969 resultados para time-resolved Kerr rotation


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Cyclic changes in the shape of a quasi-rigid body on a curved manifold can lead to net translation and/or rotation of the body in the manifold. Presuming space-time is a curved manifold as portrayed by general relativity, translation in space can be accomplished simply by cyclic changes in the shape of a body, without any thrust or external forces.


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A quantitative analysis of the individual compounds in tobacco essential oils is performed by comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography (GC x GC) combined with flame ionization detector (FID). A time-of-flight mass spectrometer (TOF/MS) was coupled to GC x GC for the identification of the resolved peaks. The response of a flame ionization detector to different compound classes was calibrated using multiple internal standards. In total, 172 compounds were identified with good match and 61 compounds with high probability value were reliably quantified. For comparative purposes, the essential oil sample was also quantified by one-dimensional gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC/MS) with multiple internal standards method. The results showed that there was close agreement between the two analysis methods when the peak purity and match quality in one-dimensional GC/MS are high enough. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Various concurrency control algorithms differ in the time when conflicts are detected, and in the way they are resolved. In that respect, the Pessimistic and Optimistic Concurrency Control (PCC and OCC) alternatives represent two extremes. PCC locking protocols detect conflicts as soon as they occur and resolve them using blocking. OCC protocols detect conflicts at transaction commit time and resolve them using rollbacks (restarts). For real-time databases, blockages and rollbacks are hazards that increase the likelihood of transactions missing their deadlines. We propose a Speculative Concurrency Control (SCC) technique that minimizes the impact of blockages and rollbacks. SCC relies on the use of added system resources to speculate on potential serialization orders and to ensure that if such serialization orders materialize, the hazards of blockages and roll-backs are minimized. We present a number of SCC-based algorithms that differ in the level of speculation they introduce, and the amount of system resources (mainly memory) they require. We show the performance gains (in terms of number of satisfied timing constraints) to be expected when a representative SCC algorithm (SCC-2S) is adopted.


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A novel approach for real-time skin segmentation in video sequences is described. The approach enables reliable skin segmentation despite wide variation in illumination during tracking. An explicit second order Markov model is used to predict evolution of the skin-color (HSV) histogram over time. Histograms are dynamically updated based on feedback from the current segmentation and predictions of the Markov model. The evolution of the skin-color distribution at each frame is parameterized by translation, scaling and rotation in color space. Consequent changes in geometric parameterization of the distribution are propagated by warping and resampling the histogram. The parameters of the discrete-time dynamic Markov model are estimated using Maximum Likelihood Estimation, and also evolve over time. The accuracy of the new dynamic skin color segmentation algorithm is compared to that obtained via a static color model. Segmentation accuracy is evaluated using labeled ground-truth video sequences taken from staged experiments and popular movies. An overall increase in segmentation accuracy of up to 24% is observed in 17 out of 21 test sequences. In all but one case the skin-color classification rates for our system were higher, with background classification rates comparable to those of the static segmentation.


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The proposed model, called the combinatorial and competitive spatio-temporal memory or CCSTM, provides an elegant solution to the general problem of having to store and recall spatio-temporal patterns in which states or sequences of states can recur in various contexts. For example, fig. 1 shows two state sequences that have a common subsequence, C and D. The CCSTM assumes that any state has a distributed representation as a collection of features. Each feature has an associated competitive module (CM) containing K cells. On any given occurrence of a particular feature, A, exactly one of the cells in CMA will be chosen to represent it. It is the particular set of cells active on the previous time step that determines which cells are chosen to represent instances of their associated features on the current time step. If we assume that typically S features are active in any state then any state has K^S different neural representations. This huge space of possible neural representations of any state is what underlies the model's ability to store and recall numerous context-sensitive state sequences. The purpose of this paper is simply to describe this mechanism.


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In order to determine the size-resolved chemical composition of single particles in real-time an ATOFMS was deployed at urban background sites in Paris and Barcelona during the MEGAPOLI and SAPUSS monitoring campaigns respectively. The particle types detected during MEGAPOLI included several carbonaceous species, metal-containing types and sea-salt. Elemental carbon particle types were highly abundant, with 86% due to fossil fuel combustion and 14% attributed to biomass burning. Furthermore, 79% of the EC was apportioned to local emissions and 21% to continental transport. The carbonaceous particle types were compared with quantitative measurements from other instruments, and while direct correlations using particle counts were poor, scaling of the ATOFMS counts greatly improved the relationship. During SAPUSS carbonaceous species, sea-salt, dust, vegetative debris and various metal-containing particle types were identified. Throughout the campaign the site was influenced by air masses altering the composition of particles detected. During North African air masses the city was heavily influenced by Saharan dust. A regional stagnation was also observed leading to a large increase in carbonaceous particle counts. While the ATOFMS provides a list of particle types present during the measurement campaigns, the data presented is not directly quantitative. The quantitative response of the ATOFMS to metals was examined by comparing the ion signals within particle mass spectra and to hourly mass concentrations of; Na, K, Ca, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Zn and Pb. The ATOFMS was found to have varying correlations with these metals depending on sampling issues such as matrix effects. The strongest correlations were observed for Al, Fe, Zn, Mn and Pb. Overall the results of this work highlight the excellent ability of the ATOFMS in providing composition and mixing state information on atmospheric particles at high time resolution. However they also show its limitations in delivering quantitative information directly.


