961 resultados para Índices de gravidade do trauma
Índices bióticos mono e multimétricos de avaliação da qualidade da água em riachos da Mata Atlântica
Protocols for rapid habitat evaluation and the biotic indices used in biomonitoring of streams in Brazil provide useful information about water quality and modifications in the ecosystem. However, the interpretation of their results is limited. Previous studies pointed out the low sensitivity of those indices to measure the quality of low-order streams, since they only measure organic impacts. Environmental degradation of these streams is mainly related to impacts caused by landscape change, such as erosion, siltation, channel change, loss of riparian vegetation, and reduction in water flow. The streams of the Serra do Japi are under some of these impacts, caused by agricultural activities. In this study, we evaluated whether the reduction of natural characteristics in these environments would decrease water quality. The Protocol of Habitat Diversity was affected by the impacts of agricultural activities. However, the other three biotic indices: Biological Monitoring Working Party Score System, Average Score Per Taxon, and Index of Benthic Community were not as sensitive to those impacts, since they all indicated a high water quality. An adaptation of the attributes and the scoring system is suggested for defining better policies for the conservation of this area.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
In this work, we address the informational Density Index (IDI) a methodological Option How To be used on the Research Procedures Analysis of Commerce Geography. The IDI and an indicator of Technological Complexity level of economic activities and a review and made a database from CNEFE / NCEA, where the first signifies the National Register of Establishments for statistical purposes and the second means a National Classification Economic Activities. Elaborated with emphasis on discussion of between center and centrality relations, wish to present a constitution of a data base on level sampling with an analysis elaboration do IDI from the criteria: home-page and e - commerce. This methodology helps us understand how polycentric structures, locational enterprise well as a reflection on the middle cities using a through the analysis on city of São Carlos/SP. Where we see the establishments with greater and lesser content as well as its geographical distribution, noting of according to the criteria listed number of establishments with IDI 0 very relevant. Our analysis as well as such divisions that meet greater index, so, IDI 2 like to financial activities. Also present at methodological level the city of São José do Rio Preto/SP paragraph seizure of care when working there in database
Child maltreatment has been linked to a myriad of long-term difficulties, including trauma symptomatology. However, not all victims experience long-term distress. Thus, a burgeoning area of research focuses on factors that may impede or facilitate resiliency to the psychological correlates of child maltreatment. Specifically, the severity of the abusive acts may be associated with greater long-term difficulties. To date, however, with the exception of child sexual abuse, few studies have examined the severity of maltreatment as a risk factor in the development of trauma symptoms. In contrast, social support has been theorized to contribute to resiliency following abuse. However, to date, the majority of studies examining positive social support as a protective factor have relied on self-report measures of perceived social support, rather than observational measures of received social support. Moreover, no study to date has examined the role that negative social support (i.e, blaming, criticizing) may play in potentiating trauma symptoms among victims of child maltreatment. Because child maltreatment involves serious boundary violations by a trusted person, a marital relationship is an important domain in which to examine these constructs. That is, it may serve as an arena for the manifestation of psychological disturbances related to maltreatment. Thus, the present study examined whether observationally measured positive and negative spousal social support moderated the relationship between child maltreatment severity (i.e., sexual, physical, psychological abuse; neglect) and trauma symptomatology in women and men. Results indicated that the severity of each type of child maltreatment significantly predicted increased adult trauma symptomatology. Contrary to hypothesized outcomes, positive spousal social support did not predict decreased trauma symptomatology. However, negative spousal social support generally did predict increased trauma symptomatology. There were no consistent patterns of interactions between child maltreatment severity and either type of social support. Future directions for research will be discussed and clinical implications with regard to the intrapersonal and interpersonal functioning of child maltreatment victims will be highlighted.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
In this work, we address the informational Density Index (IDI) a methodological Option How To be used on the Research Procedures Analysis of Commerce Geography. The IDI and an indicator of Technological Complexity level of economic activities and a review and made a database from CNEFE / NCEA, where the first signifies the National Register of Establishments for statistical purposes and the second means a National Classification Economic Activities. Elaborated with emphasis on discussion of between center and centrality relations, wish to present a constitution of a data base on level sampling with an analysis elaboration do IDI from the criteria: home-page and e - commerce. This methodology helps us understand how polycentric structures, locational enterprise well as a reflection on the middle cities using a through the analysis on city of São Carlos/SP. Where we see the establishments with greater and lesser content as well as its geographical distribution, noting of according to the criteria listed number of establishments with IDI 0 very relevant. Our analysis as well as such divisions that meet greater index, so, IDI 2 like to financial activities. Also present at methodological level the city of São José do Rio Preto/SP paragraph seizure of care when working there in database
Este estudo teve o objetivo de construir e validar uma medida psicológica denominada de Escala de Imprevisibilidade Familiar na Infância (EIFI) para a população brasileira. Participaram 394 pessoas, sendo 158 adultos em conflito com a lei que já haviam passado pela prisão (média de idade=34,23 anos; DP=10,17), 122 estudantes universitários (M=19,26; DP=2,06) e 114 mulheres com idade superior a 40 anos e escolaridade a partir de ensino médio (M=51,19; DP=8,64). Foram conduzidos procedimentos de validade de conteúdo, face e construto. A análise fatorial gerou como produto um instrumento com estrutura de quatro dimensões (cuidado/apoio, recursos financeiros, alimentação e disciplina) com índices de confiabilidade satisfatórios para todas elas. Concluímos que a EIFI foi validada para a população brasileira apresentando-se no cenário nacional como um instrumento para medida de imprevisibilidade familiar na infância.
