1000 resultados para 135-840A
(Excerto) Glosando Paul Virilio (2001: 135), podemos dizer que os ecrãs são ligações frias, que nos desligam do calor dos corpos. No ecrã não teríamos sensações humanas, mas apenas sensações fantasmadas, que não passariam de “simulacros”, para retomar a clássica expressão de Baudrillard (1978), ou que remeteriampara “o já sentido”, na lógica da tipificação feita em tempos por Mário Perniola (1993). E as emoções seriam apenas emoções “maquinadas” (Deleuze e Guattari, 1995), “artificiais” (Cruz, s/d), “puxadas à manivela” (Martins, 2002). Com efeito, espelhado como imagem num ecrã, o corpo digital dar-nos-ia a ver apenas a emanação delirante de um corpo já sem alma. E a cultura do ecrã constituiria a expressão de uma comunidade fria, uma comunidade sem o corpo do outro, embora alimentada pelos seus fantasmas, e também pelos fantasmas do nosso próprio corpo, numa ostensiva confirmação de que não existem práticas de rede sem narcisismo.
AIM To evaluate mucosal healing in patients with small bowel plus colonic Crohn's disease (CD) with a single non-invasive examination, by using PillCam COLON 2 (PCC2). METHODS Patients with non-stricturing nonpenetrating small bowel plus colonic CD in sustained corticosteroid-free remission were included. At diagnosis, patients had undergone ileocolonoscopy to identify active CD lesions, such as ulcers and erosions, and small bowel capsule endoscopy to assess the Lewis Score (LS). After = 1 year of follow-up, patients underwent entire gastrointestinal tract evaluation with PCC2. The primary endpoint was assessment of CD mucosal healing, defined as no active colonic CD lesions and LS < 135. RESULTS Twelve patients were included (7 male; mean age: 32 years), and mean follow-up was 38 mo. The majority of patients (83.3%) received immunosuppressive therapy. Three patients (25%) achieved mucosal healing in both the small bowel and the colon, while disease activity was limited to either the small bowel or the colon in 5 patients (42%). It was possible to observe the entire gastrointestinal tract in 10 of the 12 patients (83%) who underwent PCC2. CONCLUSION Only three patients in sustained corticosteroid-free clinical remission achieved mucosal healing in both the small bowel and the colon, highlighting the limitations of clinical assessment when stratifying disease activity, and the need for pan-enteric endoscopy to guide therapeutic modification.
Background and aims: Small bowel capsule endoscopy (SBCE) allows mapping of small bowel inflammation in Crohn’s disease (CD). We aimed to assess the prognostic value of the severity of inflammatory lesions, quantified by the Lewis score (LS), in patients with isolated small bowel CD. Methods: A retrospective study was performed in which 53 patients with isolated small bowel CD were submitted to SBCE at the time of diagnosis. The Lewis score was calculated and patients had at least 12 months of follow-up after diagnosis. As adverse events we defined disease flare requiring systemic corticosteroid therapy, hospitalization and/or surgery during follow-up. We compared the incidence of adverse events in 2 patient subgroups, i.e. those with moderate or severe inflammatory activity (LS =790) and those with mild inflammatory activity (135 = LS < 790). Results: The LS was =790 in 22 patients (41.5%), while 58.5% presented with LS between 135 and 790. Patients with a higher LS were more frequently smokers (p = 0.01), males (p = 0017) and under immunosuppressive therapy (p = 0.004). In multivariate analysis, moderate to severe disease at SBCE was independently associated with corticosteroid therapy during follow-up, with a relative risk (RR) of 5 (p = 0.011; 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.5–17.8), and for hospitalization, with an RR of 13.7 (p = 0 .028; 95% CI 1.3–141.9). Conclusion: In patients with moderate to severe inflammatory activity there were higher prevalences of corticosteroid therapy demand and hospitalization during follow-up. Thus, stratifying the degree of small bowel inflammatory activity with SBCE and LS calculation at the time of diagnosis provided relevant prognostic value in patients with isolated small bowel CD.
