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Knowledge of the fate of deposited N in the possibly N-limited, highly biodiverse north Andean forests is important because of the possible effects of N inputs on plant performance and species composition. We analyzed concentrations and fluxes of NO3 N, NH4 +N and dissolved organic N (DON) in rainfall, throughfall, litter leachate, mineral soil solutions (0.150.30 m depths) and stream water in a montane forest in Ecuador during four consecutive quarters and used the natural 15N abundance in NO3 during the passage of rain water through the ecosystem and bulk 15N values in soil to detect N transformations. Depletion of 15N in NO3 and increased NO3 N fluxes during the passage through the canopy and the organic layer indicated nitrification in these compartments. During leaching from the organic layer to mineral soil and stream, NO3 concentrations progressively decreased and were enriched in 15N but did not reach the 15N values of solid phase organic matter (15N = 5.66.7). This suggested a combination of nitrification and denitrification in mineral soil. In the wettest quarter, the 15N value of NO3 in litter leachate was smaller (15N = 1.58) than in the other quarters (15N = 9.38 SE 0.46) probably because of reduced mineralization and associated fractionation against 15N. Nitrogen isotope fractionation of NO3 between litter leachate and stream water was smaller in the wettest period than in the other periods probably because of a higher rate of denitrification and continuous dilution by isotopically lighter NO3 N from throughfall and nitrification in the organic layer during the wettest period. The stable N isotope composition of NO3 gave valuable indications of N transformations during the passage of water through the forest ecosystem from rainfall to the stream.
Green roof mitigation of volume and peak flow-rate of stormwater runoff has been studied extensively. However, due to the common practice of green roof fertilization, there is the potential for introduction of nutrients into local bodies of water. Therefore, this study compares green roof runoff quality with the water quality of precipitation and runoff from a bare shingle roof. The runoff from a demonstration-scale extensive green roof was analyzed during the summer of 2011 for its effect on runoff volume and analyzed during eleven storm events in the fall and winter for concentrations of copper, cadmium, zinc, lead, nitrogen species, total nitrogen, total organic carbon, sulfate, orthophosphate, and other monovalent and divalent ions. The green roof reduced the overall volume of runoff and served as a sink for NO3 - and NH4 +. However, the green roof was also a source for the pollutants PO4 3-, SO4 2-, TOC, cations, and total nitrogen. Metals such as zinc and lead showed trends of higher mass loads in the bare roof runoff than in precipitation and green roof runoff, although results were not statistically significant. The green roof also showed trends, although also not statistically significant, of retaining cadmium and copper. With the green roof serving as a source of phosphorous species and a sink for nitrogen species, and appearing to a retain metals and total volume, the life cycle impact analysis shows minimum impacts from the green roof, when compared with precipitation and bare roof runoff, in all but fresh water eutrophication. Therefore, the best environments to install a green roof may be in coastal environments.
We studied temporal and spatial patterns of soil nitrogen (N) dynamics from 1993 to 1995 in three watersheds of Fernow Experimental Forest, W.V.: WS7 (24-year-old, untreated); WS4 (mature, untreated); and WS3 (24-year-old, treated with (NH4)2SO since 1989 at the rate of 35 kg Nha1year1). Net nitrification was 141, 114, and115 kg Nha1year1, for WS3, WS4, and WS7, respectively, essentially 100% of net N mineralization for all watersheds. Temporal (seasonal) patterns of nitrification were significantly related to soil moisture and ambient temperaturein untreated watersheds only. Spatial patterns of soil water NO3of WS4 suggest that microenvironmental variabilitylimits rates of N processing in some areas of this N-saturated watershed, in part by ericaceous species in the herbaceous layer. Spatial patterns of soil water NO3in treated WS3 suggest that later stages of N saturation may result inhigher concentrations with less spatial variability. Spatial variability in soil N variables was lower in treated WS3 versus untreated watersheds. Nitrogen additions have altered the response of N-processing microbes to environmental factors, becoming less sensitive to seasonal changes in soil moisture and temperature. Biotic processes responsible forregulating N dynamics may be compromised in N-saturated forest ecosystems.
