966 resultados para survey questions


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Survey of Fungal infestation of some species of fish in Tagwai Dam Minna was carried out from March to June 2002. Fungi were isolated from the scale/skin, gills and fins. Twenty-one fungi species were identified from 18 species of fish microbial growth was measured by direct cell count using Stuart colony counter. Most of the fungi encountered were of the mould group and infestation occurred among all the species sampled. The infestation was predominantly by Aspergillus species and the scale/skin was most widely affected. The study showed the identified fungi in order of frequency to be as follows. Aspergillius niger. Rrhizopus spp. Mmucor spp Aspergilus flavum. Aspergillus parasitous. Aspergillus fumigatus, Microsporum canis. Penicillum virridicalumand Fusarium spp respectively. Aspergillus niger occurred on all the species of fish sampled. Barrilius spa and Chrysichrhy auratus longifilis had significantly higher (P<0.05) mean fungal load on their fins and gills. There was no significant difference (P>0.05) in the mean fungal load in different parts of the body of other fish species sampled


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The fabrication and operational techniques of Malian and Ndurutu traps mostly used by the fishermen in River Rima in north western Nigeria were evaluated through structured questionnaire and measurement of samples of the Data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics. There was no standard in the dimensions of either of the traps. The traps were made of locally sourced materials, except the synthetic net of the Malian trap. About 81 and 80% of the respondents fabricated their Malian and Ndurutu traps, respectively. The major problems encountered in the structure and operation of the Malian trap included projection above water, stealing of catches and trap, and trapping of small sized fishes as indicated by 61.9, 47.6 and 28.6% of the respondents, respectively. In the case of the Ndurutu trap, 72.0, 48.0, 12.0 and 8.0% of the respondents respectively indicated poor durability, single entrance valve, destruction by cattle and instability in water, as the major problems encountered. As improvement measures for the Malian trap, the respondents suggested increase in number and size of valve (81.0%), horizontal positioning (57.1%) and square shape (47.6%) while 52.0% each suggested increase in number of entrance valve and netting of Ndurutu trap. The fishermen demonstrated ingenuity in the fabrication and operation of the traps, but they failed to initiate the required improvement. It is important to critically examine the designs, materials, costs and limitations of the traps and the suggestions of the fishermen, as basis for improvement on the technology of the traps


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The study focused on men and women involved in artisanal fisheries in some selected areas of Ikorodu Local government in Lagos State. The random sampling technique was used to select 50 fishermen each at Ibeshe and Baiyeku sites. The results revealed that majority of the fishermen were male, christian, semi-illiterate, and married. Data were collected on capital sources, labour used, income, gear techniques and type of fish caught. Analysis showed that the highest sources of capital were from personal savings (50%). Majority of labour used were hired labour, 44% at Ibeshe and 50% at Baiyeku. Highest monthly income ranged between N10, 000 - N25, 000 at both sites. Planks were mostly used at both sites for fishing boats as well as means of transport (Ibeshe 68%, Baiyeku 72%). Common fishing gear was the gill net, The fishes caught were found to be of various tyupes. Ethalmalosa fimbriata constituted the highest fish species caught by weight and number at both sites (50%). However, the problems of capital source were most peculiar coupled with high cost of fishing materials and labour scarcity


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The development of bay wide estimates of recreational harvest has been identified as a high priority by the Chesapeake Bay Scientific Advisory Committee (CBSAC) and by the Chesapeake Bay Program as reflected in the Chesapeake Bay Blue Crab Fishery Management Plan (Chesapeake Bay Program 1996). In addition, the BiState Blue Crab Commission (BBCAC), formed in 1996 by mandate from the legislatures of Maryland and Virginia to advise on crab management, has also recognized the importance of estimating the levels and trends in catches in the recreational fishery. Recently, the BBCAC has adopted limit and target biological reference points. These analyses have been predicated on assumptions regarding the relative magnitude of the recreational and commercial catch. The reference points depend on determination of the total number of crabs removed from the population. In essence, the number removed by the various fishery sectors, represents a minimum estimate of the population size. If a major fishery sector is not represented, the total population will be accordingly underestimated. If the relative contribution of the unrepresented sector is constant over time and harvests the same components of the population as the other sectors, it may be argued that the population estimate derived from the other sectors is biased but still adequately represents trends in population size over time. If either of the two constraints mentioned above is not met, the validity of relative trends over time is suspect. With the recent increases in the human population in the Chesapeake Bay watershed, there is reason to be concerned that the recreational catch may not have been a constant proportion of the total harvest over time. It is important to assess the catch characteristics and the magnitude of the recreational fishery to evaluate this potential bias. (PDF contains 70 pages)


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This report gives the species and catch-rates per hour of some commercial shrimp species caught in the course of a short survey of inshore shelf fishing grounds. Species seen in significant quantities were: Parapenneopsis atlantica, Parapenaeus longirostris, Penaeus kerathurus and Penaeus duorarum notialis


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Based on the results from egg and larvae surveys, mackerel and horse mackerel are thought to form three more or less distinct stocks each in the North Sea and in the waters west of the British Isles. These are firstly the southern stocks in the southern part of the English Channel, Celtic Sea and Bay of Biscay, secondly the North Sea and finally the western stocks of both species, loeated between the Shetlands and southern Norway. It is argued here that in view of the high mobility and the extended seasonal migrations of both species a c1ear separation of the stocks can hardly be maintained. In this context the results of the 1995 mackerel and horse mackerel egg survey to the southern spawning location is presented.


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Adaptive optics (AO) corrects distortions created by atmospheric turbulence and delivers diffraction-limited images on ground-based telescopes. The vastly improved spatial resolution and sensitivity has been utilized for studying everything from the magnetic fields of sunspots upto the internal dynamics of high-redshift galaxies. This thesis about AO science from small and large telescopes is divided into two parts: Robo-AO and magnetar kinematics.

