938 resultados para telluride glass
We study the sample-to-sample fluctuations of the overlap probability densities from large-scale equilibrium simulations of the three-dimensional Edwards-Anderson spin glass below the critical temperature. Ultrametricity, stochastic stability, and overlap equivalence impose constraints on the moments of the overlap probability densities that can be tested against numerical data. We found small deviations from the Ghirlanda Guerra predictions, which get smaller as system size increases. We also focus on the shape of the overlap distribution, comparing the numerical data to a mean-field-like prediction in which finite-size effects are taken into account by substituting delta functions with broad peaks.
We numerically study the aging properties of the dynamical heterogeneities in the Ising spin glass. We find that a phase transition takes place during the aging process. Statics-dynamics correspondence implies that systems of finite size in equilibrium have static heterogeneities that obey finite-size scaling, thus signaling an analogous phase transition in the thermodynamical limit. We compute the critical exponents and the transition point in the equilibrium setting, and use them to show that aging in dynamic heterogeneities can be described by a finite-time scaling ansatz, with potential implications for experimental work.
We present a massive equilibrium simulation of the three-dimensional Ising spin glass at low temperatures. The Janus special-purpose computer has allowed us to equilibrate, using parallel tempering, L = 32 lattices down to T ≈ 0.64Tc. We demonstrate the relevance of equilibrium finite-size simulations to understand experimental non-equilibrium spin glasses in the thermodynamical limit by establishing a time-length dictionary. We conclude that non-equilibrium experiments performed on a time scale of one hour can be matched with equilibrium results on L ≈ 110 lattices. A detailed investigation of the probability distribution functions of the spin and link overlap, as well as of their correlation functions, shows that Replica Symmetry Breaking is the appropriate theoretical framework for the physically relevant length scales. Besides, we improve over existing methodologies to ensure equilibration in parallel tempering simulations.
We have investigated the phase transition in the Heisenberg spin glass using massive numerical simulations to study very large sizes, 483. A finite-size scaling analysis indicates that the data are compatible with the most economical scenario: a common transition temperature for spins and chiralities.
We perform numerical simulations, including parallel tempering, a four-state Potts glass model with binary random quenched couplings using the JANUS application-oriented computer. We find and characterize a glassy transition, estimating the critical temperature and the value of the critical exponents. Nevertheless, the extrapolation to infinite volume is hampered by strong scaling corrections. We show that there is no ferromagnetic transition in a large temperature range around the glassy critical temperature. We also compare our results with those obtained recently on the “random permutation” Potts glass.
The out of equilibrium evolution for an Edwards‐Anderson spin glass is followed for a tenth of a second, a long enough time to let us make safe predictions about the behaviour at experimental scales. This work has been made possible by Janus, an FPGA based special purpose computer. We have thoroughly studied the spin glass correlation functions and the growth of the coherence length for L = 80 lattices in 3D. Our main conclusion is that these spin glasses follow noncoarsening dynamics, at least up to the experimentally relevant time scales.
We study numerically the nonequilibrium dynamics of the Ising spin glass, for a time spanning 11 orders of magnitude, thus approaching the experimentally relevant scale (i.e., seconds). We introduce novel analysis techniques to compute the coherence length in a model-independent way. We present strong evidence for a replicon correlator and for overlap equivalence. The emerging picture is compatible with noncoarsening behavior.
We show numeric evidence that, at low enough temperatures, the potential energy density of a glass-forming liquid fluctuates over length scales much larger than the interaction range. We focus on the behavior of translationally invariant quantities. The growing correlation length is unveiled by studying the finite-size effects. In the thermodynamic limit, the specific heat and the relaxation time diverge as a power law. Both features point towards the existence of a critical point in the metastable supercooled liquid phase.
