983 resultados para 220206 History and Philosophy of Science (incl. Non-historical Philosophy of Science)


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Timmis J and Neal M J. Investigating the evolution and stability of a resource limited artificial immune system. In Proceedings of GECCO - special workshop on artificial immune systems, pages 40-41. AAAI press, 2000.


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Grattan, J.P. (2006) Aspects of Armageddon: An exploration of the role of volcanic eruptions in human history and civilization, Quaternary International 151, 10-18.


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Kibble, N, ?The Relevance and Admissibility of Prior Sexual History with the Defendant in Sexual Offence Cases? (2001) 32 Cambrian Law Review 27-63 (cited with approval by HL in R v A(2) [2002] AC 45) RAE2008


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Judicial Perspectives on the Operation of s.41 and the Relevance and Admissibility of Prior Sexual History Evidence: Four scenarios. N.Kibble. Crim.L.R. 2005 190. RAE2008


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Thatcher, Rhys, and Alan Batterham, 'Development and validation of a sport-specific exercise protocol for elite youth soccer players', Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, (2004) 44(1) pp.15-22 RAE2008


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O'Malley, T. (2002). Media History and Media Studies: aspects of the development of the study of media history in the UK 1945-2000. Media History. 8 (2), 155-173. RAE2008


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A framework for the simultaneous localization and recognition of dynamic hand gestures is proposed. At the core of this framework is a dynamic space-time warping (DSTW) algorithm, that aligns a pair of query and model gestures in both space and time. For every frame of the query sequence, feature detectors generate multiple hand region candidates. Dynamic programming is then used to compute both a global matching cost, which is used to recognize the query gesture, and a warping path, which aligns the query and model sequences in time, and also finds the best hand candidate region in every query frame. The proposed framework includes translation invariant recognition of gestures, a desirable property for many HCI systems. The performance of the approach is evaluated on a dataset of hand signed digits gestured by people wearing short sleeve shirts, in front of a background containing other non-hand skin-colored objects. The algorithm simultaneously localizes the gesturing hand and recognizes the hand-signed digit. Although DSTW is illustrated in a gesture recognition setting, the proposed algorithm is a general method for matching time series, that allows for multiple candidate feature vectors to be extracted at each time step.


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Consider a network of processors (sites) in which each site x has a finite set N(x) of neighbors. There is a transition function f that for each site x computes the next state ξ(x) from the states in N(x). But these transitions (updates) are applied in arbitrary order, one or many at a time. If the state of site x at time t is η(x; t) then let us define the sequence ζ(x; 0); ζ(x; 1), ... by taking the sequence η(x; 0),η(x; 1), ... , and deleting each repetition, i.e. each element equal to the preceding one. The function f is said to have invariant histories if the sequence ζ(x; i), (while it lasts, in case it is finite) depends only on the initial configuration, not on the order of updates. This paper shows that though the invariant history property is typically undecidable, there is a useful simple sufficient condition, called commutativity: For any configuration, for any pair x; y of neighbors, if the updating would change both ξ(x) and ξ(y) then the result of updating first x and then y is the same as the result of doing this in the reverse order. This fact is derivable from known results on the confluence of term-rewriting systems but the self-contained proof given here may be justifiable.


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The data streaming model provides an attractive framework for one-pass summarization of massive data sets at a single observation point. However, in an environment where multiple data streams arrive at a set of distributed observation points, sketches must be computed remotely and then must be aggregated through a hierarchy before queries may be conducted. As a result, many sketch-based methods for the single stream case do not apply directly, as either the error introduced becomes large, or because the methods assume that the streams are non-overlapping. These limitations hinder the application of these techniques to practical problems in network traffic monitoring and aggregation in sensor networks. To address this, we develop a general framework for evaluating and enabling robust computation of duplicate-sensitive aggregate functions (e.g., SUM and QUANTILE), over data produced by distributed sources. We instantiate our approach by augmenting the Count-Min and Quantile-Digest sketches to apply in this distributed setting, and analyze their performance. We conclude with experimental evaluation to validate our analysis.


