999 resultados para 190-1173


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Foram estimadas repetibilidades (r) e herdabilidades (h²) de características reprodutivas de três populações de galinhas para corte do Setor de Aves da ESALQ/USP Piracicaba, SP. Cento e quinze galinhas foram inseminadas segundo um esquema hierárquico, com sêmen de 23 galos amostrados das populações I, II e III no experimento E1 e de outros 23 galos no experimento E2. Foram utilizadas quatro incubações, ou blocos, em cada experimento. Estimativas de r e h² foram obtidas dentro de experimento, pela análise de variância de médias de galinha em cada incubação. As estimativas de r da produção de ovos (POST) foram significativas (P<0,01) e iguais a 0,19±0,05 e 0,32±0,04 nos experimentos E1 e E2, respectivamente. Quanto a eclodibilidade (ECLOD), as h² estimadas de componentes de variância de galos foram 0,14±0,14 no E1 (P>0,05) e 0,26±0,17 no E2 (P<0,05). No tocante a nascimento de pintos (NASC), as h² estimadas (P<0,05) foram 0,18±0,15 (E1) e 0,26±0,17 (E2). No entanto, h² estimadas com base em componentes de fêmea foram significativas (P<0,01) e maiores: no tocante a ECLOD, as estimativas foram 0,77±0,09 e 0,48±0,20 no experimento E1 e E2, respectivamente, e 0,58±0,21 e 0,48±0,20 quanto a nascimento (NASC). Os resultados confirmam que ECLOD e NASC apresentam variabilidade genética aditiva baixa.


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Concentrations of liver enzymes in plasma are widely used as indicators of liver disease. We carried out a genome-wide association study in 61,089 individuals, identifying 42 loci associated with concentrations of liver enzymes in plasma, of which 32 are new associations (P = 10(-8) to P = 10(-190)). We used functional genomic approaches including metabonomic profiling and gene expression analyses to identify probable candidate genes at these regions. We identified 69 candidate genes, including genes involved in biliary transport (ATP8B1 and ABCB11), glucose, carbohydrate and lipid metabolism (FADS1, FADS2, GCKR, JMJD1C, HNF1A, MLXIPL, PNPLA3, PPP1R3B, SLC2A2 and TRIB1), glycoprotein biosynthesis and cell surface glycobiology (ABO, ASGR1, FUT2, GPLD1 and ST3GAL4), inflammation and immunity (CD276, CDH6, GCKR, HNF1A, HPR, ITGA1, RORA and STAT4) and glutathione metabolism (GSTT1, GSTT2 and GGT), as well as several genes of uncertain or unknown function (including ABHD12, EFHD1, EFNA1, EPHA2, MICAL3 and ZNF827). Our results provide new insight into genetic mechanisms and pathways influencing markers of liver function.


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A determinação da absorção real de fósforo (P) em bovinos deve levar em consideração a fração endógena mínina do mineral, que se perde nas fezes. De modo geral esses cálculos são feitos utilizando-se tabelas cujos valores foram obtidos em outros países, com outras raças de animais e em condições bem diferentes das condições brasileiras. O trabalho teve como objetivo determinar a perda endógena de P nas fezes e estimar a exigência mínima de P em novilhos da raça Nelore (Bos indicus). Foram utilizados 18 novilhos castrados, com peso médio de 190,82±27,53 kg e idade aproximada de 12 meses, divididos em três grupos de seis animais, e mantidos em gaiolas metabólicas individuais. Os animais receberam dieta básica constituída de feno de Brachiaria decumbens e uma mistura de concentrados durante os 30 dias de período experimental. Os tratamentos consistiram de diferentes quantidades de fosfato bicálcico em níveis de 0,12, 0,24 e 0,36% de P, com base na dieta total. Foram aplicadas injeções de 32P nos animais para a determinação da perda endógena fecal de P. A perda endógena mínima fecal de P para uma ingestão zero do mineral, calculada por interpolação, foi de 5,72 mg/kg de peso vivo e para um balanço zero, o requerimento mínimo foi de 8,84 mg/kg de peso vivo por dia.


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Este trabalho teve por objetivo estudar a variabilidade genética por meio de testes de progênies e determinar o ganho genético por meio de seleção individual, combinada e índice multiefeito, em Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis. Foram instalados dois testes de progênie em Tibagi, PR, em setembro de 1988. Dados de crescimento e de formas da árvore foram obtidos aos cinco anos de idade. A produtividade volumétrica média obtida foi de 0,091 m³ por árvore. Para estabelecer um pomar de sementes por mudas, a seleção (no bloco) de 190 árvores (95 por procedência) com os maiores diâmetros na altura do peito (DAP) permite aumentos na produtividade volumétrica de 0,104 m³, 0,106 m³ e 0,106 m³ por árvore, na seleção individual, combinada e índice multiefeito, respectivamente. Em pomar de sementes clonal, a seleção (no experimento) de 30 árvores (15 por procedência) com o maior ganho genético em DAP, pode atingir incrementos na produtividade volumétrica de 0,112 m³, 0,113 m³ e 0,114 m³, por árvore, na seleção individual, combinada e índice multiefeito, respectivamente.


