972 resultados para 3 5 6 TPA
The quadridentate N-heterocyclic ligand 6-(5,5,8,8-tetramethyl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydro-1,2,4-benzotriazin- 3-yl)-2,2′ : 6′,2′′-terpyridine (CyMe4-hemi-BTBP) has been synthesized and its interactions with Am(III),U(VI), Ln(III) and some transition metal cations have been evaluated by X-ray crystallographic analysis, Am(III)/Eu(III) solvent extraction experiments, UVabsorption spectrophotometry, NMR studies and ESI-MS. Structures of 1 : 1 complexes with Eu(III), Ce(III) and the linear uranyl (UO2 2+) ion were obtained by X-ray crystallographic analysis, and they showed similar coordination behavior to related BTBP complexes. In methanol, the stability constants of the Ln(III) complexes are slightly lower than those of the analogous quadridentate bis-triazine BTBP ligands, while the stability constant for the Yb(III)complex is higher. 1H NMR titrations and ESI-MS with lanthanide nitrates showed that the ligand forms only 1 : 1 complexes with Eu(III), Ce(III) and Yb(III), while both 1 : 1 and 1 : 2 complexes were formed with La(III) and Y(III) in acetonitrile. A mixture of isomeric chiral 2 : 2 helical complexes was formed with Cu(I), with a slight preference (1.4 : 1) for a single directional isomer. In contrast, a 1 : 1 complex was observed with the larger Ag(I) ion. The ligand was unable to extract Am(III) or Eu(III) from nitric acid solutions into 1-octanol, except in the presence of a synergist at low acidity. The results show that the presence of two outer 1,2,4-triazine rings is required for the efficient extraction and separation of An(III)from Ln(III) by quadridentate N-donor ligands.
Uma série de derivados quirais (e.e. > 99%) foram sintetizados a partir do meso- exo-(3R,5S)-3,5-dihidróximetilenotriciclo[5,2.1.02,6]decano com altos rendimentos, usando catálise enzimática (lipases) em reações de transesterificação. A resolução do respectivo diéster racêmico através da hidrólise catalisada com esterase (PLE) não forneceu o monoéster opticamente enriquecido; enquanto que a dessimetrização do anidrido usando indutores quirais (quinina e quinidina) resultou no monoéster opticamente enriquecido (e.e.≅ 60%). O respectivo amino-álcool protegido foi preparado. Alguns análogos inéditos de peptídeos restritos incorporados do triciclodecano foram sintetizados.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Geometric, thermodynamic and electronic properties of cluster neutrals NbxOy and cations NbxOy+ (x = 1-3; y = 2-5, 7, 8) have been characterized theoretically. A DFT calculation using a hybrid combination of B3LYP with contracted Huzinaga basis sets. Numerical results of the relative stabilities, ionization potentials and band gaps of different clusters are in agreement with experiment. Analysis of dissociation channels supports the more stable building blocks as formed by NbO2, NbO2+ NbO3 and NbO3+ stoichiometries. The net atomic charges suggest that oxygen donor molecules can interact more favorably on central niobium atoms of cluster cations, while the interaction with oxygen acceptor molecules is more favorable on the terminal oxygen atoms of neutral clusters. A topological analysis of the electron localization function gradient field indicates that the clusters may be described as having a strong ionic interaction between Nb and O atoms. Published by Elsevier B.V. B.V.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
Adaptation and acclimation to different temperatures of obligate psychrophilic, facultative psychrophilic and mesophilic yeasts. Production of ω-3 and ω-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids by fermentative way. Obligate psychrophilic, facultative psychrophilic and mesophilic yeasts were cultured in a carbon rich medium at different temperatures to investigate if growth parameters, lipid accumulation and fatty acid composition were adaptive and/or acclimatory responses. Acclimation of facultative psychrophiles and mesophiles to lower temperature negatively affected their specific growth rate. Obligate psychrophiles exhibited the highest biomass yield (YX/S), followed by facultative psychrophiles, then by mesophiles. The growth temperature did not influence the YX/S of facultative psychrophiles and mesophiles. Acclimation to lower temperature caused the increase in lipid yield (YL/X) in mesophilic yeasts, but did not affect YL/X in facultative psychrophiles. Similar YL/X were found in both facultative and obligated psychrophiles, suggesting that lipid accumulation is not a distinctive character of adaptation to permanently cold environments. The extent of unsaturation of fatty acids was one major adaptive feature of the yeasts which colonize permanently cold ecosystems. Remarkable amounts of α-linolenic acid were found in obligate psychrophiles at the expenses of linoleic acid, whereas it was generally scarce or absent in all the others strains. Increased unsaturation of fatty acids was also an acclimatory response of mesophiles and facultative psychrophiles to lower temperature. It’s well known that omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) display a variety of beneficial effects on various organ systems and diseases, therefore a process for the microbial production of omega-3 PUFAs would be of great interest. This work sought also to investigate if one of the better psychrophilic yeast, Rhodotorula glacialis DBVPG 4785, stimulated by acclamatory responses, produced omega-3 PUFAs. In fact, the adaptation of psychrophilic yeasts to cold niches is related to the