Accruing evidence indicates that connexin (Cx) channels in the gap junctions (GJ) are involved in neurodegeneration after injury. However, studies using KO animal models endowed apparently contradictory results in relation to the role of coupling in neuroprotection. We analyzed the role of Cx-mediated communication in a focal lesion induced by mechanical trauma of the retina, a model that allows spatial and temporal definition of the lesion with high reproducibility, permitting visualization of the focus, penumbra and adjacent areas. Cx36 and Cx43 exhibited distinct gene expression and protein levels throughout the neurodegeneration progress. Cx36 was observed close to TUNEL-positive nuclei, revealing the presence of this protein surrounding apoptotic cells. The functional role of cell coupling was assessed employing GJ blockers and openers combined with lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) assay, a direct method for evaluating cell death/viability. Carbenoxolone (CBX), a broad-spectrum GJ blocker, reduced LDH release after 4 hours, whereas quinine, a Cx36-channel specific blocker, decreased LDH release as early as 1 hour after lesion. Furthermore, analysis of dying cell distribution confirmed that the use of GJ blockers reduced apoptosis spread. Accordingly, blockade of GJ communication during neurodegeneration with quinine, but not CBX, caused downregulation of initial and effector caspases. To summarize, we observed specific changes in Cx gene expression and protein distribution during the progress of retinal degeneration, indicating the participation of these elements in acute neurodegeneration processes. More importantly, our results revealed that direct control of GJ channels permeability may take part in reliable neuroprotection strategies aimed to rapid, fast treatment of mechanical trauma in the retina.
Aim and objectives. To identify maternal, newborn and obstetric factors associated with birth-related perineal trauma in one independent birth centre. Background. Risk factors for birth-related perineal trauma include episiotomy, maternal age, ethnicity, parity and interventions during labour including use of oxytocin, maternal position at time of birth and infant birth weight. Understanding more about these factors could support the management of vaginal birth to prevent spontaneous perineal trauma, in line with initiatives to reduce routine use of episiotomy. Design. Cross-sectional study. Methods. Data were retrospectively collected from one independent birth centre in Brazil, during 20062009. The dependent variable (perineal trauma) was classified as: (1) intact perineum or first-degree laceration, (2) second-degree laceration and (3) episiotomy (right mediolateral or median). Results. There were 1079 births during the study period. Parity, use of oxytocin during labour, position at time of giving birth and infant birth weight were associated with second-degree lacerations and episiotomies. After adjusting for parity, oxytocin, maternal position at the expulsive stage of labour and infant birth weight influenced perineal outcomes among primiparae only. Conclusions. Although the overall rate of episiotomies in this study was low compared with national data, it was observed that younger women were most vulnerable to this intervention. In this age group in particular, the use of oxytocin as well as semi-upright positions at the time of birth was associated with second-degree lacerations and episiotomies. Relevance to clinical practice. The use of upright alternative positions for birth and avoidance of use of oxytocin could reduce the risk of perineal trauma from lacerations and need to perform episiotomy.
Objective: The objective of this research was to study the influence of the use of helmet in facial trauma victims of motorcycle accidents with moderate traumatic brain injury. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed the incidence of facial injuries in helmeted and nonhelmeted victims with moderate traumatic brain injury at a referral trauma hospital. Results: The sample consisted of 272 patients predominantly men (94.5%) and between 21 and 40 years old (62.9%). The majority of patients were using helmet (80.1%). The occurrence of facial fractures was most frequent for zygomatic bone (51.8%), followed by mandible (18.8%) and nasal bones (9.2%). Conclusions: Individuals in the most productive age group are most affected, which causes a great loss to financial and labor systems. It is important to take measures to alert the public regarding the severity of injuries likely to occur in motorcycle-related accidents and ways to prevent them.