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An analysis of radiative transfer effects present in the Fe XV ion stage of solar and stellar coronal plasmas provides a general explanation of line radiation intensity enhancement above the optically thin limit. Full linearization radiation transfer is compared with the escape factor method and found to be in good agreement at the lower column densities. An angular study of the enhancement shows that symmetry factors are of great importance. This gives a possible reason for the indeterminate status of opacity in relation to coronal lines of distant stellar sources, where only emission integrated across the whole surface is detected.


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We present time-series data on Jupiter Family Comets (JFCs) 17P/Holmes, 47P/Ashbrook-Jackson and 137P/Shoemaker-Levy 2. In addition we also present results from `snap-shot' observations of comets 43P/Wolf-Harrington, 44P/Reinmuth 2, 103P/Hartley 2 and 104P/Kowal 2 taken during the same run. The comets were at heliocentric distances of between 3 and 7 au at this time. We present measurements of size and activity levels for the snap-shot targets. The time-series data allow us to constrain rotation periods and shapes, and thus bulk densities. We also measure colour indices (V - R) and (R - I) and reliable radii for these comets. We compare all of our findings to date with similar results for other comets and Kuiper Belt Objects (KBOs). We find that the rotational properties of nuclei and KBOs are very similar, that there is evidence for a cut-off in bulk densities at ~0.6 g cm-3 in both populations, and the colours of the two populations show similar correlations. For JFCs, there is no observational evidence for the optical colours being dependent on either position in the orbit or orbital parameters.


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It is shown how the existing theory of the dynamic Kerr effect and nonlinear dielectric relaxation based on the noninertial Brownian rotation of noninteracting rigid dipolar particles may be generalized to take into account interparticle interactions using the Maier-Saupe mean field potential. The results (available in simple closed form) suggest that the frequency dependent nonlinear response provides a method of measuring the Kramers escape rate (or in the analogous problem of magnetic relaxation of fine single domain ferromagnetic particles, the superparamagnetic relaxation time).


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A semi-phenomenological model describing wideband dielectric and far-infrared spectra of liquid water was proposed recently by the same authors [J. Mol. Struct. 606 (2002) 9], where a small dipole-moment component changing harmonically with time determines a weak absorption band (termed here the R-band) centred at the wavenumber v similar to 200 cm(-1). In the present work, a rough molecular theory of the R-band based on the concept of elastic interactions is given. Stretching and bending of hydrogen bonds cause restricted rotation (RR) of a polar water molecule in terms of a dimer comprising the H- bonded molecules. Analytical expression for the RR frequency nu(str) is derived as a function of the RR amplitude, geometrical parameters and force constants. The density g(nu(str)) of frequency distribution is shown to be centred in the R-band. The spectrum of the dipolar auto-correlation function calculated for this structural-dynamical model is found. A composite model comprising two intermolecular potentials is proposed, which yields for water a good description of the experimental wideband (from 0 to 1000 cm(- 1)) spectra of complex permittivity and of absorption coefficient. The presented interpretation of these spectra is based on a concept that water presents a two-component solution, with components differing by the types of molecular rotation. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We have studied the optical spectra of a sample of 31 O- and early B-type stars in the Small Magellanic Cloud, 21 of which are associated with the young massive cluster NGC 346. Stellar parameters are determined using an automated fitting method (Mokiem et al. 2005, A&A, 441, 711), which combines the stellar atmosphere code FASTWIND (Puls et al. 2005, A&A, 435, 669) with the genetic algorithm based optimisation routine PIKAIA (Charbonneau 1995, ApJS, 101, 309). Comparison with predictions of stellar evolution that account for stellar rotation does not result in a unique age, though most stars are best represented by an age of 1-3 Myr. The automated method allows for a detailed determination of the projected rotational velocities. The present day v(r) sin i distribution of the 21 dwarf stars in our sample is consistent with an underlying rotational velocity (v(r)) distribution that can be characterised by a mean velocity of about 160-190 km s(-1) and an effective half width of 100-150 km s(-1). The vr distribution must include a small percentage of slowly rotating stars. If predictions of the time evolution of the equatorial velocity for massive stars within the environment of the SMC are correct (Maeder & Meynet 2001, A&A, 373, 555), the young age of the cluster implies that this underlying distribution is representative for the initial rotational velocity distribution. The location in the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram of the stars showing helium enrichment is in qualitative agreement with evolutionary tracks accounting for rotation, but not for those ignoring vr. The mass loss rates of the SMC objects having luminosities of log L-star/L-circle dot greater than or similar to 5.4 are in excellent agreement with predictions by Vink et al. (2001, A&A, 369, 574). However, for lower luminosity stars the winds are too weak to determine. M accurately from the optical spectrum. Three targets were classified as Vz stars, two of which are located close to the theoretical zero-age main sequence. Three lower luminosity targets that were not classified as Vz stars are also found to lie near the ZAMS. We argue that this is related to a temperature effect inhibiting cooler from displaying the spectral features required for the Vz luminosity class.


