972 resultados para Écosse (GB)


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Various in-vitro chemosensitivity and resistance assays (CSRAs) have been demonstrated to be helpful decision aids for non-neurological tumors. Here, we evaluated the performance characteristics of two CSRAs for glioblastoma (GB) cells. The chemoresponse of fresh GB cells from 30 patients was studied in vitro using the ATP tumor chemoresponse assay and the chemotherapy resistance assay (CTR-Test). Both assay platforms provided comparable results. Of seven different chemotherapeutic drugs and drug combinations tested in vitro, treosulfan plus cytarabine (TARA) was the most effective, followed by nimustine (ACNU) plus teniposide (VM26) and temozolomide (TMZ). Whereas ACNU/VM26 and TMZ have proven their clinical value for malignant gliomas in large randomized studies, TARA has not been successful in newly diagnosed gliomas. This seeming discrepancy between in vitro and clinical result might be explained by the pharmacological behavior of treosulfan. Our results show reasonable agreement between two cell-based CSRAs. They appear to confirm the clinical effectiveness of drugs used in GB treatment as long as pharmacological preconditions such as overcoming the blood-brain barrier are properly considered.


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The capacity to perceive and respond is integral to biological immune systems, but to what extent can plants specifically recognize and respond to insects? Recent findings suggest that plants possess surveillance systems that are able to detect general patterns of cellular damage as well as highly specific herbivore-associated cues. The jasmonate (JA) pathway has emerged as the major signaling cassette that integrates information perceived at the plant–insect interface into broad-spectrum defense responses. Specificity can be achieved via JA-independent processes and spatio-temporal changes of JA-modulating hormones, including ethylene (ET), salicylic acid (SA), abscisic acid (ABA), auxin, cytokinins (CK), brassinosteroids (BR) and gibberellins (GB). The identification of receptors and ligands and an integrative view of hormone-mediated response systems are crucial to understand specificity in plant immunity to herbivores.


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Our aim was to distinguish between spinal and supraspinal mechanisms in the intact nervous system by comparing homosegmental and heterosegmental effects of electroacupuncture (EA) and manual acupuncture (MA) on sensory perception in healthy volunteers by means of quantitative sensory testing. Seventy-two healthy volunteers were randomly assigned to receive either MA or EA at SP 6, SP 9, GB 39, and ST 36 at the left leg or relaxed for 30 minutes (control group [CG]). Blinded examiners assessed 13 sensory modalities (thermal and mechanical detection and pain thresholds) at the upper arms and lower legs before and after intervention by means of a standardized quantitative sensory testing battery. Change scores of all 13 sensory thresholds were compared between groups. The main outcome measure was the change score of the pressure pain threshold (PPT). There were no baseline differences between groups. Pressure pain threshold change scores at the lower left leg, in the same segment as the needling site, differed significantly (P = 0.008) between the EA (median: 103.01 kPa) and CG groups (median: 0.00 kPa) but not between the MA (median: 0.00 kPa) and CG groups. No further significant change score differences were found between one of the acupuncture groups and the CG. The PPT can be changed by EA. The PPT increase was confined to the segment of needling, which indicates that it is mainly mediated by segmental inhibition in the spinal cord. This underscores the importance of segmental needling and electrical stimulation in clinical practice.


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Completion of fungal, plant and human genomes paved the way to the identification of erythrocytic rhesus proteins and their kidney homologs as ammonium transporters. Ammonium is the preferred nitrogen source of bacteria and fungi, and plants acquire nitrogen from the soil in the form of ammonium [1]. In animals and humans, assimilated forms of nitrogen - amino acids - are much preferred for nutrition, and, in the case of ammonotelic animals, ammonium is used for the excretion of nitrogen instead. In the human kidney, ammonium is produced, reabsorbed and excreted as a means to maintain pH balance and to get rid of surplus inorganic nitrogen. Whether ammonium transport also has a role in the pH regulation of other organs is not known and the molecular mechanisms were not, up to now, understood.