production of higher amounts of lipids and to increased unsaturation degree of fatty acids, presumably to maintain membrane fluidity and functionality at low temperatures. Bioreactor fermentations of Rhodotorula glacialis DBVPG 4785 were carried out at 25, 20, 15, 10, 5, 0, and -3°C in a complex medium with high C:N ratio for 15 days. High biomass production was attained at all the temperatures with a similar biomass/glucose yield (YXS), between 0.40 and 0.45, but the specific growth rate of the strain decreased as the temperature diminished. The coefficients YL/X have been measured between a minimum of 0.50 to a maximum of 0.67, but it was not possible to show a clear effect of temperature. Similarly, the coefficient YL/S ranges from a minimum of 0.22 to a maximum of 0.28: again, it does not appear to be any significant changes due to temperature. Among omega-3 PUFAs, only α-linolenic acid (ALA, 18:3n-3) was found at temperatures below to 0°C, while, it’s remarkable, that the worthy arachidonic acid (C20:4,n-6), stearidonic acid (C20:4,n-3) C22:0 and docosahexaenoic acid (C22:6n-3) were produced only at the late exponential phase and the stationary phase of batch fermentations at 0 and -3°C. The docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is a beneficial omega-3 PUFA that is usually found in fatty fish and fish oils. The results herein reported improve the knowledge about the responses which enable psychrophilic yeasts to cope with cold and may support exploitation of these strains as a new resource for biotechnological applications.
BACKGROUND: Systematic need for angiography in diagnosis of carotid artery stenosis and indication of surgical therapy is still debated. Noninvasive imaging techniques such as MR angiography (MRA) or CT angiography (CTA) offer an alternative to digital subtraction angiography (DSA) and are increasingly used in clinical practice. In this study, we present the radiological characteristics and clinical results of a series of patients operated on the basis of combined ultrasonography (US)/MRA. METHODS: This observational study included all the patients consecutively operated for a carotid stenosis in our Department from October 1998 to December 2004. The applied MRA protocol had previously been established in a large correlation study with DSA. DSA was used only in case of discordance between US and MRA. The preoperative radiological information furnished by MRA was compared with intraoperative findings. The outcome of the operation was assessed according to ECST criteria. RESULTS: Among 327 patients, preoperative MRA was performed in 278 (85%), DSA in 44 (13.5%) and CT angiography in 5 (1.5%). Most of DSA studies were performed as emergency for preparation of endovascular therapy or for reasons other than carotid stenosis. Eleven additional DSA (3.3%) complemented US/MRA, mostly because diverging diagnosis of subocclusion of ICA. No direct morbidity or intraoperative difficulty was related to preoperative MRA. Combined mortality/major morbidity rate was 0.9% (3 patients) and minor morbidity rate 5.5% (18 patients). CONCLUSIONS: This observational study describes a well-established practice of carotid surgery and supports the exclusive use of non invasive diagnostic imaging for indicating and deciding the operation.
Oxygen isotopic compositions of the tests of planktonic foraminifera from several Deep Sea Drilling Project sites provide a general picture of low-latitude marine temperatures from Maastrichtian time to the present. Bottom temperatures determined from the isotopic compositions of benthonic foraminifera are interpreted as being indicative of high-latitude surface temperatures. Prior to the beginning of middle Miocene time, high- and low-latitude temperatures changed in parallel fashion. Following an apparently small and short-lived drop in temperature near the Tertiary-Cretaceous boundary, temperatures remained warm and relatively constant through Paleocene and early and middle Eocene time; bottom temperatures then were on the order of 12°C. A sharp temperature drop in late Eocene time was followed by a more gradual lowering of temperature, culminating in a late Oligocene high-latitude temperature minimum of about 4°C. A temperature rise through early Miocene time was followed in middle Miocene time by a sudden divergence of high- and low-latitude temperatures: high-latitude temperatures dropped dramatically, perhaps corresponding to the onset of major glaciation in Antarctica, but low-latitude temperatures remained constant or perhaps increased. This uncoupling of high-and low-latitude temperatures is postulated to be related to the establishment of a circum-Antarctic circulation similar to that of today. A further drop in high-latitude temperatures in late Pliocene time probably signaled the onset of a major increase in polar glaciation, including extensive sea-ice formation. Early Miocene, small-amplitude (1 per mil) sympathetic fluctuations in isotopic compositions of planktonic and benthonic foraminifera have been identified. These have a period of several hundred thousand years. Superimposed upon these are much more rapid and smaller fluctuations (0.2 to 0.5 per mil) with a period of about 80000 to 90000 yr. This is similar to the period observed for Pleistocene isotopic temperature fluctuations. In low latitudes, much smaller vertical temperature gradients seem to have existed during Maastrichtian and Paleogene time than exist at present. The absence of a sharply defined thermocline during early Tertiary time is also suggested.