Nitrogen (N) saturation is an environmental concern for forests in the eastern U.S. Although several watersheds of the Fernow Experimental Forest (FEF), West Virginia exhibit symptoms of Nsaturation, many watersheds display a high degree of spatial variability in soil N processing. This study examined the effects of temperature on net N mineralization and nitrification in N-saturatedsoils from FEF, and how these effects varied between high N-processing vs. low N-processingsoils collected from two watersheds, WS3 (fertilized with [NH4]2SO4) and WS4 (untreated control). Samples of forest floor material (O2 horizon) and mineral soil (to a 5-cm depth) were taken from three subplots within each of four plots that represented the extremes of highest and lowest ratesof net N mineralization and nitrification (hereafter, high N and low N, respectively) of untreated WS4 and N-treated WS3: control/low N, control/high N, N-treated/low N, N-treated/high N. Forest floor material was analyzed for carbon (C), lignin,and N. Subsamples of mineral soil were extractedimmediately with 1 N KCl and analyzed for NH4+and NO3 to determine preincubation levels. Extracts were also analyzed for Mg, Ca, Al, and pH. To test the hypothesis that the lack of net nitrification observed in field incubations on the untreated/low N plot was the result of absence ofnitrifier populations, we characterized the bacterial community involved in N cycling by amplification of amoA genes. Remaining soil was incubated for 28 d at three temperatures (10, 20, and30C), followed by 1 N KCl extraction and analysis for NH4+ and NO3. Net nitrification was essentially 100% of net N mineralization for all samples combined. Nitrification rates from lab incubation sat all temperatures supported earlier observations based on field incubations. At 30C, rates from N- t reated/high N were three times those of N-treated/low N. Highest rates were found for untreated/high N (two times greater than those of N-treated/high N), whereas untreated/low N exhibited no net nitrification. However, soils exhibitingno net nitrification tested positive for presence of nitrifying bacteria, causing us to reject our initial hypothesis. We hypothesize that nitrifier populations in such soil are being inhibited by a combination of low Ca:Al ratios in mineral soil and allelopathic interactions with mycorrhizae of ericaceous species in the herbaceous layer.
Recent interest in spatial pattern in terrestrial ecosystems has come from an awareness of theintimate relationship between spatial heterogeneity of soil resources and maintenance of plant species diversity. Soil and vegetation can vary spatially inresponse to several state factors of the system. In this study, we examined fine-scale spatial variability of soil nutrients and vascular plant species in contrasting herb-dominated communities (a pasture and an oldfield) to determine degree of spatial dependenceamong soil variables and plant community characteristics within these communities by sampling at 1-m intervals. Each site was divided into 25 1-m 2 plots. Mineral soil was sampled (2-cm diameter, 5-cm depth) from each of four 0.25-m2 quarters and combined into a single composite sample per plot. Soil organic matter was measured as loss-on-ignition. Extractable NH4 and NO3 were determined before and after laboratory incubation to determine potential net N mineralization and nitrification. Cations were analyzed using inductively coupled plasma emission spectrometry. Vegetation was assessed using estimated percent cover. Most soiland plant variables exhibited sharp contrasts betweenpasture and old-field sites, with the old field having significantly higher net N mineralization/nitrification, pH, Ca, Mg, Al, plant cover, and species diversity, richness, and evenness. Multiple regressions revealedthat all plant variables (species diversity, richness,evenness, and cover) were significantly related to soil characteristics (available nitrogen, organic matter,moisture, pH, Ca, and Mg) in the pasture; in the old field only cover was significantly related to soil characteristics (organic matter and moisture). Both sites contrasted sharply with respect to spatial pattern of soil variables, with the old field exhibiting a higher degree of spatial dependence. These results demonstrate that land-use practices can exert profound influence on spatial heterogeneity of both soil properties and vegetation in herb-dominated communities.
Effects of soil freezing on nitrogen (N) mineralization have been the subject of increased attention in the ecological literature, though fewer studies have examined N mineralization responses to successive mild freezing, severe freezing and cyclic freezethaw events. Even less is known about relationships of responses to soil N status. This study measured soil N mineralization and nitrification in the field along an experimental N gradient in a grassland of northern China during the dormant season (October 2005April 2006), a period in which freezing naturally occurs. Net N mineralization exhibited great temporal variability, with nitrification being the predominant N transformation process. Soil microbial biomass C and N and extractable NH4 + pools declined by 40, 52, and 56%, respectively, in April 2006, compared with their initial concentrations in October 2005; soil NO3 pools increased by 84%. Temporal patterns of N mineralization were correlated with soil microbial biomass C and N. N mineralization and nitrification increased linearly with added N. Microbial biomass C in treated soils increased by 10% relative to controls, whereas microbial N declined by 9%. Results further suggest that freezing events greatly alter soil N dynamics in the dormant season at this site, with considerable available N accumulating during this period.
