991 resultados para thorax radiography


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The aim of this study was to evaluate in vivo the clinical applicability of two electronic apex locators (EALs) - Apex (Septodont) and iPex (NSK) - in different groups of human teeth by using radiography. The working lengths (WLs) of 100 root canals were determined electronically. The EAL to be used first was chosen randomly and a K-file was inserted into the root canal until the EAL display indicated the location of the apical constriction (0 mm). The K-file was fixed to the tooth and a periapical radiograph was taken using a radiographic film holder. The K-file was removed and the WL was measured. The same procedure was repeated using the other EAL. Radiographs were examined with the aid of a light-box with lens of ×4 magnification by two blinded experienced endodontists. The distance between the file tip and the root apex was recorded as follows: (A) +1 to 0 mm, (B) -0.1 to 0.5 mm, (C) -0.6 to 1 mm, (D) -1.1 to 1.5 mm, and (E) -1.6 mm or greater. For statistical purposes, these scores were divided into 2 subgroups according to the radiographic apex: acceptable (B, C, and D) and non-acceptable (A and E). Statistically significant differences were not found between the results of Apex and iPex in terms of acceptable and non-acceptable measurements (p>0.05) or in terms of the distance recorded from file tip and the radiographic apex (p>0.05). Apex and iPex EALs provided reliable measurements for WL determination for endodontic therapy.


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A large number of disorders affecting the masticatory system can cause restriction of mouth opening. The most common conditions related to this problem are those involving the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and the masticatory muscles, when facial pain also is an usual finding. Congenital or developmental mandibular disorders are also possible causes for mouth opening limitation, although in a very small prevalence. Coronoid process hyperplasia (CPH) is an example of these cases, characterized by an excessive coronoid process growing, where mandibular movements become limited by the impaction of this structure on the posterior portion of the zygomatic bone. This condition is rare, painless, usually bilateral and progressive, affecting mainly men. Diagnosis of CPH is made based on clinical signs of mouth opening limitation together with imaging exams, especially panoramic radiography and computerized tomography (CT). Treatment is exclusively surgical. This paper presents a case of a male patient with bilateral coronoid process hyperplasia, initially diagnosed with bilateral disk displacement without reduction, and successfully treated with intraoral coronoidectomy. It is emphasized the importance of differential diagnosis for a correct diagnosis and, consequently, effective management strategy.


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Os glicocorticoides (GC) são prescritos por praticamente todas as especialidades médicas, e cerca de 0,5% da população geral do Reino Unido utiliza esses medicamentos. Com o aumento da sobrevida dos pacientes com doenças reumatológicas, a morbidade secundária ao uso dessa medicação representa um aspecto importante que deve ser considerado no manejo de nossos pacientes. As incidências de fraturas vertebrais e não vertebrais são elevadas, variando de 30%-50% em pessoas que usam GC por mais de três meses. Assim, a osteoporose e as fraturas por fragilidade devem ser prevenidas e tratadas em todos os pacientes que iniciarão ou que já estejam em uso desses esteroides. Diversas recomendações elaboradas por várias sociedades internacionais têm sido descritas na literatura, porém não há consenso entre elas. Recentemente, o Americam College of Rheumatology publicou novas recomendações, porém elas são fundamentadas na FRAX (WHO Fracture Risk Assessment Tool) para analisar o risco de cada indivíduo e, dessa maneira, não podem ser completamente utilizadas pela população brasileira. Dessa forma, a Comissão de Osteoporose e Doenças Osteometabólicas da Sociedade Brasileira de Reumatologia, em conjunto com a Associação Médica Brasileira e a Associação Brasileira de Medicina Física e Reabilitação, implementou as diretrizes brasileiras de osteoporose induzida por glicocorticoide (OPIG), baseando-se na melhor evidência científica disponível e/ou experiência de experts. DESCRIÇÃO DO MÉTODO DE COLETA DE EVIDÊNCIA: A revisão bibliográfica de artigos científicos desta diretriz foi realizada na base de dados MEDLINE. A busca de evidência partiu de cenários clínicos reais, e utilizou as seguintes palavras-chave (MeSH terms): Osteoporosis, Osteoporosis/chemically induced*= (Glucocorticoids= Adrenal Cortex Hormones, Steroids), Glucocorticoids, Glucocorticoids/administration and dosage, Glucocorticoids/therapeutic use, Glucocorticoids/adverse effects, Prednisone/adverse effects, Dose-Response Relationship, Drug, Bone Density/drug effects, Bone Density Conservation Agents/pharmacological action, Osteoporosis/ prevention&control, Calcium, Vitamin D, Vitamin D deficiency, Calcitriol, Receptors, Calcitriol; 1-hydroxycholecalciferol, Hydroxycholecalciferols, 25-Hydroxyvitamin D3 1-alpha-hydroxylase OR Steroid Hydroxylases, Prevention and Control, Spinal fractures/prevention & control, Fractures, Spontaneous, Lumbar Vertebrae/injuries, Lifestyle, Alcohol Drinking, Smoking OR tobacco use disorder, Movement, Resistance Training, Exercise Therapy, Bone density OR Bone and Bones, Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry OR Absorptiometry Photon OR DXA, Densitometry, Radiography, (Diphosphonates Alendronate OR Risedronate Pamidronate OR propanolamines OR Ibandronate OR Zoledronic acid, Teriparatide OR PTH 1-34, Men AND premenopause, pregnancy, pregnancy outcome maternal, fetus, lactation, breast-feeding, teratogens, Children (6-12 anos), adolescence (13-18 anos). GRAU DE RECOMENDAÇÃO E FORÇA DE EVIDÊNCIA: A) Estudos experimentais e observacionais de melhor consistência; B) Estudos experimentais e observacionais de menor consistência; C) Relatos de casos (estudos não controlados); D) Opinião desprovida de avaliação crítica, com base em consensos, estudos fisiológicos ou modelos animais. OBJETIVO: Estabelecer as diretrizes para a prevenção e o tratamento da OPIG.


