954 resultados para team learning approach in education


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Aims: To assess the clinical presentation and acute management of patients with transient loss of consciousness (T-LOC) in the emergency department (ED). Methods and results: A multi-centre prospective observational study was carried out in 19 Spanish hospitals over 1 month. The patients included were 14 years old and were admitted to the ED because of an episode of T-LOC. Questionnaires and corresponding electrocardiograms (ECGs) were reviewed by a Steering Committee (SC) to unify diagnostic criteria, evaluate adherence to guidelines, and diagnose correctly the ECGs. We included 1419 patients (prevalence, 1.14%).ECG was performed in 1335 patients (94%) in the ED: 498 (37.3%) ECGs were classied as abnormal. The positive diagnostic yield ranged from 0% for the chest X-ray to 12% for the orthostatic test. In the ED, 1217 (86%) patients received a nal diagnosis of syncope, whereas the remaining 202 (14%) were diagnosed of non-syncopal transient lossof consciousness (NST-LOC). After nal review by the SC, 1080 patients (76%) were diagnosed of syncope, whereas 339 (24%) were diagnosed of NST-LOC (P , 0.001). Syncope was diagnosed correctly in 84% of patients. Only 25% of patients with T-LOC were admitted to hospitals. Conclusion Adherence to clinical guidelines for syncope management was low; many diagnostic tests were performed with low diagnostic yield. Important differences were observed between syncope diagnoses at the ED and by SC decision.


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One of the major problems in developing countries is minority access to higher education. Traditional scholarships usually focus on paying tuition fees for bringing brilliant students to developed countries (from where they seldom return). But local grants seldom target the more needy students. We propose a system of student loans to pay tuition fees in exchange for technical work. This appears to be a satisfactory and sustainable solution. We also provide UBURYO (a Kirundi word meaning opportunity). UBURYO is the free open source software, that we have developed, to manage this loan system in a simple, trustworthy, fair and efficient way.


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One of the major problems in developing countries is minority access to higher education. Traditional scholarships usually focus on paying eventually tuition fees or bringing brilliant students to develop countries. Additionally, these systems used to be opaque and, consequently, a corruption source. We propose a system of student loans to pay tuition fees in exchange for work. We also provide UBURYO. It is the FOSS, that we have developed, to manage this loan system in a simple, trustworthy, fair and efficient way. We deployed the loan system in the University of Ngozi (UNG, Burundi). A shallow evaluation demonstrates that system sustainability is feasible.


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Development cooperation projects work with people involved in processes of change and social transformation. While the main objective of the intervention is the development process itself, the project?s quality will be determined by the way of implementing it. Its success lies in the sustainability of the generated processes and the connection with them by the involved actors. The evaluation analyses both aspects. This article examines the evaluation, under a process approach, of a project on urban agriculture in Lima (Peru). The results show that the use of this approach, which combines different evaluation tools, allows the identification and analysis of the processes with the involved members, providing a better understanding of the real sustainability of the results.


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Hydrogenated amorphous silicon thin films were deposited using a high pressure sputtering (HPS) system. In this work, we have studied the composition and optical properties of the films (band-gap, absorption coefficient), and their dependence with the deposition parameters. For films deposited at high pressure (1 mbar), composition measurements show a critical dependence of the purity of the films with the RF power. Films manufactured with RF-power above 80W exhibit good properties for future application, similar to the films deposited by CVD (Chemical Vapor Deposition) for hydrogenated amorphous silicon.