OBJECTIVE: A double-blind, placebo-controlled multicenter study involving 34 centers from different Brazilian regions was performed to evaluate the antihypertensive efficacy and tolerability of trandolapril, an angiotensin I converting enzyme inhibitor, in the treatment of mild-to-moderate systemic arterial hypertension. METHODS: Of 262 patients enrolled in this study, 127 were treated with trandolapril 2 mg/day for 8 consecutive weeks, and the remaining 135 patients received placebo for the same period of time. Reduction in blood pressure (BP) and the occurrence of adverse events during this period were evaluated in both groups. RESULTS: Significant reductions in both systolic and diastolic pressures were observed in patients treated with trandolapril when compared with those on placebo. Antihypertensive efficacy was achieved in 57.5% of the patients on trandolapril and in 42% of these normal values of BP were obtained. The efficacy of trandolapril was similar in all centers, regardless of the area of the country. In a subset of 30 patients who underwent ABPM, responders showed a significant hypotensive effect to trandolapril throughout the 24 hour day. The adverse event profile was similar in both trandolapril and placebo groups. CONCLUSION: Our results demonstrate, for the first time in a large group of hypertensive patients from different regions in Brazil, good efficacy and tolerability of trandolapril during treatment of mild-to-moderate essential systemic hypertension.
OBJECTIVE - This analysis was undertaken to determine the composite incidence of cumulative adverse events (death, reinfarction, disabling stroke, and target vessel revascularization) at the end of the first year after acute myocardial infarction, in diabetic patients who underwent coronary stenting or primary coronary balloon angioplasty. METHODS - From the STENT PAMI trial, we analyzed the 6-month angiographic and 1-year clinical outcomes of 135 diabetic (112, noninsulin dependent) patients who underwent the randomization process of the trial and compared them with 758 nondiabetic patients. RESULTS - Coronary stenting did not significantly reduce the primary composite clinical end point when compared with PTCA (20 vs. 30%, p=0.2). A significant benefit from stenting was observed in patients with noninsulin dependent diabetes, with a trend toward a lesser need for new revascularization procedures (10 vs. 21%, p<.001), with a significant reduction in the primary composite clinical end point at 1 year (12 vs. 28%, p=. 04). At 6 months, the restenosis rate were significantly reduced only in nondiabetic patients (18 vs. 33%, p<. 001). Diabetic patients had the same restenosis rate (38%) either with stenting or balloon PTCA. CONCLUSIONS - Coronary Stenting in diabetics noninsulin dependent offered a significant reduction in the composite incidence of major clinical adverse events compared with balloon PTCA.
There has been a long-standing debate concerning the extent to which the spread of Neolithic ceramics and Malay-Polynesian languages in Island Southeast Asia (ISEA) were coupled to an agriculturally driven demic dispersal out of Taiwan 4000 years ago (4 ka). We previously addressed this question using founder analysis of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control-region sequences to identify major lineage clusters most likely to have dispersed from Taiwan into ISEA, proposing that the dispersal had a relatively minor impact on the extant genetic structure of ISEA, and that the role of agriculture in the expansion of the Austronesian languages was therefore likely to have been correspondingly minor. Here we test these conclusions by sequencing whole mtDNAs from across Taiwan and ISEA, using their higher chronological precision to resolve the overall proportion that participated in the "out-of-Taiwan" mid-Holocene dispersal as opposed to earlier, postglacial expansions in the Early Holocene. We show that, in total, about 20 % of mtDNA lineages in the modern ISEA pool result from the "out-of-Taiwan" dispersal, with most of the remainder signifying earlier processes, mainly due to sea-level rises after the Last Glacial Maximum. Notably, we show that every one of these founder clusters previously entered Taiwan from China, 6-7 ka, where rice-farming originated, and remained distinct from the indigenous Taiwanese population until after the subsequent dispersal into ISEA.