
分析了可能用作研究原始性细胞核的模型的涡鞭毛虫与双滴虫核, 发现实际上只有后者是适用的。认为在真核细胞的原细菌祖先体内就已经有了核骨架; 多个类核体的DNA结合在其上而构成了核区。真核细胞的原细菌祖先很早就有了4种核小体组蛋白和核小体。着重分析了染色体的起源过程并进一步发展了过去提出的核被膜起源于原始性内质网的学说, 并分析记述了原始性细胞核的进化过程。