We report clear finite size effects in the specific heat and in the relaxation times of a model glass former at temperatures considerably smaller than the Mode Coupling transition. A crucial ingredient to reach this result is a new Monte Carlo algorithm which allows us to reduce the relaxation time by two order of magnitudes. These effects signal the existence of a large correlation length in static quantities.
"The purpose of t his thesis is to present a history of stained glass used in the De.nver area in tbe past hundred years. It has been necessary to present a sufficient background on t he history of the art since its heritage in the twelfth century so that t he evolution can be properly understood. Differ.ent movements, first in Europe and later in America and Europe, have influenced the art and brought it to its present state in t he Denver area"
Ultrathin and transparent nanostructured Ni(OH)2 films were deposited on conducting glass (F:SnO2) by a urea-based chemical bath deposition method. By controlling the deposition time, the amount of deposited Ni(OH)2 was varied over 7 orders of magnitude. The turnover number for O2 generation, defined as the number of O2 molecules generated per catalytic site (Ni atom) and per second, increases drastically as the electrocatalyst amount decreases. The electrocatalytic activity of the studied samples (measured as the current density at a certain potential) increases with the amount of deposited Ni(OH)2 until a saturation value is already obtained for a thin film of around 1 nm in thickness, composed of Ni(OH)2 nanoplatelets lying flat on the conductive support. The deposition of additional amounts of catalyst generates a porous honeycomb structure that does not improve (only maintains) the electrocatalytic activity. The optimized ultrathin electrodes show a remarkable stability, which indicates that the preparation of highly transparent electrodes, efficient for oxygen evolution, with a minimum amount of nickel is possible.
This work reports on the synthesis of nanosheets of layered titanosilicate JDF-L1 supported on commercial E-type glass fibers with the aim of developing novel nanoarchitectures useful as robust and easy to handle hydrogen adsorbents. The preparation of those materials is carried out by hydrothermal reaction from the corresponding gel precursor in the presence of the glass support. Because of the basic character of the synthesis media, silica from the silicate-based glass fibers can be involved in the reaction, cementing its associated titanosilicate and giving rise to strong linkages on the support with the result of very stable heterostructures. The nanoarchitectures built up by this approach promote the growth and disposition of the titanosilicate nanosheets as a house-of-cards radially distributed around the fiber axis. Such an open arrangement represents suitable geometry for potential uses in adsorption and catalytic applications where the active surface has to be available. The content of the titanosilicate crystalline phase in the system represents about 12 wt %, and this percentage of the adsorbent fraction can achieve, at 298 K and 20 MPa, 0.14 wt % hydrogen adsorption with respect to the total mass of the system. Following postsynthesis treatments, small amounts of Pd (<0.1 wt %) have been incorporated into the resulting nanoarchitectures in order to improve their hydrogen adsorption capacity. In this way, Pd-layered titanosilicate supported on glass fibers has been tested as a hydrogen adsorbent at diverse pressures and temperatures, giving rise to values around 0.46 wt % at 298 K and 20 MPa. A mechanism of hydrogen spillover involving the titanosilicate framework and the Pd nanoparticules has been proposed to explain the high increase in the hydrogen uptake capacity after the incorporation of Pd into the nanoarchitecture.
Azobenzene-containing materials exhibit various photomechanical properties, including the formation of surface relief gratings (SRG) when irradiated with two interfering laser beams. In a recent study, a novel glass-forming derivative of Disperse Red 1 (DR1) with a mexylaminotriazine group was synthesized in high yield with a simple and efficient procedure, and showed the ability to form high-quality amorphous thin films with a high resistance to crystallization. Irradiation of films of this material yielded SRG with growth rates comparable to other reported azo materials. Herein, a series of closely related molecular glasses containing azobenzene chromophores with various absorption maxima ranging from 410 to 570 nm were synthesized, and their physical and photomechanical properties were studied. All materials studied showed the ability to form stable glassy phases, and irradiation with lasers emitting at various wavelengths allowed to perform a comparative study of SRG growth within a series of analogous chromophores.