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the prevalence of white-coat normortension, white-coat hypertension, and white-coat effect. METHODS: We assessed 670 medical records of patients from the League of Hypertension of the Hospital das Clínicas of the Medical School of the University of São Paulo. White-coat hypertension (blood pressure at the medical office: mean of 3 measurements with the oscillometric device ³140 or ³90 mmHg, or both, and ambulatory blood pressure monitoring mean during wakefulness < 135/85) and white-coat normotension (office blood pressure < 140/90 and blood pressure during wakefulness on ambulatory blood pressure monitoring ³ 135/85) were analyzed in 183 patients taking no medication. The white-coat effect (difference between office and ambulatory blood pressure > 20 mmHg for systolic and 10 mmHg for diastolic) was analyzed in 487 patients on treatment, 374 of whom underwent multivariate analysis to identify the variables that better explain the white-coat effect. RESULTS: Prevalence of white-coat normotension was 12%, prevalence of white-coat hypertension was 20%, and prevalence of the white-coat effect was 27%. A significant correlation (p<0.05) was observed between white-coat hypertension and familial history of hypertension, and between the white-coat effect and sex, severity of the office diastolic blood pressure, and thickness of left ventricular posterior wall. CONCLUSION: White-coat hypertension, white-coat normotension, and white-coat effect should be considered in the diagnosis of hypertension.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the risk factors, lipid and apolipoprotein profile, hemostasis variables, and polymorphisms of the apolipoprotein AI-CIII gene in early coronary artery disease (CAD). METHODS: Case-control study with 112 patients in each group controlled by sex and age. After clinical evaluation and nutritional instruction, blood samples were collected for biochemical assays and genetic study. RESULTS: Familial history of early CAD (64 vs 39%), arterial hypertension (69 vs 36%), diabetes mellitus (25 vs 3%), and previous smoking (71 vs 46%) were more prevalent in the case group (p<0.001). Hypertension and diabetes were independent risk factors. Early CAD was characterized by higher serum levels of total cholesterol (235 ± 6 vs 209 ± 4 mg/dL), of LDL-c (154 ± 5 vs 135 ± 4 mg/dL), triglycerides (205 ± 12 vs 143 ± 9 mg/dL), and apolipoprotein B (129 ± 3 vs 105 ± 3 mg/dL), and lower serum levels of HDL-c (40 ± 1 vs 46 ± 1 mg/dL) and apolipoprotein AI (134 ± 2 vs 146 ± 2mg/dL) [p<0.01], in addition to an elevation in fibrinogen and D-dimer (p<0.02). The simultaneous presence of the rare alleles of the APO AI-CIII genes in early CAD are associated with hypertriglyceridemia (p=0.03). CONCLUSION: Of the classical risk factors, hypertension and diabetes mellitus were independently associated with early CAD. In addition to an unfavorable lipid profile, an increase in the thrombotic risk was identified in this population. An additive effect of the APO AI-CIII genes was observed in triglyceride levels.
