998 resultados para visual materiality


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Early visual processing stages have been demonstrated to be impaired in schizophrenia patients and their first-degree relatives. The amplitude and topography of the P1 component of the visual evoked potential (VEP) are both affected; the latter of which indicates alterations in active brain networks between populations. At least two issues remain unresolved. First, the specificity of this deficit (and suitability as an endophenotype) has yet to be established, with evidence for impaired P1 responses in other clinical populations. Second, it remains unknown whether schizophrenia patients exhibit intact functional modulation of the P1 VEP component; an aspect that may assist in distinguishing effects specific to schizophrenia. We applied electrical neuroimaging analyses to VEPs from chronic schizophrenia patients and healthy controls in response to variation in the parafoveal spatial extent of stimuli. Healthy controls demonstrated robust modulation of the VEP strength and topography as a function of the spatial extent of stimuli during the P1 component. By contrast, no such modulations were evident at early latencies in the responses from patients with schizophrenia. Source estimations localized these deficits to the left precuneus and medial inferior parietal cortex. These findings provide insights on potential underlying low-level impairments in schizophrenia.


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RESUME Les membranes néovasculaires (MNV) compliquent diverses pathologies ophtalmiques. Elles sont à l'origine d'une importante baisse de l'acuité visuelle lorsque elles se situent à proximité de la fovéa. A l'heure actuelle, peu de données relatives à leur association aux pathologies inflammatoires de l'oeil (uvéites) existent. Dans ce travail, la fréquence de MNV a été évaluée parmi 643 patients avec uvéite. Leur impact sur l'acuité visuelle ainsi que le pronostic en fonction des différents traitements effectués ont été étudiés. Les dossiers des 643 patients souffrant d'uvéite ont été étudiés. Les patients présentant une MNV ont été classés en trois groupes en fonction de l'importance de l'inflammation intraoculaire: élevée (2+ cellules dans le vitré), moyenne (1/2+ à 1+ cellules dans le vitré) ou absente (0 cellules dans le vitré). L'évolution de l'acuité visuelle fut considérée comme favorable (+VA: maintient de l'acuité visuelle ou gain d'une ou plusieurs lignes de Snellen) ou défavorable (-VA: perte d'une ou plusieurs lignes Snellen). Chez 9 patients, le traitement instauré a consisté, initialement, en l'administration orale de corticostéroïdes (CST) à haute dose qui, dans le cas d'évolution favorable (-FVA ou régression angiographique de la MNV), était arrêtée en doses dégressives. Dans les évolutions défavorables (-VA ou progression angiographique de la MNV), les CST étaient maintenus à dose moyenne en complémentation d'un traitement par thérapie laser (photothérapie dynamique (PDT), thermothérapie transpupillaire (TTT) ou laser Argon). Ce protocole thérapeutique ne fut appliqué chez trois patients en raison de la non disponibilité de PDT ou d'un diagnostic manqué d'uvéite. Douze patients sur 643 avec uvéite ont présenté une MNV. L'impact visuel moyen était de 4.5 lignes de Snellen et le temps moyen de suivi était de 19.5 mois. Deux patients avec inflammation intraoculaire élevée ont évolué favorablement sous CST seuls. Huit patients avec inflammation intraoculaire moyenne ont évolué favorablement sous CST seuls chez trois patients, alors que quatre patients ont nécessité une thérapie laser additionnelle. Le dernier patient ne fut traité que par thérapie laser sans CST (diagnostic manqué d'uvéite). Deux patients sans inflammation intraoculaire ont eu un pronostic défavorable sous CST seuls (pas d'autre alternative thérapeutique). Notre étude a démontré que les MNV sont une complication rare de l'uvéite qui, après traitement adéquat, ont un pronostic visuel relativement favorable. Bien que les CST semblent être la première modalité thérapeutique, les traitements laser devraient être adoptés tôt dans les situations d'inflammation intraoculaire moyenne ou absente.