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Validity and reliability of AMPET Greek versin: a first examination of learning motivation in Greek PE settings


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En esta Tesis Doctoral se emplean y desarrollan Mtodos Bayesianos para su aplicacin en anlisis geotcnicos habituales, con un nfasis particular en (i) la valoracin y seleccin de modelos geotcnicos basados en correlaciones empricas; en (ii) el desarrollo de predicciones acerca de los resultados esperados en modelos geotcnicos complejos. Se llevan a cabo diferentes aplicaciones a problemas geotcnicos, como es el caso de: (1) En el caso de rocas intactas, se presenta un mtodo Bayesiano para la evaluacin de modelos que permiten estimar el mdulo de Young a partir de la resistencia a compresin simple (UCS). La metodologa desarrollada suministra estimaciones de las incertidumbres de los parmetros y predicciones y es capaz de diferenciar entre las diferentes fuentes de error. Se desarrollan modelos "especficos de roca" para los tipos de roca ms comunes y se muestra cmo se pueden "actualizar" esos modelos "iniciales" para incorporar, cuando se encuentra disponible, la nueva informacin especfica del proyecto, reduciendo las incertidumbres del modelo y mejorando sus capacidades predictivas. (2) Para macizos rocosos, se presenta una metodologa, fundamentada en un criterio de seleccin de modelos, que permite determinar el modelo ms apropiado, entre un conjunto de candidatos, para estimar el mdulo de deformacin de un macizo rocoso a partir de un conjunto de datos observados. Una vez que se ha seleccionado el modelo ms apropiado, se emplea un mtodo Bayesiano para obtener distribuciones predictivas de los mdulos de deformacin de macizos rocosos y para actualizarlos con la nueva informacin especfica del proyecto. Este mtodo Bayesiano de actualizacin puede reducir significativamente la incertidumbre asociada a la prediccin, y por lo tanto, afectar las estimaciones que se hagan de la probabilidad de fallo, lo cual es de un inters significativo para los diseos de mecnica de rocas basados en fiabilidad. (3) En las primeras etapas de los diseos de mecnica de rocas, la informacin acerca de los parmetros geomecnicos y geomtricos, las tensiones in-situ o los parmetros de sostenimiento, es, a menudo, escasa o incompleta. Esto plantea dificultades para aplicar las correlaciones empricas tradicionales que no pueden trabajar con informacin incompleta para realizar predicciones. Por lo tanto, se propone la utilizacin de una Red Bayesiana para trabajar con informacin incompleta y, en particular, se desarrolla un clasificador Nave Bayes para predecir la probabilidad de ocurrencia de grandes deformaciones (squeezing) en un tnel a partir de cinco parmetros de entrada habitualmente disponibles, al menos parcialmente, en la etapa de diseo. This dissertation employs and develops Bayesian methods to be used in typical geotechnical analyses, with a particular emphasis on (i) the assessment and selection of geotechnical models based on empirical correlations; on (ii) the development of probabilistic predictions of outcomes expected for complex geotechnical models. Examples of application to geotechnical problems are developed, as follows: (1) For intact rocks, we present a Bayesian framework for model assessment to estimate the Youngs moduli based on their UCS. Our approach provides uncertainty estimates of parameters and predictions, and can differentiate among the sources of error. We develop rock-specific models for common rock types, and illustrate that such initial models can be updated to incorporate new project-specific information as it becomes available, reducing model uncertainties and improving their predictive capabilities. (2) For rock masses, we present an approach, based on model selection criteria to select the most appropriate model, among a set of candidate models, to estimate the deformation modulus of a rock mass, given a set of observed data. Once the most appropriate model is selected, a Bayesian framework is employed to develop predictive distributions of the deformation moduli of rock masses, and to update them with new project-specific data. Such Bayesian updating approach can significantly reduce the associated predictive uncertainty, and therefore, affect our computed estimates of probability of failure, which is of significant interest to reliability-based rock engineering design. (3) In the preliminary design stage of rock engineering, the information about geomechanical and geometrical parameters, in situ stress or support parameters is often scarce or incomplete. This poses difficulties in applying traditional empirical correlations that cannot deal with incomplete data to make predictions. Therefore, we propose the use of Bayesian Networks to deal with incomplete data and, in particular, a Nave Bayes classifier is developed to predict the probability of occurrence of tunnel squeezing based on five input parameters that are commonly available, at least partially, at design stages.