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O diagnóstico precoce da artrite reumatoide é essencial para o manejo adequado da condição. Atualmente, considera-se que a fase inicial da doença constitui uma janela de oportunidade terapêutica para a artrite reumatoide. Embora o diagnóstico seja primordialmente clínico, o desenvolvimento e o aprimoramento de métodos laboratoriais e de imagem têm contribuído para o diagnóstico mais precoce e a determinação da conduta na artrite reumatoide inicial. Neste artigo os autores revisam o papel dos principais métodos de imagem utilizados para a avaliação da artrite reumatoide inicial, notadamente a radiologia convencional, a ultrassonografia e a ressonância magnética.


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Because discomfort caused by different approximal caries detection methods can influence their performance, the assessment of this discomfort is important. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the discomfort reported by children after the use of different diagnostic methods to detect approximal caries lesions in primary teeth: visual inspection, bitewing radiography, laser fluorescence (DIAGNOdent pen - LFpen) and temporary separation with orthodontic rubbers. Seventy-six children aged 4 to 12 years were examined using these methods. Their discomfort was assessed using the Wong-Baker scale and compared among the methods. Visual inspection caused less discomfort than did other methods. Radiography and the LFpen presented similar levels of discomfort. Older children reported higher discomfort using temporary separation, whereas younger children reported less discomfort with the LFpen. In conclusion, radiographic, temporary separation and LFpen methods provoke higher discomfort than visual inspection.


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OBJECTIVE: To compare the existence of radiographic abnormalities in two groups of patients, those with and without hip pain. METHODS: A total 222 patients were evaluated between March 2007 and April 2009; 122 complained of groin pain, and 100 had no symptoms. The individuals in both groups underwent radiographic examinations of the hip using the following views: anteroposterior, Lequesne false profile, Dunn, Dunn 45º, and Ducroquet. RESULTS: A total of 1110 radiographs were evaluated. Female patients were prevalent in both groups (52% symptomatic, 58% asymptomatic). There were statistically significant differences between the groups in age (p<0.0001), weight (p = 0.002) and BMI (p = 0.006). The positive findings in the group with groin pain consisted of the presence of a bump on the femoral head in the anteroposterior view (p<0.0001) or in the Dunn 45º view (p = 0.008). The difference in the a angle in the anteroposterior, Dunn, Dunn 45º, and Ducroquet views for all of the cases studied was p,0.0001. The joint space measurement differed significantly between groups in the Lequesne view (p = 0.007). The Lequesne anteversion angle (ρ) and the femoral offset measurement also differed significantly (p = 0.005 and p = 0.0001, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that the best views for diagnosing a femoroacetabular impingement are the anteroposterior pelvic orthostatic, the Dunn 45º, and the Ducroquet views. The following findings correlated with hip pain: a decrease in the femoral offset, an increase in the α angle, an increase in the Lequesne ρ angle, a decrease in the CE angle of Wiberg, a thinner articular space and the presence of a bump on the femoral head-neck transition.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar a posição das estruturas anatômicas em risco durante a inserção de parafusos pediculares na coluna torácica e sua relação com a variação do ângulo de Cobb. MÉTODOS: Os parâmetros estudados foram: a medida do ângulo de Cobb nas radiografias e a posição da medula espinhal, da cavidade pleural e aorta na ressonância nuclear magnética em relação a uma linha de 40mm criada para simular o parafuso pedicular nas cinco vértebras apicais. RESULTADOS: A distância da aorta ao corpo vertebral e o ângulo de segurança do lado convexo apresentaram diferença estatística quando relacionados com a variação do ângulo de Cobb medido. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados apresentados sugerem maior risco de lesão da artéria aorta com o aumento do ângulo de Cobb e aumento do risco na inserção de parafusos pediculares no lado convexo da curvatura, quando se considera o ângulo de segurança.


