991 resultados para 194-1198A
In this paper we present a new method for measuring diffusion coefficients in liquid metals under convection-less conditions with solid/liquid-liquid/solid trilayer. The advantage of this kind of trilayer is that effects from gravity-induced convection and Marangoni-convection can be omitted, so that the diffusion coefficient is determined more accurately. The Ta/Zn-Sn/Si trilayer were prepared with a multi-target ion-beam sputtering deposition technique and annealed in an electric furnace under an argon atmosphere. The interdiffusion of liquid zinc and tin at 500 degrees degree C was investigated. The diffusion concentration profiles were determined by energy dispersive spectroscopy. The interdiffusion coefficients range from 1.0x10(-6)cm(2)/s to 2.8x10(-6)cm(2)/s, which is less than previous values measured by capillary reservoir technique under 1g-environment where various convection exist. The precise interdiffusion coefficients of liquid zinc and tin result from the removing of disturbances of various kinds of convection.
土壤是陆地生态系统最大的碳库,其碳储量是大气碳储量的两倍。土壤呼吸是土壤碳库的最大输出途径。在干旱半干旱区降雨格局以及土壤水分条件的变化对土壤呼吸的影响具有重要意义。本研究以半干旱区科尔沁沙地东部樟子松人工林为研究对象,通过室内培养模拟研究、野外降雨量控制研究和降雨频率模拟及干湿交替模拟试验,研究了科尔沁沙地半干旱人工林生态系统土壤呼吸对水分变化的响应趋势,探讨了降雨格局变化对土壤呼吸的影响,结果表明: (1)土壤呼吸速率随温度和土壤含水量的升高分别呈指数和线性增长;温度和土壤含水量分别影响着土壤呼吸对土壤水分和温度的敏感性; (2)降雨量变化影响土壤呼吸日动态变化,降水量增加30%,土壤24h释放CO2量升高了35.9%,当降水量减少30%时,土壤24h释放的CO2量降低了59.6%,而且干旱降低了土壤呼吸日动态变化的幅度; (3)降雨量变化对土壤呼吸月季动态具有一定影响。降雨量增加30%,8~10月土壤总呼吸CO2释放速率升高40.7%~166.4%,土壤异养呼吸CO2释放速率升高40.5%~194.3%;降雨量降低30%使降雨较频繁的8月份土壤总呼吸CO2释放速率降低34.0%~70.0%,土壤异养呼吸CO2释放速率下降20.9%~ 64.0%,而在降雨较少的9~10月份降雨量的减少对土壤呼吸则没有显著影响; (4)降雨量的变化对土壤总呼吸和异养呼吸温度敏感性有一定影响。当降雨量减少30%时,土壤总呼吸的Q10值由5.4下降到2.22,土壤异养呼吸的Q10值由4.84下降到1.81; (5)用温湿度耦合作用经验模型Rt = 0.307e0.0064(W·T)来描述三个降雨处理样地土壤呼吸速率与土壤温度及土壤含水量的关系,可以解释土壤呼吸速率变异的80.2%; (6)在较高的温度条件下,降雨频率增加一倍时,土壤呼吸速率将升高约24%;当温度较低时,降雨频率对土壤呼吸速率的影响不显著; (7)土壤呼吸随着干旱程度的增加而逐渐下降,但当进行降水模拟后,土壤呼吸值迅速升高,可升高降水前的41.0% ~ 128%,而后又迅速下降,呈现明显的脉动(pulse)效应。
通过趾骨切片可以准确鉴定年龄,了解一个物种的最长寿命,也为我们研究确定一个物种的生长特点、性成熟期,以及一个地区一个物种的年龄结构、种群生态(Marnell,1998)和群落生态提供重要信息(Morrison,et a1.,2004)。 本论文使用骨骼鉴龄法对中国浙江省宁波市北仑瑞岩寺林场的镇海棘螈(Echinotriton chinhaiensis)雌性繁群进行了年龄结构研究。结果显示:第一次参加繁殖的年龄为3龄;繁群中数量占优势的是5龄、6龄。而在6龄以后参加繁殖的雌性个体数便开始随着年龄的增大而逐渐减少。参加繁殖的雌性年龄最大个体为8龄。平均年龄为5.13龄。同时对其年龄和头体长、体全长的相关性检验,发现其年龄与头体长和体全长不相关,镇海棘螈雌性的生长方式表现为性成熟后能量主要用于繁殖。 另外,对李子坪大凉疣螈(Tylototriton taliangensis) 雄性繁群进行了年龄结构研究。结果显示:大凉疣螈雄性第一次参加繁殖的年龄为4龄;繁群中数量占优势的是5龄、6龄、7龄。而在7龄以后参加繁殖的雄性个体数便开始随着年龄的增大而逐渐减少。参加繁殖的雄性中年龄最大的个体为10龄。平均年龄为6.7龄。对其年龄和头体长、体全长的相关性检验,发现其年龄与头体长和体全长不相关,大凉疣螈雄性生长特点也表现为性成熟后生长缓慢的特点。 研究材料方面,本文采用野外采样与标本馆标本相结合的方式获得了中国蝾螈科2个重要保护物种繁殖群体的剪(指)趾材料,使得建立于其上的年龄结构工作更加可靠、更加具有代表性。 