983 resultados para 14Carbon uptake rate, attributed to calcification, fractionated


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The present investigation on “Coconut Phenology and Yield Response to Climate Variability and Change” was undertaken at the experimental site, at the Regional Station, Coconut Development Board, KAU Campus, Vellanikkara. Ten palms each of eight-year-old coconut cultivars viz., Tiptur Tall, Kuttiadi (WCT), Kasaragod (WCT) and Komadan (WCT) were randomly selected.The study therefore, reinforces our traditional knowledge that the coconut palm is sensitive to changing weather conditions during the period from primordium initiation to harvest of nuts (about 44 months). Absence of rainfall from December to May due to early withdrawal of northeast monsoon, lack of pre monsoon showers and late onset of southwest monsoon adversely affect the coconut productivity to a considerable extent in the following year under rainfed conditions. The productivity can be increased by irrigating the coconut palm during the dry periods.Increase in temperature, aridity index, number of severe summer droughts and decline in rainfall and moisture index were the major factors for a marginal decline or stagnation in coconut productivity over a period of time, though various developmental schemes were in operation for sustenance of coconut production in the State of Kerala. It can be attributed to global warming and climate change. Therefore, there is a threat to coconut productivity in the ensuing decades due to climate variability and change. In view of the above, there is an urgent need for proactive measures as a part of climate change adaptation to sustain coconut productivity in the State of Kerala.The coconut productivity is more vulnerable to climate variability such as summer droughts rather than climate change in terms of increase in temperature and decline in rainfall, though there was a marginal decrease (1.6%) in the decade of 1981-2009 when compared to that of 1951-80. This aspect needs to be examined in detail by coconut development agencies such as Coconut Development Board and State Agriculture Department for remedial measures. Otherwise, the premier position of Kerala in terms of coconut production is likely to be lost in the ensuing years under the projected climate change scenario. Among the four cultivars studied, Tiptur Tall appears to be superior in terms of reproduction phase and nut yield. This needs to be examined by the coconut breeders in their crop improvement programme as a part of stress tolerant under rainfed conditions. Crop mix and integrated farming are supposed to be the best combination to sustain development in the long run under the projected climate change scenarios. Increase in coconut area under irrigation during summer with better crop management and protection measures also are necessary measures to increase coconut productivity since the frequency of intensity of summer droughts is likely to increase under projected global warming scenario.


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This thesis entitled “Development planning at the state level in india a case study with reference to kerala1957-84.Planning in India is a concurrent subject with the Centre and the States having well-defined domains of jurisdiction with regard to planning functions and sources of resource mobilisation.The genesis of the lack of academic interest in state level planning is in the widely held belief that in the extent scheme of Centre-State economic relations, the states have little scope for initiative in planning.Both at the theoretical and empirical levels, Kerala has attached very great importance to planning.It has been the localeof wide and deep discussions on the various dimensions of planning.In Kerala's development process, the leading sector consists of social services such as education and public healthOne point that needs special emphasis in this regard is that the high demand for education in Kerala cannot be attributed to the Keralites' ‘unique urge‘ for education. Rather, it is related to the very high level of unemployment in the state (Kerala has the highest level of unemployment in the country.In resource allocation under the Five Year Plans, Kerala attached the highest weightage to power generation, hydro-electric projects being the major source of power in the state. Nearly one-fourth of the plan resources has been claimed by hydro-electric projects.In the agricultural sector, Kera1a's level of productive use of electric power is one of the lowest.As is evident.from above, planning in Kerala has not enabled us to solve the basic problems of the state. More 'scientific' planning in the sense of applying mre sophisticated planning techniques is obviously not the answer. It, on the contrary, consists of more fundamental changes some of which can be brought about through an effective use of measures well within the power of the State Government.


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Frozen storage characteristics and shelflife vary considerably among species as well as within the species (Powrie, 1973; Fennema. 1973). This can be attributed to the variation in the composition of fish among various species. In certain species like sardines and mackerel. wide seasonal variation in chemical composition occur within the species. These variations affect the quality and shelflife. The nutritional level of water. spawning, method of catching, struggling etc. are found to have profound influence on the condition of the fresh fish. Soon after death the deteriorative changes in fish start due to autolysis and bacterial growth. The rate of these changes depends mainly on temperature. The handling methods have great influence on bacterial contamination. Thus the type oi'handling. temperature control. period of chill storage. processing methods. type of freezing, condition of frozen storage and period of storage affect the quality and shelflife Of the fisho In the present study extensive investigations were carried out on various factors affecting the quality of fish as well as their effect on the physical. chemical and sensory qualities of fish during frozen storage and the shelflife