Vegetation communities affect carbon and nitrogen dynamics in the subsurface water of mineral wetlands through the quality of their litter, their uptake of nutrients, root exudation and their effects on redox potential. However, vegetation influence on subsurface nutrient dynamics is often overshadowed by the influences of hydrology, soils and geology on nutrient dynamics. The effects of vegetation communities on carbon and nitrogen dynamics are important to consider when managing land that may change vegetation type or quantity so that wetland ecosystem functions can be retained. This study was established to determine the magnitude of the influences and interaction of vegetation cover and hydrology, in the form of water table fluctuations, on carbon and nitrogen dynamics in a northern forested riparian wetland. Dissolved organic carbon (DOC), dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), nitrate (NO3-) and ammonium (NH4+) concentrations were collected from a piezometer network in four different vegetation communities and were found to show complex responses to vegetation cover and water table fluctuations. Dissolved organic carbon, DIC, NO3- and NH4+ concentrations were influenced by forest vegetation cover. Both NO3- and NH4+ were also influenced by water table fluctuations. However, for DOC and NH4+ concentrations there appeared to be more complex interactions than were measured by this study. The results of canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) and analysis of variance (ANOVA) did not correspond in relationship to the significance of vegetation communities. Dissolved inorganic carbon was influenced by an interaction between vegetation cover and water table fluctuations. More hydrological information is needed to make stronger conclusions about the relationship between vegetation and hydrology in controlling carbon and nitrogen dynamics in a forested riparian wetland.
The membranes from normal and Plasmodium knowlesi-infected rhemsus monkey erythrocytes (90 to 95 percent infected with early ring stage) were analyzed for transbilayer distribution of phosphatidylcholine (PC). hosphatidylethanolamine (PE). and hosphatidylserine (PS). by means of chemical and enzymatic probes. The external monolayer of the normal red cell membrane contained at least 68 to 72 percent of the total phosphatidylcholine and 15 to 20 percent of the total phosphati dylethanolamine. In the infected cell, the transmembrane phosphatidylcholine distribution appeared to be reversed, with only 20 to 30 percent of it being externally localized, whereas roughly equal amounts of phosphatidylethanolamine were present in the outer and'inner surfaces. However, total pho.~phatid)'lserine in both the infected and normal red cells was exc/usi~'ely internal. Unlike that in the normal intact cell, external phosphatidylethanolamine in the parasitized cell was readily accessible to phospholipase A2. These results indicate that significant changes in molecular architecture of the host cell membrane are the result of varasitization.
In this study, we present the development and the characterization of a generic platform for cell culture able to monitor extracellular ionic activities (K+, NH4+) for real-time monitoring of cell-based responses, such as necrosis, apoptosis, or differentiation. The platform for cell culture is equipped with an array of 16 silicon nitride micropipet-based ion-selective microelectrodes with a diameter of either 2 or 6 microm. This array is located at the bottom of a 200-microm-wide and 350-microm-deep microwell where the cells are cultured. The characterization of the ion-selective microelectrode arrays in different standard and physiological solutions is presented. Near-Nernstian slopes were obtained for potassium- (58.6 +/- 0.8 mV/pK, n = 15) and ammonium-selective microelectrodes (59.4 +/- 3.9 mV/pNH4, n = 13). The calibration curves were highly reproducible and showed an average drift of 4.4 +/- 2.3 mV/h (n = 10). Long-term behavior and response after immersion in physiological solutions are also presented. The lifetime of the sensors was found to be extremely long with a high recovery rate.