Objectives: The aim of the present study was to investigate the construct validity of the Assessment of Countertransference Scale (ACS) in the context of the trauma care, through the identification of the underlying latent constructs of the measured items and their homogeneity. Methods: ACS assesses 23 feelings of CT in three factors: closeness, rejection and indifference. ACS was applied to 50 residents in psychiatry after the first appointment with 131 victims of trauma consecutively selected during 4 years. ACS was analyzed by exploratory (EFA) and confirmatory (CFA) factor analysis, internal consistence and convergent-discriminant validity. Results: In spite of the fact that closeness items obtained the highest scores, the EFA showed that the factor rejection (24% of variance, alpha = 0.88) presented a more consistent intercorrelation of the items, followed by closeness (15% of variance, alpha = 0.82) and, a distinct factor, sadness (9% of variance, alpha = 0.72). Thus, a modified version was proposed. In the comparison between the original and the proposed version, CFA detected better goodness-of-fit indexes for the proposed version (GFI = 0.797, TLI = 0.867, CFI = 0.885 vs. GFI = 0.824, TLI = 0.904, CFI = 0.918). Conclusions: ACS is a promising instrument for assessing CT feelings, making it valid to access during the care of trauma victims.
Objectives: The main objective of this study was to investigate whether the interaction of malocclusion (open bite or increased overjet) combined with inadequate lip coverage strengthens its association with traumatic dental injury (TDI) in the primary teeth of preschool children compared to the presence of malocclusion alone. Subjects and methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted with 376 children aged 3659 months who attended the National Day of Childrens Vaccination. Presence of TDI, tooth discoloration, and sinus tract were evaluated in the children. Variables associated with occlusion were also evaluated. A Poisson regression analysis was performed to verify the association between the explanatory variables and TDI as well as possible interactions among the variables. Then, the prevalence ratio was calculated. Results: The prevalence of TDI was 27.7%. The maxillary central incisor was the most affected tooth, without differences between the right and left sides. Boys had more dental trauma than girls (P = 0.04). The most common TDI was crown fracture restricted to the enamel (58.4%). Children with a combination of anterior open bite or increased overjet and inadequate lip coverage presented a higher prevalence of TDI than when the malocclusions were presented alone (P < 0.05). The same trends were observed when we included, in the final adjusted model, increased overjet instead of open bite. Conclusions: Anterior malocclusions of primary teeth such as increased overjet and anterior open bite are statistically significantly associated with dental trauma only when inadequate lip coverage is also present.
PURPOSE: To evaluate histopathological alterations triggered by brain death and associated trauma on different solid organs in rats. METHODS: Male Wistar rats (n=37) were anesthetized with isoflurane, intubated and mechanically ventilated. A trepanation was performed and a balloon catheter inserted into intracraninal cavity and rapidly inflated with saline to induce brain death. After induction, rats were monitored for 30, 180, and 360 min for hemodynamic parameters and exsanguinated from abdominal aorta. Heart, lung, liver, and kidney were removed and fixed in paraffin to evaluation of histological alterations (H&E). Sham-operated rats were trepanned only and used as control group. RESULTS: Brain dead rats showed a hemodynamic instability with hypertensive episode in the first minute after the induction followed by hypotension for approximately 1 h. Histological analyses showed that brain death induces vascular congestion in heart (p<0.05), and lung (p<0.05); lung alveolar edema (p=0.001), kidney tubular edema (p<0.05); and leukocyte infiltration in liver (p<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Brain death induces hemodynamic instability associated with vascular changes in solid organs and compromises most severely the lungs. However, brain death associated trauma triggers important pathophysiological alterations in these organs.
The objective of this study was to identify and analyze the nursing diagnoses that constitute risk factors for death in trauma victims in the first 6 hours post-event. This is a cross-sectional, descriptive and exploratory study using quantitative analysis. A total of 406 patients were evaluated over six months of data collection in a tertiary hospital in the municipality of Sao Paulo, according to an instrument created for this purpose. Of the total, 44 (10.7%) suffered death. Multivariate analysis indicated the nursing diagnoses ineffective respiratory pattern, impaired spontaneous ventilation, risk of bleeding and risk of ineffective gastrointestinal tissue perfusion as risk factors for death and ineffective airway clearance, impaired comfort, and acute pain as protective factors, data that can direct health teams for different interventionist actions faced with the complexity of the trauma.