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Collisional effects can have strong influences on the population densities of excited states in gas discharges at elevated pressure. The knowledge of the pertinent collisional coefficient describing the depopulation of a specific level (quenching coefficient) is, therefore, important for plasma diagnostics and simulations. Phase resolved optical emission spectroscopy (PROES) applied to a capacitively coupled rf discharge excited with a frequency of 13.56 MHz in hydrogen allows the measurement of quenching coefficients for emitting states of various species, particularly of noble gases, with molecular hydrogen as a collision partner. Quenching coefficients can be determined subsequent to electron-impact excitation during the short field reversal phase within the sheath region from the time behavior of the fluorescence. The PROES technique based on electron-impact excitation is not limited â?? in contrast to laser techniques â?? by optical selection rules and the energy gap between the ground state and the upper level of the observed transition. Measurements of quenching coefficients and natural fluorescence lifetimes are presented for several helium (3 1S,4 1S,3 3S,3 3P,4 3S), neon (2p1 ,2p2 ,2p4 ,2p6), argon (3d2 ,3d4 ,3d18 and 3d3), and krypton (2p1 ,2p5) states as well as for some states of the triplet system of molecular hydrogen.


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The reliable measurement of the electron energy distribution function (EEDF) of plasmas is one of the most important subjects of plasma diagnostics, because this piece of information is the key to understand basic discharge mechanisms. Specific problems arise in the case of RF-excited plasmas, since the properties of electrons are subject to changes on a nanosecond time scale and show pronounced spatial anisotropy. We report on a novel spectroscopic method for phase- and space-resolved measurements of the electron energy distribution function of energetic (> 12 eV) electrons in RF discharges. These electrons dominate excitation and ionization processes and are therefore of particular interest. The technique is based on time-dependent measurements during the RF cycle of excited-state populations of rare gases admixed in small fractions. These measurements yield � in combination with an analytical model � detailed information on the excitation processes. Phase-resolved optical emission spectroscopy allows us to overcome the difficulties connected with the very low densities (107�109 cm�3) and the transient character of the electrons in the sheath region. The EEDF of electrons accelerated in the sheath region can be described by a shifted Maxwellian with a drift velocity component in direction of the electric field. The method yields the high-energy tail of the EEDF on an absolute scale. The applicability of the method is demonstrated at a capacitively coupled RF discharge in hydrogen.


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Hydrocarbon nanoparticles with diameters between 10 and 30 nanometres are created in a low pressure plasma combining capacitive and inductive power coupling. The particles are generated in the capacitive phase of the experiment and stay confined in the plasma in the inductive phase. The presence of these embedded particles induces a rotation of a particle-free region (void) around the symmetry axis of the reactor. The phenomenon is analysed using optical emission spectroscopy both line integrated and spatially resolved via an intensified charge coupled device camera. From these data, electron temperatures and densities are deduced. We find that the rotation of the void is driven by a tangential component of the ion drag force induced by an external static magnetic field. Two modes are observed: a fast rotation of the void in the direction opposite to that of the tangential component and a slow rotation in the same direction. The rotation speed decreases linearly with the size of the particles. In the fast mode the dependence on the applied magnetic field is weak and consequently the rotation speed can serve as a monitor to detect particle sizes in low temperature plasmas.


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The dynamics of high energetic electrons (>= 11.7 eV) in a modified industrial confined dual-frequency capacitively coupled RF discharge (Exelan, Lam Research Inc.), operated at 1.937 MHz and 27.118 MHz, is investigated by means of phase resolved optical emission spectroscopy. Operating in a He-O-2. plasma with small rare gas admixtures the emission is measured, with one-dimensional spatial resolution along the discharge axis. Both the low and high frequency RF cycle are resolved. The diagnostic is based on time dependent measurements of the population densities of specifically chosen excited rare gas states. A time dependent model, based on rate equations, describes the dynamics of the population densities of these levels. Based on this model and the comparison of the excitation of various rare gas states, with different excitation thresholds, time and space resolved electron temperature, propagation velocity and qualitative electron density as well as electron energy distribution functions are determined. This information leads to a better understanding of the dual-frequency sheath dynamics and shows, that separate control of ion energy and electron density is limited.