此外,本论文讨论了镇海棘螈瑞岩寺种群繁殖总量年度间的差异及其产生原因。将1998、1999、2000、2008、2009年镇海棘螈(Echinotriton chinhaiensis) 瑞岩寺种群的繁殖量进行比较,发现虽然雌性平均窝卵数比较稳定,但繁殖总量小于1998、1999、2000年任何一年总产卵量的50%。对2008年镇海棘螈繁殖量大幅下降的原因分析发现, 2007年9、10月影响严重台风的两次强台风、瑞岩寺景区开发等因素可能是造成近年该种群繁殖量大幅下降的原因。而2008年初50年不遇的低温是否影响镇海棘螈的繁殖值得进一步追踪研究。2009年繁殖量较2008年没有明显的增长,可能是由于2007年的台风影响了其繁殖营养的积累。台风的影响可能存在滞后现象,对此有待进一步监测证明。 本研究首次对中国蝾螈科物种进行的年龄结构鉴定,为进一步了解中国蝾螈科动物的种群生态打下了坚实的基础。 Using skeletochronology, we can know the life span of a species, age of reaching sexual mature, and of course age structure, which are vital(Morrison,et a1.,2004). Skeletochronology was performed on Echinotriton chinhaiensis Ruiyansi female population. The result shows that: The oldest individuals were 8 years old and the youngest ones were 3 years old. Individuals of age class 5(39.13%) and 6(21.74%) were most numerous. The number of individuals participated in reproduction decreased with the increase of age after the sixth year. Average age is 5.13 years. There is no correlation between age and body size (SVL and TL). For female chinhai salamander, energy is devoted to reproduction after reaching sexual maturation. While using skeletochronology to study Tylototriton taliangensis Liziping male population, the oldest individuals is 10 years old, and the youngest ones is 4 years old. Individuals of the age class 5, 6, and 7 dominat this population. The number of individuals decrease with the increase of age also after the seventh year. Average age is 6.7 years old in this population. there is also no correlation between age and body size (SVL and TL).It turned out that T. taliangensis tend to grow slowly after reaching sexual maturation. In this thesis, specimens from both wild and museum were used to gain enough toe clipping samples. A big sample size guarantees the reliability of this study. In the meantime, E. chinhaiensis’s annual reproduction of the year 1998, 1999, 2000 ,2008,and 2009 was compared. The result shows there is a huge decline in E. chinhaiensis’s annual reproduction in 2008,even the egg clutch is very stable. After analyzing, it turned out the huge decline in 2008 was probably caused by typhoon in 2007, besides the effect of tourism development and cash crop planting. While the impact of extreme weather of 2008 on reproduction needs further investigation. In the year 2009, there is no obvious increase in annual reproduction. It maybe due to lasting impact of typhoon in 2007. It is the first age-structure study on these two Chinese salamanders. A solid foundation was laid for further population ecology study of these two species.