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We propose antimicrobial photodynamic therapy (aPDT) as an alternative strategy to reduce the use of antibiotics in shrimp larviculture systems. The growth of a multiple antibiotic resistant Vibrio harveyi strain was effectively controlled by treating the cells with Rose Bengal and photosensitizing for 30 min using a halogen lamp. This resulted in the death of > 50% of the cells within the first 10 min of exposure and the 50% reduction in the cell wall integrity after 30 min could be attributed to the destruction of outer membrane protein of V. harveyi by reactive oxygen intermediates produced during the photosensitization. Further, mesocosm experiments with V. harveyi and Artemia nauplii demonstrated that in 30 min, the aPDT could kill 78.9% and 91.2% of heterotrophic bacterial and Vibrio population respectively. In conclusion, the study demonstrated that aPDT with its rapid action and as yet unreported resistance development possibilities could be a propitious strategy to reduce the use of antibiotics in shrimp larviculture systems and thereby, avoid their hazardous effects on human health and the ecosystem at large.


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In the backdrop of issues encountered by the marine product exports from Kerala in the traditional strongholds of the European Union and the United States, there is a need to target newer markets. The ASEAN India Trade in Goods Agreement (TIGA) though proposes to liberalize trade between India and the ASEAN member nations, fails to deliver greater market access for our marine products in the markets of the ASEAN nations. This can be attributed to factors such as the lower prevailing MFN base rate in the ASEAN nations, tariff reduction commitments reciprocated by them being lesser than India’s offers, inclusion of our prominent items of export in the restrictive lists of most of the ASEAN nations etc. Export forecast suggests that this is a market to be reckoned, which in turn stipulates the need to secure greater concessions and preferential treatment for our marine product exports in the ASEAN nations to capitalize on the gains that have been made


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A more widespread use of cereal/legume rotations has been suggested as a means to sustainably meet increasing food demands in sub-Saharan West Africa. Enhanced cereal yields following legumes have been attributed to chemical and biological factors such as higher levels of mineral nitrogen (Nmin) and arbuscular mycorrhizae (AM) but also to lower amounts of plant parasitic nematodes. This study was conducted under controlled conditions to examine the relative contribution of AM, plant parasitic nematodes and increased nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) availability to cereal/legume rotation effects on two West African soils. Sample soils were taken from field experiments at Gaya (Niger) and Fada (Burkina Faso) supporting continuous cereal and cereal/legume rotation systems and analysed for chemical and biological parameters. Average increases in cereal shoot dry matter (DM) of rotation cereals compared with continuous cereals were 490% at Gaya and 550% at Fada. Shoot P concentration of rotation millet was significantly higher than in continuous millet and P uptake in rotation cereals was on average 62.5-fold higher than in continuous cereals. Rotation rhizosphere soils also had higher pH at both sites. For the Fada soil, large increases in Bray1-P and organic P were observed in bulk and rhizosphere soils. Plant parasitic nematodes in roots of continuous cereals were 60–80-fold higher than in those of rotation cereals. In both cropping systems mycorrhizal infection rates were similar at 37 days after sowing (DAS) but at 57 DAS AM infection was 10–15% higher in rotation sorghum than in continuous sorghum. This study provides strong evidence that cereal/legume rotations can enhance P nutrition of cereals through improved soil chemical P availability and microbiologically increased P uptake.


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Phosphorus (P) deficiency is a major constraint to pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum L.) growth on acid sandy soils of the West African Sahel. To develop cost-effective fertilization strategies for cash poor farmers, experiments with pearl millet were conducted in southwestern Niger. Treatments comprised single superphosphate hill-placed at rates of 1, 3, 5 or 7 kg P ha^−1 factorially combined with broadcast P at a rate of 13 kg ha^−1. Nitrogen was applied as calcium ammonium nitrate at rates of 30 and 45 kg ha^−1. At low soil moisture, placement of single superphosphate in immediate proximity to the seed reduced seedling emergence. Despite these negative effects on germination, P placement resulted in much faster growth of millet seedlings than did broadcast P. With P application, potassium nutrition of millet was improved and seedling nitrogen uptake increased two- to three-fold, indicating that nitrogen was not limiting early millet growth. Averaged over the 1995 and 1996 cropping seasons, placed applications of 3, 5 and 7 kg P ha^−1 led to 72%, 81% and 88% respectively, of the grain yield produced by broadcasting 13 kg P ha^−1. Nitrogen application did not show major effects on grain yield unless P requirements were met. A simple economic analysis revealed that the profitability of P application, defined as additional income per unit of fertilizer, was highest for P placement at 3 and 5 kg ha^−1.