Seventy four samples of DSDP recovered cherts of Jurassic to Miocene age from varying locations, and 27 samples of on-land exposed cherts were analyzed for the isotopic composition of their oxygen and hydrogen. These studies were accompanied by mineralogical analyses and some isotopic analyses of the coexisting carbonates. d18O of chert ranges between 27 and 39%. relative to SMOW, d18O of porcellanite - between 30 and 42%. The consistent enrichment of opal-CT in porcellanites in 18O with respect to coexisting microcrystalline quartz in chert is probably a reflection of a different temperature (depth) of diagenesis of the two phases. d18O of deep sea cherts generally decrease with increasing age, indicating an overall cpoling of the ocean bottom during the last 150 m.y. A comparison of this trend with that recorded by benthonic foraminifera (Douglas and Savin, 1975; http://www.deepseadrilling.org/32/volume/dsdp32_15.pdf) indicates the possibility of d18O in deep sea cherts not being frozen in until several tens of millions of years after deposition. Cherts of any Age show a spread of d18O values, increasing diagenesis being reflected in a lowering of d18O. Drusy quartz has the lowest d18O values. On-land exposed cherts are consistently depleted in 18O in comparison to their deep sea time equivalent cherts. Water extracted from deep sea cherts ranges between 0.5 and 1.4 wt %. dD of this water ranges between -78 and -95%. and is not a function of d18O of the cherts (or the temperature of their formation).
Pax proteins are a family of transcription factors with a highly conserved paired domain; many members also contain a paired-type homeodomain and/or an octapeptide. Nine mammalian Pax genes are known and classified into four subgroups: Pax-1/9, Pax-2/5/8, Pax-3/7, and Pax-4/6. Most of these genes are involved in nervous system development. In particular, Pax-6 is a key regulator that controls eye development in vertebrates and Drosophila. Although the Pax-4/6 subgroup seems to be more closely related to Pax-2/5/8 than to Pax-3/7 or Pax-1/9, its evolutionary origin is unknown. We therefore searched for a Pax-6 homolog and related genes in Cnidaria, which is the lowest phylum of animals that possess a nervous system and eyes. A sea nettle (a jellyfish) genomic library was constructed and two pax genes (Pax-A and -B) were isolated and partially sequenced. Surprisingly, unlike most known Pax genes, the paired box in these two genes contains no intron. In addition, the complete cDNA sequences of hydra Pax-A and -B were obtained. Hydra Pax-B contains both the homeodomain and the octapeptide, whereas hydra Pax-A contains neither. DNA binding assays showed that sea nettle Pax-A and -B and hydra Pax-A paired domains bound to a Pax-5/6 site and a Pax-5 site, although hydra Pax-B paired domain bound neither. An alignment of all available paired domain sequences revealed two highly conserved regions, which cover the DNA binding contact positions. Phylogenetic analysis showed that Pax-A and especially Pax-B were more closely related to Pax-2/5/8 and Pax-4/6 than to Pax-1/9 or Pax-3/7 and that the Pax genes can be classified into two supergroups: Pax-A/Pax-B/Pax-2/5/8/4/6 and Pax-1/9/3/7. From this analysis and the gene structure, we propose that modern Pax-4/6 and Pax-2/5/8 genes evolved from an ancestral gene similar to cnidarian Pax-B, having both the homeodomain and the octapeptide.
Delta 5-3-Ketosteroid isomerase (EC promotes an allylic rearrangement involving intramolecular proton transfer via a dienolic intermediate. This enzyme enhances the catalytic rate by a factor of 10(10). Two residues, Tyr-14, the general acid that polarizes the steroid 3-carbonyl group and facilitates enolization, and Asp-38 the general base that abstracts and transfers the 4 beta-proton to the 6 beta-position, contribute 10(4.7) and 10(5.6) to the rate increase, respectively. A major mechanistic enigma is the huge disparity between the pKa values of the catalytic groups and their targets. Upon binding of an analog of the dienolate intermediate to isomerase, proton NMR detects a highly deshielded resonance at 18.15 ppm in proximity to aromatic protons, and with a 3-fold preference for protium over deuterium (fractionation factor, phi = 0.34), consistent with formation of a short, strong (low-barrier) hydrogen bond to Tyr-14. The strength of this hydrogen bond is estimated to be at least 7.1 kcal/mol. This bond is relatively inaccessible to bulk solvent and is pH insensitive. Low-barrier hydrogen bonding of Tyr-14 to the intermediate, in conjunction with the previously demonstrated tunneling contribution to the proton transfer by Asp-38, provide a plausible and quantitative explanation for the high catalytic power of this isomerase.
A continuació s’indiquen algunes orientacions dirigides a facilitar la comprensió i l’ús d’aquesta guia, tant per als estudiants com per als docents. La guia consta de set capítols: capítol 1, “Fitxes de pràctiques” composta per 12 pràctiques; capítol 2, “Estudi de casos pràctics” compost per 13 casos; capítol 3, “Estils de referència”; capítol 4, “Dinàmica de grups”; capítol 5, “Sistema d’avaluació”; capítol 6, “Bibliografia general” i un capítol 7 d’annexos.
257 p.