972 resultados para subcutaneous phaeohyphomycosis


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Aim: The objective of the present study was to evaluate the tissue inflammatory response induced by calcium hydroxide pastes, with or without paramonochlorophenol and camphor. Methodology: Isogenic BALB/c mice were inoculated into the subcutaneous tissue with either 0.1 mL of a suspension of Calen, Calen with camphorated paramonochlorophenol, Calen with paramonochlorophenol, Calasept paste or phosphate-buffered saline (control). After 6, 12 and 24 h and 2, 3, 5, 7 and 15 days, three animals in each group were sacrificed and the excised lesions processed for histopathological evaluation of the inflammatory response. Events monitored and graded included the assessment of vascular congestion, oedema, haemorrhage, inflammatory infiltrate, necrosis and tissue repair. Results: The pastes induced an inflammatory response at every observation period, although the intensity, duration and extension of inflammation varied. Calen paste always produced an initial short-term inflammatory response whilst the other pastes produced extended reactions. All pastes allowed repair to take place by the end of the experimental period, although the speed of this process varied between the materials. Calen presented the best biocompatibility; the phenolic compound caused greater tissue response, which was even more severe in the absence of camphor. Calasept paste was damaging and the repair process slower. Conclusions: All calcium hydroxide formulations caused an inflammatory response. The severity and longevity of the responses varied between pastes as a result of the various antiseptic agents. Although irritating, repair was apparent with all formulations.


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The subject of this study was to observe the rat subcutaneous connective tissue reaction to implanted dentin tubes filled with mineral trioxide aggregate, Portland cement or calcium hydroxide. The animals were sacrificed after 7 or 30 days and the undecalcified specimens were prepared for histological analysis with polarized light and Von Kossa technique for mineralized tissues. The results were similar for the studied materials. At the tube openings, there were Von Kossa-positive granules that were birefringent to polarized light. Next to these granulations, there was an irregular tissue like a bridge that was Von Kossa-positive. The dentin walls of the tubes exhibited in the tubules a structure highly birefringent to polarized light, usually like a layer and at different depths. The mechanism of action of the studied materials has some similarity.


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This study was conducted to observe the rat subcutaneous connective tissue reaction to implanted dentin tubes that were filled with mineral trioxide aggregate, Sealapex, Calciobiotic Root Canal Sealer (CRCS), Sealer 26, and the experimental material, Sealer Plus. The animals were sacrificed after 7 and 30 days, and the specimens were prepared for histological analysis after serial sections with a hard-tissue microtome. The undecalcified sections were examined with polarized light after staining according to the Von Kossa technique for calcium. At the tube openings, there were Von Kossa-positive granules that were birefringent to polarized light. Next to these granulations, there was irregular tissue, like a bridge, that was Von Kossa-positive. The dentin walls of the tubes exhibited a structure highly birefringent to polarized light, usually like a layer, in the tubules. These results were observed with all the studied materials, except the CRCS, which didn't exhibit any kind of mineralized structure. The results suggest that among the materials studied, the CRCS could have the least possibility of encouraging hard tissue deposition.


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The purpose of this paper was to study the reaction of rat subcutaneous connective tissue to the implantation of dentin tubes filled with white mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA), a material that will be marketed. The tubes were implanted into rat subcutaneous tissue and the animals were sacrificed after 7 and 30 days. The undecalcified pieces were prepared for histological analysis with polarized light and von Kossa technique for mineralized tissues. Granulations birefringent to polarized light and an irregular structure like a bridge were observed next to the material; both were von Kossa positive. Also, in the dentin wall tubules a layer of birefringent granulations was observed. The results were similar to those reported for gray MTA, indicating that the mechanisms of action of the white and gray MTA are similar.


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It has previously been shown that, while cyclosporin A (CsA) and nifedipine both cause gingival overgrowth in the rat. the combined use of these drugs increases the severity of overgrowth. The aim of this study was to describe the histometry and densities of fibroblasts, collagen fibers and vessels in the gingival tissue of rats that were treated with CsA and nifedipine, either alone or in combination. Rats were treated for 60 days with a daily subcutaneous injection of 10 mg/kg body weight of CsA and/or with 50 mg/kg body weight of nifedipine added to the chow. The results confirmed that CsA causes a more severe overgrowth than nifedipine, and that the combined use of these drugs increases the overgrowth severity. All the rat groups that were studied showed that, as the severity of overgrowth increased, there was a parallel increase in fibroblasts and collagen, and a decrease in vessel content. Therefore, independently of whether the gingival overgrowth was caused by CsA alone, nifedipine alone, or both treatments in combination, the fibroblast and collagen density increased in parallel with the severity of the overgrowth. © Blackwell Munksgaard, 2002.


