876 resultados para vilsmeier reagent


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Com o aumento na captura de pescado e da poluição do meio ambiente, esta-se à margem de exceder a estimativa do limite da sustentabilidade, e obviamente isto faz com se utilize os recursos marítimos com mais inteligência e precaução. Aplicando tecnologia enzimática ou química é possível recuperar as proteínas do processamento do pescado, produzindo hidrolisados e isolados protéicos. Uma grande quantidade de proteínas insolúveis está disponível em escamas, peles e ossos, subprodutos do processamento do pescado, que podem ser solubilizadas através de fungos e bactérias. Utilizando isolados protéicos é possível obter biopolímeros, estes têm chamado a atenção nos últimos anos, pois são biodegradáveis, não-tóxicos e geralmente biocompatíveis. Os hidrogéis protéicos são polímeros que podem absorver uma quantidade de água a partir de 10 até centenas de vezes o seu peso seco. O objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver um hidrogel protéico, com propriedades superabsorventes, a partir das proteínas solúveis e insolúveis da corvina (Micropogonias furnieri). Para a produção dos hidrolisados a partir das proteínas solúveis foi utilizado processo enzimático (Alcalase e Flavourzyme) e químico (solubilização ácida e alcalina). Nos processos de solubilização das proteínas insolúveis foram utilizados microrganismos (bactérias e fungos). Tanto as bactérias como os fungos avaliados apresentaram capacidade de solubilizar as proteínas insolúveis presentes nos resíduos (escamas, ossos, cartilagens e outros). A bactéria que atingiu a maior atividade proteolítica foi a Bacillus velesensis (47,56 U mL-1) e o fungo foi o Penicillium sp. (E20) (31,20 U mL-1). Para a produção dos hidrogéis, foram utilizados isolados protéicos provenientes de solubilização ácida ou alcalina, produzidos a partir de resíduos da industrialização de pescado, modificados quimicamente com dianidrido etilenodiamino tetraacético (EDTAD) e adicionados de agente de ligação cruzada (glutaraldeído). Algumas proteínas modificadas ainda foram submetidas a tratamento com etanol. Foram realizadas análise estrutural das proteínas modificadas e estudo da capacidade de retenção de água dos hidrogéis assim obtidos. Os hidrogéis produzidos apresentaram alta capacidade de retenção de água. A máxima absorção de água foi alcançada pelo hidrogel ácido sem o tratamento com etanol foi de 103,25 gágua/ggel seco, enquanto que a mesma amostra tratada com etanol alcançou 216,05 gágua/ggel seco. Os hidrogéis produzidos podem ser utilizados em diversas indústrias, tais como, farmacêutica, alimentícia, médica, agroindústria, entre outras, que necessitem de hidrogéis com alta capacidade de retenção de água.