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To increase the organic matter (OM) content in the soil is one main goal in arable soil management. The adoption of tillage systems with reduced tillage depth and/or frequency (reduced tillage) or of no-tillage was found to increase the concentration of soil OM compared to conventional tillage (CT; ploughing to 20-30 cm). However, the underlying processes are not yet clear and are discussed contradictorily. So far, few investigations were conducted on tillage systems with a shallow tillage depth (minimum tillage = MT; maximum tillage depth of 10 cm). A better understanding of the interactions between MT implementation and changes in OM transformation in soils is essential in order to evaluate the possible contribution of MT to a sustainable management of arable soils. The objectives of the present thesis were (i) to compare OM concentrations, microbial biomass, water-stable aggregates, and particulate OM (POM) between CT and MT soils, (ii) to estimate the temporal variability of water-stable aggregate size classes occurring in the field and the dynamics of macroaggregate (>250 µm) formation and disruption under controlled conditions, (iii) to investigate whether a lower disruption or a higher formation rate accounts for a higher occurrence of macroaggregates under MT compared to CT, (iv) to determine which fraction is the major agent for storing the surplus of OM found under MT compared to CT, and (v) to observe the early OM transformation after residue incorporation in different tillage systems simulated. Two experimental sites (Garte-Süd and Hohes Feld) near Göttingen, Germany, were investigated. Soil type of both sites was a Haplic Luvisol. Since about 40 years, both sites receive MT by a rotary harrow (to 5-8 cm depth) and CT by a plough (to 25 cm depth). Surface soils (0-5 cm) and subsoils (10-20 cm) of two sampling dates (after fallow and directly after tillage) were investigated for concentrations of organic C (Corg) and total N (N), different water-stable aggregate size classes, different density fractions (for the sampling date after fallow only), microbial biomass, and for biochemically stabilized Corg and N (by acid hydrolysis; for the sampling date after tillage only). In addition, two laboratory incubations were performed under controlled conditions: Firstly, MT and CT soils were incubated (28 days at 22°C) as bulk soil and with destroyed macroaggregates in order to estimate the importance of macroaggregates for the physical protection of the very labile OM against mineralization. Secondly, in a microcosm experiment simulating MT and CT systems with soil <250 µm and with 15N and 13C labelled maize straw incorporated to different depths, the mineralization, the formation of new macroaggregates, and the partitioning of the recently added C and N were followed (28 days at 15°C). Forty years of MT regime led to higher concentrations of microbial biomass and of Corg and N compared to CT, especially in the surface soil. After fallow and directly after tillage, a higher proportion of water-stable macroaggregates rich in OM was found in the MT (36% and 66%, respectively) than in the CT (19% and 47%, respectively) surface soils of both sites (data shown are of the site Garte-Süd only). The subsoils followed the same trend. For the sampling date after fallow, no differences in the POM fractions were found but there was more OM associated to the mineral fraction detected in the MT soils. A large temporal variability was observed for the abundance of macroaggregates. In the field and in the microcosm simulations, macroaggregates were found to have a higher formation rate after the incorporation of residues under MT than under CT. Thus, the lower occurrence of macroaggregates in CT soils cannot be attributed to a higher disruption but to a lower formation rate. A higher rate of macroaggregate formation in MT soils may be due to (i) the higher concentrated input of residues in the surface soil and/or (ii) a higher abundance of fungal biomass in contrast to CT soils. Overall, as a location of storage of the surplus of OM detected under MT compared to CT, water-stable macroaggregates were found to play a key role. In the incubation experiment, macroaggregates were not found to protect the very labile OM against mineralization. Anyway, the surplus of OM detected after tillage in the MT soil was biochemically degradable. MT simulations in the microcosm experiment showed a lower specific respiration and a less efficient translocation of recently added residues than the CT simulations. Differences in the early processes of OM translocation between CT and MT simulations were attributed to a higher residue to soil ratio and to a higher proportion of fungal biomass in the MT simulations. Overall, MT was found to have several beneficial effects on the soil structure and on the storage of OM, especially in the surface soil. Furthermore, it was concluded that the high concentration of residues in the surface soil of MT may alter the processes of storage and decomposition of OM. In further investigations, especially analysis of the residue-soil-interface and of effects of the depth of residue incorporation should be emphasised. Moreover, further evidence is needed on differences in the microbial community between CT and MT soils.