OBJECTIVE: To compare the lipid profiles and coronary heart disease risks of 2 Brazilian Amazonian populations as follows: a riverside population (village of Vigia) and an urban population (city of Belém in the state of Pará). METHODS: Fifty individuals controlled for age and sex were assessed in each region, and the major risk factors for coronary heart disease were analyzed. RESULTS: According to the National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP III) and using the Framingham score, both populations had the same absolute risk of events (Vigia = 5.4 ± 1 vs Belém = 5.7 ± 1), although the population of Vigia had a lower consumption of saturated fat (P<0.0001), a greater consumption of mono- and polyunsaturated fat (P<0.03), in addition to lower values for body mass index (25.4± 0.6 vs 27.6 ± 0.7 kg/m², P<0.02), of biceps skin fold (18.6 ± 1.1 vs 27.5 ± 1.3 mm, P<0.0001), of triceps skin fold (28.7 ± 1.2 vs 37.3 ± 1.7 mm, P<0.002), and of total cholesterol (205 ± 5 vs 223 ± 6 mg/dL, P< 0.03) and triglycerides (119 ± 9 vs 177 ± 18 mg/dL, P<0.005). Both populations did not differ in regard to HDL-C (46 ± 1 vs 46 ± 1 mg/dL), LDL-C (135 ± 4 vs 144 ± 5 mg/dL) and blood pressure (SBP 124 ± 3 vs 128 ± 3 mmHg; DBP 80 ± 2 vs 82 ± 2 mmHg). CONCLUSION: The riverside and urban populations of Amazonia had similar cardiovascular risks. However, the marked difference in the variables studied suggests that different strategies of prevention should be applied.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar os achados ecocardiográficos em pacientes com suspeita diagnóstica de endocardite infecciosa. MÉTODOS: Foram submetidos à investigação ecocardiográfica transtorácica e transesofágica 262 pacientes com suspeita diagnóstica de endocardite infecciosa. Analisadas imagens de vegetações, abscessos valvares e insuficiência periprotética aguda e avaliada a correlação com dados clínicos, laboratoriais, categoria diagnóstica e a evolução hospitalar. RESULTADOS: O diagnóstico de endocardite foi categorizado como definido em 127 (47,8%) episódios, possível em 81 (30,4%) e rejeitado em 58 (21,8%). Nos pacientes com o diagnóstico definido, foram identificadas 135 imagens de vegetações, 37 de abscesso e 6 de insuficiência periprotética. Vegetações foram mais freqüentes em pacientes com endocardite por estreptococos do grupo viridans e enterococos (p=0,02) e com duração dos sintomas < 10 dias (p= 0,001); abscesso mais freqüente em pacientes com duração dos sintomas < 10 dias (p= 0,001) e insuficiência periprotética associada à maior necessidade de tratamento cirúrgico (p=0,001). Nos pacientes com o diagnóstico possível de endocardite, foram identificadas 8 imagens ecocardiográficas consideradas compatíveis com vegetações e, nos pacientes com diagnóstico de endocardite rejeitado, não foram demonstradas vegetações, abscessos valvares e insuficiência periprotética. CONCLUSÃO: Nossos achados ecocardiográficos variaram de acordo com a categoria diagnóstica. A contribuição tanto para o diagnóstico quanto para a avaliação prognóstica deve levar em consideração a probabilidade pré-teste do diagnóstico de endocardite infecciosa.
OBJETIVO: Verificar os efeitos de um programa de condicionamento físico não-supervisionado e acompanhado via internet, por um período de seis meses, na pressão arterial e composição corporal em indivíduos normotensos e pré-hipertensos. MÉTODOS: Participaram 135 indivíduos divididos em dois grupos: 1) normotenso (n = 57), 43 ± 1 anos, pressão arterial sistólica (PAS) < 120 e diastólica (PAD) < 80 mmHg (GI); e 2) pré-hipertenso (n = 78), 46 ± 1 anos, PAS de 120 a 139 e PAD de 80 a 89 mmHg (GII). RESULTADOS: Após três e seis meses de condicionamento físico, os indivíduos GII apresentaram redução significativa na PAS (-3,6 ± 0,94 e -10 ± 0,94 mmHg, p < 0,05, respectivamente) e PAD (-6,5 ± 1 e -7,1 ± 0,9 mmHg, p < 0,05, respectivamente), peso corporal (-1,12 ± 0,26 e -1,25 ± 0,31 kg, p < 0,05, respectivamente), IMC (-0,79 ± 0,4 e -0,84 ± 0,41 kg/m2, p < 0,05, respectivamente) e circunferência da cintura (-1,12 ± 0,53 e -1,84 ± 0,56 cm, p < 0,05, respectivamente). No GI, o condicionamento físico diminuiu a circunferência da cintura no sexto mês (-1,6 ± 0,63 cm, p < 0,05). CONCLUSÃO: Este programa diminui a pressão arterial, peso corporal, IMC e circunferência da cintura em indivíduos pré-hipertensos, constituindo-se, portanto, numa estratégia segura e de baixo custo na prevenção de doenças cardiovasculares e melhoria da condição de saúde da população.