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Spent hydroprocessing catalysts (HPCs) are solid wastes generated in refinery industries and typically contain various hazardous metals, such as Co, Ni, and Mo. These wastes cannot be discharged into the environment due to strict regulations and require proper treatment to remove the hazardous substances. Various options have been proposed and developed for spent catalysts treatment; however, hydrometallurgical processes are considered efficient, cost-effective and environmentally-friendly methods of metal extraction, and have been widely employed for different metal uptake from aqueous leachates of secondary materials. Although there are a large number of studies on hazardous metal extraction from aqueous solutions of various spent catalysts, little information is available on Co, Ni, and Mo removal from spent NiMo hydroprocessing catalysts. In the current study, a solvent extraction process was applied to the spent HPC to specifically remove Co, Ni, and Mo. The spent HPC is dissolved in an acid solution and then the metals are extracted using three different extractants, two of which were aminebased and one which was a quaternary ammonium salt. The main aim of this study was to develop a hydrometallurgical method to remove, and ultimately be able to recover, Co, Ni, and Mo from the spent HPCs produced at the petrochemical plant in Come By Chance, Newfoundland and Labrador. The specific objectives of the study were: (1) characterization of the spent catalyst and the acidic leachate, (2) identifying the most efficient leaching agent to dissolve the metals from the spent catalyst; (3) development of a solvent extraction procedure using the amine-based extractants Alamine308, Alamine336 and the quaternary ammonium salt, Aliquat336 in toluene to remove Co, Ni, and Mo from the spent catalyst; (4) selection of the best reagent for Co, Ni, and Mo extraction based on the required contact time, required extractant concentration, as well as organic:aqueous ratio; and (5) evaluation of the extraction conditions and optimization of the metal extraction process using the Design Expert® software. For the present study, a Central Composite Design (CCD) method was applied as the main method to design the experiments, evaluate the effect of each parameter, provide a statistical model, and optimize the extraction process. Three parameters were considered as the most significant factors affecting the process efficiency: (i) extractant concentration, (ii) the organic:aqueous ratio, and (iii) contact time. Metal extraction efficiencies were calculated based on ICP analysis of the pre- and post–leachates, and the process optimization was conducted with the aid of the Design Expert® software. The obtained results showed that Alamine308 can be considered to be the most effective and suitable extractant for spent HPC examined in the study. Alamine308 is capable of removing all three metals to the maximum amounts. Aliquat336 was found to be not as effective, especially for Ni extraction; however, it is able to separate all of these metals within the first 10 min, unlike Alamine336, which required more than 35 min to do so. Based on the results of this study, a cost-effective and environmentally-friendly solventextraction process was achieved to remove Co, Ni, and Mo from the spent HPCs in a short amount of time and with the low extractant concentration required. This method can be tested and implemented for other hazardous metals from other secondary materials as well. Further investigation may be required; however, the results of this study can be a guide for future research on similar metal extraction processes.


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The study of green chemistry is dedicated to eliminating or reducing toxic waste. One route to accomplish this goal is to explore alternative reaction conditions and parameters resulting in the development of more benign synthetic routes and reagents. The primary focus of this research is to find optimal reaction conditions for the oxidation of a primary alcohol to an aldehyde. As a case study, the oxidation of benzyl alcohol to benzaldehyde, a common industrial process, was examined. Traditionally carried out using the Jones Reagent, commonly referred to as chromium (IV) oxide or chromium trioxide (CrO3) in sulphuric acid, a great deal of research went into utilizing less toxic reagents, such as MnO2 or KMnO4 supported on a clay base. This research has led to an improvement on these alternatives, using a lithium chloride (LiCl) catalyst in a montmorillonite K10 clay solid phase, together with the oxidizing agent hydrogen peroxide, as even greener alternatives to these traditional oxidizing agents. Experiments were carried out to determine the lifetime of this LiCl/clay system as compared to MnO2 and KMnO4, to investigate its ability to catalyze the oxidation of other aromatic alcohols (such as 4-methoxybenzyl alcohol and diphenylmethanol), and to further improve the system’s adherence to green chemistry principles. Green solvent alternatives were examined by replacing the toluene solvent with dimethylcarbonate (DMC), and reaction conditions were optimized to improve product yield. It was determined that the LiCl/H2O2 system was, in most cases, equally as effective at catalyzing the oxidation of benzyl alcohol to benzaldehyde. Although the catalyst and oxidizing agent eliminated the toxic waste generated from chromium reagents, it offered significant challenges in product isolation, because of an aqueous-organic phase separation.