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Summary - Cooking banana is one of the most important crops in Uganda; it is a staple food and source of household income in rural areas. The most common cooking banana is locally called matooke, a Musa sp triploid acuminate genome group (AAA-EAHB). It is perishable and traded in fresh form leading to very high postharvest losses (22-45%). This is attributed to: non-uniform level of harvest maturity, poor handling, bulk transportation and lack of value addition/processing technologies, which are currently the main challenges for trade and export, and diversified utilization of matooke. Drying is one of the oldest technologies employed in processing of agricultural produce. A lot of research has been carried out on drying of fruits and vegetables, but little information is available on matooke. Drying of matooke and milling it to flour extends its shelf-life is an important means to overcome the above challenges. Raw matooke flour is a generic flour developed to improve shelf stability of the fruit and to find alternative uses. It is rich in starch (80 - 85%db) and subsequently has a high potential as a calorie resource base. It possesses good properties for both food and non-food industrial use. Some effort has been done to commercialize the processing of matooke but there is still limited information on its processing into flour. It was imperative to carry out an in-depth study to bridge the following gaps: lack of accurate information on the maturity window within which matooke for processing into flour can be harvested leading to non-uniform quality of matooke flour; there is no information on moisture sorption isotherm for matooke from which the minimum equilibrium moisture content in relation to temperature and relative humidity is obtainable, below which the dry matooke would be microbiologically shelf-stable; and lack of information on drying behavior of matooke and standardized processing parameters for matooke in relation to physicochemical properties of the flour. The main objective of the study was to establish the optimum harvest maturity window and optimize the processing parameters for obtaining standardized microbiologically shelf-stable matooke flour with good starch quality attributes. This research was designed to: i) establish the optimum maturity harvest window within which matooke can be harvested to produce a consistent quality of matooke flour, ii) establish the sorption isotherms for matooke, iii) establish the effect of process parameters on drying characteristics of matooke, iv) optimize the drying process parameters for matooke, v) validate the models of maturity and optimum process parameters and vi) standardize process parameters for commercial processing of matooke. Samples were obtained from a banana plantation at Presidential Initiative on Banana Industrial Development (PIBID), Technology Business Incubation Center (TBI) at Nyaruzunga – Bushenyi in Western Uganda. A completely randomized design (CRD) was employed in selecting the banana stools from which samples for the experiments were picked. The cultivar Mbwazirume which is soft cooking and commonly grown in Bushenyi was selected for the study. The static gravitation method recommended by COST 90 Project (Wolf et al., 1985), was used for determination of moisture sorption isotherms. A research dryer developed for this research. All experiments were carried out in laboratories at TBI. The physiological maturity of matooke cv. mbwazirume at Bushenyi is 21 weeks. The optimum harvest maturity window for commercial processing of matooke flour (Raw Tooke Flour - RTF) at Bushenyi is between 15-21 weeks. The finger weight model is recommended for farmers to estimate harvest maturity for matooke and the combined model of finger weight and pulp peel ratio is recommended for commercial processors. Matooke isotherms exhibited type II curve behavior which is characteristic of foodstuffs. The GAB model best described all the adsorption and desorption moisture isotherms. For commercial processing of matooke, in order to obtain a microbiologically shelf-stable dry product. It is recommended to dry it to moisture content below or equal to 10% (wb). The hysteresis phenomenon was exhibited by the moisture sorption isotherms for matooke. The isoteric heat of sorption for both adsorptions and desorption isotherms increased with decreased moisture content. The total isosteric heat of sorption for matooke: adsorption isotherm ranged from 4,586 – 2,386 kJ/kg and desorption isotherm from 18,194– 2,391 kJ/kg for equilibrium moisture content from 0.3 – 0.01 (db) respectively. The minimum energy required for drying matooke from 80 – 10% (wb) is 8,124 kJ/kg of water removed. Implying that the minimum energy required for drying of 1 kg of fresh matooke from 80 - 10% (wb) is 5,793 kJ. The drying of matooke takes place in three steps: the warm-up and the two falling rate periods. The drying rate constant for all processing parameters ranged from 5,793 kJ and effective diffusivity ranged from 1.5E-10 - 8.27E-10 m2/s. The activation energy (Ea) for matooke was 16.3kJ/mol (1,605 kJ/kg). Comparing the activation energy (Ea) with the net isosteric heat of sorption for desorption isotherm (qst) (1,297.62) at 0.1 (kg water/kg dry matter), indicated that Ea was higher than qst suggesting that moisture molecules travel in liquid form in matooke slices. The total color difference (ΔE*) between the fresh and dry samples, was lowest for effect of thickness of 7 mm, followed by air velocity of 6 m/s, and then drying air temperature at 70˚C. The drying system controlled by set surface product temperature, reduced the drying time by 50% compared to that of a drying system controlled by set air drying temperature. The processing parameters did not have a significant effect on physicochemical and quality attributes, suggesting that any drying air temperature can be used in the initial stages of drying as long as the product temperature does not exceed gelatinization temperature of matooke (72˚C). The optimum processing parameters for single-layer drying of matooke are: thickness = 3 mm, air temperatures 70˚C, dew point temperature 18˚C and air velocity 6 m/s overflow mode. From practical point of view it is recommended that for commercial processing of matooke, to employ multi-layer drying of loading capacity equal or less than 7 kg/m², thickness 3 mm, air temperatures 70˚C, dew point temperature 18˚C and air velocity 6 m/s overflow mode.