Este proyecto pretende establecer las características generales de la distribución territorial del gasto discrecional por parte del Gobierno de la provincia de Córdoba desde el año 1998. La hipótesis general es que esta distribución está sometida tanto a una lógica electoral como a la influencia de las redes sociales que vinculan a los Gobiernos locales con el Gobierno provincial. Ambos factores, a su vez, están condicionados por las características de los contextos institucionales que regulan el sistema político, las diferentes áreas del gasto provincial y el acceso a las redes de interacción social. Como una de las hipótesis específicas, plantea que el carácter particularista o universalista de la distribución registra la influencia de la visibilidad del origen del gasto. De este modo, siguen un criterio universalista los gastos con un origen “visiblemente” provincial y un modo particularista los gastos cuyo origen provincial se hace opaco o poco visible. La otra hipótesis específica plantea que la distribución particularista emplea criterios de discriminación que favorecen a los municipios de mayor tamaño y a aquellos donde los resultados electorales son más reñidos, dada las características que tiene en la provincia la representación regional.
OBJETIVO: Analisar os fatores pré-operatórios preditores de mortalidade, em pacientes submetidos à RM nos primeiros 30 dias após infarto agudo do miocárdio (IAM). MÉTODOS: Entre 3/1998 e 7/2002, foram incluídos, consecutiva e prospectivamente, em um banco de dados, 753 pacientes com IAM, sendo que 135 (17,9%) foram submetidos à revascularização miocárdica (RM) isolada e incluídos neste estudo. Estudaram-se os seguintes fatores prognósticos, através de análise multivariada: idade, sexo, diabete, história de IAM, RM ou angioplastia (ATC), localização do IAM, IAM Q, uso de fibrinolítico, intervalo entre o IAM e a cirurgia, presença de complicações no pré-operatório. RESULTADOS: A mortalidade hospitalar global foi de 6,7%, variando de 12,5% nos pacientes portadores de complicações pré-operatórias a 1,4% naqueles sem complicações. Tiveram correlação estatisticamente significante com a mortalidade pós-operatória apenas história prévia de angioplastia (p=0,037) e choque cardiogênico (p=0,002). Em contrapartida, o uso de trombolítico na abordagem inicial do IAM apresentou correlação negativa com a mortalidade (p=0,035). CONCLUSÃO: A RM na fase aguda do IAM é um procedimento que apresenta mortalidade cirúrgica distinta, na dependência da condição clínica pré-operatória do paciente. Dentre os fatores analisados, a presença de choque cardiogênico pré-operatório e história de angioplastia prévia determinaram pior prognóstico neste grupo de pacientes.
OBJETIVO: Determinar o valor preditivo do nível sérico de fibrinogênio pré-operatório para a ocorrência de infarto do miocárdio (IM) no período perioperatório de cirurgia de revascularização miocárdica (CRM), bem como para outros desfechos de impacto, como acidente vascular encefálico isquêmico (AVEI), tromboembolismo pulmonar (TEP) e morte, isoladamente e de maneira composta. MÉTODOS: Estudo de coorte retrospectivo com análise do banco de dados de cirurgia cardíaca do Hospital São Lucas da PUC-RS, com 1.471 pacientes consecutivos que realizaram CRM com circulação extracorpórea entre janeiro de 1998 e dezembro de 2002. RESULTADOS: IM perioperatório ocorreu em 14% dos pacientes da amostra. Não foi observada associação entre o fibrinogênio pré-operatório e IM perioperatório (410,60 ± 148,83 mg/dl para o grupo em estudo x 401,57 ±135,23 mg/dl para o grupo controle - p = 0,381 - RC = 1,000 - IC95%: 0,998-1,002 - p = 0,652), o desfecho combinado de IM, AVEI, TEP e morte (411,40 ± 153,52 mg/dl para o grupo com o desfecho x 400,31 ± 131,98 mg/dl para o grupo sem o desfecho - p = 0,232) e nem com cada um destes isoladamente. CONCLUSÃO: Nesta amostra, o nível sérico de fibrinogênio pré-operatório não apresentou associação com a ocorrência de IM perioperatório nas CRM, nem mesmo com outros desfechos de impacto, incluindo AVEI, TEP e morte, isoladamente ou em conjunto.
v.135=ser.4:v.5 (1909) [no.8232-8291]