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Aus der Sammlung des Leo Baeck Institute, digitalisiert in Kooperation mit dem Center for Jewish History, NY


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Uma das políticas mais utilizadas pelo poder publico municipal para garantir o atendimento educacional às crianças de 0 a 3 anos e a ampliação do número de vagas em creches, tem sido a adoção de parcerias por meio de convênios com instituições privadas. Muitas questões emergem desta política pública como, por exemplo, a relação entre a laicidade do Estado e a religiosidade de grande parte destas instituições. Este estudo surgiu da necessidade de se dar maior transparência e ampliar o debate sobre os convênios entre o poder público municipal e entidades assistenciais, principalmente, no que tange o embate entre o público e o privado, entre o laico e o religioso. Este trabalho teve como objetivo investigar as parcerias público-privadas e os possíveis impactos sobre a laicidade do Estado e o direito à Educação. O problema de pesquisa posto foi o que o Parecer CME 12/2011 revela sobre a laicidade do Estado e a religiosidade das instituições conveniadas no atendimento a educação infantil do município de São Bernardo do Campo? Havia a hipótese de que a representação de uma entidade conveniada ao Conselho Municipal de Educação sobre educação espiritual expressasse uma possível projeção de ensino religioso na educação infantil pública. A discussão teórica envolveu autores como FISCHMANN (2009), ARELARO (2008), SARMENTO (2006), ADRIÂO (2009), OLIVEIRA (2005) e ideias que tratavam das deformações dos interesses públicos e privados, da oferta de vagas no seguimento de creche, do ensino religioso em escola pública. A metodologia empregada foi analise bibliográfica e documental. A literatura aponta uma histórica subordinação da educação infantil pública à assistência social privada e as disputas pela implantação do ensino religioso na educação básica pública. Os documentos analisados revelaram que é possível haver certo grau de comprometimento da laicidade do Estado quando se formaliza parcerias com entidades assistenciais de origem religiosa, principalmente, quando se avalia as deficiências e tendências de gestão e supervisão dos convênios realizados pelo poder público. Acredita-se que este estudo abre portas para novas investigações sobre políticas e práticas que enfrentam ou estimulam o ensino religioso em escolas públicas e creches conveniadas.


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Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a non-invasive three-dimensional imaging system that is capable of producing high resolution in-vivo images. OCT is approved for use in clinical trials in Japan, USA and Europe. For OCT to be used effectively in a clinical diagnosis, a method of standardisation is required to assess the performance across different systems. This standardisation can be implemented using highly accurate and reproducible artefacts for calibration at both installation and throughout the lifetime of a system. Femtosecond lasers can write highly reproducible and highly localised micro-structured calibration artefacts within a transparent media. We report on the fabrication of high quality OCT calibration artefacts in fused silica using a femtosecond laser. The calibration artefacts were written in fused silica due to its high purity and ability to withstand high energy femtosecond pulses. An Amplitude Systemes s-Pulse Yb:YAG femtosecond laser with an operating wavelength of 1026 nm was used to inscribe three dimensional patterns within the highly optically transmissive substrate. Four unique artefacts have been designed to measure a wide variety of parameters, including the points spread function (PSF), modulation transfer function (MTF), sensitivity, distortion and resolution - key parameters which define the performance of the OCT. The calibration artefacts have been characterised using an optical microscope and tested on a swept source OCT. The results demonstrate that the femtosecond laser inscribed artefacts have the potential of quantitatively and qualitatively validating the performance of any OCT system.


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The recent expansion of clinical applications for optical coherence tomography (OCT) is driving the development of approaches for consistent image acquisition. There is a simultaneous need for time-stable, easy-to-use imaging targets for calibration and standardization of OCT devices. We present calibration targets consisting of three-dimensional structures etched into nanoparticle-embedded resin. Spherical iron oxide nanoparticles with a predominant particle diameter of 400 nm were homogeneously dispersed in a two part polyurethane resin and allowed to harden overnight. These samples were then etched using a precision micromachining femtosecond laser with a center wavelength of 1026 nm, 100kHz repetition rate and 450 fs pulse duration. A series of lines in depth were etched, varying the percentage of inscription energy and speed of the translation stage moving the target with respect to the laser. Samples were imaged with a dual wavelength spectral-domain OCT system and point-spread function of nanoparticles within the target was measured.


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This paper reported a three-dimensional microfluidic channel structure, which was fabricated by Yb:YAG 1026?nm femtosecond laser irradiation on a single-crystalline diamond substrate. The femtosecond laser irradiation energy level was optimized at 100?kHz repetition rate with a sub-500 femtosecond pulse duration. The morphology and topography of the microfluidic channel were characterized by a scanning electron microscope and an atomic force microscope. Raman spectroscopy indicated that the irradiated area was covered by graphitic materials. By comparing the cross-sectional profiles before/after removing the graphitic materials, it could be deduced that the microfluidic channel has an average depth of ~410?nm with periodical ripples perpendicular to the irradiation direction. This work proves the feasibility of using ultra-fast laser inscription technology to fabricate microfluidic channels on biocompatible diamond substrates, which offers a great potential for biomedical sensing applications.


