943 resultados para tronco encefálico
The control of stances such as the upright stance seems not to have a purpose in itself; this control could facilitate the execution of other simultaneous tasks, the so-called suprapostural tasks. The goal of this study was to determine the effects of saccadic eye movements on the control of posture. Twelve adult participants had their body oscillations analyzed while standing upright, for 70 s, in the postural conditions of feet apart and feet together, performing fixation in the central target or horizontal saccadic movements, in the conditions slow (0,5 Hz) and fast (1,1 Hz). The results showed that saccadic movements, independently of their frequency, strongly reduced trunk and head oscillations in the anterior-posterior (AP) axis. In this axis, there was an effect of feet position only in head oscillation. In the medio-lateral (ML) axis, the results showed a strong effect of feet position with body oscillation decreased in the condition of feet apart. The effect of the visual task in the ML axis occurred only for trunk oscillation, not reaching significance level in the pairewise comparisons. In the AP axis, the data corroborate a facilitatory explanation of the control of posture: the reduction in body oscillation limited the variations of the stimulus image projected on the retina, facilitating the execution of saccadic movements as compared to fixation. In the ML axis, the effect of reducing the basis of support was more evident than the effect of saccadic movements, suggesting that the available resources were used primarily for the postural task in detriment of the visual task. Additionally, aspects like attentional focus and sensory information pick up are discussed as mechanisms involved in this task
Cell therapy has frequently been reported as a possible treatment for spinal trauma in humans and animals; however, without pharmacologically curative action on damage from the primary lesion. In this study, we evaluated the effect of administering human adipose-derived stem cells (hADSC) in rats after spinal cord injury. The hADSC were used between the third and fifth passages and a proportion of cells were transduced for screening in vivo after transplantation. Spinal cord injury was induced with a Fogarty catheter no. 3 inserted into the epidural space with a cuff located at T8 and filled with 80 mu L saline for 5 min. The control group A (n = 12) received culture medium (50 mu L) and group B (n = 12) received hADSC (1.2 x 10(6)) at 7 and 14 days post-injury, in the tail vein. Emptying of the bladder by massage was performed daily for 3 months. Evaluation of functional motor activity was performed daily until 3 months post-injury using the Basso-Beattie-Bresnahan scale. Subsequently, the animals were euthanized and histological analysis of the urinary bladder and spinal cord was performed. Bioluminescence analysis revealed hADSC at the application site and lungs. There was improvement of urinary bladder function in 83.3% animals in group B and 16.66% animals in group A. The analysis of functional motor activity and histology of the spinal cord and urinary bladder demonstrated no significant difference between groups A and B. The results indicate that transplanted hADSC improved urinary function via a telecrine mechanism, namely action at a distance.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The body shape, body yields and morphometric ratios is important for species characterization and evaluation of their productive potential. The aim of this study was to determine the morphometric reasons, the body yields and correlations for male and female suruvi, Steindachneridion scriptum. Was analyzed 30 males and 30 females, and length and weight measurements were made. Was calculated carcass yields and morphometric relationships. The design was complete randomized. Data were subjected to analysis of normality; variance and means were compared by t test and Mann Whitney test. The average total weight of males was 1,583.50 +/- 263.79 g, while the total weight of females was 1,606.66 +/- 185.34 g. The total lengths were 53.42 +/- 2.64 cm for males and 53.35 +/- 1.98 cm for females. Average total weight and total lengths was similar between the sexes (P>0.05). Dress out yields of 65.54 +/- 1.36% (males) and 65.71 +/- 1.20% (females) and edible portions of 41.99 +/- 1.66% (males) and 41.93 +/- 2.05% (females) did not differ significantly between the sexes (P>0.05). The percentage of head relative to the total weight was significantly higher in males (17.67 +/- 1.24%) than in females (16.90 +/- 0.85%). The weight of the viscera such as the percentage relative to the total weight was significantly higher in females. The species has no body yields and morphometric characteristics limitations for commercial production.
Pós-graduação em Bases Gerais da Cirurgia - FMB
Objective This study assessed early manifestations of metabolic syndrome determinants in patients submitted to hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Methods Twenty-seven individuals participated in the study (20 with autologous and 7 with allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation). Anthropometric variables and biochemical indicators of lipid and glucose metabolism were determined before and 100 days after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.Results The mean total cholesterol (p=0.086), very low density lipoprotein-cholesterol (p=0.069) and triglycerides (p=0.086) of all patients did not change significantly between the two study periods, but when the patients were separated by type of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, triglycerides and very low density lipoprotein-cholesterol were close to the critical level of significance for individuals with allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (p=0.060) and total cholesterol was significant in individuals with autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (p=0.027). Anthropometric variables did not change significantly between before and 100 days after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Conclusion Metabolic syndrome risk factors may be associated with lipid metabolism in the early phase of allogeneic and autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.