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A contaminação fúngica acarreta alterações na qualidade nutricional e no valor econômico de produtos alimentícios podendo causar danos patológicos em plantas, animais e humanos. A identificação da atividade antioxidante, antifúngica e antimicotoxinas, em extratos de microalgas com propriedade de inibir a multiplicação de fungos e subseqüente produção de micotoxinas abre a perspectiva de empregar substâncias mais eficientes e com maior ação específica contra estes microorganismos. Entre os compostos com propriedades inibidoras de radicais livres, de crescimento fúngico e produção de micotoxinas, destacam-se os compostos fenólicos, que podem inibir a atividade metabólica microbiana, dificultando a atividade de enzimas. Neste estudo foram avaliados o poder de inibição de multiplicação fúngica de Rhizopus oryzae e Aspergillus flavus pelos extratos fenólicos de Chlorella sp. e Spirulina platensis, bem como sua atividade antioxidante, e a atividade antimicotoxinas da última microalga contra Aspergillus flavus. O conteúdo de fenóis totais foi em média 1000 µgfenóis/g Spirulina platensis e 600 µgfenóis/g Chlorella sp., sendo que o acido gálico e o cafeíco foram identificados como compostos majoritários na Spirulina platensis. As determinações de glicosamina (parede celular) e ergosterol (membrana celular) mostraram-se bons indicativos do desenvolvimento microbiano permitindo uma boa estimativa da inibição dele. O extrato fenólico de Spirulina platensis apresentou capacidade de inibir cerca de 50% a formação da parede e da membrana celular para ambos os fungos estudados e de 100% a produção de aflatoxina B1 até o 10º dia de cultivo do Aspergillus flavus. Além disso, o extrato metanólico de Spirulina platensis inativou 53,5% o DPPH reativo, limitou o escurecimento enzimático ocasionado pela peroxidase em 55% e inibiu a peroxidação lipídica em 46% após 14 dias de armazenamento sob luz. Estes resultados mostram que a ação antifúngica, antimicotoxinas e antioxidante está naturalmente presente em alguns tecidos microbianos e que encontrar a forma de extraí-los e aplicá-los como conservantes alimentícios é muito promissor para substituição aos antifúngicos e outros conservantes químicos.


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En este artículo de reflexión, se analiza el diseño actual de las políticas ambientales en Colombia, las cuales se han centrado principalmente en el aprovechamiento de los recursos naturales como fuentes de materiales y energía para generar crecimiento económico. En este sentido, es evidente que la preocupación colectiva por el manejo de la oferta ambiental, como base para el desarrollo sostenible establecido en la Constitución, no ha logrado implementarse de forma efectiva, principalmente por el enfoque reactivo y coercitivo de las políticas y normativas vigentes, aunadas a un escaso fomento para la transformación del estilo de vida consumista nacional, situación que ha generado un efecto rebote incrementando los niveles de uso y consumo de los recursos naturales (especialmente de los denominados no renovables) y limitado la eficiencia energética; por ejemplo, esto puede observarse en el sector minero-energético nacional. Considerando que existe una preocupación global por la sostenibilidad, es necesario que el diseño de las políticas ambientales nacionales se aleje del optimismo económico y tecnológico del modelo económico vigente e incorpore, de forma cierta en sus políticas, estrategias que permitan equilibrar las relaciones de oferta y demanda de los servicios ambientales que sustentan el desarrollo nacional, alentando, al tiempo, el consumo responsable de la población colombiana, además de atender las iniciativas comunitarias de regulación e inclusión social en el manejo de los bienes y servicios ambientales para generar procesos de sostenibilidad fuerte.


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Le projet présenté au cours de cette thèse porte sur la formation de centres quaternaires entièrement carbonés. Plusieurs axes d’approche ont été établis, et seront présentés par chapitre : le premier fait état de l’utilisation d’une réaction de Vilsmeier-Haack, le second rapporte la fabrication de nouveaux catalyseurs pour la réaction de condensation de Claisen et le dernier utilise la réaction de Vilsmeier-Haack pour la formation d’acides [béta]-aminés non-racémiques. Lors du premier chapitre, le sujet abordé sera l’utilisation de la réaction de Vilsmeier-Haack pour la formation de composés 1,3-dicarbonylés contenant un centre quaternaire entièrement carboné. D’abord nous verrons comment, théoriquement, la chiralité du centre quaternaire peut être contrôlée par l’utilisation d’amines chirales. Puis nous suivrons le développement d’une méthode d’hydrolyse spécifique à l’obtention de composés 1,3-dicarbonylés avec ses forces et ses limites. La deuxième partie de cette thèse portera sur le développement de nouveaux catalyseurs pour la réaction de condensation de Claisen. Plusieurs avenues seront exposées. Dans un premier temps, nous verrons la rationalisation validant chacune des idées d’avenues envisagées, puis nous aborderons les méthodes de synthèses essayées pour les catalyseurs imaginés dans chacune de ces avenues. Le dernier chapitre portera sur la formation de dérivés d’acides [béta]-aminés non-racémiques via l’utilisation d’une réaction de Vilsmeier-Haack. Dans un premier temps, différentes méthodes de réduction applicables à cette réaction seront présentées, et ensuite, le concept d’un nouveau groupe protecteur spécifique aux ions iminiums sera démontré.