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Purpose: C57/Bl6, Cpfl1-/- (Cone photoreceptors function loss 1; pure rod function), Gnat1alpha-/- (rod alpha-transducin; pure cone function) and Rpe65-/-;Rho-/- double knock-out mice were studied in order to distinguish the respective contributions of the different photoreceptor (PR) systems that enable light perception and mediate a visual reflex in adult Rpe65-/- mice using a simple behavioural procedure. Methods: Visual function was estimated using a rotating automatized optomotor drum covered with vertical black and white stripes at spatial frequencies of 0.025 to 0.5 cycles per degree (cpd) in both photopic and scotopic conditions. To evaluate the contribution as well as the light intensity threshold of each PR system, we tested the mouse strains with different luminances. Results: Stripe rotation elicits head movements in wild-type (WT) animals in photopic and scotopic conditions depending on the spatial frequency, whereas Cpfl1-/- mice show a reduced activity in the photopic condition and Gnat1alpha-/- mice an almost absent response in the scotopic condition. Interestingly, a robust visual response is obtained with Rpe65-/- knockout mice at 0.075 cpd and 0.1 cpd in the photopic condition. The residual rod function in the Rpe65-/- animals was demonstrated by testing Rpe65-/-;Rho-/- mice that present no response in photopic conditions. Conclusions: The optomotor test is a simple method to estimate the visual function, and to evaluate the respective contributions of rod and cone systems. Using this test, we demonstrate that in Rpe65-/- mice, devoid of functional cones and of detectable 11-cis-retinal protein, rods mimic in part the cone function by mediating vision in photopic conditions.


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Bogotá Emprende


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Bogotá Emprende


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This thesis explores the debate and issues regarding the status of visual ;,iferellces in the optical writings of Rene Descartes, George Berkeley and James 1. Gibson. It gathers arguments from across their works and synthesizes an account of visual depthperception that accurately reflects the larger, metaphysical implications of their philosophical theories. Chapters 1 and 2 address the Cartesian and Berkelean theories of depth-perception, respectively. For Descartes and Berkeley the debate can be put in the following way: How is it possible that we experience objects as appearing outside of us, at various distances, if objects appear inside of us, in the representations of the individual's mind? Thus, the Descartes-Berkeley component of the debate takes place exclusively within a representationalist setting. Representational theories of depthperception are rooted in the scientific discovery that objects project a merely twodimensional patchwork of forms on the retina. I call this the "flat image" problem. This poses the problem of depth in terms of a difference between two- and three-dimensional orders (i.e., a gap to be bridged by one inferential procedure or another). Chapter 3 addresses Gibson's ecological response to the debate. Gibson argues that the perceiver cannot be flattened out into a passive, two-dimensional sensory surface. Perception is possible precisely because the body and the environment already have depth. Accordingly, the problem cannot be reduced to a gap between two- and threedimensional givens, a gap crossed with a projective geometry. The crucial difference is not one of a dimensional degree. Chapter 3 explores this theme and attempts to excavate the empirical and philosophical suppositions that lead Descartes and Berkeley to their respective theories of indirect perception. Gibson argues that the notion of visual inference, which is necessary to substantiate representational theories of indirect perception, is highly problematic. To elucidate this point, the thesis steps into the representationalist tradition, in order to show that problems that arise within it demand a tum toward Gibson's information-based doctrine of ecological specificity (which is to say, the theory of direct perception). Chapter 3 concludes with a careful examination of Gibsonian affordallces as the sole objects of direct perceptual experience. The final section provides an account of affordances that locates the moving, perceiving body at the heart of the experience of depth; an experience which emerges in the dynamical structures that cross the body and the world.


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In this thesis I explore how the material properties of plant seed enter the political discourses of the international peasant coalition the Via Campesina and coalition member the National Fanners Union of Canada (NFU), querying how this process might be employed as a resource for a transformative eco-social politics. I employ several post-structural theoretical constructs, configuring them together as a "minor theory". This minor theory provides the basis for a "minor" reading of three sets of Via Campesina and NFU texts. The aim of these readings is to track the movement of seed from a local agricultural concern to a transitive political one, across both the material and discursive registers. In surfacing the presence of the seed's physical properties in the three texts, I highlight the distinctions between the constraining seed of corporate industrial agriculture, and the social and agroecological opportunities resulting from what I call a "Seed Event".