999 resultados para 184-1146B


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Ancien possesseur : Argenson, Antoine-René de Voyer (1722-1787 ; marquis de Paulmy d')


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Schizotypy refers to a constellation of personality traits that are believed to mirror the subclinical expression of schizophrenia in the general population. Evidence from pharmacological studies indicates that dopamine is involved in the aetiology of schizophrenia. Based on the assumption of a continuum between schizophrenia and schizotypy, researchers have begun investigating the association between dopamine and schizotypy using a wide range of methods. In this article, we review published studies on this association from the following areas of work: (1) Experimental investigations of the interactive effects of dopaminergic challenges and schizotypy on cognition, motor control and behaviour, (2) dopaminergically supported cognitive functions, (3) studies of associations between schizotypy and polymorphisms in genes involved in dopaminergic neurotransmission, and (4) molecular imaging studies of the association between schizotypy and markers of the dopamine system. Together, data from these lines of evidence suggest that dopamine is important to the expression and experience of schizotypy and associated behavioural biases. An important observation is that the experimental designs, methods, and manipulations used in this research are highly heterogeneous. Future studies are required to replicate individual observations, to enlighten the link between dopamine and different schizotypy dimensions (positive, negative, cognitive disorganisation), and to guide the search for solid dopamine-sensitive behavioural markers. Such studies are important in order to clarify inconsistencies between studies. More work is also needed to identify differences between dopaminergic alterations in schizotypy compared to the dysfunctions observed in schizophrenia.


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Resume los resultados más saltantes obtenidos en la primera prueba experimental con long-line (palangre) a bordo del SNP-1 del 26 de mayo al 4 de junio de 1976, además describe generalidades del aparejo de pesca empleado y algunas observaciones bio-oceanológicas.


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For decades, scientists thought that all of the missing secrets of brain function resided in neurons. However, a wave of new findings indicates that glial cells, formerly considered mere supporters and subordinate to neurons, participate actively in synaptic integration and processing of information in the brain.


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The package HIERFSTAT for the statistical software R, created by the R Development Core Team, allows the estimate of hierarchical F-statistics from a hierarchy with any numbers of levels. In addition, it allows testing the statistical significance of population differentiation for these different levels, using a generalized likelihood-ratio test. The package HIERFSTAT is available at http://www.unil.ch/popgen/softwares/hierfstat.htm.


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This retrospective, multicentre study evaluated patients with lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM) and pre-capillary pulmonary hypertension (PH) by right heart catheterisation. It was conducted in 20 females with a mean ± SD age of 49 ± 12 yrs and a mean ± SD time interval between LAM and PH diagnoses of 9.2 ± 9.8 yrs. All, except for one patient, were receiving supplemental oxygen. 6-min walking distance was mean ± SD 340 ± 84 m. Haemodynamic characteristics were: mean pulmonary artery pressure (PAP) 32 ± 6 mmHg, cardiac index 3.5 ± 1.1 L · min(-1) · m(-2) and pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) 376 ± 184 dyn · s · cm(-5). Mean PAP was >35 mmHg in only 20% of cases. The forced expiratory volume in 1 s was 42 ± 25%, carbon monoxide transfer factor was 29 ± 13%, and arterial oxygen tension (P(a,O(2))) was 7.4 ± 1.3 kPa in room air. Mean PAP and PVR did not correlate with P(a,O(2)). In six patients who received oral pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) therapy, the PAP decreased from 33 ± 9 mmHg to 24 ± 10 mmHg and the PVR decreased from 481 ± 188 dyn · s · cm(-5) to 280 ± 79 dyn · s · cm(-5). The overall probability of survival was 94% at 2 yrs. Pre-capillary PH of mild haemodynamic severity may occur in patients with LAM, even with mild pulmonary function impairment. PAH therapy might improve the haemodynamics in PH associated with LAM.


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Durante la primavera 2005, con la red Hensen (330 μm) se colectaron 104 muestras de zooplancton entre Paita y Cerro Azul hasta 50 m de profundidad. Se determinaron huevos y larvas pertenecientes a 20 familias, 22 géneros y 31 especies. Engraulis ringens fue más frecuente y abundante; se registraron huevos (64,1%) y larvas (70,9%), con abundancias que fluctuaron entre 3 y 23.184 huevos/m2 y entre 3 y 5.340 larvas/m2. La longitud total (LT) de las larvas fluctuó entre 2 y 20 mm, las más abundantes (91,6%) fueron larvas entre 2 y 4 mm LT. De Vinciguerria lucetia se registró huevos (35,6%) y larvas (28,8%) y de Diogenichthys laternatus larvas con 32,7%. El índice de diversidad (H), registró valores entre 0,001 y 1,54 bits/Ind., la equidad (J) varió entre 0,002 y 0,985 y la riqueza de especies (d) entre 0,099 y 1,430. Los volúmenes de zooplancton estuvieron comprendidos entre 0,4 y 55 mL/muestra, con un promedio +desviación estándar de 7,30 +8,10 mL/muestra.