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This exploratory study evaluated biophysical, cultural and socio-economic factors affecting crop production and land utilisation in the Nkonkobe Municipality, South Africa. The study sought to establish what farmers in the area perceive as serious threats to crop production, drivers for land abandonment, and how best current agricultural production could be intensified. The farmers’ perspectives were assessed through interviews using semi-structured and open-ended questionnaires. The results of the study revealed declining crop productivity and increase in land abandonment in the Municipality. The biophysical drivers of land abandonment were low and erratic rainfall and land degradation while the socio-economic drivers were labour shortages due to old age and youth movement to cities, lack of farming equipment and security concerns. The most abandoned crops were maize, sorghum and wheat. This trend was attributed to the labour intensiveness of cereal production and a shift in dietary preference to purchased rice. These findings should be factored in any programmes that seek to increase land utilisation and crop productivity in the Municipality.


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Objetivo Realizar una revisión sistemática de la neumonía lipoidea exógena (NLE) con el propósito de compactar y sintetizar los conocimientos fragmentados, así como el de informar el estado actual de este tema como riesgo laboral. Metodología La neumonía lipoidea es una condición poco común que resulta de la presencia de lípidos en el interior del espacio alveolar, se desconoce su actual incidencia. La neumonía lipoidea exógena se produce por aspiración o inhalación de sustancias oleosas, es una patología rara en pacientes sin enfermedades de base que predispongan a la broncoaspiración y cuando se presenta en individuos sanos se debe sospechar un origen ocupacional. Se realizó una revisión de literatura según la metodología estandarizada, incluyendo en la búsqueda: reporte de casos, descripciones de la enfermedad y el uso de técnicas diagnósticas. Las bases de datos fueron OVID además de GOOGLE ACADÉMICO; buscadores específicos: MEDLINE, CHEST, PUB MED, REDALYC, SCIELO, Europe PubMed Central (Europe PMC) y ELSEVIER. La búsqueda estuvo además, orientada por una serie de preguntas orientadoras sobre la neumonía lipoidea exógena (NLE) como riesgo laboral. Los artículos que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión, se clasificaron de acuerdo con tipo de estudio, la calidad del artículo y finalmente se evaluaron con base en una lista de chequeo ajustada para este fin. Resultados Se seleccionó un total de 71 estudios incluyendo reporte de casos, descripciones de la enfermedad y técnicas diagnósticas; publicaciones provenientes de 21 países. Un total de 63 casos, 31 en mujeres (49,20%) y 32 en hombres (50,8%) fueron reportados; el 7,93% de los casos fueron atribuidos a la exposición de agentes en el ambiente laboral: combustibles, parafina/pintura/ pulverizaciones oleosas y diésel, ambientes propios de trabajadores de almacenes de pinturas y conductores de vehículos. Los síntomas de la neumonía lipoidea exógena (NLE) descritos fueron muy variables, puede cursar asintomática o con presencia de fiebre, disnea y tos irritativa; dolor torácico, en algunos casos hemoptisis, cianosis y pérdida de peso; El examen físico generalmente es normal, aunque puede revelar sibilancias o roncus. En pruebas de función respiratoria tales como la espirometría, se presenta un patrón restrictivo, además puede hallarse un descenso en la capacidad de difusión para el monóxido de carbono. En el hemograma puede detectarse leucocitosis con predominio de neutrófilos y aumento de la velocidad de sedimentación globular, hallazgos que también pueden ser producidos por una infección concomitante. Conclusiones Se destaca el hallazgo en la literatura de los diferentes agentes causales presentes en el ambiente laboral que pueden incidir en la aparición de la enfermedad: combustibles, parafina/pintura/ pulverizaciones oleosas y diésel, ambientes propios de trabajadores de almacenes de pinturas y conductores de vehículos. Se presentó neumonía lipoidea exógena (NLE) de tipo agudo después de 30 minutos a 24 horas de exposición masiva a aceites y sustancias oleosas, luego de de ocho meses a 9,5 años de inhalación continua secundaria. Los métodos más para de la diagnóstico enfermedad incluyen el lavado broncoalveolar (BAL), la biopsia de pulmón y la con radiografía torácica. Finalmente, es posible que en pacientes con neumonía lipoidea exógena, puedan presentarse complicaciones asociadas tales como: sobreinfección, fibrosis, retracción de las lesiones, cáncer de pulmón, bronconeumonías recurrentes e hipercalcemia.