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Considerando a indisponibilidade de equipamentos avançados de aquisição de imagens nos centros cirúrgicos da maioria dos centros hospitalares e a importância fundamental que têm para o cirurgião uma visualização imediata do implante coclear logo após sua inserção, uma boa opção é a utilização da radiografia convencional. OBJETIVO: Descrever um método radiográfico rápido prático e de baixo custo, que permita avaliar não só a posição, mas também a integridade dos eletrodos, na instalação do implante coclear. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Foram analisadas radiografias de 262 pacientes submetidos à cirurgia de implante coclear entre Março/2005 e Outubro/2008, com radiografia transoperatória, logo após a inserção dos eletrodos. As radiografias foram analisadas pelo cirurgião no transoperatório e, posteriormente, pelo médico radiologista. RESULTADOS: Foram analisadas 524 radiografias das quais, 95,61% apresentavam técnica adequada, com posicionamento do paciente dentro da técnica descrita neste estudo e boa visualização dos eletrodos, sendo consideradas satisfatórias e 4,39% apresentavam técnica inadequada e/ou visualização insatisfatória dos eletrodos, sendo consideradas insatisfatórias. CONCLUSÃO: Apesar dos aparelhos de Raios X portáteis possuírem limitações, utilizando técnicas e acessórios adequados, é possível conseguir radiografias com resultados satisfatórios para visualização dos implantes cocleares.


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PURPOSE: To compare the direct and indirect radiographic methods for assessing the gray levels of biomaterials employing the Digora for Windows and the Adobe Photoshop CS2 systems. METHODS: Specimens of biomaterials were made following manusfacturer's instructions and placed on phosphor storage plates (PSP) and on radiographic film for subsequent gray level assessment using the direct and indirect radiographic method, respectively. The radiographic density of each biomaterial was analyzed using Adobe Photoshop CS2 and Digora for Windows software. RESULTS: The distribution of gray levels found using the direct and indirect methods suggests that higher exposure times are correlated to lower reproducibility rates between groups. CONCLUSION: The indirect method is a feasible alternative to the direct method in assessing the radiographic gray levels of biomaterials, insofar as significant reproducibility was observed between groups for the exposure times of 0.2 to 0.5 seconds.


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RATIONALE: The interaction between lungs and chest wall influences lung volume, that determines lung history during respiration cycle. In this study, the influence of chest wall mechanics on respiratory system is assessed by the evaluation of inspiration pressure-volume curve (PV curve) under three different situations: closed-chest, open-chest and isolated lung. The PV curve parameters in each situation allow us to further understand the role played by different chest wall elements in the respiratory function. Methods: Twenty-four male Wistar rats (236 ± 29 g) were used. The animals were weighted and then anesthetized with xylazine 2% (O,SmL/kg) and ketamine 10% (0,9mL/kg), exsanguinated and later tracheostomies with a metallic cannula (14 gauge).The cannula was connected to an automatic small animal insufflator. This setup was connected to a pressure transducer (32 samples/s). The 24 animals were randomly separated in three groups:(i) closed chest,(ii) open chest and (iii) isolated lung. The rats were insufflated with 20mL quasi-statically (constant speed of 0,1mUs). lnsufflated volume and measured pressure data were kept and PV curves were obtained for all animals. The PV curves were fitted (non-linear least squares) against the sigmoid equation (1) to obtain the sigmoid equation parameters (a,b,c,d). Elastance measurements were obtained from linear regression of pressure/volume measurements in a 0,8s interval before and after the calculated point. Results: The parameters a,b and c showed no significant change, but the parameter d showed a significant variation among the three groups. The initial elastance also varied between open and closed chest, indicating the need of a higher pressure for the lung expansion, as can be seen in Table 1. Conclusion: A supporting effect of the chest wall was observed at the initial moments of inspiration, observed as a higher initial elastance in open chest situations than in closed chest situations (p=0,00001). The similar initial elastance for the isolated lung and closed chest may be explained by the specific method used for the isolated lung experiment. As the isolated lung is supported by the trachea vertically, the weight of the tissue may have a similar effect of the residual negative pressure in the thorax, responsible for maintaining the residual volume.