Pós-graduação em Desenvolvimento Humano e Tecnologias - IBRC
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
This study has as main objective to identify the complains occurrences about pain in the spine segments, that are related to work standing posture, adopted by the collaborators in the production section of a food industry, in the city of Marília São Paulo state. A descriptive research and studying case was made, using 30 employees as a sample. It was used as methodological procedure, a questionnaire to obtain information on professional and personal data, posture to remain standing, the most uncomfortable postures in the work environment (signed by the form of Ranney, 2000) and pain (pointed out by Corllet and Manenica Diagram, 1980). It was also used the Nordic questionnaire (Kuorioka et al.,1986), validated in the Brazilian culture by Barros e Alexandre (2003) and adapted for the study, the direct evaluation and, a direct observation was made in the production work, a posture analysis using the OWAS Method. It was noticed that the posture of standing up is adopted during work, and 73.3% of the people that was interviewed said that they felt tired in consequence of this posture, especially when associated with trunk twists, trunk inclination and elevation of their arms above their heads. Most complains regarding pain through their bodies, by Corllet e Manenica (1980) pointed to the lumbar region, followed in the dorsal area and legs and in the neck area, shoulders and right thigh. The adapted Nordic questionnaire reveled the lumbar area, in 10 interviewed people (33.3%) as the area mostaffected by musculoskeletal symptoms, next in the dorsal area, with five people interviewed (16.7%) and one of them (3.3%) felt pain in the cervical area, none reported pain in the hips area. The postural analysis was applied using OWAS method, and it was identified the postures that demanded more effort in the four levels of musculoskeletal injuries. As conclusion, the standing up posture and the asymmetric and incorrect movements are related to pain in the spine, mostly in the lumbar area.
This study has as main objective to identify the complains occurrences about pain in the spine segments, that are related to work standing posture, adopted by the collaborators in the production section of a food industry, in the city of Marília São Paulo state. A descriptive research and studying case was made, using 30 employees as a sample. It was used as methodological procedure, a questionnaire to obtain information on professional and personal data, posture to remain standing, the most uncomfortable postures in the work environment (signed by the form of Ranney, 2000) and pain (pointed out by Corllet and Manenica Diagram, 1980). It was also used the Nordic questionnaire (Kuorioka et al.,1986), validated in the Brazilian culture by Barros e Alexandre (2003) and adapted for the study, the direct evaluation and, a direct observation was made in the production work, a posture analysis using the OWAS Method. It was noticed that the posture of standing up is adopted during work, and 73.3% of the people that was interviewed said that they felt tired in consequence of this posture, especially when associated with trunk twists, trunk inclination and elevation of their arms above their heads. Most complains regarding pain through their bodies, by Corllet e Manenica (1980) pointed to the lumbar region, followed in the dorsal area and legs and in the neck area, shoulders and right thigh. The adapted Nordic questionnaire reveled the lumbar area, in 10 interviewed people (33.3%) as the area mostaffected by musculoskeletal symptoms, next in the dorsal area, with five people interviewed (16.7%) and one of them (3.3%) felt pain in the cervical area, none reported pain in the hips area. The postural analysis was applied using OWAS method, and it was identified the postures that demanded more effort in the four levels of musculoskeletal injuries. As conclusion, the standing up posture and the asymmetric and incorrect movements are related to pain in the spine, mostly in the lumbar area.
