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In an earthquake, underground structures located in liquefiable soil deposits are susceptible to floatation following an earthquake event due to their lower unit weight relative to the surrounding saturated soil. The uplift displacement of an underground structure in liquefiable soil deposit can be affected by the buried depth and size of the structure. Dynamic centrifuge tests have been carried out to investigate the influence of these factors by measuring the uplift displacement of shallow model circular structures. Ratios for the buried depth and diameter effects of the structure are introduced to compare the uplift displacement in different soil and earthquake conditions. With the depth effect and diameter effect ratios, the uplift displacement of a buoyant structure in liquefiable soil can also be estimated based on performance of similar structures in comparable soil condition and subjected to a similar earthquake event. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.
在水温29~30℃条件下,用硫酸铜与硫酸亚铁合剂(比例5:2)、高锰酸钾、晶体敌百虫、强氯精、溴氯菊脂、甲醛共6种药物对厚颌鲂(Megalobrama pellegrini)鱼苗进行急性毒性试验。试验结果显示,6种药物48h的半致死浓度分别为5.78、6.50、4.90、2.55、0.042、120mg/L,安全浓度分别为0.445、0.528、0.268、0.190、0.003、7.500mg/L,厚颌鲂鱼苗对药物敏感性比一般鱼类高,实际用药时应根据具体情况确定用药时间和用药量,溴氯菊脂不宜作为治疗药物
Differential growth of thin elastic bodies furnishes a surprisingly simple explanation of the complex and intriguing shapes of many biological systems, such as plant leaves and organs. Similarly, inelastic strains induced by thermal effects or active materials in layered plates are extensively used to control the curvature of thin engineering structures. Such behaviour inspires us to distinguish and to compare two possible modes of differential growth not normally compared to each other, in order to reveal the full range of out-of-plane shapes of an initially flat disk. The first growth mode, frequently employed by engineers, is characterised by direct bending strains through the thickness, and the second mode, mainly apparent in biological systems, is driven by extensional strains of the middle surface. When each mode is considered separately, it is shown that buckling is common to both modes, leading to bistable shapes: growth from bending strains results in a double-curvature limit at buckling, followed by almost developable deformation in which the Gaussian curvature at buckling is conserved; during extensional growth, out-of-plane distortions occur only when the buckling condition is reached, and the Gaussian curvature continues to increase. When both growth modes are present, it is shown that, generally, larger displacements are obtained under in-plane growth when the disk is relatively thick and growth strains are small, and vice versa. It is also shown that shapes can be mono-, bi-, tri- or neutrally stable, depending on the growth strain levels and the material properties: furthermore, it is shown that certain combinations of growth modes result in a free, or natural, response in which the doubly curved shape of disk exactly matches the imposed strains. Such diverse behaviour, in general, may help to realise more effective actuation schemes for engineering structures. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
在水深为24cm的桶中,以6、12和18cm等3个收割强度对穗花狐尾藻(Myrio-phyllum spicatum)进行了连续4次收割实验,研究了收割强度、收割频次及收割季节对穗花狐尾藻生长恢复的影响。结果表明:8月下旬第1次收割18cm后,植物在41d恢复,但产生分枝较少,影响了植物的无性繁殖;9月下旬之前,前2次收割6cm或12cm后,穗花狐尾藻在55d恢复,并能产生较多的分枝,而且条枝总长有明显的增加,表明穗花狐尾藻的无性繁殖没有受到抑制;10月初第2次收割18cm,或11月下旬前第3次收割6或1
Fas死亡结构域相关蛋白(Fas-associated death domain protein,FADD)是死亡信号转导通路中的连接蛋白,在脊椎动物中其结构和功能都很保守。本文首次克隆了头索动物白氏文昌鱼(Branchiostoma belcheri)FADD(bbFADD)的cDNA和基因组DNA序列。bbFADDcDNA全长1239 bp,编码217个氨基酸。与脊椎动物的FADD一样,bbFADD含有N端的死亡效应结构域(Death Effector Domain,DED)和C端的死亡结构域(Dea
本文对不同体重的黄鳝摄食蚯蚓、蝌蚪、蛴螬的饵料系数、特定生长率、能量转化效率和最大摄食量等作了初步研究。结果表明 :在限食试验中 ,黄鳝摄食蚯蚓、蝌蚪、蛴螬的饵料系数分别为 3.2 83.89、7.0 99.0 7、3.393.4 2 ;特定生长率分别为 0 .33% 1.0 9%、1.0 9% 1.2 0 %、0 .6 5 % 0 .70 % ;能量转化效率分别为2 4 .9% 2 9.5 %、33.2 % 34.1%、2 8.8% 2 9.1%。饵料系数、特定生长率的大小主要决定于饵料性质 ,与体重(