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RATIONALE: The interaction between lungs and chest wall influences lung volume, that determines lung history during respiration cycle. In this study, the influence of chest wall mechanics on respiratory system is assessed by the evaluation of inspiration pressure-volume curve (PV curve) under three different situations: closed-chest, open-chest and isolated lung. The PV curve parameters in each situation allow us to further understand the role played by different chest wall elements in the respiratory function. Methods: Twenty-four male Wistar rats (236 ± 29 g) were used. The animals were weighted and then anesthetized with xylazine 2% (0,5mL/kg) and ketamine 10% (0,9mL/kg), exsanguinated and later tracheostomized with a metallic cannula (14 gauge). The cannula was connected to an automatic small animal insufflator. This setup was connected to a pressure transducer (32 samples/s). The 24 animals were randomly separated in three groups: (i) closed chest, (ii) open chest and (iii) isolated lung. The rats were insufflated with 20mL quasi-statically (constant speed of 0,1mL/s). Insufflated volume and measured pressure data were kept and PV curves were obtained for all animals. The PV curves were fitted (non-linear least squares) against the sigmoid equation (1) to obtain the sigmoid equation parameters (a,b,c,d). Elastance measurements were obtained from linear regression of pressure/volume measurements in a 0,8s interval before and after the calculated point. Results: The parameters a, b and c showed no significant change, but the parameter d showed a significant variation among the three groups. The initial elastance also varied between open and closed chest, indicating the need of a higher pressure for the lung expansion, as can be seen in Table 1. Table 1: Mean and Standard Deviation of parameters obtained for each protocol. Protocol: Closed Chest – a (mL) -0.35±0.33; b (mL) 13.93±0.89; c (cm H2O) 21.28±2.37; d (cm H2O) 6.17±0.84; r²** (%) 99.4±0.14; Initial Elastance* (cm H2)/mL) 12.72±6.66; Weight (g) 232.33±5.72. Open Chest - a (mL) 0.01±0.28; b (mL) 14.79±0.54; c (cm H2O) 19.47±1.41; d (cm H2O) 3.50±0.28; r²** (%) 98.8±0.34; Initial Elastance* (cm H2)/mL) 28.68±2.36; Weight (g) 217.33±7.97. Isolated Lung - a (mL) -0.09±0.46; b (mL) 14.22±0.75; c (cm H2O) 21.76±1.43; d (cm H2O) 4.24±0.50; r²** (%) 98.9±0.19; Initial Elastance* (cm H2)/mL) 7.13±8.85; Weight (g) 224.33±16.66. * Elastance measures in the 0-0,1 mL range. ** Goodness of sigmoid fit versus measured data Conclusion: A supporting effect of the chest wall was observed at the initial moments of inspiration, observed as a higher initial elastance in open chest situations than in closed chest situations (p=0,00001). The similar initial elastance for the isolated lung and closed chest may be explained by the specific method used for the isolated lung experiment. As the isolated lung is supported by the trachea vertically, the weight of the tissue may have a similar effect of the residual negative pressure in the thorax, responsible for maintaining the residual volume.


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Background Adult community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) is a relevant worldwide cause of morbidity and mortality, however the aetiology often remains uncertain and the therapy is empirical. We applied conventional and molecular diagnostics to identify viruses and atypical bacteria associated with CAP in Chile. Methods We used sputum and blood cultures, IgG/IgM serology and molecular diagnostic techniques (PCR, reverse transcriptase PCR) for detection of classical and atypical bacteria (Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Chlamydia pneumoniae, Legionella pneumoniae) and respiratory viruses (adenovirus, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), human metapneumovirus, influenza virus, parainfluenzavirus, rhinovirus, coronavirus) in adults >18 years old presenting with CAP in Santiago from February 2005 to September 2007. Severity was qualified at admission by Fine's pneumonia severity index. Results Overall detection in 356 enrolled adults were 92 (26%) cases of a single bacterial pathogen, 80 (22%) cases of a single viral pathogen, 60 (17%) cases with mixed bacterial and viral infection and 124 (35%) cases with no identified pathogen. Streptococcus pneumoniae and RSV were the most common bacterial and viral pathogens identified. Infectious agent detection by PCR provided greater sensitivity than conventional techniques. To our surprise, no relationship was observed between clinical severity and sole or coinfections. Conclusions The use of molecular diagnostics expanded the detection of viruses and atypical bacteria in adults with CAP, as unique or coinfections. Clinical severity and outcome were independent of the aetiological agents detected.