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O presente trabalho visa o desenvolvimento de um processo para a produção de biodiesel partindo de óleos de alta acidez, aplicando um processo em duas etapas de catálise homogênea. A primeira é a reação de esterificação etílica dos ácidos graxos livres, catalisada por H2SO4, ocorrendo no meio de triglicerídeos e a segunda é a transesterificação dos triglicerídeos remanescentes, ocorrendo no meio dos ésteres alquílicos da primeira etapa e catalisada com álcali (NaOH) e álcool etílico ou metílico. A reação de esterificação foi estudada com uma mistura modelo consistindo de óleo de soja neutro acidificado artificialmente com 15%p de ácido oleico PA. Este valor foi adotado, como referência, devido a certas gorduras regionais (óleo de mamona advinda de agricultura familiar, sebos de matadouro e óleo de farelo de arroz, etc.) apresentarem teores entre 10-20%p de ácidos graxos livres. Nas duas etapas o etanol é reagente e também solvente, sendo a razão molar mistura:álcool um dos parâmetros pesquisados nas relações 1:3, 1:6 e 1:9. Outros foram a temperatura 60 e 80ºC e a concentração percentual do catalisador, 0,5, 1,0 e 1,5%p, (em relação à massa de óleo). A combinatória destes parâmetros resultou em 18 reações. Dentre as condições reacionais estudadas, oito atingiram acidez aceitável inferior a 1,5%p possibilitando a definição das condições para aplicação ótima da segunda etapa. A melhor condição nesta etapa ocorreu quando a reação foi conduzida a 60°C com 1%p de H2SO4 e razão molar 1:6. No final da primeira etapa foram realizados tratamentos pertinentes como a retirada do catalisador e estudada sua influência sobre a acidez final, utilizando-se de lavagens com e sem adição de hexano, seguidas de evaporação ou adição de agente secante. Na segunda etapa estudaram-se as razões molares de óleo:álcool de 1:6 e 1:9 com álcool metílico e etílico, com 0,5 e 1%p de NaOH assim como o tratamento da reação (lavagem ou neutralização do catalisador) a 60°C, resultando em 16 experimentos. A melhor condição nesta segunda etapa ocorreu com 0,5%p de NaOH, razão molar óleo:etanol de 1:6 e somente as reações em que se aplicaram lavagens apresentaram índices de acidez adequados (<1,0%p) coerentes com os parâmetros da ANP.


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Oxidative refolding is one of the key challenges hampering the development of peptide based compounds as therapeutics. The correct refolding for three disulfide peptide like w-Conotoxi n MVIIA is difficult and crucial for biological activity. This work advanced knowledge of chemical and biological for improve oxidative refolding of synthetic w-Conotoxi n MVIIA in base of Conus magus venom. The present study aimed to set up an appropriate and effective protocols for refolding of disulfide-rich w-Conotoxin MVIIA. In this study, the crude peptide was protected with Acm group, according to the right amino acid sequences (Synthesized by Australian Company). The crude peptide was purified by H PLC. To prepare the peptide to refolding, innovative deprotection applied molar ratio (AMR) method was performed based on mercury. Accuracy of deprotection was approved by reverse phase chromatography. The deprotected target peptide (omega-conotoxin) was determined by SDS-PAGE. Then the Oxidative refolding of target peptide was performed in six protocol based on Guanidinium chloride and oxidized and reduced Glutathione. Analgesic effect of refolded peptide was surveyed with formalin test in mice Balb/c. Non neurotoxic effects of target peptides were survey with ICV injection in mice model (C57/BL6). The innovative deprotection protocol performed based on the best ratio of mercury/2-mercaptoethanol adjusted to 1mg/10p1 in 90 minute. The results showed the yield and purity of omega-conotoxin MVIIA as 93 and 95%, respectively. Refolding of 40 mg omega Conotoxin with GSSG and GSH on ratio of 10:1 and 20 mM ammonium acetate showed the best analgesic effect compared with the other methods. The result showed 95.5% yield and 98% purity of omega-conotoxin MVIIA in this refolding method. Related refolding method reduced 85% pain in experimented mice using 7 ng of the peptide. That was 71.5 fold stronger than morphine and 2 times than standard Prialt®. And it was not neurotoxic in mice. In this study, refolding method for omega-conotoxin MVIIA was optimized in the fourth factor including: reducing the time, amount and number of reagent and increase the efficiency. We introduced new method for deprotection of omega-conotoxin MVIIA. Effective, economic and applied refolding and deprotecti on method was performed in this research may al so be applied to similar omega conotoxin peptides.


