991 resultados para 2,6 dimethylaniline
Depois de relembrarem as condições da extensa região, em que é a peste endêmica no Brasil, e que dificultam a aplicação, em sua plenitude, das medidas profiláticas recomendadas para o combate à doença, sumariam os A. A. a legislação brasileira em vigor e discriminam o que tem realizado com aquele fim o Serviço Nacional de Peste. Aludindo aos benefícios do sôro, das sulfas e possìvelmente da estreptomicina para os doentes acentuam a precária possibilidade do seu isolamento, o que tem levado o Serviço à maior intensificação das práticas de anti-ratização e das que visam a destruição de roedores e pulgas. Mostram, quanto às primeiras medidas, o que tem sido possível fazer, intensa e progressivamente, não só para a proteção das habitações rurais, aí incluídas as praticas de desratização, limpeza dos terrenos e cuidados com o lixo, como no tocante à instalação de silos e giraus à prova de ratos, e a outras providências concernentes à adequada disposição de gêneros alimentícios e dos diversos materiais, que podem servir de alimento e ninho aos roedores. Detêm-se mais no particular das medidas de desratização, salientando o valor do cianogás, que veio, para aquela finalidade, tomando o passo ao envenenamento com iscas raticidas, tendo o arsênico por base, largamente empregadas pelo Serviço ate 1942. Mostram como tem crescido, de ano para ano, o percentual de ratos, destruídos por elas e pelo cianogás, em relação ao total de ratos mortos; e apontam a decorrente limitação do uso de armadilhas. Quanto aos lança-chamas, também largamente empregados, reputam-nos mais perigosos e menos eficientes e econômicos que o cianogás, com idênticas indicações, salientando porém a grande vantagem do uso do DDT, como agente despulizante, inclusive pela sua ação residual. Mostram o valor da utilização, em larga escala, do DDT também para a defesa do homem são, que se limitava, até há pouco, pràticamente à soroterapia preventiva e à imunização ativa. Parece ter-se mostrado esta eficiente no Brasil, embora até agora, para tal fim, só tenham sido usadas vacinas mortas. Focalizando o maior êxito das vacinas preparadas com germes vivos avirulentos, aludem os A.A. à possível vantagem do seu emprêgo, de maneira sistematizada, nas épocas de maior incidência da peste, para certos grupos de população mais atingidos pela doença. Finalizam o trabalho, com uma revisão dos dados epidemiológicos, que tinham sido objeto de contribuição anterior, e que agora se fazem mais com¬pletos, por englobarem um decênio (1936-1945). Dão a ver a incidência da peste, ano a ano, durante êsse período, mostrando como nêle tocaram 30 e 70% dos casos aos grupos etários 10-19 anos e 0-29 anos. Os homens foram mais atingidos, tendo cabido 57, 36 e 7% do total de casos, respectivamente a pardos, brancos e negros. Na sua grande maioria (95.7%), foram os casos da forma bubônica, representando-se a pulmonar e a septicêmica por 2.6 e 1.7% do total. Daqueles casos de peste ganglionar, 67.7, 17, 11.5 e 3.8% tiveram respectivamente localização inguino-crural, axilar, cervical e mista. A letalidade no decenio foi de 29.5%, reduzida aliás, a 17%, quando computados apenas os casos vistos em vida pelo Serviço. De mais de 25'% abaixo dos 20 anos, baixou a letalidade a 22% dos 20 aos 30 anos, para ascender progressivamente daí em diante, chegando a quase 50%, nos indivíduos com mais de 50 anos. Foi maior no sexo feminino e entre pardos. Muito alta na forma pulmonar (85.0%) e na septicêmica (80.7%), mostrou-se de 37, 34.3, 32.2 e 23.3%, consoante mista, cervical, axilar ou inguino-crural a localização da forma bubônica.