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Albright hereditary osteodystrophy is a hereditary metabolic disorder of dominant autosomal etiology that is commonly characterized by short stature, round face, small metacarpus and metatarsus, mental retardation, osteoporosis, subcutaneous calcification, variable hypocalcemia, and hyperphosphatemia. In this study, we report a clinical case of a 17-year-old woman with Albright hereditary osteodystrophy, and we discuss her clinical, radiographic, and laboratory test characteristics together with the oral manifestations, and we correlate them with the characteristics found in the literature. We also discuss the odontological management of treatment of related periodontal disease and planning for corrections of related malocclusions.


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We investigated plasma luteinizing hormone (LH) concentration in domestic male cats challenged with Luteinizing Hormone Releasing Hormone Analog (LHRH-A) [des Gly10, (DTrp6)-LHRH ethylamide] that mediates the function of the hypothalamic-piruitary-gonadal axis (HPG). Plasma LH concentrations in cats treated daily with LHRH (10 μg/ 100 μl/kg/day, subcutaneously - sc) for 19 days (LHRH group) and in controls treated with saline (NaCl - 0.9%, same volume - SAL group) were chronically studied. LHRH administration (sc) for 15 days induced a significant fall (P < 0.05) in plasma LH concentrations during the chronic study. After the 15th day of treatment the groups were divided once more into animals treated with LHRH (10 μg/100 μl/kg) or saline (iv), and a time course study (300 min) was performed (acute study). Next, four groups of cats were compared in an acute study involving the sc/iv administration of SAL/SAL, SAL/LHRH, LHRH/SAL, and LHRH/LHRH. The responses of the SAL animals challenged by acute iv administration of LHRH (group SAL/LHRH) were significantly higher (P < 0.01) than those of animals treated with LHRH (sc) (group LHRH/LHRH). LH release was also significantly increased in the latter group (P < 0.05), although the effect was short lasting, being recorded only at the first observation (45 min). An in vitro study with the pituitaries was also performed on day 20. Mean (±SEM) LH concentrations in the culture medium containing pituitaries with LHRH (10-7 M) or saline were determined. In vitro analysis of these pituitaries demonstrated a significantly reduced response (P < 0.05) by animals treated sc with LHRH for 19 days. This study represents a source of data for the domestic cat going beyond its own physiology. Serving as a model, this animal provide important information for the study of reproductive physiology in other members of its family (Felidae), almost all of them threatened with extinction.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the electrocardiographic alterations in the cardiac rhythm in dogs treated with levamisole hydrochloride over a period of 24 hours. Thirty-six mixed-breed dogs, both male and female, all clinically healthy, were used in the experiment. The dogs were divided into 6 groups with 6 dogs in each group, according to dosage and route of administration. The Holter test was initiated immediately after the treatment, and was maintained for 24 hours. In the group treated with 10 mg/kg by way of subcutaneous injection, one of them showed ventricular premature complexes, sometimes isolated and other times in pairs, and ventricular tachycardia, concentrated mainly in the first hour after administration of the drug. In the group of 6 animals treated subcutaneously with 25mg/kg, four showed isolated ventricular premature complexes, ventricular bigeminy and trigeminy, mainly during the first 2 hours after administration of the drug. All the animals in the other groups showed sinus arrhythmia followed by sinus arrest. The disturbances in the cardiac rhythm observed in clinically healthy animals treated with levamisole hydrochloride, indicate that it is preferable to avoid subcutaneous administration of levamisole hydrochloride and that the oral administration of the drug should be done with caution. © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Background: There is some evidence showing that cyclosporin A (CsA) and nifedipine (NIF) affect bone metabolism. The purpose of this work was to study the effects of CsA and NIF, given alone or concurrently, on alveolar bone of rats of different ages. Methods: Rats 15, 30, 60, and 90 days old were treated daily with 10 mg/kg body weight of CsA subcutaneously injected and/or 50 mg/kg body weight of NIF/day given orally for 60 days. Alveolar bone of the first lower molars was morphologically and stereologically evaluated in serial 5 μm bucco-lingual paraffin sections, stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Serum calcium and alkaline phosphatase levels were measured in all animals at the end of the experimental period. Results: Rats treated with CsA or NIF alone or CsA and NIF concurrently showed decreased alveolar bone density. CsA was more effective than NIF. A significant decrease in serum calcium was found only in animals treated with CsA or CsA/NIF. The results were similar regardless of age. Conclusions: These results indicate that the decrease in the alveolar bone volume in rats caused by CsA and NIF alone or concurrently is not age dependent. Furthermore, NIF (50 mg/kg) did not further increase the loss of alveolar bone volume induced by CsA (10 mg/kg).