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The TNF family member receptor activator for NF-κB ligand (RANKL) and its receptors RANK and osteoprotegerin are key regulators of bone remodeling but also influence cellular functions of tumor and immune effector cells. In this work, we studied the involvement of RANK-RANKL interaction in NK cell-mediated immunosurveillance of acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Substantial levels of RANKL were found to be expressed on leukemia cells in 53 of 78 (68%) investigated patients. Signaling via RANKL into the leukemia cells stimulated their metabolic activity and induced the release of cytokines involved in AML pathophysiology. In addition, the immunomodulatory factors released by AML cells upon RANKL signaling impaired the anti-leukemia reactivity of NK cells and induced RANK expression, and NK cells of AML patients displayed significantly upregulated RANK expression compared with healthy controls. Treatment of AML cells with the clinically available RANKL Ab Denosumab resulted in enhanced NK cell anti-leukemia reactivity. This was due to both blockade of the release of NK-inhibitory factors by AML cells and prevention of RANK signaling into NK cells. The latter was found to directly impair NK anti-leukemia reactivity with a more pronounced effect on IFN-γ production compared with cytotoxicity. Together, our data unravel a previously unknown function of the RANK-RANKL molecule system in AML pathophysiology as well as NK cell function and suggest that neutralization of RANKL with therapeutic Abs may serve to reinforce NK cell reactivity in leukemia patients.


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OBJECTIVE: To examine the incremental cost effectiveness of the five first line pharmacological smoking cessation therapies in the Seychelles and other developing countries. DESIGN: A Markov chain cohort simulation. SUBJECTS: Two simulated cohorts of smokers: (1) a reference cohort given physician counselling only; (2) a treatment cohort given counselling plus cessation therapy. INTERVENTION: Addition of each of the five pharmacological cessation therapies to physician provided smoking cessation counselling. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Cost per life-year saved (LYS) associated with the five pharmacotherapies. Effectiveness expressed as odds ratios for quitting associated with pharmacotherapies. Costs based on the additional physician time required and retail prices of the medications. RESULTS: Based on prices for currently available generic medications on the global market, the incremental cost per LYS for a 45 year old in the Seychelles was 599 US dollars for gum and 227 dollars for bupropion. Assuming US treatment prices as a conservative estimate, the incremental cost per LYS was significantly higher, though still favourable in comparison to other common medical interventions: 3712 dollars for nicotine gum, 1982 dollars for nicotine patch, 4597 dollars for nicotine spray, 4291 dollars for nicotine inhaler, and 1324 dollars for bupropion. Cost per LYS increased significantly upon application of higher discount rates, which may be used to reflect relatively high opportunity costs for health expenditures in developing countries with highly constrained resources and high overall mortality. CONCLUSION: Pharmacological cessation therapy can be highly cost effective as compared to other common medical interventions in low mortality, middle income countries, particularly if medications can be procured at low prices.


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Context: Cross-cultural clinical competence (CCC) requires a mixtureof "knowledge" (K), "attitude" (A) and "skills" (S), in order to develop theability to give quality care to patients of different cultures. Theseattributes allow, while providing medical care, consideration of thepatient's medical, social, cultural and language needs. The LausanneUniversity Medical Policlinic (PMU) provides approximately 30000consultations per year to migrant patients and over the past five yearshas implemented a training course on CCC that focuses on trialogue,stereotypes and administrative procedures for the healthcare ofmigrants.Method: A quantitative survey of 18 new residents, was carried outusing a validated questionnaire, the "Multicultural AssessmentQuestionnaire" (the MAQ, 16 questions on K, A and S) to evaluate theimpact of CCC training. The questionnaire was distributed before theCCC course (J-1), three days after (J+3) and three months later (J+90).A descriptive univariate analysis of the difference in MAQ scoresbetween the times J-1 - J+3 and J-1 - J+90 was made. Three FocusGroups were conducted, at three months, to explore residents' thoughtsabout the course.Results: A significant increase was observed in global performancedeclared by residents. Following the intervention, the score of the MAQincreased from 31.4 points to 38.0 points at three days (p = 0.004) andto 37.7 points at three months (p = 0.003). This increase was mostnoticeable in the field of acquiring K: total score J-1: 118, J+3: 189,J+90: 190 (difference J-1 - J+3 and J-1 - J+90: p <0.005). There was nosignificant difference in acquiring A (J-1: 222, J+3: 228, J+90: 229), andS increases in a significant way at first (J-1: 222, J+3: 265, J-1 - J+3:p = 0.035), then comes back to the start value (J+90: 217). The residentswere interested by the course which they felt provides useful informationfor clinical practice. They had a great number of expectations in varyingfields (medical anthropology, cultural differences, epidemiology, etc.),hoping a "ready-made" solution for the approach of migrant patients.Conclusions: A unique training of CCC at the post-graduate level,upgraded K, and to a lesser extent A and S, for these 18 residents. Theywere interest and they had many expectations. Subsequent coursesshould consolidate these acquisitions. Future study should demonstratethe impact on patients' clinical outcome.