A esterase, aliesterase, foi determinada no sôro de 38 ratos de ambos os sexos, 6 hamsters, 34 cobaias e S coelhos, pela técnica de Huggins e Lapides. Os resultados obtidos para os machos e fêmeas foram tabelados em separado. As fêmeas apresentaram uma esterasemia maior que os machos, com uma média global de 11.6 U/ml ± 4.01 e um erro padrão de 0.83 enquanto que para os machos a média foi de 6.9 U ml ± 0.99 com um erro padrão de 0.26. A significância calculada pclo t foi de 4.4 Isto demonstra a interferência da aliesterase na produção ou no metabolismo dos estrogênios. Os valores médios encontrados para as cobaias foram 4.50 U/ ml ± 0.15, com um êrro padrão de 0.036 para as fêmeas e 4.28 U / ml ± 0.30 com um êrro padrão de 0.073 para os machos, sendo a significância (t) de 2.6. Para os coelhos (machos) a média foi de 4.41 U / ml ± 0.16, com um erro padrão de 0.058 enquanto para os hamsters os valores foram de 4.01 U/l ± 0.085, êrro padrão de 0.049 para os machos e 3.81 U/ml ± 0.227, êrro padrão de 0.133 para as fêmeas. Os animais castrados mostram uma diminuição progressiva da esterase no sôro, enquanto que nos castrados e tratados com estrogênios, êstes valores atingem o teôr normal. Os resultados obtidos nestes casos serão objeto de publicação ulterior.
Estudi aproximatiu a la síntesi en fase sòlida de la part glicosídica de la digitoxina, essencial per l’activitat biològica com a reguladora de les propietats farmacocinètiques, i per tant molt important per l’avenç de la química mèdica i bioinorgànica. La metodologia que s’ha seguit inclou: síntesi de la pentosa de partença adequada, a partir de la qual, es van obtindre les unitats de 2,6- didesoxiglicósids; síntesi dels suports polimèrics necessaris per la síntesi en fase sòlida dels compostos objectiu; estudi de diferent tipus de glicosil dadors i activador de tioglicosids, lactols i tricloroacetimidats per la reacció de glicosilació amb el linker. S’ha assolit comprensió i coneixement de la tecnologia associada a la síntesi en fase sòlida, que requereix procediment diferenciat de la síntesi en solució convencional.
A total of 3.449 birds, representing 195 species of 33 families from three areas in São Paulo State, Brazil, were examined for hematozoa during the period 1967-1972. Only 268 birds (7.8%) of 21 families harbored a blood parasite, which represented by species of Haemoproteus (3.5%), microfilaria (2.6%), Plasmodium (1.8%), Trypanosoma (0.8%) and Leucocytozoon (0.06%). The prevalence was similar in each of the six years of the study but a marked decrease in prevalence was noted in February and June of each year. The prevalence of parasitism was significantly different in each of the three areas sampled.
Dysdercus ruficollis [Linnaeus, 1764), vulgarmente conhecidos como "percevejos manchadores do algodão", foram tratados no início do 5º estádio ninfal com um análogo do hormônio juvenil (N(5-cloro-2-metilfenil)-3,7-dimetil-2,6-octadienilamina), através da aplicação tópica na base das asas. Após a muda os insetos apresentaram aspecto ressecado, alterações morfológicas externas bastante acentuadas na cabeça, tórax, patas, asas e abdômen, dificultando suas atividades normais. Entretanto, a genitália externa de ambos os sextos mostrou-se inalterada. A aplicação da substância foi capaz de alterar e interromper o ciclo biológico destes insetos.