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Cases of bovine demodicosis caused by Demodex bovis were reported in a Sindhi herd from December 1989 to January 1992. Both localized and generalized forms were diagnosed. This is the first report of the generalized form in Brazil. In the first two years, demodicosis was diagnosed only in cattle < 2 years old, whereas animals of all ages were positive in the last two years. Prevalence varied from 20.4% (11/54) to 53.1% (26/49) and 13.2% (12/91) to 14.8% (9/61) for cattle < 2 years old and > 2 years old, respectively. Clinical signs varied from a few small nodules to a thickened skin with soft large nodules in the localized and generalized forms, respectively. Main microscopic features of the nodules in the generalized form consisted of acanthosis with hyperqueratosis, chronic sebaceous adenitis, subcutaneous muscular necrosis, focal cellular degeneration of the epidermis basal layer and presence of large number of mites inside the lumen of dilated hair follicles. In addition, a chronic perifoliculitis was observed, characterized by lymphoplasmocytic infiltrate which also contained macrophages and neutrophils. It is suggested that poor nutrition and stress due to prolonged drought probably contributed to the increase of susceptibility of the herd to mite infestation.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the host response of a human and a porcine derived acellular dermal tissue (ADT) implanted in the subcutaneous tissue of a rat model. Two subcutaneous pockets were surgically created along the dorsal midline of 25 rats (5 rats/group). The human ADT was placed superiorly and the porcine ADT, inferiorly. The animals were sacrificed at 07, 15, 30, 60 and 180 postoperative days (PO) and the ADTs and surrounding soft tissues were assessed for ultrastructural evaluation by transmission electron microscopy. The ultrastructural findings were similar in both materials. Normal collagen and elastic fibers bundles were observed during all experimental moments, as well as macrophages presenting cytoplasmic enlargements digesting cellular portions after 15 PO. From 30 until 180 PO, vacuolar structures filled with an amorphous, electron-transparent substance, were present inside and outside the fibroblasts. Both human and porcine ADT showed similar pattern of ultrastructural response when implanted in the subcutaneous tissue of rats. The porcine ADT appears as a good alternative to be used as a biomaterial.


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Background: The treatment of cyclosporin A triggers an early bone loss and gingival overgrowth. There is a lack of studies exploring the effects of long-term cyclosporin A therapy on alveolar bone homeostasis and gingival tissue. Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of long-term therapy with cyclosporin A on the gingival tissue and on the alveolar bone metabolism in rats. Materials and methods: Rats were treated for 60, 120, 180 and 240 days with a daily subcutaneous injection of 10 mg/kg body weight of cyclosporin A. At the end of experimental periods, animals were killed and the serum calcium (Ca2+) and alkaline phosphatase levels were measured in all groups. After histological processing, the oral epithelium and the connective tissue, as well as volume densities of alveolar bone (Vb) and multinucleated osteoclasts (Vo), were assessed at the region of the lower first molars. Results: Significant increases in the serum alkaline phosphatase were observed in those groups that received cyclosporin A therapy. After 60 and 120 days of the treatment with cyclosporin A, evident gingival overgrowth associated with a significant increase of epithelium and connective tissue was observed, as well as a decrease of the densities of bone and an increase of densities of osteoclasts. After 180 and 240 days of the treatment, there was a reduction of the gingival overgrowth associated with significant decreases of epithelium and connective tissue, as well as an increase of bone densities and a decrease of osteoclasts. Conclusion: Within the limits of this experimental study, it can be concluded that the deleterious periodontal effects of cyclosporin A administration may be time-related side-effects. © Blackwell Munksgaard, 2004.


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The aim of this research was to evaluate histologically the skin of swines submitted to mesotherapy with tiratricol, caffeine and hyaluronidase. Histological processing was conducted in Hematoxilin and Eosin (HE) of the skin of swines treated being obtained measures of thickness of the hipodermis using a Zeiss ocular micrometer. It was verified that the treatments with tiratricol and caffeine provoked reduction of the thickness of the hipodermis (42.3% and 55.3%, respectively, p<0.05). The mesotherapy with hyaluronidase did not present significant results (17.5,p>0.05).


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Purpose: The purpose of this work was to study the bone tissue reaction after porous polyethylene (Polipore) implantation into surgical defects in the parietal bones of rats with streptozotocin-induced diabetes, treated with salmon calcitonin. Materials and Methods: Porous polyethylene implants were placed in bone defects created in 36 adult female rats. The rats were divided into 3 equal groups: diabetic treated with calcitonin (DCa), diabetic (D), and control (C). The animals of the DCa group received applications of salmon calcitonin on alternating days immediately after the surgery until sacrifice. The rats were sacrificed after 15, 30, 60, and 90 days, and the defects were examined histologically and statistically through histomorphometric analysis. Results: Histomorphometric analysis showed that there was no statistically significant difference in the mean quantity of inflammatory cells among all study groups after 15 and 90 days. At 30 days, a statistically significant difference was observed between the D and C groups and the D and DCa groups. At 60 days, there was no statistically significant difference between the D and DCa groups. Discussion: Porous polyethylene can be considered an option for implant material when there are investigations that prove its biocompatibility and stability in the host tissues. Salmon calcitonin positively aided the bone repair and attenuated the inflammatory response until 30 days after the surgery. Conclusion: Porous polyethylene was tolerated by the host tissues in all groups, and moderate chronic inflammatory reaction was observed up to the 90-day period. Salmon calcitonin attenuated the inflammatory response up until 30 days.