Unprecedented Trapping of Difluorooctamolybdate Anions within an -Polonium Type Coordination Network
New fluorinated hybrid solids [Mo2F2O5(tr2pr)] (1), [Co3(tr2pr)2(MoO4)2F2]7H2O (2), and [Co3(H2O)2(tr2pr)3(Mo8O26F2)]3H2O (3) (tr2pr = 1,3-bis(1,2,4-triazol-4-yl)propane) were prepared from the reaction systems consisting of Co(OAc)2/CoF2 and MoO3/(NH4)6Mo7O24, as CoII and MoVI sources, in water (2) or in aqueous HF (1, 3) employing mild hydrothermal conditions. The tr2pr ligand serves as a conformationally flexible tetradentate donor. In complex 1, the octahedrally coordinated Mo atoms are linked in the discrete corner-sharing {Mo2(2-O)F2O4N4} unit in which a pair of tr-heterocycles (tr = 1,2,4-triazole) is arranged in cis-positions opposite to molybdenyl oxygen atoms. The antianti conformation type of tr2pr facilitates the tight zigzag chain packing motif. The crystal structure of the mixed-anion complex salt 2 consists of trinuclear [Co3(3-MoO4)2(2-F)2] units self-assembling in CoII-undulating chains (CoCo 3.0709(15) and 3.3596(7) ), which are cross-linked by tr2pr in layers. In 3, containing condensed oxyfluoromolybdate species, linear centrosymmetric [Co3(2-tr)6]6+ SBUs are organized at distances of 10.7212.45 in an -Po-like network using bitopic tr-linkers. The octahedral {N6} and {N3O3} environments of the central and peripheral cobalt atoms, respectively, are filled by triazole N atoms, water molecules, and coordinating [Mo8O26F2]6 anions. Acting as a tetradentate O-donor, each difluorooctamolybdate anion anchors four [Co3(2-tr)6]6+ units through their peripheral Co-sites, which consequently leads to a novel type of a two-nodal 4,10-c net with the Schlafli symbol {32.43.5}{34.420.516.65}. The 2D and 3D coordination networks of 2 and 3, respectively, are characterized by significant overall antiferromagnetic exchange interactions (J/k) between the CoII spin centers on the order of 8 and 4 K. The [Mo8O26F2]6 anion is investigated in detail by quantum chemical calculations.
Water-bound nitrogen (N) cycling in temperate terrestrial ecosystems of the Northern Hemisphere is today mainly inorganic because of anthropogenic release of reactive N to the environment. In little-industrialized and remote areas, in contrast, a larger part of N cycling occurs as dissolved organic N (DON). In a north Andean tropical montane forest in Ecuador, the N cycle changed markedly during 19982010 along with increasing N deposition and reduced soil moisture. The DON concentrations and the fractional contribution of DON to total N significantly decreased in rainfall, throughfall, and soil solutions. This inorganic turn of the N cycle was most pronounced in rainfall and became weaker along the flow path of water through the system until it disappeared in stream water. Decreasing organic contributions to N cycling were caused not only by increasing inorganic N input but also by reduced DON production and/or enhanced DON decomposition. Accelerated DON decomposition might be attributable to less waterlogging and higher nutrient availability. Significantly increasing NO3-N concentrations and NO3-N/NH4-N concentration ratios in throughfall and litter leachate below the thick organic layers indicated increasing nitrification. In mineral soil solutions, in contrast, NH4-N concentrations increased and NO3-N/NH4-N concentration ratios decreased significantly, suggesting increasing net ammonification. Our results demonstrate that the remote tropical montane forests on the rim of the Amazon basin experienced a pronounced change of the N cycle in only one decade. This change likely parallels a similar change which followed industrialization in the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere more than a century ago.
An NH4+ record covering the period A.D. 1845-1997 was reconstructed using an 80.4 m ice core from East Rongbuk Glacier at an elevation of 6450 m on the northern slope of Mount Everest. Variations in NH4+ are characterized by a dramatic increase since the 1950s. The highest NH4+ concentrations occur in the 1980s. They are about twofold more than those in the first half of twentieth century. Empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis on the eight major ion (Na+,K+,Mg2+,NH4+,Ca2+,NO3-,SO42- and Cl-) series from this core indicates that NH4+ is loaded mainly on EOF3 (60% of NH4+ variance), suggesting that NH4+ has a unique signature. Instrumental sea level pressure (SLP) and regional temperatures are used to explore the relationship between NH4+ variations and both atmospheric circulation and natural source strength over Asia. Higher NH4+ concentrations are associated with an enhanced winter Mongolian High and a deepened summer Mongolian Low. A positive relationship also exists between NH4+ concentrations and regional temperature changes of the GIS Box 36 (Indian subcontinent), indicating that an increase in temperature may contribute to the strengthening of natural ammonia emissions (e. g., from plants and soils). A close positive correlation between NH4+ and acidic species (SO42- plus NO3-) concentrations suggests that a portion of the increase in NH4+ concentrations could be contributed by enhanced atmospheric acidification. Anthropogenic ammonia emissions from enhanced agricultural activities and energy consumption over Asia in concert with population increase since the 1950s appear also to be a significant factor in the dramatic increase of NH4+ concentrations during the last few decades.