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Funding This work was supported by grants from the French Ministry of Research (PhD fellowship to CR), the University of Aberdeen (stipend to CR), the CNRS (PICS grant to BD), the LOral Foundation-UNESCO For Women in Science program (fellowship to CR), the Rgion Rhne-Alpes (student mobility grant CMIRA Exploradoc to CR), the Rectors Conference of the Swiss Universities (mobility grant to CR), the Fdration de Recherche 41 BioEnvironnement et Sant (training grant to CR), and the Journal of Experimental Biology (travel grant to CR).


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We describe here a simple and easily manipulatable Escherichia coli-based genetic system that permits us to identify bacterial gene products that modulate the sensitivity of bacteria to tumoricidal agents, such as DMP 840, a bisnaphthalimide drug. To the extent that the action of these agents is conserved, these studies may expand our understanding agents is conserved, these studies may expand our understanding of how the agents work in mammalian cells. The approach briefly is to use a library of E. coli genes that are overexpressed in a high copy number vector to select bacterial clones that are resistant to the cytotoxic effects of drugs. AtolC bacterial mutant is used to maximize permeability of cells to hydrophobic organic molecules. By using DMP 840 to model the system, we have identified two genes, designated mdaA and mdaB, that impart resistance to DMP 840 when they are expressed at elevated levels. mdaB maps to E. coli map coordinate 66, is located between the parE and parC genes, and encodes a protein of 22 kDa. mdaA maps to E. coli map coordinate 18, is located adjacent to the glutaredoxin (grx) gene, and encodes a protein of 24 kDa. Specific and regulatable overproduction of both of these proteins correlates with DMP 840 resistance. Overproduction of the MdaB protein also imparts resistance to two mammalian topoisomerase inhibitors, Adriamycin and etoposide. In contrast, overproduction of the MdaA protein produces resistance only to Adriamycin. Based on its drug-resistance properties and its location between genes that encode the two subunits of the bacterial topoisomerase IV, we suggest that mdaB acts by modulating topoisomerase IV activity. The location of the mdaA gene adjacent to grx suggests it acts by a drug detoxification mechanism.


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The beta-amyloid precursor protein (beta-APP), from which the beta-A4 peptide is derived, is considered to be central to the pathogenesis of Alzheimer disease (AD). Transgenic mice expressing the 751-amino acid isoform of human beta-APP (beta-APP751) have been shown to develop early AD-like histopathology with diffuse deposits of beta-A4 and aberrant tau protein expression in the brain, particularly in the hippocampus, cortex, and amygdala. We now report that beta-APP751 transgenic mice exhibit age-dependent deficits in spatial learning in a water-maze task and in spontaneous alternation in a Y maze. These deficits were mild or absent in 6-month-old transgenic mice but were severe in 12-month-old transgenic mice compared to age-matched wild-type control mice. No other behavioral abnormalities were observed. These mice therefore model the progressive learning and memory impairment that is a cardinal feature of AD. These results provide evidence for a relationship between abnormal expression of beta-APP and cognitive impairments.


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Introduction. The purpose of this study is to describe and characterize the international sci-entific output relating to attitudes towards disability in education, using a battery of bibliometric indicators that make it possible to analyze and monitor international scientific activity. Method. This ex post facto retrospective study analyzed 925 papers published in the Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) database during the period 2000-2011. Results. The number of publications increased steadily between 2006 and 2010. The results reported here include the most productive authors, the journals that deal with this topic, and the articles cited most often. An analysis of research types showed a tendency toward empiri-cal studies. A total of 18 categories were identified when considering article content, and the distribution of the research studies across stages of education was found to be uneven. Discussion and Conclusion. The results reveal a topic that is highly current in todays scien-tific community, and offer us a view of the traits that have characterized research on "attitudes towards disability in education" for the last eleven years.


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A meta-analysis of team building interventions in sport was completed. Seventeen studies containing 180 effect sizes were retrieved. The overall effect (Hedges g) was .427. Analyses of possible moderator variables showed the largest effect sizes were in interventions where: (a) non-experimental designs were used (g=.474); (b) the data were unpublished (g=.539); (c) goal setting only was used (g=.714); (d) the coach/manager directed the delivery (g=.446); and (e) the teams were at the university level (g=.482). Finally, team building had the greatest influence on cognitions (g=.799