Uma análise retrospectiva de 63 casos de Leishmaniose visceral (L.V.) revelou a presença, em 33 deles, de infecção bacteriana associada. Infecções do trato respiratório foram observadas em 13 (39,3%) pacientes, comprometimento de pele em 4 (12%), do trato urinário em 4 (12%), do ouvido em 3 (9%), e de orofaringe em 2 (6%). Sete (21%) pacientes apresentaram infecção concomitante em múltiplos sítios. Documentação bacteriológica através de isolamneto do agente etiológico foi obtida em 10, não havendo predominância estatisticamente significante de bactérias Gram positivas ou negativas. Houve 9 casos de óbito nestes 63 pacientes, sendo que em 8 deles a infecção bacteriana fazia parte do quadro clínico final. A análise das taxas de globulinas séricas revelou que infecção esteve presente de modo significativo (p < 0.05) em 15/20 (75%) dos pacientes com níveis de globulina sérica [menor ou igual a] 4,0g%. Não houve diferença significativa (p > 0.05) com relação ao número de neutrófilos entre os grupos com e sem infecção bacteriana. Concluiu-se, portanto, que infecção bacteriana é um achado freqüente em pacientes com L.V. e se constitui num sinal de mau prognóstico da doença.
BACKGROUND: Healthy lifestyle including sufficient physical activity may mitigate or prevent adverse long-term effects of childhood cancer. We described daily physical activities and sports in childhood cancer survivors and controls, and assessed determinants of both activity patterns. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: The Swiss Childhood Cancer Survivor Study is a questionnaire survey including all children diagnosed with cancer 1976-2003 at age 0-15 years, registered in the Swiss Childhood Cancer Registry, who survived ≥5 years and reached adulthood (≥20 years). Controls came from the population-based Swiss Health Survey. We compared the two populations and determined risk factors for both outcomes in separate multivariable logistic regression models. The sample included 1058 survivors and 5593 controls (response rates 78% and 66%). Sufficient daily physical activities were reported by 52% (n = 521) of survivors and 37% (n = 2069) of controls (p<0.001). In contrast, 62% (n = 640) of survivors and 65% (n = 3635) of controls reported engaging in sports (p = 0.067). Risk factors for insufficient daily activities in both populations were: older age (OR for ≥35 years: 1.5, 95CI 1.2-2.0), female gender (OR 1.6, 95CI 1.3-1.9), French/Italian Speaking (OR 1.4, 95CI 1.1-1.7), and higher education (OR for university education: 2.0, 95CI 1.5-2.6). Risk factors for no sports were: being a survivor (OR 1.3, 95CI 1.1-1.6), older age (OR for ≥35 years: 1.4, 95CI 1.1-1.8), migration background (OR 1.5, 95CI 1.3-1.8), French/Italian speaking (OR 1.4, 95CI 1.2-1.7), lower education (OR for compulsory schooling only: 1.6, 95CI 1.2-2.2), being married (OR 1.7, 95CI 1.5-2.0), having children (OR 1.3, 95CI 1.4-1.9), obesity (OR 2.4, 95CI 1.7-3.3), and smoking (OR 1.7, 95CI 1.5-2.1). Type of diagnosis was only associated with sports. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Physical activity levels in survivors were lower than recommended, but comparable to controls and mainly determined by socio-demographic and cultural factors. Strategies to improve physical activity levels could be similar as for the general population.