O Projeto de Extensão Universitária “EQUOTERAPIA: uma atividade motora para o desenvolvimento de Pessoas com deficiências” tem como objetivo oferecer atividades motoras para pessoas com deficiências, promovendo o desenvolvimento dos aspectos neuropsicomotor com a utilização do cavalo. Os resultados encontrados até o momento foram: em relação a praticante do sexo feminino (6 anos) com paralisia cerebral teve como objetivo do programa controle motor, equilíbrio e interação, encontrando-se como resultados parciais: avaliação da postura – evolução de ruim para regular; melhora no posicionamento de cabeça e realinhamento do tronco; controle de tônus muscular; interação - diminuiu a insegurança e aumentou o contato tátil com o cavalo. O praticante do sexo masculino de 10 anos sem quadro clínico conclusivo teve como objetivo controle de tronco, diminuição dos reflexos patológicos, diminuição da hipotonia. Os resultados parciais apresentaram: diferenças quanto aos reflexos patológicos; controle de tronco; equilíbrio; coordenação motora; diminuição da hipotonia. A praticante do sexo feminino de 12 anos com distúrbio emocional teve como objetivo auto-confiança, auto-estima, aprendizagem, relacionamento interpessoal. Em seus resultados parciais observou-se superação da dificuldade com a fase de aproximação e montaria. O praticante do sexo masculino de 12 anos com deficiência visual objetivou em seu programa maiores interesses pelas atividades escolares e equilíbrio corporal. Foi possível analisar nos resultados parciais: melhor relacionamento com familiares; melhora no equilíbrio e coordenação motora; melhora na utilização do Braille. Pudemos assim verificar que a mudança de ambiente (casa e/ou escola – ambiente equoterápico) teve relação com a capacidade de aprendizagem dos praticantes, além disto, analisamos diferenças no comportamento motor dos praticantes, sendo observadas evoluções posturais, coordenação motora, equilíbrio. Conclui-se a importância de desenvolver o projeto de equoterapia, sendo possível aprimorar conhecimentos científicos e analisar diferentes casos.
A visão estéreo é uma forma eficiente para navegação, pois com a estimativa de profundidade, é possível verificar se um caminho pré determinado pode ser utilizado para chegar ao destino definido, e ainda estimar durante qual profundidade esta mesma estimativa continuará sendo válida. As imagens capturadas por cada câmera são retificadas, de forma que as mesmas fiquem alinhadas horizontalmente, colaborando-se assim com o desempenho dos algoritmos de correspondência, responsáveis pela construção da matriz de disparidades. Com base nessa matriz, é criada a matriz de disparidade “V” para que seja possível mapear a informação de profundidade de cada objeto, os quais podem representar obstruções e anteparos na cena observada.
Esse trabalho utiliza um sistema de visão catadióptrico para capturar imagens de um cenário natural agrícola e realizar o levantamento de regiões que possam auxiliar diversas aplicações na área da Robótica Móvel Agrícola. Os sistemas de visão catadióptricos buscam capturar uma imagem 360° do ambiente a partir da combinação de lentes e espelhos. A imagem omnidirecional é retificada e seus quadrantes são extraídos, originando quatro novas imagens que representam lados de visão do veículo. Uma etapa de segmentação por cor é proposta utilizando como base o algoritmo Otsu Thresholding. No final do processo, é possível visualizar as regiões de interesse de cada quadrante.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Objetivo: O presente estudo buscou um indicador de classificação de presença de dor lombar baseado no tempo de resistência isométrica e em variáveis eletromiográficas. Material e Métodos: Para tanto participaram do presente estudo 40 voluntários do gênero masculino, os quais foram divididos em dois grupos de 20 voluntários, a saber: grupo sem dor lombar e grupo com dor lombar. Para a captação dos sinais eletromiográficos foram utilizados eletrodos de superfície descartáveis passivos de contato bipolar de Ag/AgCl conectados a um pré-amplificador de ganho de 20 vezes. A distância intereletrodos foi fixa em 20mm. Os eletrodos foram dispostos bilateralmente sobre os músculos longuíssimo do tórax, iliocostal lombar e multífido lombar. Foi utilizado um módulo de aquisição de sinais biológicos de 8 canais no qual foram conectados os eletrodos. Para a aquisição dos sinais foi utilizado um software específico (Aqdados 7-Lynx®) com a freqüência de amostragem calibrada em 2000 Hz. Com os equipamentos preparados e os eletrodos conectados os voluntários realizaram o teste de Sorensen, o qual consiste em sustentar o peso do tronco, em posição horizontal, até a exaustão voluntária. Para a análise dos sinais eletromiográficos foram utilizadas rotinas específicas em ambiente MatLab (MathWorks®). Neste software foi obtida a atividade eletromiográfica dos músculos selecionados durante o teste de contração isométrica até a exaustão para a determinação dos valores de root means quare (RMS) em pacotes de 1s a cada 0.5s (overlap). De cada espectro foram determinados os valores de frequência mediana (FM) e frequência média (Fmed) do sinal. Com a RMS, FM e Fmed foram obtidos também os valores de Razão ML/LT, Razão ML/IL e Razão IL/LT para cada variável. Com isto, os valores de RMS, FM e Fmed, juntamente com os valores de Razão ML/LT, Razão ML/IL e Razão IL/LT de cada variável, foram associados com o tempo...