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A new multi-energy CT for small animals is being developed at the Physics Department of the University of Bologna, Italy. The system makes use of a set of quasi-monochromatic X-ray beams, with energy tunable in a range from 26 KeV to 72 KeV. These beams are produced by Bragg diffraction on a Highly Oriented Pyrolytic Graphite crystal. With quasi-monochromatic sources it is possible to perform multi-energy investigation in a more effective way, as compared with conventional X-ray tubes. Multi-energy techniques allow extracting physical information from the materials, such as effective atomic number, mass-thickness, density, that can be used to distinguish and quantitatively characterize the irradiated tissues. The aim of the system is the investigation and the development of new pre-clinic methods for the early detection of the tumors in small animals. An innovative technique, the Triple-Energy Radiography with Contrast Medium (TER), has been successfully implemented on our system. TER consist in combining a set of three quasi-monochromatic images of an object, in order to obtain a corresponding set of three single-tissue images, which are the mass-thickness map of three reference materials. TER can be applied to the quantitative mass-thickness-map reconstruction of a contrast medium, because it is able to remove completely the signal due to other tissues (i.e. the structural background noise). The technique is very sensitive to the contrast medium and is insensitive to the superposition of different materials. The method is a good candidate to the early detection of the tumor angiogenesis in mice. In this work we describe the tomographic system, with a particular focus on the quasi-monochromatic source. Moreover the TER method is presented with some preliminary results about small animal imaging.


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Treatment of spinal fracture and luxation in small animals Traumatic spinal injuries usually result from a mechanic trauma. Spinal facture and luxations generally occur in the junction between and more mobile parts of the spinal column: close to the skull, thorax and pelvis. Fractures may occur alone or in combination with luxation as fracture/luxation. When the fractures are not stable the best solution is the surgical fixation. Internal and external fixation are the surgical methods for the treatment of vertebral fractures and luxations. The authors report the treatment of 12 cases of thoracic and lumbar vertebral fractures and luxations in small animals using the screws/pins and Polymethylmethacrylate technique. The analysis of results is a contribute I the valutation of surgical technique and complications in the post-surgical period.


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Ultrasonography (US) is an essential imaging tool for identifying abnormalities of the liver parenchyma, biliary tract and vascular system. US has replaced radiography as the initial imaging procedure in screening for liver disease in small animals. There are few reports of the use of conventional and helical computed tomography (CT) to assess canine or feline parenchymal and neoplastic liver disease and biliary disorders. In human medicine the development of multidetector- row helical computed tomography (MDCT), with its superior spatial and temporal resolution, has resulted in improved detection and characterization of diffuse and focal liver lesions. The increased availability of MDCT in veterinary practice provides incentive to develop MDCT protocols for liver imaging in small animals. The purpose of this study is to assess the rule of MDCT in the characterization of hepatobiliary diseases in small animals; and to compare this method with conventional US. Candidates for this prospective study were 175 consecutive patients (dogs and cats) referred for evaluation of hepatobiliary disease. The patients underwent liver US and MDCT. Percutaneous needle biopsy was performed on all liver lesions or alterations encountered. As for gallbladder, histopatological evaluation was obtained from cholecystectomy specimens. Ultrasonographic findings in this study agreed well with those of previous reports. A protocol for dual-phase liver MDCT in small animals has been described. MDCT findings in parenchymal disorders of the liver, hepatic neoplasia and biliary disorders are here first described in dogs and cats and compared with the corresponding features in human medicine. The ability of MDCT in detection and characterization of hepatobiliary diseases in small animals is overall superior to conventional US. Ultrasonography and MDCT scanning, however, play complementary rules in the evaluation of these diseases. Many conditions have distinctive imaging features that may permit diagnosis. In most instances biopsy is required for definitive diagnosis.