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O trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar quinzenalmente, em 1996 e 1997, a variação do potencial total da água ao longo do tempo, em solos de uma toposseqüência de tabuleiro localizada em Sapeaçu, BA. Esta toposseqüência tinha as seguintes características: a) comprimento de 190 m; b) declividade média de 0,097 m m-1; c) cultivo com laranja; d) Latossolo Amarelo argissólico coeso, no terço superior; e) Argissolo Amarelo coeso, no terço médio; f) Argissolo Acinzentado não coeso, no terço inferior. A umidade do solo foi medida com sonda de nêutrons, nas profundidades de 0,30, 0,70, 1,10 e 1,50 m. Com base nas respectivas curvas de retenção, obteve-se o potencial matricial e, em seguida, o potencial total da água, para cada solo, profundidade e tempo. A camada coesa dificulta o fluxo de água no solo, tanto no processo de molhamento como no de secamento. Em conseqüência, o potencial total da água em solos com camada coesa varia bruscamente na camada mais superficial, ao longo do tempo, e mais lentamente nas camadas mais profundas. Em solo não coeso, a variação brusca do potencial ocorre apenas na camada mais superficial. O limite de tensão de água no solo de -1.500 kPa como sendo o ponto de murchamento permanente não se aplica à cultura dos citros.


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There has been a long standing desire to produce thick (up to 500 nm) cryo-sections of fully hydrated cells and tissue for high-resolution analysis in their natural state by cryo-transmission electron microscopy. Here, we present a method that can successfully produce sections (lamellas in FIB-SEM terminology) of fully hydrated, unstained cells from high-pressure frozen samples by focused ion beam (FIB) milling. The samples are therefore placed in thin copper tubes and vitrified by high-pressure freezing. For transfer, handling and subsequent milling, the tubes are placed in a novel connective device (ferrule) that protects the sample from devitrification and contamination and passes through all operation steps. A piezo driven sample positioning stage (cryo-nano-bench, CNB) with three degrees of freedom was additionally developed to enable accurate milling of frozen-hydrated lamellas. With the CNB, high-pressure frozen samples can be milled to produce either thin lamellas (<100 nm), for direct imaging by high-resolution cryo-TEM or thicker lamellas (300-500 nm) for cryo-electron tomography. The sample remains vitreous throughout the process by using the presented tools and methods. The results are an important step towards investigating larger cells and even tissue in there natural state which in the end will enable us to gain better insights into cellular processes.