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Cream liqueurs manufactured by a one-step process, where alcohol was added before homogenisation, were more stable than those processed by a two -step process which involved addition of alcohol after homogenisation. Using the one-step process, it was possible to produce creaming-stable liqueurs by using one pass through a homogeniser (27.6 MPa) equipped with "liquid whirl" valves. Test procedures to characterise cream liqueurs and to predict shelf life were studied in detail. A turbidity test proved simple, rapid and sensitive for characterising particle size and homogenisation efficiency. Prediction of age thickening/gelation in cream liqueurs during incubation at 45 °C depended on the age of the sample when incubated. Samples that gelled at 45 °C may not do so at ambient temperature. Commercial cream liqueurs were similar in gross chemical composition, and unlike experimentally produced liqueurs, these did not exhibit either age-gelation at ambient or elevated temperatures. Solutions of commercial sodium caseinates from different sources varied in their calcium sensitivity. When incorporated into cream liqueurs, caseinates influenced the rate of viscosity increase, coalescence and, possibly, gelation during incubated storage. Mild heat and alcohol treatment modified the properties of caseinate used to stabilise non-alcoholic emulsions, while the presence of alcohol in emulsions was important in preventing clustering of globules. The response to added trisodium citrate varied. In many cases, addition of the recommended level (0.18%) did not prevent gelation. Addition of small amounts of NaOH with 0.18 % trisodium citrate before homogenisation was beneficial. The stage at which citrate was added during processing was critical to the degree of viscosity increase (as opposed to gelation) in the product during 45 °C incubation. The component responsible for age-gelation was present in the milk-solids non fat portion of the cream and variations in the creams used were important in the age-gelation phenomenon Results indicated that, in addition to possibly Ca++, the micellar casein portion of serum may play a role in gelation. The role of the low molecular weight surfactants, sodium stearoyl lactylate and monodiglycerides in preventing gelation, was influenced by the presence of trisodium citrate. Clustering of fat globules and age-gelation were inhibited when 0.18 % citrate was included. Inclusion of sodium stearoyl lactylate, but not monodiglycerides, reduced the extent of viscosity increase at 45 °C in citrate containing liqueurs.


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Cerium dioxide (ceria) nanoparticles have been the subject of intense academic and industrial interest. Ceria has a host of applications but academic interest largely stems from their use in the modern automotive catalyst but it is also of interest because of many other application areas notably as the abrasive in chemical-mechanical planarisation of silicon substrates. Recently, ceria has been the focus of research investigating health effects of nanoparticles. Importantly, the role of non-stoichiometry in ceria nanoparticles is implicated in their biochemistry. Ceria has well understood non-stoichiometry based around the ease of formation of anion vacancies and these can form ordered superstructures based around the fluorite lattice structure exhibited by ceria. The anion vacancies are associated with localised or small polaron states formed by the electrons that remain after oxygen desorption. In simple terms these electrons combine with Ce4+ states to form Ce3+ states whose larger ionic radii is associated with a lattice expansion compared to stoichiometric CeO2. This is a very simplistic explanation and greater defect chemistry complexity is suggested by more recent work. Various authors have shown that vacancies are mobile and may result in vacancy clustering. Ceria nanoparticles are of particular interest because of the high activity and surface area of small particulates. The sensitivity of the cerium electronic band structure to environment would suggest that changes in the properties of ceria particles at nanoscale dimensions might be expected. Notably many authors report a lattice expansion with reducing particle size (largely confined to sub-10 nm particles). Most authors assign increased lattice dimensions to the presence of a surface stable Ce2O3 type layer at low nanoparticle dimensions. However, our understanding of oxide nanoparticles is limited and their full and quantitative characterisation offers serious challenges. In a series of chemical preparations by ourselves we see little evidence of a consistent model emerging to explain lattice parameter changes with nanoparticle size. Based on these results and a review of the literature it is worthwhile asking if a model of surface enhanced defect concentration is consistent with known cerium/cerium oxide chemistries, whether this is applicable to a range of different synthesis methods and if a more consistent description is possible. In Chapter one the science of cerium oxide is outlined including the crystal structure, defect chemistry and different oxidation states available. The uses and applications of cerium oxide are also discussed as well as modelling of the lattice parameter and the doping of the ceria lattice. Chapter two describes both the synthesis techniques and the analytical methods employed to execute this research. Chapter three focuses on high surface area ceria nano-particles and how these have been prepared using a citrate sol-gel precipitation method. Changes to the particle size have been made by calcining the ceria powders at different temperatures. X-ray diffraction methods were used to determine their lattice parameters. The particles sizes were also assessed using transmission electron microscopy (TEM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and BET, and, the lattice parameter was found to decrease with decreasing particle size. The results are discussed in light of the role played by surface tension effects. Chapter four describes the morphological and structural characterization of crystalline CeO2 nanoparticles prepared by forward and reverse precipitation techniques and compares these by powder x-ray diffraction (PXRD), nitrogen adsorption (BET) and high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) analysis. The two routes give quite different materials although in both cases the products are essentially highly crystalline, dense particulates. It was found that the reverse precipitation technique gave the smallest crystallites with the narrowest size dispersion. This route also gave as-synthesised materials with higher surface areas. HRTEM confirmed the observations made from PXRD data and showed that the two methods resulted in quite different morphologies and surface chemistries. The forward route gives products with significantly greater densities of Ce3+ species compared to the reverse route. Data are explained using known precipitation chemistry and kinetic effects. Chapter five centres on the addition of terbia to ceria and has been investigated using XRD, XRF, XPS and TEM. Good solid solutions were formed across the entire composition range and there was no evidence for the formation of mixed phases or surface segregation over either the composition or temperature range investigated. Both Tb3+ and Tb4+ ions exist within the solution and the ratios of these cations are consistent with the addition of Tb8O15 to the fluorite ceria structure across a wide range of compositions. Local regions of anion vacancy ordering may be visible for small crystallites. There is no evidence of significant Ce3+ ion concentrations formed at the surface or in the bulk by the addition of terbia. The lattice parameter of these materials was seen to decrease with decreasing crystallite size. This is consistent with increased surface tension effects at small dimension. Chapter six reviews size related lattice parameter changes and surface defects in ceria nanocrystals. Ceria (CeO2) has many important applications, notably in catalysis. Many of its uses rely on generating nanodimensioned particles. Ceria has important redox chemistry where Ce4+ cations can be reversibly reduced to Ce3+ cations and associated anion vacancies. The significantly larger size of Ce3+ (compared with Ce4+) has been shown to result in lattice expansion. Many authors have observed lattice expansion in nanodimensioned crystals (nanocrystals), and these have been attributed to the presence of stabilized Ce3+ -anion vacancy combinations in these systems. Experimental results presented here show (i) that significant, but complex changes in the lattice parameter with size can occur in 2-500 nm crystallites, (ii) that there is a definitive relationship between defect chemistry and the lattice parameter in ceria nanocrystals, and (iii) that the stabilizing mechanism for the Ce3+ -anion vacancy defects at the surface of ceria nanocrystals is determined by the size, the surface status, and the analysis conditions. In this work, both lattice expansion and a more unusual lattice contraction in ultrafine nanocrystals are observed. The lattice deformations seen can be defined as a function of both the anion vacancy (hydroxyl) concentration in the nanocrystal and the intensity of the additional pressure imposed by the surface tension on the crystal. The expansion of lattice parameters in ceria nanocrystals is attributed to a number of factors, most notably, the presence of any hydroxyl moieties in the materials. Thus, a very careful understanding of the synthesis combined with characterization is required to understand the surface chemistry of ceria nanocrystals.