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Early detection of breast cancer (BC) with mammography may cause overdiagnosis and overtreatment, detecting tumors which would remain undiagnosed during a lifetime. The aims of this study were: first, to model invasive BC incidence trends in Catalonia (Spain) taking into account reproductive and screening data; and second, to quantify the extent of BC overdiagnosis. We modeled the incidence of invasive BC using a Poisson regression model. Explanatory variables were: age at diagnosis and cohort characteristics (completed fertility rate, percentage of women that use mammography at age 50, and year of birth). This model also was used to estimate the background incidence in the absence of screening. We used a probabilistic model to estimate the expected BC incidence if women in the population used mammography as reported in health surveys. The difference between the observed and expected cumulative incidences provided an estimate of overdiagnosis.Incidence of invasive BC increased, especially in cohorts born from 1940 to 1955. The biggest increase was observed in these cohorts between the ages of 50 to 65 years, where the final BC incidence rates more than doubled the initial ones. Dissemination of mammography was significantly associated with BC incidence and overdiagnosis. Our estimates of overdiagnosis ranged from 0.4% to 46.6%, for women born around 1935 and 1950, respectively.Our results support the existence of overdiagnosis in Catalonia attributed to mammography usage, and the limited malignant potential of some tumors may play an important role. Women should be better informed about this risk. Research should be oriented towards personalized screening and risk assessment tools


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En aquest estudi, la toxicitat de diversos metalls pesants i l'arsènic va ser analitzada utilitzant diferents models biològics. En la primera part d'aquest treball, el bioassaig de toxicitat Microtox, el qual està basat en la variació de l'emissió lumínica del bacteri luminiscent Vibrio fischeri, va ser utilitzat per establir les corbes dosi-resposta de diferents elements tòxics com el Zn(II), Pb(II), Cu(II), Hg(II), Ag(I), Co(II), Cd(II), Cr(VI), As(V) i As(III) en solucions aquoses. Els experiments es varen portar a terme a pH 6.0 i 7.0 per tal de mostrar que el pH pot influir en la toxicitat final mesurada d'alguns metalls degut als canvis relacionats amb la seva especiació química. Es varen trobar diferents tipus de corbes dosi-resposta depenent del metall analitzat i el pH del medi. En el cas de l'arsènic, l'efecte del pH en la toxicitat de l'arsenat i l'arsenit es va investigar utilitzant l'assaig Microtox en un rang de pHs comprès entre pH 5.0 i 9.0. Els valors d'EC50 determinats per l'As(V) disminueixen, reflectint un augment de la toxicitat, a mesura que el pH de la solució augmenta mentre que, en el cas de l'As(III), els valors d'EC50 quasi bé no varien entre pH 6.0 i 8.0 i només disminueixen a pH 9.0. HAsO42- i H2AsO3- es varen definir com les espècies més tòxiques. Així mateix, una anàlisi estadística va revelar un efecte antagònic entre les espècies químiques d'arsenat que es troben conjuntament a pH 6.0 i 7.0. D'altra banda, els resultats de dos mètodes estadístics per predir la toxicitat i les possibles interaccions entre el Co(II), Cd(II), Cu(II), Zn(II) i Pb(II) en mescles binàries equitòxiques es varen comparar amb la toxicitat observada sobre el bacteri Vibrio fischeri. L'efecte combinat d'aquests metalls va resultar ser antagònic per les mescles de Co(II)-Cd(II), Cd(II)-Zn(II), Cd(II)-Pb(II) i Cu(II)-Pb(II), sinèrgic per Co(II)-Cu(II) i Zn(II)-Pb(II) i additiu en els altres casos, revelant un patró complex de possibles interaccions. L'efecte sinèrgic de la combinació Co(II)-Cu(II) i la forta disminució de la toxicitat del Pb(II) quan es troba en presència de Cd(II) hauria de merèixer més atenció quan s'estableixen