989 resultados para tipo de fibra


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Since diabetes mellitus is considered a world public health problem, the present study aimed to evaluate oral glucose tolerance (TTGo) and pancreatic insulin concentration (PIC) of type I diabetic rats subjected to an individualized exercise training protocol. A total of 40 adult Wistar rats were used, half of which induced to diabetes by alloxan (32 mg/kg) endovenous injection, and divided into four groups (10 per group): Sedentary Control (SC), Trained Control (TC), Sedentary Diabetic (SD) and Trained Diabetic (TD). The physical training consisted of swimming, 1 h/day, 5 days/week during 8 weeks, supporting overload equivalent to 90% of the individual anaerobic/aerobic metabolic transition determined at the beginning of the experiment. The rats of SD and TD groups presented body weight reduction in relation to controls, which was less accentuated in TD group. Water and food ingestion increased in the diabetic groups in relation to controls. The areas under the serum glucose curve during the GTTo of diabetic groups were higher than the controls. Physical training attenuated this elevation. The diabetic groups showed reduced PIC when compared to both control groups. The physical training protocol employed improved glucose homeostasis and attenuated the body weight loss of diabetic animals but did not alter pancreatic insulin concentration. © FTCD/FIP-MOC.


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This work aimed at describing the Neoproterozoic evolution of a Southern Brasília Fold Belt segment, in Tapira area (southwest of Minas Gerais state, Brazil), using detailed geologic mapping. This area, the Canastra Group type-area, has showed great tectonic and stratigraphic complexities unlike the simplicity suggested in previous works. From recognizing the main tectonic discontinuities, it was possible to subdivide the area into some domains. In the west domain, they were individualized in tectonic sheet I, marked by pelitic rocks and pelitic-graphite rocks with psammitic intercalations, and II, pelitic rocks with psammitic and mafic-ultramafic intercalations overlapped by gneisses. In the east domain, a group of three tectonic sheets was defined, in which, in the two lower tectonic sheets, pelitic and pelitic-graphite rocks with psammitic rock intercalations prevailed, which is different in metamorphic conditions. The lower tectonic sheet is marked by mineralogical associations with muscovite + chlorite + quartz ± graphite ± albite, without biotite; however, the superior one is with muscovite + quartz + garnet ± chlorite ± biotite ± chloritoid ± graphite ± albite. In the upper tectonic sheet, pelitic rocks with local contributions of psammitic and ultramafics rocks occur. In the south domain, psammitic rocks basically occur with contributions of pelitics and rudaceous rocks, where the preservation of textures and sedimentary structures is common. Rocks of the several domains are interpreted as part of a passive continental margin basin, located in the western margin of the São Francisco paleocontinent. Thus, the south domain rocks would represent the facies of proximal platform; rocks of the lower and middle tectonic sheets (east domain) and of the tectonic sheet I (west domain) are of facies distal platform; and the ones from the upper tectonic sheet (east domain) and tectonic sheet II (west domain) were acknowledged as deposited in an environment of continental shelf and/or oceanic seafoor.


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Knowledge of genetic variation in native tree species has helped direct strategies of genetic ex situ conservation, based on provenances and progenies tests. These tests use fixed spacing, not allowing evaluating the behavior of different progenies under this management variable. One way to evaluate simultaneously the genetic variation and different spacing in a small planting area is to use a systematic design. The aim of this study was to estimate the genetic variation and to evaluate its performance in Jacaranda cuspidifolia under different spacing. We used a progeny test in a systematic fan design, arranged in a system of 30 concentric rays, with one progeny per ray, randomly, at angles of 12°. The plants were arranged in rays in geometric progression of ratio 1.21, corresponding to nine for plant spacing: 1,95 m2; 2,86 m2; 4,18 m2; 6,12 m2; 8,96 m2; 13,12 m2; 19,21 m2; 28,13 m2; e 41,19 m 2 installed in Selvíria/MS. The traits height, height diameter of 30 cm to soil (DA3) and survival were evaluated at 12 and 24 months of age. Estimates of genetic parameters and spacing were evaluated using the procedure REML/BLUP (restricted maximum likelihood / best linear unbiased prediction). The progenies showed genetic variation, showing that the sample strategy to ex situ conservation was efficient. The species showed good adaptability inthe field and the best performance in treating five, equivalent to a 3 × 3 m spacing, with 8,96 m2;/plant for all traits. The fan systematic design permitted to evaluate in a small area the silvicultural behavior of J. Cuspidifolia plants in spacing varying from 2 to 42 m2/plant (5.000 to 238 trees/ha); which could hardly be evaluat by the traditional designs.


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No documento Que tipo de Estado? Que tipo de igualdade? analisa-se o progresso da igualdade de gênero na Região depois de 15 anos da aprovação da Plataforma de Ação de Beijing, 10 anos da formulação dos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio e 3 anos da adoção do Consenso de Quito, na décima Conferência Regional sobre a Mulher da América Latina e do Caribe realizada em 2007. Examinam-se, além disso, as conquistas e desafios que enfrentam os governos à luz da interação entre o Estado, o mercado e as famílias como instituições sociais construídas a partir de políticas, leis, usos e costumes que, em conjunto, estabelecem as condições para renovar ou perpetuar as hierarquias sociais e de gênero.


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No documento Que tipo de Estado? Que tipo de igualdade? analisa-se o progresso da igualdade de gênero na Região depois de 15 anos da aprovação da Plataforma de Ação de Beijing, 10 anos da formulação dos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio e 3 anos da adoção do Consenso de Quito, na décima Conferência Regional sobre a Mulher da América Latina e do Caribe realizada em 2007. Examinam-se, além disso, as conquistas e desafios que enfrentam os governos à luz da interação entre o Estado, o mercado e as famílias como instituições sociais construídas a partir de políticas, leis, usos e costumes que, em conjunto, estabelecem as condições para renovar ou perpetuar as hierarquias sociais e de gênero.


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