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The use of optical sensor technology for non-invasive determination of key quality pack parameters improved package/product quality. This technology can be used for optimization of packaging processes, improvement of product shelf-life and maintenance of quality. In recent years, there has been a major focus on O2 and CO2 sensor development as these are key gases used in modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) of food. The first and second experimental chapters (chapter 2 and 3) describe the development of O2, pH and CO2 solid state sensors and its (potential) use for food packaging applications. A dual-analyte sensor for dissolved O2 and pH with one bi-functional reporter dye (meso-substituted Pd- or Ptporphyrin) embedded in plasticized PVC membrane was developed in chapter 2. The developed CO2 sensor in chapter 3 was comprised of a phosphorescent reporter dye Pt(II)- tetrakis(pentafluorophenyl) porphyrin (PtTFPP) and a colourimetric pH indicator α-naphtholphthalein (NP) incorporated in a plastic matrix together with a phase transfer agent tetraoctyl- or cetyltrimethylammonium hydroxide (TOA-OH or CTA-OH). The third experimental chapter, chapter 4, described the development of liquid O2 sensors for rapid microbiological determination which are important for improvement and assurance of food safety systems. This automated screening assay produced characteristic profiles with a sharp increase in fluorescence above the baseline level at a certain threshold time (TT) which can be correlated with their initial microbial load and was applied to various raw fish and horticultural samples. Chapter 5, the fourth experimental chapter, reported upon the successful application of developed O2 and CO2 sensors for quality assessment of MAP mushrooms during storage for 7 days at 4°C.


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Pregnancy-Specific Glycoproteins (PSG) are the most abundant fetally expressed proteins in the maternal bloodstream at term. This multigene family are immunoglobulin superfamily members and are predominantly expressed in the syncytiotrophoblast of human placenta and in giant cells and spongiotrophoblast of rodent placenta. PSGs are encoded by seventeen genes in the mouse and ten genes in the human. Little is known about the function of this gene family, although they have been implicated in immune modulation and angiogenesis through the induction of cytokines such as IL-10 and TGFβ1 in monocytes, and more recently, have been shown to inhibit the platelet-fibrinogen interaction. I provide new information concerning the evolution of the murine Psg genomic locus structure and organisation, through the discovery of a recent gene inversion event of Psg22 within the major murine Psg cluster. In addition to this, I have performed an examination of the expression patterns of individual Psg genes in placental and non-placental tissues. This study centres on Psg22, which is the most abundant murine Psg transcript detected in the first half of pregnancy. A novel alternative splice variant transcript of Psg22 lacking the protein N1-domain was discovered, and similar to the full length isoform induces TGFβ1 in macrophage and monocytic cell lines. The identification of a bidirectional antisense long non-coding RNA transcript directly adjacent to Psg22 and its associated active local chromatin conformation, suggests an interesting epigenetic gene-specific regulatory mechanism that may be responsible for the high level of Psg22 expression relative to the other Psg family members upon trophoblast giant cell differentiation