les normatives de seguretat ambiental. La sensibilitat de l'assaig Microtox també va ser determinada. Els valors d'EC20, els quals representen la toxicitat llindar mesurable, varen ser determinats per cada element individualment i es va veure que augmenten de la següent manera: Pb(II) < Ag(I) < Hg(II)  Cu(II) < Zn(II) < As(V) < Cd(II)  Co(II) < As(III) < Cr(VI). Aquests valors es varen comparar amb les concentracions permeses en aigues residuals industrials establertes per la normativa oficial de Catalunya (Espanya). L'assaig Microtox va resultar ser suficientment sensible per detectar els elements assajats respecte a les normes oficials referents al control de la contaminació, excepte en el cas del cadmi, mercuri, arsenat, arsenit i cromat. En la segona part d'aquest treball, com a resultats complementaris dels resultats previs obtinguts utilitzant l'assaig de toxicitat aguda Microtox, els efectes crònics del Cd(II), Cr(VI) i As(V) es varen analitzar sobre la taxa de creixement i la viabilitat en el mateix model biològic. Sorprenentment, aquests productes químics nocius varen resultar ser poc tòxics per aquest bacteri quan es mesura el seu efecte després de temps d'exposició llargs. Tot i això, en el cas del Cr(VI), l'assaig d'inhibició de la viabilitat va resultar ser més sensible que l'assaig de toxicitat aguda Microtox. Així mateix, també va ser possible observar un clar fenomen d'hormesis, especialment en el cas del Cd(II), quan s'utilitza l'assaig d'inhibició de la viabilitat. A més a més, diversos experiments es varen portar a terme per intentar explicar la manca de toxicitat de Cr(VI) mostrada pel bacteri Vibrio fischeri. La resistència mostrada per aquest bacteri podria ser atribuïda a la capacitat d'aquest bacteri de convertir el Cr(VI) a la forma menys tòxica de Cr(III). Es va trobar que aquesta capacitat de reducció depèn de la composició del medi de cultiu, de la concentració inicial de Cr(VI), del temps d'incubació i de la presència d'una font de carboni. En la tercera part d'aquest treball, la línia cel·lular humana HT29 i cultius primaris de cèl·lules sanguínies de Sparus sarba es varen utilitzar in vitro per detectar la toxicitat llindar de metalls mesurant la sobreexpressió de proteines d'estrès. Extractes de fangs precedents de diverses plantes de tractament d'aigues residuals i diferents metalls, individualment o en combinació, es varen analitzar sobre cultius cel·lulars humans per avaluar el seu efecte sobre la taxa de creixement i la capacitat d'induir la síntesi de les proteïnes Hsp72 relacionades amb l'estrès cel·lular. No es varen trobar efectes adversos significatius quan els components s'analitzen individualment. Nogensmenys, quan es troben conjuntament, es produeix un afecte advers sobre tan la taxa de creixement com en l'expressió de proteins d'estrès. D'altra banda, cèl·lules sanguínies procedents de Sparus sarba es varen exposar in vitro a diferents concentracions de cadmi, plom i crom. La proteïna d'estrès HSP70 es va sobreexpressar significativament després de l'exposició a concentracions tan febles com 0.1 M. Sota les nostres condicions de treball, no es va evidenciar una sobreexpressió de metal·lotioneïnes. Nogensmenys, les cèl·lules sanguínies de peix varen resultar ser un model biològic interessant per a ser utilitzat en anàlisis de toxicitat. Ambdós models biològics varen resultar ser molt adequats per a detectar acuradament la toxicitat produïda per metalls. En general, l'avaluació de la toxicitat basada en l'anàlisi de la sobreexpressió de proteïnes d'estrès és més sensible que l'avaluació de la toxicitat realitzada a nivell d'organisme. A partir dels resultats obtinguts, podem concloure que una bateria de bioassaigs és realment necessària per avaluar acuradament la toxicitat de metalls ja que existeixen grans variacions entre els valors de toxicitat obtinguts emprant diferents organismes i molts factors ambientals poden influir i modificar els resultats obtinguts.