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The work presented herein focused on the automation of coordination-driven self assembly, exploring methods that allow syntheses to be followed more closely while forming new ligands, as part of the fundamental study of the digitization of chemical synthesis and discovery. Whilst the control and understanding of the principle of pre-organization and self-sorting under non-equilibrium conditions remains a key goal, a clear gap has been identified in the absence of approaches that can permit fast screening and real-time observation of the reaction process under different conditions. A firm emphasis was thus placed on the realization of an autonomous chemical robot, which can not only monitor and manipulate coordination chemistry in real-time, but can also allow the exploration of a large chemical parameter space defined by the ligand building blocks and the metal to coordinate. The self-assembly of imine ligands with copper and nickel cations has been studied in a multi-step approach using a self-built flow system capable of automatically controlling the liquid-handling and collecting data in real-time using a benchtop MS and NMR spectrometer. This study led to the identification of a transient Cu(I) species in situ which allows for the formation of dimeric and trimeric carbonato bridged Cu(II) assemblies. Furthermore, new Ni(II) complexes and more remarkably also a new binuclear Cu(I) complex, which usually requires long and laborious inert conditions, could be isolated. The study was then expanded to the autonomous optimization of the ligand synthesis by enabling feedback control on the chemical system via benchtop NMR. The synthesis of new polydentate ligands has emerged as a result of the study aiming to enhance the complexity of the chemical system to accelerate the discovery of new complexes. This type of ligand consists of 1-pyridinyl-4-imino-1,2,3-triazole units, which can coordinate with different metal salts. The studies to test for the CuAAC synthesis via microwave lead to the discovery of four new Cu complexes, one of them being a coordination polymer obtained from a solvent dependent crystallization technique. With the goal of easier integration into an automated system, copper tubing has been exploited as the chemical reactor for the synthesis of this ligand, as it efficiently enhances the rate of the triazole formation and consequently promotes the formation of the full ligand in high yields within two hours. Lastly, the digitization of coordination-driven self-assembly has been realized for the first time using an in-house autonomous chemical robot, herein named the ‘Finder’. The chemical parameter space to explore was defined by the selection of six variables, which consist of the ligand precursors necessary to form complex ligands (aldehydes, alkineamines and azides), of the metal salt solutions and of other reaction parameters – duration, temperature and reagent volumes. The platform was assembled using rounded bottom flasks, flow syringe pumps, copper tubing, as an active reactor, and in-line analytics – a pH meter probe, a UV-vis flow cell and a benchtop MS. The control over the system was then obtained with an algorithm capable of autonomously focusing the experiments on the most reactive region (by avoiding areas of low interest) of the chemical parameter space to explore. This study led to interesting observations, such as metal exchange phenomena, and also to the autonomous discovery of self assembled structures in solution and solid state – such as 1-pyridinyl-4-imino-1,2,3-triazole based Fe complexes and two helicates based on the same ligand coordination motif.