White micas in carbonate-rich tectonites and a few other rock types of large thrusts in the Swiss Helvetic fold-and-thrust belt have been analyzed by Ar-40/Ar-39 and Rb/Sr techniques to better constrain the timing of Alpine deformation for this region. Incremental Ar-40/Ar-39 heating experiments of 25 weakly metamorphosed (anchizone to low greenschist) samples yield plateau and staircase spectra. We interpret most of the staircase release spectra result from variable mixtures of syntectonic (neoformed) and detrital micas. The range in dates obtained within individual spectra depends primarily on the duration of mica nucleation and growth, and relative proportions of neoformed and detrital mica. Rb/Sr analyses of 12 samples yield dates of ca. 10-39 Ma (excluding one anomalously young sample). These dates are slightly younger than the Ar-40/Ar-39 total gas dates obtained for the same samples. The Rb/ Sr dates were calculated using initial Sr-87/Sr-86 ratios obtained from the carbonate-dominated host rocks, which are higher than normal Mesozoic carbonate values due to exchange with fluids of higher Sr-87/Sr-86 ratios (and lower O-18/O-16 ratios). Model dates calculated using Sr-87/Sr-86 values typical of Mesozoic marine carbonates more closely approximate the Ar-40/Ar-39 total gas dates for most of the samples. The similarities of Rb/Sr and Ar-40/Ar-39 total gas dates are consistent with limited amounts of detrital mica in the samples. The delta(18)O values range from 24-15%. (VSMOW) for 2-6 mum micas and 27-16parts per thousand for the carbonate host rocks. The carbonate values are significantly lower than their protolith values due to localized fluid-rock interaction and fluid flow along most thrust surfaces. Although most calcite-mica pairs are not in oxygen isotope equilibrium at temperatures of ca. 200-400 degreesC, their isotopic fractionations are indicative of either 1) partial exchange between the minerals and a common external fluid, or 2) growth or isotopic exchange of the mica with the carbonate after the carbonate had isotopically exchanged with an external fluid. The geological significance of these results is not easily or uniquely determined, and exemplifies the difficulties inherent in dating very fine-grained micas of highly deformed tectonites in low-grade metamorphic terranes. Two generalizations can be made regarding the dates obtained from the Helvetic thrusts: 1) samples from the two highest thrusts (Mt. Gond and Sublage) have all of their Ar-40/Ar-39 steps above 20 Ma, and 2) most samples from the deepest Helvetic thrusts have steps (often accounting for more than 80% of Ar-39 release) between 15 and 25 Ma. These dates are consistent with the order of thrusting in the foreland-imbricating system and increase proportions of neoformed to detrital mica in the more metamorphosed hinterland and deeply buried portions of the nappe pile. Individual thrusts accommodated the majority of their displacement during their initial incorporation into the foreland-imbricating system, and some thrusts remained active or were reactivated down to 15 Ma.
Hepatitis E is considered an emerging human viral disease in industrialized countries. Studies from Switzerland report a human seroprevalence of hepatitis E virus (HEV) of 2.6-21%, a range lower than in adjacent European countries. The aim of this study was to determine whether HEV seroprevalence in domestic pigs and wild boars is also lower in Switzerland and whether it is increasing and thus indicating that this zoonotic viral infection is emerging. Serum samples collected from 2,001 pigs in 2006 and 2011 and from 303 wild boars from 2008 to 2012 were analysed by ELISA for the presence of HEV-specific antibodies. Overall HEV seroprevalence was 58.1% in domestic pigs and 12.5% in wild boars. Prevalence in domestic pigs was significantly higher in 2006 than in 2011. In conclusion, HEV seroprevalence in domestic pigs and wild boars in Switzerland is comparable with the seroprevalence in other countries and not increasing. Therefore, prevalence of HEV in humans must be related to other factors than prevalence in pigs or wild boars.
The joint influence of gender and amount of smoking on weight gain one year after smoking cessation.
Weight gain is often associated with smoking cessation and may discourage smokers from quitting. This study estimated the weight gained one year after smoking cessation and examined the risk factors associated with weight gain in order to identify socio-demographic groups at higher risk of increased weight after quitting. We analyzed data from 750 adults in two randomized controlled studies that included smokers motivated to quit and found a gradient in weight gain according to the actual duration of abstinence during follow-up. Subjects who were abstinent for at least 40 weeks gained 4.6 kg (SD = 3.8) on average, compared to 1.2 kg (SD = 2.6) for those who were abstinent less than 20 weeks during the 1-year follow-up. Considering the duration of abstinence as an exposure variable, we found an age effect and a significant interaction between sex and the amount of smoking before quitting: younger subjects gained more weight than older subjects; among light smokers, men gained more weight on average than women one year after quitting, while the opposite was observed among heavy smokers. Young women smoking heavily at baseline had the highest risk of weight gain after quitting.