High-resolution chemical records from an 80.4 m ice core from the central Himalaya demonstrate climatic and environmental changes since 1844. The chronological net accumulation series shows a sharp decrease from the mid-1950s, which is coincident with the widely observed glacier retreat. A negative correlation is found between the ice-core delta(18)O record and the monsoon precipitation for Indian region 7. The temporal variation of the terrestrial ions (Ca2+ and Mg2+) is controlled by both the monsoon precipitation for Indian regions 3,7 and 8, located directly south and west of the Himalaya, and the dust-storm duration and frequency in the northern arid regions, such as the Taklimakan desert, China. The NH4+ profile is fairly flat until the 1940s, then substantially increases until the end of the 1980s, with a slight decrease during the 1990s which may reflect new agricultural practices. The SO42- and NO3- profiles show an apparent increasing trend, especially during the period 1940s-80s. Moreover, SO42- concentrations for the East Rongbuk Glacier core are roughly double that of the nearby Dasuopu core at Xixabangma, Himalaya, due to local human activity including that of climbing teams who use gasoline for cooking, energy and transport.
The dynamics of phytoplankton and nutrients before, during and after the winter-spring bloom on Georges Bank were studied on 6 monthly survey cruises from January to June 1999. We measured hydrography, phytoplankton cell densities, chlorophyll a, dissolved inorganic nutrients (NO3 + NO2, NH4, Si(OH)(4), PO4), dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) and phosphorus (DOP), particulate organic carbon (POC) and nitrogen (PON) and total particulate phosphorus (TPP). We present evidence that phytoplankton production may be significant year-round, and that the winter-spring bloom may have started in January. From January to April the phytoplankton was comprised almost exclusively of diatoms, reaching cell densities in March and April of ca. 450 cells ml(-1); chlorophyll a concentrations exceeded 10 mug l(-1) in April. Diatoms decreased to relatively low levels in May (< 50 x 10(3) cells l(-1)) and increased again in June (>300 x 10(3) cells l(-1)). Densities of dinoflagellates and nanoflagellates were low (< 10 x 10(3) cells l(-1)) from January to April, and increased in May and June to nearly 300 x 10(3) cells l(-1). Nitrate + nitrite concentrations in January were <3 muM in the shallow, central portion of the bank and decreased steadily each month. Silicate was also <3 muM over an even larger area of the central bank in January and declined to <1.5 muM over most of the Bank in April. The data suggest that silicate depletion, not DIN, contributed to the cessation of the diatom bloom. Regeneration of silicate occurred in May and June, presumably as a result of rising water temperatures in late spring which increased the dissolution rate of diatom frustules from the earlier diatom bloom. Dissolved organic nitrogen may have been utilized at the start of the winter-spring bloom; concentrations were ca, 14 muM in January, dropping to < 6 mug l(-1) in February, after which DON concentrations steadily rose to > 15 mug l(-1) in June. Overall micro-and nanoplankton biomass, measured as POC, PON and TPP, increased over the 6 mo period, as did nutritional quality of that biomass as indicated by declining C:N ratios. Our results suggest there may have been an increase in the heterotrophic component of the plankton in May and June which coincided with a second burst in diatom abundance. We discuss general features of planktonic production and nutrient dynamics with respect to year-round production on the Bank.
During two extended summer seasons in 2006 and 2007 we operated two battery driven versions of the Caltech active strand cloud water collector (MiniCASCC) at the Niesen mountain (2362 m a.s.l.) in the northern part of the Swiss Alps, and two devices at the Lgeren research tower (690 m a.s.l.) at the northern boundary of the Swiss Plateau. During these two field operation phases we gained weekly samples of fog water, where we analyzed the major anions and cations, and the isotope ratios of fog water (in form of 2H and 18O). Dominant ions in fog water at all sites were NH4+, NO3, and SO42 . Compared to precipitation, the enrichment factors in fog water were in the range 59 at the highest site, Niesen Kulm. We found considerably lower summertime ion loadings in fog water at the two Alpine sites than at lower elevations above the Swiss Plateau. The lowest ion concentrations were found at the Niesen Kulm site at 2300 m a.s.l., whereas the highest concentrations (a factor 7 compared to Niesen Kulm) were found in fog water at the Lgeren site. Occult nitrogen deposition was estimated from fog frequency and typical fog water flux rates. This pathway contributes 0.33.9 kg N ha 1 yr 1 to the total N deposition at the highest site on Niesen mountain, and 0.12.2 kg N ha 1 yr 1 at the lower site. These inputs are the reverse of ion concentrations measured in fog due to the 2.5 times higher frequency of fog occurrence at the mountain top (overall fog occurrence was 25% of the time) as compared to the lower Niesen Schwandegg site. Although fog water concentrations were on the lower range reported in earlier studies, fog water is likely to be an important N source for Northern Alpine ecosystems and might reach values up to 16% of the total N deposition and up to 75% of wet N deposition by precipitation.