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Hydroalumination of thioacetylenes using DIBAL-H and lithium di-(isobutyl)-n-(butyl)-aluminate hydride (Zweifel's reagent), followed by addition of water, furnished exclusively the (Z)- and (E)-vinyl sulfides, respectively. The regio- and stereochemistry of the intermediates generated, (Z)- and (E)-phenylthio vinyl alanates, were determined by capture with iodine, which afforded the corresponding (E)- and (Z)-1-iodo-1-phenylthio-2-organoyl ethenes. Reactions of the (E)-iodo(thio)ketene acetals with n-BuLi followed by addition of hexanal afforded the (Z)-phenylthio allylic alcohol, while the (Z)-iodo(thio)ketene acetals under similar reactions conditions gave the (E)-phenylthio allylic alcohol exclusively.


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The hydroalumination of butylseleno acetylenes with DIBAL-H followed by addition of n-butyllithium generated in situ the (Z)-butylseleno vinyl alanates intermediates which were captured with C(4)H(9)TeBr furnishing the (E)-telluro(seleno)ketene acetals exclusively. The isomers with opposite stereochemistry (Z)-telluro(seleno)ketene acetals were obtained by the reduction of phenylseleno acetylenes with lithium di-(isobutyl)-n-butyl aluminate hydride (Zweifel's reagent) followed by reaction of (E)-phenylseleno vinyl alanates intermediates with C(4)H(9)TeBr. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Les sulfilimines et les sulfoximines sont des motifs structuraux dont l’intérêt synthétique est grandissant, notamment du fait de leurs applications en chimie médicinale et en agrochimie. Les travaux rapportés dans cet ouvrage décrivent le développement de nouvelles méthodes de synthèse efficaces pour la production de ces unités atypiques. Ces méthodes sont basées sur la réactivité d’une source d’azote électrophile, vis-à-vis de thioéthers et de sulfoxydes. L’utilisation d’un complexe métallique introduit en quantité catalytique a permis de favoriser le processus réactionnel. En tirant bénéfice de l’expertise de notre groupe de recherche sur le développement de réactions d’amination stéréosélectives de liaisons C-H et d’aziridination de styrènes, nous avons d’abord étudié la réactivité des N-mésyloxycarbamates comme source d’azote électrophile. Après avoir optimisé sa synthèse sur grande échelle, ce réactif chiral a été utilisé dans des réactions d’amination de thioéthers et de sulfoxydes, catalysées par un dimère de rhodium (II) chiral. Un processus diastéréosélectif efficace a été mis au point, permettant de produire des sulfilimines et des sulfoximines chirales avec d’excellents rendements et sélectivités. Au cours de l’optimisation de cette méthode de synthèse, nous avons pu constater l’effet déterminant de certains additifs sur la réactivité et la sélectivité de la réaction. Une étude mécanistique a été entreprise afin de comprendre leur mode d’action. Il a été observé qu’une base de Lewis telle que le 4-diméthylaminopyridine (DMAP) pouvait se coordiner au dimère de rhodium(II) et modifier ses propriétés structurales et redox. Les résultats que nous avons obtenus suggèrent que l’espèce catalytique active est un dimère de rhodium de valence mixte Rh(II)/Rh(III). Nous avons également découvert que l’incorporation de sels de bispyridinium avait une influence cruciale sur la diastéréosélectivité de la réaction. D’autres expériences sur la nature du groupe partant du réactif N-sulfonyloxycarbamate nous ont permis de postuler qu’une espèce nitrénoïde de rhodium était l’intermédiaire clé du processus d’amination. De plus, l’exploitation des techniques de chimie en débit continu nous a permis de développer une méthode d’amination de thioéthers et de sulfoxydes très performante, en utilisant les azotures comme source d’azote électrophile. Basée sur la décompositon photochimique d’azotures en présence d’un complexe de fer (III) simple et commercialement disponible, nous avons été en mesure de produire des sulfilimines et des sulfoximines avec d’excellents rendements. Le temps de résidence du procédé d’amination a pu être sensiblement réduit par la conception d’un nouveau type de réacteur photochimique capillaire. Ces améliorations techniques ont permis de rendre la synthèse plus productive, ce qui constitue un élément important d’un point de vue industriel.