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von Paul Range


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CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) frequently infiltrate tumors, yet most melanoma patients fail to undergo tumor regression. We studied the differentiation of the CD8+ tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL) from 44 metastatic melanoma patients using known T-cell differentiation markers. We also compared CD8+ TIL against the T cells from matched melanoma patients’ peripheral blood. We discovered a novel subset of CD8+ TIL co-expressing early-differentiation markers, CD27, CD28, and a late/senescent CTL differentiation marker, CD57. This CD8+CD57+ TIL expressed a cytolytic enzyme, granzyme B (GB), yet did not express another cytolytic pore-forming molecule, perforin (Perf). In contrast, the CD8+CD57+ T cells in the periphery were CD27-CD28-, and GBHi and PerfHi. We found this TIL subset was not senescent and could be induced to proliferate and differentiate into CD27-CD57+, perforinHi, mature CTL. This further differentiation was arrested by TGF-β1, an immunosuppressive cytokine known to be produced by many different kinds of tumors. Therefore, we have identified a novel subset of incompletely differentiated CD8+ TIL that resembled those found in patients with uncontrolled chronic viral infections. In a related study, we explored prognostic biomarkers in metastatic melanoma patients treated in a Phase II Adoptive Cell Therapy (ACT) trial, in which autologous TIL were expanded ex vivo with IL-2 and infused into lymphodepleted patients. We unexpectedly found a significant positive clinical association with the infused CD8+ TIL expressing B- and T- lymphocyte attentuator (BTLA), an inhibitory T-cell receptor. We found that CD8+BTLA+ TIL had a superior proliferative response to IL-2, and were more capable of autocrine IL-2 production in response to TCR stimulation compared to the CD8+BTLA- TIL. The CD8+BTLA+ TIL were less differentiated and resembled the incompletely differentiated CD8+ TIL described above. In contrast, CD8+BTLA- TIL were poorly proliferative, expressed CD45RA and killer-cell immunoglobulin-like receptors (KIRs), and exhibited a gene expression signature of T cell deletion. Surprisingly, ligation of BTLA by its cognate receptor, HVEM, enhanced the survival of CD8+BTLA+ TIL by activating Akt/PKB. Our studies provide a comprehensive characterization of CD8+ TIL differentiation in melanoma, and revealed BTLA as a novel T-cell differentiation marker along with its role in promoting T cell survival.


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The Greenland Ice Sheet Project 2 (GISP2) core can enhance our understanding of the relationship between parameters measured in the ice in central Greenland and variability in the ocean, atmosphere, and cryosphere of the North Atlantic Ocean and adjacent land masses. Seasonal (summer, winter) to annual responses of dD and deuterium excess isotopic signals in the GISP2 core to the seesaw in winter temperatures between West Greenland and northern Europe from A.D. 1840 to 1970 are investigated. This seesaw represents extreme modes of the North Atlantic Oscillation, which also influences sea surface temperatures (SSTs), atmospheric pressures, geostrophic wind strength, and sea ice extents beyond the winter season. Temperature excursions inferred from the dD record during seesaw/extreme NAO mode years move in the same direction as the West Greenland side of the seesaw. Symmetry with the West Greenland side of the seesaw suggests a possible mechanism for damping in the ice core record of the lowest decadal temperatures experienced in Europe from A.D. 1500 to 1700. Seasonal and annual deuterium excess excursions during seesaw years show negative correlation with dD. This suggests an isotopic response to a SST/ land temperature seesaw. The isotopic record from GISP2 may therefore give information on both ice sheet and sea surface temperature variability. Cross-plots of dD and d show a tendency for data to be grouped according to the prevailing mode of the seesaw, but do not provide unambiguous identification of individual seesaw years. A combination of ice core and tree ring data sets may allow more confident identification of GA and GB (extreme NAO mode) years prior to 1840.


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Objetivo: Comunicar un caso de cetoacidosis inducida por corticoides y gatifloxacina y discutir los mecanismos de esta inusual y seria complicación. Caso clínico: Mujer de 32 años, ingresa por neumonía adquirida en la comunidad de 5 días de evolución. Antecedentes: AR probable diagnosticada 4 meses antes tratada con metotrexate y corticoides intermitente. Examen físico: regular estado general, IMC 21, Tº 38ºC, FR 32/min, derrame pleural derecho, FC 96/min, PA 110/70, artralgias sin artritis. Exámenes complementarios: Hto 23%, GB 16300/mm3, VSG 96mm/1ºh, glucemia 0.90mg/dl, función hepática y amilasa normales, uremia 1.19g/l, creatinina 19mg/l. Hemocultivos (2) y esputo positivos para Neumococo penicilina-sensible. La neumonía responde a gatifloxacina. Deteriora la función renal hasta la anuria con acidosis metabólica. Se interpreta como glomerulonefritis lúpica rápidamente progresiva por proteinuria de 2g/24hs, FR (+) 1/1280, FAN (+) 1/320 homogéneo, Anti ADN (+) , complemento bajo: C3 29.4mg/dl y C4 10mg/dl, Ac anti Ro, La, Scl70, RNP y anticardiolipinas positivos. Se indica metilprednisolona EV (3 bolos 1g), complicándose con hiperglucemias de >6 g/l y cetoacidosis con cetonuria (+); Ac anti ICA y antiGAD negativos con HbA1C 5.2%. Es tratada en UTI (insulina y hemodiálisis). La paciente mejora, se desciende la dosis de corticoides, con normalización de la glucemia sin tratamiento hipoglucemiante. Comentarios 1) La presencia de HbA1C nomal, Ac anti ICA y GAD negativos permite descartar con razonable grado de certeza una diabetes tipo1 asociada al lupus. 2) El desarrollo de la cetoacidosis durante el tratamiento con corticoides y gatifloxacina y su resolución posterior avalan el rol etiológico de los mismos. 3) La cetoacidosis puede explicarse por estimulación de la gluconeogénesis y la insulinoresistencia a nivel de receptor y post-receptor generada por los fármacos potenciado por el estado inflamatorio relacionado con el lupus y la sepsis.