BACKGROUND: Excision and primary midline closure for pilonidal disease (PD) is a simple procedure; however, it is frequently complicated by infection and prolonged healing. The aim of this study was to analyze risk factors for surgical site infection (SSI) in this context. METHODS: All consecutive patients undergoing excision and primary closure for PD from January 2002 through October 2008 were retrospectively assessed. The end points were SSI, as defined by the Center for Disease Control, and time to healing. Univariable and multivariable risk factor analyses were performed. RESULTS: One hundred thirty-one patients were included [97 men (74%), median age = 24 (range 15-66) years]. SSI occurred in 41 (31%) patients. Median time to healing was 20 days (range 12-76) in patients without SSI and 62 days (range 20-176) in patients with SSI (P < 0.0001). In univariable and multivariable analyses, smoking [OR = 2.6 (95% CI 1.02, 6.8), P = 0.046] and lack of antibiotic prophylaxis [OR = 5.6 (95% CI 2.5, 14.3), P = 0.001] were significant predictors for SSI. Adjusted for SSI, age over 25 was a significant predictor of prolonged healing. CONCLUSION: This study suggests that the rate of SSI after excision and primary closure of PD is higher in smokers and could be reduced by antibiotic prophylaxis. SSI significantly prolongs healing time, particularly in patients over 25 years.
AIM: To confirm the accuracy of sentinel node biopsy (SNB) procedure and its morbidity, and to investigate predictive factors for SN status and prognostic factors for disease-free survival (DFS) and disease-specific survival (DSS). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Between October 1997 and December 2004, 327 consecutive patients in one centre with clinically node-negative primary skin melanoma underwent an SNB by the triple technique, i.e. lymphoscintigraphy, blue-dye and gamma-probe. Multivariate logistic regression analyses as well as the Kaplan-Meier were performed. RESULTS: Twenty-three percent of the patients had at least one metastatic SN, which was significantly associated with Breslow thickness (p<0.001). The success rate of SNB was 99.1% and its morbidity was 7.6%. With a median follow-up of 33 months, the 5-year DFS/DSS were 43%/49% for patients with positive SN and 83.5%/87.4% for patients with negative SN, respectively. The false-negative rate of SNB was 8.6% and sensitivity 91.4%. On multivariate analysis, DFS was significantly worsened by Breslow thickness (RR=5.6, p<0.001), positive SN (RR=5.0, p<0.001) and male sex (RR=2.9, p=0.001). The presence of a metastatic SN (RR=8.4, p<0.001), male sex (RR=6.1, p<0.001), Breslow thickness (RR=3.2, p=0.013) and ulceration (RR=2.6, p=0.015) were significantly associated with a poorer DSS. CONCLUSION: SNB is a reliable procedure with high sensitivity (91.4%) and low morbidity. Breslow thickness was the only statistically significant parameter predictive of SN status. DFS was worsened in decreasing order by Breslow thickness, metastatic SN and male gender. Similarly DSS was significantly worsened by a metastatic SN, male gender, Breslow thickness and ulceration. These data reinforce the SN status as a powerful staging procedure
AIM: To assess the role of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori), gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), age, smoking and body weight on the development of intestinal metaplasia of the gastric cardia (IMC).¦METHODS: Two hundred and seventeen patients scheduled for esophagogastroduodenoscopy were enrolled in this study. Endoscopic biopsies from the esophagus, gastroesophageal junction and stomach were evaluated for inflammation, the presence of H. pylori and intestinal metaplasia. The correlation of these factors with the presence of IMC was assessed using logistic regression.¦RESULTS: IMC was observed in 42% of the patients. Patient age, smoking habit and body mass index (BMI) were found as potential contributors to IMC. The risk of developing IMC can be predicted in theory by combining these factors according to the following formula: Risk of IMC = a + s - 2B where a = 2,...6 decade of age, s = 0 for non-smokers or ex-smokers, 1 for < 10 cigarettes/d, 2 for > 10 cigarettes/d and B = 0 for BMI < 25 kg/m² (BMI < 27 kg/m² in females), 1 for BMI > 25 kg/m² (BMI > 27 kg/m² in females). Among potential factors associated with IMC, H. pylori had borderline significance (P = 0.07), while GERD showed no significance.¦CONCLUSION: Age, smoking and BMI are potential factors associated with IMC, while H. pylori and GERD show no significant association. IMC can be predicted in theory by logistic regression analysis.