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OBJECTIVE: To set-up an international cohort of patients suspected with Behçet's disease (BD). The cohort is aimed at defining an algorithm for definition of the disease in children. METHODS: International experts have defined the inclusion criteria as follows: recurrent oral aphthosis (ROA) plus one of following-genital ulceration, erythema nodosum, folliculitis, pustulous/acneiform lesions, positive pathergy test, uveitis, venous/arterial thrombosis and family history of BD. Onset of disease is <16 years, disease duration is ≤3 years, future follow-up duration is ≥4 years and informed consent is obtained. The expert committee has classified the included patients into: definite paediatric BD (PED-BD), probable PED-BD and no PED-BD. Statistical analysis is performed to compare the three groups of patients. Centres document their patients into a single database. RESULTS: At January 2010, 110 patients (56 males/54 females) have been included. Mean age at first symptom: 8.1 years (median 8.2 years). At inclusion, 38% had only one symptom associated with ROA, 31% had two and 31% had three or more symptoms. A total of 106 first evaluations have been done. Seventeen patients underwent the first-year evaluation, and 36 had no new symptoms, 12 had one and 9 had two. Experts have examined 48 files and classified 30 as definite and 18 as probable. Twenty-six patients classified as definite fulfilled the International Study Group criteria. Seventeen patients classified as probable did not meet the international criteria. CONCLUSION: The expert committee has classified the majority of patients in the BD group although they presented with few symptoms independently of BD classification criteria.


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Los volúmenes de plancton fluctuaron entre 0,015 mL.m-3 (Pisco) y 4,648 mL.m-3 (Chimbote), promedio 0,838 mL.m-3, el 79% de estaciones tuvo volúmenes <1,0 mL.m-3. La predominancia del fitoplancton alcanzó 34%. El análisis de comunidades discriminó la formación de dos grupos: 1) estaciones con especies en fases iniciales de sucesión dentro de las 50 mn (Chaetoceros spp., Detonula pumila y Thalassiosira subtilis) y 2) con especies de fases intermedias y típicas de aguas cálidas (Planktoniella sol, Thalassiosira cf. parteneia y Thalassiothrix longissima) asociadas a dinoflagelados cosmopolitas, que se distribuyeron por fuera de las 50 mn. Indicadores biológicos: Protoperidinium obtusum (ACF) se registró hasta las 60 mn; Ceratium breve, indicador de AES se registró frente a Chimbote (75 mn) y Paita (190 mn); Ceratium praelongum, indicador de ASS, se registró a 60 mn, llegando hasta 30 mn frente a Paita.


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We have shown that a local administration of thyroid hormones (T3) at the level of transected rat sciatic nerve induced a significant increase in the number of regenerated axons. To address the question of whether local administration of T3 rescues the axotomized sensory neurons from death, in the present study we estimated the total number of surviving neurons per dorsal root ganglion (DRG) in three experimental group animals. Forty-five days following rat sciatic nerve transection, the lumbar (L4 and L5) DRG were removed from PBS-control, T3-treated as well as from unoperated rats, and serial sections (1 microm) were cut. The physical dissector method was used to estimate the total number of sensory neurons in the DRGs. Our results revealed that in PBS-control rats transection of sciatic nerve leads to a significant (P < 0.001) decrease in the mean number of sensory neurons (8743.8 +/- 748.6) compared with the number of neurons in nontransected ganglion (mean 13,293.7 +/- 1368.4). However, administration of T3 immediately after sciatic nerve transection rescues a great number of axotomized neurons so that their mean neuron number (12,045.8 +/- 929.8) is not significantly different from the mean number of neurons in the nontransected ganglion. In addition, the volume of ganglia showed a similar tendency. These results suggest that T3 rescues a high number of axotomized sensory neurons from death and allows these cells to grow new axons. We believe that the relative preservation of neurons is important in considering future therapeutic approaches of human peripheral nerve lesion and sensory neuropathy.


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Ce registre contient en outre (fol. 96-128) des notes sur les décès des religieuses de 1605 à 1801, sur les professions des soeurs converses (fol. 160-165) et sur les événements qui se sont produits au couvent, pendant le XVIIe siècle (fol. 170 v°-178). — Images de saints et de saintes à l'intérieur des couvertures.