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Résumé La réalisation d'une seconde ligne de métro (M2) dès 2004, passant dans le centre ville de Lausanne, a été l'opportunité de développer une méthodologie concernant des campagnes microgravimétriques dans un environnement urbain perturbé. Les corrections topographiques prennent une dimension particulière dans un tel milieu, car de nombreux objets non géologiques d'origine anthropogénique comme toutes sortes de sous-sols vides viennent perturber les mesures gravimétriques. Les études de génie civil d'avant projet de ce métro nous ont fournis une quantité importante d'informations cadastrales, notamment sur les contours des bâtiments, sur la position prévue du tube du M2, sur des profondeurs de sous-sol au voisinage du tube, mais aussi sur la géologie rencontré le long du corridor du M2 (issue des données lithologiques de forages géotechniques). La planimétrie des sous-sols a été traitée à l'aide des contours des bâtiments dans un SIG (Système d'Information Géographique), alors qu'une enquête de voisinage fut nécessaire pour mesurer la hauteur des sous-sols. Il a été alors possible, à partir d'un MNT (Modèle Numérique de Terrain) existant sur une grille au mètre, de mettre à jour celui ci avec les vides que représentent ces sous-sols. Les cycles de mesures gravimétriques ont été traités dans des bases de données Ac¬cess, pour permettre un plus grand contrôle des données, une plus grande rapidité de traitement, et une correction de relief rétroactive plus facile, notamment lorsque des mises à jour de la topographie ont lieu durant les travaux. Le quartier Caroline (entre le pont Bessières et la place de l'Ours) a été choisi comme zone d'étude. Le choix s'est porté sur ce quartier du fait que, durant ce travail de thèse, nous avions chronologiquement les phases pré et post creusement du tunnel du M2. Cela nous a permis d'effectuer deux campagnes gravimétriques (avant le creu¬sement durant l'été 2005 et après le creusement durant l'été 2007). Ces réitérations nous ont permis de tester notre modélisation du tunnel. En effet, en comparant les mesures des deux campagnes et la réponse gravifique du modèle du tube discrétisé en prismes rectangulaires, nous avons pu valider notre méthode de modélisation. La modélisation que nous avons développée nous permet de construire avec détail la forme de l'objet considéré avec la possibilité de recouper plusieurs fois des interfaces de terrains géologiques et la surface topographique. Ce type de modélisation peut s'appliquer à toutes constructions anthropogéniques de formes linéaires. Abstract The realization of a second underground (M2) in 2004, in downtown Lausanne, was the opportunity to develop a methodology of microgravity in urban environment. Terrain corrections take on special meaning in such environment. Many non-geologic anthropogenic objects like basements act as perturbation of gravity measurements. Civil engineering provided a large amount of cadastral informations, including out¬lines of buildings, M2 tube position, depths of some basements in the vicinity of the M2 corridor, and also on the geology encountered along the M2 corridor (from the lithological data from boreholes). Geometry of basements was deduced from building outlines in a GIS (Geographic Information System). Field investigation was carried out to measure or estimate heights of basements. A DEM (Digital Elevation Model) of the city of Lausanne is updated from voids of basements. Gravity cycles have been processed in Access database, to enable greater control of data, enhance speed processing, and retroactive terrain correction easier, when update of topographic surface are available. Caroline area (between the bridge Saint-Martin and Place de l'Ours) was chosen as the study area. This area was in particular interest because it was before and after digging in this thesis. This allowed us to conduct two gravity surveys (before excavation during summer 2005 and after excavation during summer 2007). These re-occupations enable us to test our modélisation of the tube. Actually, by comparing the difference of measurements between the both surveys and the gravity response of our model (by rectangular prisms), we were able to validate our modeling. The modeling method we developed allows us to construct detailed shape of an object with possibility to cross land geological interfaces and surface topography. This type of modélisation can be applied to all anthropogenic structures.


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AIM: The goal of the present work was to compare outcomes of definitive concurrent cisplatin-based chemoradiotherapy (CRT) with cetuximab-based bioradiotherapy (BRT) in locally advanced head-and-neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC). PATIENTS AND METHODS: Between 2006 and 2012, 265 patients with locally advanced HNSCC were treated at our institution with CRT (n = 194; 73 %) with three cycles of cisplatin (100 mg/m(2), every 3 weeks) or BRT (n = 71; 27 %) with weekly cetuximab. Patients receiving BRT had more pre-existing conditions (Charlson index ≥ 2) than the CRT group (p = 0.005). RESULTS: Median follow-up was 29 months. In all, 56 % of patients treated with CRT received the planned three cycles (92 % at least two cycles) and 79 % patients treated with BRT received six cycles or more. The 2-year actuarial overall survival (OS) and progression-free survival (PFS) were 72 % and 61 %, respectively. In the multivariate analysis (MVA), T4 stage, N2-3 stage, smoking status (current smoker as compared with never smoker), and non-oropharyngeal locations predicted for OS, whereas BRT association with OS was of borderline significance (p = 0.054). The 2-year actuarial locoregional control (LRC) and distant control (DC) rates were 73 and 79 %, respectively. CRT was independently associated with an improved LRC (2-year LRC: 76 % for CRT vs. 61 % for BRT) and DC (2-year LRC: 81 % for CRT vs. 68 % for BRT) in comparison with BRT (p < 0.001 and p = 0.01 in the MVA). Subgroup analyses showed that T4 patients benefited significantly from CRT (vs. BRT) in LRC, while T1-3 did not. BRT patients had more G3-4 skin complications (p < 0.001) and CRT patients had higher rates of feeding tube placement (p = 0.006) and G3-4 gastrointestinal toxicities (p < 0.001). CONCLUSION: This retrospective analysis showed a better LRC in locally advanced HNSCC treated by cisplatin-based CRT than cetuximab-based BRT, and a nonsignificant trend towards an improved OS.


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Incomplet du commencement et de la fin. — Miniatures.