In the first part, I discuss the construction and performance of the world’s first fully autonomous visible light AO system, Robo-AO, at the Palomar 60-inch telescope. Robo-AO operates extremely efficiently with an overhead < 50s, typically observing about 22 targets every hour. We have performed large AO programs observing a total of over 7,500 targets since May 2012. In the visible band, the images have a Strehl ratio of about 10% and achieve a contrast of upto 6 magnitudes at a separation of 1′′. The full-width at half maximum achieved is 110–130 milli-arcsecond. I describe how Robo-AO is used to constrain the evolutionary models of low-mass pre-main-sequence stars by measuring resolved spectral energy distributions of stellar multiples in the visible band, more than doubling the current sample. I conclude this part with a discussion of possible future improvements to the Robo-AO system.

In the second part, I describe a study of magnetar kinematics using high-resolution near-infrared (NIR) AO imaging from the 10-meter Keck II telescope. Measuring the proper motions of five magnetars with a precision of upto 0.7 milli-arcsecond/yr, we have more than tripled the previously known sample of magnetar proper motions and proved that magnetar kinematics are equivalent to those of radio pulsars. We conclusively showed that SGR 1900+14 and SGR 1806-20 were ejected from the stellar clusters with which they were traditionally associated. The inferred kinematic ages of these two magnetars are 6±1.8 kyr and 650±300 yr respectively. These ages are a factor of three to four times greater than their respective characteristic ages. The calculated braking index is close to unity as compared to three for the vacuum dipole model and 2.5-2.8 as measured for young pulsars. I conclude this section by describing a search for NIR counterparts of new magnetars and a future promise of polarimetric investigation of a magnetars’ NIR emission mechanism.


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The first comprehensive CAS was carried out during the month of July 2005 This is the second report of CAS for the month of August 2005 following the July report. The design and methodology followed was the same as in July. This report highlights the results obtained in August catch assessment survey. The report gives estimates of mean catch rates in Kgs./boat/day, total catches in M.tons and values of the catch by species. The total catch for August was 31,633.0 M. tons. This is lower when compared with the July catch which was 39,745.1 M. tons. In August the catch composed of Dagaa (45%), Nile perch (33%), Haplochromines (16%), Tilapiines (5%) and all other species combined (1%). (PDF contains 14 pages)


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This study looks at the distribution and magnitude of acidification and eutrophication in south-east England where there are no natural lakes but a large number of shallow artificial ponds. The study area is defined as the region lying within a 100 km radius of central London but excluding the area within the M25 motorway. Water samples were taken from 120 sites between mid-January and the end of February 1990, with a subsequent monthly survey of a subset of 31 of these waters. Twelve chemical variables were measured in the laboratory using standard techniques. PH values for the full dataset ranged from 3.2 to 8.4, although the majority of sites had pH values in the range 7.0 to 8.5; only five sites had a pH of less than 6.0. The five low pH sites expectedly had low alkalinities and are the only sites with values below 0.1 meq per litre. Concentrations of calcium, sodium, potassium, magnesium, chloride, sulphate and nitrate had normal distributions. The majority of sites had total phosphorus concentrations in the range 25 to 200 mu g per litre, although 10 sites had concentrations above 400 mu g per litre. The low number of acid sites suggests that surface water acidity is not a widespread regional problem in south-east England. However the survey shows that a large number of standing waters in the region have high total phosphorus and nitrate concentrations, and 89% may be considered moderately to considerably eutrophic.


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Northern Ireland has approximately 1670 lakes, which cover 4.4% of the land surface. However, most of the water area is accounted for by the large lakes such as Lough Neagh (385 km2) and Lower Lough Erne (109.5 km ). The majority of lakes are less than 100 hectares in area. They tend to be distributed towards the south and west of the Province, where extensive drumlin swarms are rich in small waterbodies. In 1988-1991, 610 of the 708 lakes between one and 100 hectares were sampled by the Northern Ireland Lake Survey. The objective was to assess their conservation status based on their aquatic macrophyte flora, but in addition to extensive plant surveys, the water of each lake was analysed for a range of chemical variables. This article reports on a full-scale survey carried out in early March 2002. The survey was taken with help of two helicopters. The authorise summarise the results of the chemical analysis of the survey.


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O presente estudo tem como objeto o Programa Bolsa Família, buscando captar, junto aos usuários, as suas impressões acerca deste, que é o carro-chefe dos programas sociais do atual governo federal. Com base nos pressupostos de que o Bolsa Família tem forte apelo popular; é legitimado em larga escala por diferentes segmentos sociais e tem centralidade no campo da Assistência Social, a hipótese é de que os usuários, enquanto beneficiários diretos do Programa tendem à sua defesa, apesar de dificuldades e problemas que possam apontar. Muitos estudos têm debatido o Bolsa Família, mas ressentem-se de uma abordagem que coloque em cena os usuários. Para a realização deste estudo, que tem como referência o materialismo histórico-dialético, foram investigados diversos autores acerca do tema Política Social e diversos documentos de fontes primárias, como jornais, legislação e material institucional, bem como, pesquisa junto aos usuários do Bolsa Família que utilizam o Centro de Referência da Assistência Social (CREAS) Arlindo Rodrigues, na Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro, como local para aquisição e manutenção do benefício do Programa. A pesquisa, entre outros elementos, aponta para uma aceitação deste, ainda que haja alguns questionamentos e objeções por parte dos usuários. A procura ao CREAS é constante e intensa configurando o centro de referência como espaço central de atendimento ao Bolsa Família.