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The hydroxyl radical (OH) removes most atmospheric pollutants from air. The loss frequency of OH radicals due to the combined effect of all gas-phase OH reactive species is a measureable quantity termed total OH reactivity. Here we present total OH reactivity observations in pristine Amazon rainforest air, as a function of season, time-of-day and height (0?80 m). Total OH reactivity is low during wet (10 s1) and high during dry season (62 s1). Comparison to individually measured trace gases reveals strong variation in unaccounted for OH reactivity, from 5 to 15% missing in wet-season afternoons to mostly unknown (average 79%) during dry season. During dry-season afternoons isoprene, considered the dominant reagent with OH in rainforests, only accounts for B20% of the total OH reactivity. Vertical profiles of OH reactivity are shaped by biogenic emissions, photochemistry and turbulent mixing. The rainforest floor was identified as a significant but poorly characterized source of OH reactivity.


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For the chemical method of synthesis of co-precipitation were produced ferrite powders manganese-cobalt equal stoichiometric formula Mn (1-x) Co (x) Fe2O4, for 0 < x < 1, first reagent element using as the hydroxide ammonium and second time using sodium hydroxide. The obtained powders were calcined at 400 ° C, 650 ° C, 900 ° C and 1150 ° C in a conventional oven type furnace with an air atmosphere for a period of 240 minutes. Other samples were calcined at a temperature of 900 ° C in a controlled atmosphere of argon, to evaluate the possible influence of the atmosphere on the final results the structure and morphology. The samples were also calcined in a microwave oven at 400 ° C and 650 ° C for a period of 45 minutes possible to evaluate the performance of this type of heat treatment furnace. It was successfully tested the ability of this group include isomorphic ferrite with the inclusion of nickel cations in order to evaluate the occurrence of disorder in the crystalline structures and their changes in magnetic characteristics.To identify the structural, morphological, chemical composition and proportions, as well as their magnetic characteristics were performed characterization tests of X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDX), thermogravimetric (TG), vibrating sample magnetometry (MAV) and Mössbauer spectroscopy. These tests revealed the occurrence of distortion in the crystal lattice, changes in magnetic response, occurrence of nanosized particles and superparamagnetism


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The production of water has become one of the most important wastes in the petroleum industry, specifically in the up stream segment. The treatment of this kind of effluents is complex and normally requires high costs. In this context, the electrochemical treatment emerges as an alternative methodology for treating the wastewaters. It employs electrochemical reactions to increase the capability and efficiency of the traditional chemical treatments for associated produced water. The use of electrochemical reactors can be effective with small changes in traditional treatments, generally not representing a significant additional surface area for new equipments (due to the high cost of square meter on offshore platforms) and also it can use almost the same equipments, in continuous or batch flow, without others high costs investments. Electrochemical treatment causes low environmental impact, because the process uses electrons as reagent and generates small amount of wastes. In this work, it was studied two types of electrochemical reactors: eletroflocculation and eletroflotation, with the aim of removing of Cu2+, Zn2+, phenol and BTEX mixture of produced water. In eletroflocculation, an electrical potential was applied to an aqueous solution containing NaCl. For this, it was used iron electrodes, which promote the dissolution of metal ions, generating Fe2+ and gases which, in appropriate pH, promote also clotting-flocculation reactions, removing Cu2+ and Zn2+. In eletroflotation, a carbon steel cathode and a DSA type anode (Ti/TiO2-RuO2-SnO2) were used in a NaCl solution. It was applied an electrical current, producing strong oxidant agents as Cl2 and HOCl, increasing the degradation rate of BTEX and phenol. Under different flow rates, the Zn2+ was removed by electrodeposition or by ZnOH formation, due the increasing of pH during the reaction. To better understand the electrochemical process, a statistical protocol factor (22) with central point was conducted to analyze the sensitivity of operating parameters on removing Zn2+ by eletroflotation, confirming that the current density affected the process negatively and the flow rate positively. For economical viability of these two electrochemical treatments, the energy consumption was calculated, taking in account the kWh given by ANEEL. The treatment cost obtained were quite attractive in comparison with the current treatments used in Rio Grande do Norte state. In addition, it could still be reduced for the case of using other alternative energy source such as solar, wind or gas generated directly from the Petrochemical Plant or offshore platforms