Experimental evidence indicates a role of the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor in the pathogenesis of brain injury occurring during cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB). Dextromethorphan is a noncompetitive antagonist of this receptor with a favorable safety profile. Thirteen children age 3-36 months undergoing cardiac surgery with expected CPB of 60 minutes or more were randomly assigned to treatment with dextromethorphan (36-38 mg/kg/day) or placebo administered by naso-gastric tube. Dextromethorphan was absorbed well and reached putative therapeutic levels in blood and cerebrospinal fluid. Adverse effects were not observed. Mild hemiparesis developed after operation in one child of each group, and severe encephalopathy in one of the placebo group. Sharp waves were recorded in postoperative continuous electroencephalography in all placebo (n = 7) but only in 2/6 dextromethorphan treated children (p = 0.02). Pre- and postoperative cranial magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed less pronounced ventricular enlargement in the dextromethorphan group (not significant). An increase of periventricular white matter lesions was visible in two placebo-treated children only. No elevations of cerebrospinal fluid enzymes were observed in either group. Although children with dextromethorphan showed less abnormalities in electroencephalography and MRI, dissimilarities of the treatment groups by chance diminished conclusions to possible protective effects of dextromethorphan at this time.
Eimeria lagunculata, Eimeria mammiformis and Eimeria podocnemis n. spp., are described from the faeces of the fresh-water turtle Podocnemis expansa, in Pará State, north Brasil. Oocysts of E. lagunculata are ellipsoidal, 19.2 x 12.8 (17.0-20.7 x 11.8-14.1) mum, shape-index (= length/ width) 1.5 (1.4-1.7). Oocyst wall about 0.5-0.7 mum thick, with a prominent stopper-like micropyle at one pole. No oocyst residuum and no polar body. Sporocysts elongate ellipsoidal, 11.0 x 5.4 (10.4-11.8 x 5.2-6.0) mum, shape-index 2.0 (1.8-2.1): no Stieda body. A compact, ellipsoidal sporocyst residuum lies between the two sporozoites, which possess a posterior and an anterior refractile body. Oocysts of E. mammiformis broadly ellipsoidal, 30.0 x 19.4 (23.0-37.0 x 16.3-21.5) mum, shape-index 1.5 (1.1-1.9). Oocyst wall about 0.7 mum thick, with a prominent micropyle: no oocyst residuum and rarely a single polar body. Sporocysts ellipsoidal, 15.3 x 7.9 (14.8-17.0 x 7.4-9.6) mum, shape-index 2.0 (1.8-2.2), with a tiny Stieda body. Sporocyst residuum bulky, ellipsoidal: sporozoites with two conspicuous refractile bodies. E. podocnemis has broadly ellipsoidal oocysts, 17.0 x 12.8 (14.8-19.2 x 11.8-14.1) mum, shape-index 1.3 (1.1-1.4). Oocyst wall about 0.5-0.7 mum thick, with no micropyle. No oocyst residuum, but always a single polar body. Sporocysts ellipsoidal, 9.7 x 5.2 (8.9-10.4 x 4.4-6.0) mum, shape-index 1.9 (1.6-2.0), with no Stieda body. Sporocyst residuum bulky, ellipsoidal: sporocysts with 2 refractile bodies. Eimeria carinii n. sp., is recorded from the tortoise Geochelone denticulata, also from Pará. Oocyst wall about 1.2 mum thicl. No micropyle. Oocyst residuum limited to a number (about 10-20) of scattered granules: no polar body. Sporocysts broadly ellipsoidal, and with no Stieda body: they measure 8,8 x 7.3 (8.0-9.0 x 7.0-7.5) mum, shape-index 1.2 (1.1-1.3). Sporocyst residuum bulky, spherical to ellipsoidal: sporozoites possess both posterior and anterior refractile bodies.