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This paper reported a three-dimensional microfluidic channel structure, which was fabricated by Yb:YAG 1026?nm femtosecond laser irradiation on a single-crystalline diamond substrate. The femtosecond laser irradiation energy level was optimized at 100?kHz repetition rate with a sub-500 femtosecond pulse duration. The morphology and topography of the microfluidic channel were characterized by a scanning electron microscope and an atomic force microscope. Raman spectroscopy indicated that the irradiated area was covered by graphitic materials. By comparing the cross-sectional profiles before/after removing the graphitic materials, it could be deduced that the microfluidic channel has an average depth of ~410?nm with periodical ripples perpendicular to the irradiation direction. This work proves the feasibility of using ultra-fast laser inscription technology to fabricate microfluidic channels on biocompatible diamond substrates, which offers a great potential for biomedical sensing applications.


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The recent expansion of clinical applications for optical coherence tomography (OCT) is driving the development of approaches for consistent image acquisition. There is a simultaneous need for time-stable, easy-to-use imaging targets for calibration and standardization of OCT devices. We present calibration targets consisting of three-dimensional structures etched into nanoparticle-embedded resin. Spherical iron oxide nanoparticles with a predominant particle diameter of 400 nm were homogeneously dispersed in a two part polyurethane resin and allowed to harden overnight. These samples were then etched using a precision micromachining femtosecond laser with a center wavelength of 1026 nm, 100kHz repetition rate and 450 fs pulse duration. A series of lines in depth were etched, varying the percentage of inscription energy and speed of the translation stage moving the target with respect to the laser. Samples were imaged with a dual wavelength spectral-domain OCT system and point-spread function of nanoparticles within the target was measured.


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This paper reported a three-dimensional microfluidic channel structure, which was fabricated by Yb:YAG 1026?nm femtosecond laser irradiation on a single-crystalline diamond substrate. The femtosecond laser irradiation energy level was optimized at 100?kHz repetition rate with a sub-500 femtosecond pulse duration. The morphology and topography of the microfluidic channel were characterized by a scanning electron microscope and an atomic force microscope. Raman spectroscopy indicated that the irradiated area was covered by graphitic materials. By comparing the cross-sectional profiles before/after removing the graphitic materials, it could be deduced that the microfluidic channel has an average depth of ~410?nm with periodical ripples perpendicular to the irradiation direction. This work proves the feasibility of using ultra-fast laser inscription technology to fabricate microfluidic channels on biocompatible diamond substrates, which offers a great potential for biomedical sensing applications.


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Poly(ε-caprolactone) (PCL) fibres were produced by wet spinning from solutions in acetone under low shear (gravity flow) conditions. As-spun PCL fibres exhibited a mean strength and stiffness of 7.9 MPa and 0.1 GPa, respectively and a rough, porous surface morphology. Cold drawing to an extension of 500% resulted in increases in fibre strength (43 MPa) and stiffness (0.3 GPa) and development of an oriented, fibrillar surface texture. The proliferation rate of Swiss 3T3 mouse fibroblasts and C2C12 mouse myoblasts on as-spun, 500% cold-drawn and gelatin-modified PCL fibres was determined in cell culture to provide a basic measure of the biocompatibility of the fibres. Proliferation of both cell types was consistently higher on gelatin-coated fibres relative to as-spun fibres at time points below 7 days. Fibroblast growth rates on cold-drawn PCL fibres exceeded those on as-spun fibres but myoblast proliferation was similar on both substrates. After 1 day in culture, both cell types had spread and coalesced on the fibres to form a cell layer, which conformed closely to the underlying topography. The high fibre compliance combined with a potential for modifying the fibre surface chemistry with cell adhesion molecules and the surface architecture by cold drawing to enhance proliferation of fibroblasts and myoblasts, recommends further investigation of gravity-spun PCL fibres for 3-D scaffold production in soft tissue engineering. © 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Preliminary work is reported on 2-D and 3-D microstructures written directly with a Yb:YAG 1026 nm femtosecond (fs) laser on bulk chemical vapour deposition (CVD) single-crystalline diamond. Smooth graphitic lines and other structures were written on the surface of a CVD diamond sample with a thickness of 0.7mm under low laser fluences. This capability opens up the opportunity for making electronic devices and micro-electromechanical structures on diamond substrates. The fabrication process was optimised through testing a range of laser energies at a 100 kHz repetition rate with sub-500fs pulses. These graphitic lines and structures have been characterised using optical microscopy, Raman spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and atomic force microscopy. Using these analysis techniques, the formation of sp2 and sp3 bonds is explored and the ratio between sp2 and sp3 bonds after fs laser patterning is quantified. We present the early findings from this study and characterise the relationship between the graphitic line formation and the different fs laser exposure conditions. © 2012 Taylor & Francis.


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In this paper, a new method for offline handwriting recognition is presented. A robust algorithm for handwriting segmentation has been described here with the help of which individual characters can be segmented from a word selected from a paragraph of handwritten text image which is given as input to the module. Then each of the segmented characters are converted into column vectors of 625 values that are later fed into the advanced neural network setup that has been designed in the form of text files. The networks has been designed with quadruple layered neural network with 625 input and 26 output neurons each corresponding to a character from a-z, the outputs of all the four networks is fed into the genetic algorithm which has been developed using the concepts of correlation, with the help of this the overall network is optimized with the help of genetic algorithm thus providing us with recognized outputs with great efficiency of 71%.


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The author of this paper reviewing the perceptions of competitiveness reveals the origin and ambiguity of the concept of “national competitiveness” which is mostly confused with that of development of countries and competitiveness of their enterprises. He investigates the role of transnational companies and governments in shaping the world economic position of countries, presents a critique on the measurement of “national competitiveness” of countries, and heavily opposes the ideological use of the latter for justifying antisocial measures.