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El sistema de depuració de tipus Fangs Actius constitueix una de les tècniques més esteses arreu del món pel tractament biològic de les aigües residuals. Els softwares de modelització i simulació permeten adquirir coneixements de forma ràpida i senzilla sobre el funcionament dels processos de fangs actius, dur a terme la comparació entre diferents tecnologies de tractament i determinar les estratègies d'operació més rentables d'una EDAR minimitzant els costos. L'objectiu de la present tesi consisteix en la identificació dels principals paràmetres cinètics i coeficients estequiomètrics que caracteritzen el procés de fangs actius a partir de la mesura de la velocitat de consum d'oxigen de la biomassa. En aquest sentit s'ha dissenyat i desenvolupat un Respiròmetre Tancat Seqüencial (RTS), un Respiròmetre Tancat (RT) i un Programa d'Anàlisi de Respirometries (PAR) per la determinació dels paràmetres cinètics més representatius i característics dels sistemes de fangs actius en diferents casos.


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Se han sintetizado dos nuevos complejos mononucleares de Ru, con formula [RuCl2(Hbpp)(dmso)2], a partir de la reacción entre [RuCl2(dmso)4] y Hbpp (3,5-bis(2-piridil)pirazola). El hecho que sólo tres de los seis posibles estereoisómeros se obtengan a partir de esta reacción, se ha racionalizado en base a factores estructurales y electrónicos. Estos complejos se han caracterizado de forma estructural, espectroscópica y electroquímica. En acetonitrilo en medio básico, el isómero trans,cis-[RuCl2(Hbpp)(dmso)2] da lugar a procesos de isomerización de enlace de un ligando dmso cuando el Ru(II) se oxida a Ru(III). Las constantes termodinámicas y cinéticas para el proceso se han determinado por voltametria cíclica. La irradiación de trans,cis-[RuCl2(Hbpp)(dmso)2] y cis(out),cis-[RuCl2(Hbpp)(dmso)2] con luz UV o solar da lugar a reacciones de fotosustitución de un ligando dmso por una molécula de acetonitrilo para dar un nuevo compuesto el cual ha sido caracterizado en solución por técnicas espectroscópicas y electroquímicas. Ambos complejos resultan catalizadores útiles en la transferencia de hidrógeno de isopropanol a acetofenona, obteniéndose 1-feniletanol como único producto y un 42.1% de conversión (36.1 ciclos metálicos) a 80ºC con el isómero trans,cis-[RuCl2(Hbpp)(dmso)2], que resulta significativamente más eficaz que el complejo cis(out),cis-[RuCl2(Hbpp)(dmso)2]. La reacción de cis(out),cis-[RuCl2(Hbpp)(dmso)2] con trpy (2,2':6',2"-terpiridina) da lugar a los dos isómeros geométricos del complejo [Ru(Hbpp)(trpy)(Cl)]+, el in y el out. Estos complejos se han aislado y caracterizado por técnicas estructurales, espectroscópicas y electroquímicas. Estos cloro complejos han sido utilizados como precursores para la síntesis de los complejos análogos con ligandos aqua (in,out-[Ru(Hbpp)(trpy)(H2O)]2+) y piridina (in,out-[Ru(Hbpp)(trpy)(py)]2+), los cuales también han sido aislados y caracterizados. Las propiedades ácido-base de los aqua complejos, y del complejo out-py se han estudiado detalladamente por voltametria cíclica y mediante valoraciones espectrofotométricas ácido-base. El tratamiento matemático de los datos así obtenidos nos ha permitido determinar los valores de pKa para los distintos equilibrios de protonación de los complejos en los estados de oxidación II y III. El complejo out-aqua ha demostrado ser un buen catalizador para la oxidación electroquímica del alcohol benzílico, presumiblemente a benzaldehido. La constante de velocidad de segundo orden para el proceso ha sido determinada como 17.1 M-1 s-1, por simulación matemática. El dímero con un puente cloro, [Ru2Cl(bpp)(trpy)2]2+ ha sido preparado por dos rutas sintéticas diferentes. El dímero análogo con un puente acetato se ha obtenido por reacción del cloro dímero con un exceso de acetato sódico. El dímero con dos ligandos aqua [Ru2(bpp)(trpy)2(OH2)2]3+ puede obtenerse por hidrólisis ácida del complejo con un acetato puente o por hidrólisis básica del complejo con un puente cloro. Estos complejos han sido caracterizados por técnicas estructurales, espectroscópicas y electroquímicas. Las soluciones del dímero con dos ligandos aqua en medio ácido resultan inestables a la coordinación de aniones de la solución con el tiempo. Las propiedades ácido-base del dímero con dos aguas coordinadas han sido estudiadas por voltametria cíclica y mediante experimentos de electrólisis a potencial controlado. El pKa para la desprotonación de uno de los ligandos aqua ha sido determinado mediante una valoración espectrofotométrica ácido-base como 6.7. Este valor tan bajo de pKa se atribuye a la formación de la entidad {Ru2O2H3}, favorable termodinámicamente. Los espectros UV-vis para los distintos estados de oxidación del aqua dímero, de RuIIRuII a RuIIIRuIV, han sido obtenidos por oxidación química y electroquímica del complejo. Se han llevado a cabo estudios cinéticos de la oxidación, paso a paso, de RuII,II a RuIV,IV , y se han determinado las constantes de oxidación de segundo orden para los distintos procesos de oxidación. La capacidad del aqua dímero en la oxidación del agua a oxígeno molecular ha sido investigada en solución homogénea utilizando CeIV como oxidante. La evolución de oxígeno se ha demostrado por cromatografia de gases. Se ha obtenido una eficiencia del 73% y 18.6 ciclos catalíticos, cuando 1.83 x 10-6 moles de dímero se han mezclado con un exceso de 100 equivalentes de cerio. El dímero con dos aguas cataliza también la oxidación del agua de forma heterogénea, con el complejo adsorbido sobre una membrana de nafion, aunque la eficiencia es menor. Se ha propuesto un mecanismo intramolecular para la reacción de oxidación del agua. Consiste en la oxidación a 4 electrones del dímero, de RuII,II a RuIV,IV, el cual reacciona con el agua para formar oxígeno y revierte nuevamente al estado de oxidación II,II. Este modelo es consistente con estudios catalíticos de la evolución de oxígeno en función de las concentraciones de cerio y catalizador, llevados a cabo en solución ácida homogénea, que demuestran que la oxidación a 4 electrones del agua se encuentra catalizada por una sola molécula de complejo bajo concentraciones elevadas de cerio. La constante de pseudo-primer-orden para la evolución de oxígeno tiene un valor de 1.4 x 10-2 s-1, que es uno de los valores de constante más elevados obtenidos hasta la fecha. Desafortunadamente, el aqua dímero se desactiva durante el proceso de catálisis dando lugar a una especie naranja, la cual estamos actualmente tratando de caracterizar.