983 resultados para verdine facies
Stable oxygen- and carbon-isotope ratios of Rhaetian (upper Triassic) limestone samples from the Wombat Plateau, northwest Australia, were measured to explore possible diagenetic pathways that the material underwent after deposition in a shallow-water environment, before plateau submergence in the Early Cretaceous. Host sediment isotopic values cluster near typical marine carbonate values (d18O ranging from -2.57 per mil to +1.78 per mil and d13C, from +2.45 per mil to +4.01 per mil). Isotopic values of equant clear calcite lining or filling rock pores also plot in the field of marine cements (d18O = +1.59 per mil to -2.24 per mil and d13C = +4.25 per mil to +2.57 per mil), while isotopic values for neomorphic calcites replacing skeletal (megalodontid shell) carbonate material show a wider scatter of oxygen and carbon values, d18O ranging from +2.73 per milo to -6.2 per mil and d13C, from +5.04 per mil to +1.22 per mil. Selective dissolution of metastable carbonate phases (aragonite?) and neomorphic replacement of skeletal material probably occurred in a meteoric phreatic environment, although replacement products (inclusion-rich microspar, clear neomorphic spar, etc.) retained the original marine isotopic signature because transformation probably occurred in a closed system dominated by the composition of the dissolving phases (high rock/water ratio). The precipitation of late-stage equant (low-Mg?) calcite cement in the pores occurred in the presence of normal marine waters, probably in a deep-water environment, after plateau drowning. Covariance of d18O and d13C toward negative values indeed suggests influence of meteorically modified fluids. However, none of the samples shows negative carbon values, excluding the persistence of organic-rich soils on subaerial karstic surfaces (Caribbean-style diagenesis). Petrographical and geochemical data are consistent with the sedimentological evidence of plateau drowning in post-Rhaetian times and with a submarine origin of the >70-m.y.-long Jurassic hiatus.
The kind, sedimentation rate, and diagenesis of organic particles delivered to the North Atlantic seafloor during the Middle Jurassic-Early Cretaceous were responsible for the presence of carbonaceous sediments in Hole 534A. Organic-rich black clays formed from the rapid supply of organic matter; this organic matter was composed of either abundant, well-preserved, and poorly sorted particles of land plants deposited in clays and silty clays within terrigenous turbiditic sequences (tracheal facies) or abundant amorphous debris (xenomorphic facies) generated through the digestive tracts of marine zooplankton and sedimented as fecal pellets. Evidence for the fecal-pellet origin of xenomorphic debris is illustrated. Black clays were also produced in sediments containing less organic matter as a result of the black color of carbonized particles composing all or most of the residues (micrinitic facies). Slowly sedimented hematitic Aptian clays contain very little carbonized, organic debris that survived diagenetic oxidation. In the red calcareous clay sequence of the Late Jurassic, larger amounts of this oxidized debris turned several clay layers black or blackish red. Carbonized debris also dominates the residues recovered in interbedded black and green Albian clays. Carbonization of organic matter in these sediments either turned them black or provided the diagenetic environment for reduced iron. Carbonized debris is also appreciable in burrow-mottled black-green Kimmeridgian clay. The study of Hole 534A organic matter indicates that during the middle Callovian there was a rapid supply of terrigenous organic matter, followed by a late Callovian episode of rapidly supplied xenomorphic debris deposited as fecal pellets. The Late Jurassic-Berriasian was a time of slower sedimentation of organic matter, primarily of a marine dinoflagellate flora in a poorly preserved xenomorphic facies variously affected by diagenetic oxidation. Several intervals of carbonized tracheal tissue in the Oxfordian and Kimmeridgian suggest episodes of oxidized terrigenous matter. The same sequence of Callovian organic events is evident in much of the Early Cretaceous
The Bündnerschiefer of the Swiss-Italian Alps is a large sedimentary complex deposited on the Piemonte-Liguria and Valais oceans and associated continental margins from the upper Jurassic to Eocene. It is made of a large variety of sequences associated or not with an ophiolitic basement. The Bündnerschiefer makes an accretionary prism that developed syn-tectonically from the onset of alpine subduction, and it records orogenic metamorphism following episodes of HP metamorphism. The Bündnerschiefer shares important similarities with the Otago schists of New Zealand and with the Wepawaug schists of Connecticut, both of which form accretionary prisms and have an orogenic metamorphic imprint. With the aim of testing the hypothesis of mobility of chemical components as a function of metamorphic grade, in this work I present fifty-five bulk chemical analyses of various lithological facies of the Bündnerschiefer collected along the well-studied field gradient of the Lepontine dome of Central Switzerland, in the Prättigau half window of East Switzerland, and in the Tsaté Nappe of Valle d'Aosta (Italy). The dataset includes the concentration of major components, large ion lithophile elements (Rb, Sr, Ba, Cs), high field strength elements (Zr, Ti, Nb, Th, U, Ta, Hf), fluid-mobile light elements (B, Li), volatiles (CO2, S), REEs, and Y, V, Cr, Co, Sn, Pb, Cu, Zn, Tl, Sb, Be, and Au. These data are compared against the compositions of the global marine sediment reservoir, typical crustal reservoirs, and against the previously measured compositions of Otago and Wepawaug schists. Results reveal that, irrespective of their metamorphic evolution, the bulk chemical compositions of orogenic metasediments are characterized by mostly constant compositional ratios (e.g., K2O/Al2O3, Ba/Al2O3, Sr/CaO, etc.), whose values in most cases are undistinguishable from those of actual marine sediments and other crustal reservoirs. For these rocks, only volatile concentrations decrease dramatically as a function of metamorphic temperature, and significant deviations from the reservoir signatures are evident for SiO2, B, and Li. These results are interpreted as an indication of residual enrichment in the sediments, a process taking place during syn-metamorphic dehydration from the onset of metamorphism in a regime of chemical immobility. Residual enrichment increased the absolute concentrations of the chemical components of these rocks, but did not modify significantly their fundamental ratios. This poor compositional modification of the sediments indicates that orogenic metamorphism in general does not promote significant mass transfer from accretionary prisms. In contrast, mass transfer calculations carried out in a shear zone crosscutting the Bündnerschiefer shows that significant mass transfer occurs within these narrow zones, resulting in gains of H2O, SiO2, Al2O3, K2O, Ba, Y, Rb, Cu, V, Tl, Mo, and Ce during deformation and loss of Na2O, CO2, S, Ni, B, U, and Pb from the rock. These components were presumably transported by an aquo-carbonic fluid along the shear zone. These distinct attitudes to mobilize chemical elements from orogenic sediments may have implications for a potentially large number of geochemical processes in active continental margins, from the recycling of chemical components at plate margins to the genesis of hydrothermal ore deposits.