916 resultados para structural Features


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Model AB, a 20-amino acid peptide that was designed to adopt an alpha beta tertiary structure stabilized by hydrophobic interactions between residues in adjacent helical and extended segments, exhibited large pKa shifts of several ionizable groups and slow hydrogen/deuterium exchange rates of nearly all the peptide amide groups [Butcher, D. J., Bruch, M. D. & Moe, G. T. (1995) Biopolymers 36, 109-120]. These properties, which depend on structure and hydration, are commonly observed in larger proteins but are quite unusual for small peptides. To identify which of several possible features of the peptide design are most important in determining these properties, several closely related analogs of Model AB were characterized by CD and NMR spectroscopy. The results show that hydrophobic interactions between adjacent helical and extended segments are structure-determining and have the additional effect of altering water-peptide interactions over much of the peptide surface. These results may have important implications for understanding mechanisms of protein folding and for the design of independently folding peptides.


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Bio-based films formed by poly(lactic acid) (PLA) and poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB) plasticized with an oligomer of the lactic acid (OLA) were used as supporting matrices for an antibacterial agent (carvacrol). This paper reports the main features of the processing and physico-chemical characterization of these innovative biodegradable material based films, which were extruded and further submitted to filmature process. The effect of the addition of carvacrol and OLA on their microstructure, chemical, thermal and mechanical properties was assessed. The presence of these additives did not affect the thermal stability of PLA_PHB films, but resulted in a decrease in their crystallinity and in the elastic modulus for the active formulations. The obtained results showed the effective presence of additives in the PLA or the PLA_PHB matrix after processing at high temperatures, making them able to be used in active and bio-based formulations with antioxidant/antimicrobial performance.


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In recent years an increasing number of miniproteins containing an amide-cyclized backbone have been discovered. The cyclotide family is the largest group of such proteins and is characterized by a circular protein backbone and six conserved cysteine residues linked by disulfide bonds in a tight core of the molecule. These form a cystine knot in which an embedded ring formed by two of the disulfide bonds and the connecting backbone segment is threaded by a third disulfide bond. In the current study we have undertaken high resolution structural analysis of two prototypic cyclotides, kalata B1 and cycloviolacin O1, to define the role of the conserved residues in the sequence. We provide the first comprehensive analysis of the topological features in this unique family of proteins, namely rings (a circular backbone), twists (a cis-peptide bond in the Mobius cyclotides) and knots (a knotted arrangement of the disulfide bonds).


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Caveolae are striking morphological features of the plasma membrane of mammalian cells. Caveolins, the major proteins of caveolae, play a crucial role in the formation of these invaginations of the plasma membrane; however, the precise mechanisms involved are only just starting to be unravelled. Recent studies suggest that caveolae are stable structures first generated in the Golgi complex. Their formation and exit from the Golgi complex is associated with caveolin oligomerisation, acquisition of detergent insolubility, and association with cholesterol. Modelling of caveolin-membrane interactions together with in vitro studies of caveolin peptides are providing new insights into how caveolin-lipid interactions could generate the unique architecture of the caveolar domain.


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A cellulose/xyloglucan framework is considered to form the basis for the mechanical properties of primary plant cell walls and hence to have a major influence on the biomechanical properties of growing, fleshy plant tissues. In this study, structural variants of xyloglucan have been investigated as components of composites with bacterial cellulose as a simplified model for the cellulose/xyloglucan framework of primary plant cell walls. Evidence for molecular binding to cellulose with perturbation of cellulose crystallinity was found for all xyloglucan types. High molecular mass samples gave homogeneous centimeter-scale composites with extensive cross-linking of cellulose with xyloglucan. Lower molecular mass xyloglucans gave heterogeneous composites having a range of microscopic structures with little, if any, cross-linking. Xyloglucans with reduced levels of galactose substitution had evidence of self-association, competitive with cellulose binding. At comparable molecular mass, fucose substitution resulted in a modest promotion of microscopic features characteristic of primary cell walls. Taken together, the data are evidence that galactose substitution of the xyloglucan core structure is a major determinant of cellulose composite formation and properties, with additional fucose substitution acting as a secondary modulator. These conclusions are consistent with reported structural and mechanical properties of Arabidopsis mutants lacking specific facose and/or galactose residues.


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SFTI-1 is a small cyclic peptide from sunflower seeds that is one of the most potent trypsin inhibitors of any naturally occurring peptide and is related to the Bowman-Birk family of inhibitors (BBIs). BBIs are involved in the defense mechanisms of plants and also have potential as cancer chemopreventive agents. At only 14 amino acids in size, SFTI-1 is thought to be a highly optimized scaffold of the BBI active site region, and thus it is of interest to examine its important structural and functional features. In this study, a suite of 12 alanine mutants of SFTI-1 has been synthesized, and their structures and activities have been determined. SFTI-1 incorporates a binding loop that is clasped together with a disulfide bond and a secondary peptide loop making up the circular backbone. We show here that the secondary loop stabilizes the binding loop to the consequences of sequence variations. In particular, full-length BBIs have a conserved cis-proline that has been shown previously to be required for well defined structure and potent activity, but we show here that the SFTI-1 scaffold can accommodate mutation of this residue and still have a well defined native-like conformation and nanomolar activity in inhibiting trypsin. Among the Ala mutants, the most significant structural perturbation occurred when Asp(14) was mutated, and it appears that this residue is important in stabilizing the trans peptide bond preceding Pro(13) and is thus a key residue in maintaining the highly constrained structure of SFTI-1. This aspartic acid residue is thought to be involved in the cyclization mechanism associated with excision of SFTI-1 from its 58-amino acid precursor. Overall, this mutational analysis of SFTI-1 clearly defines the optimized nature of the SFTI-1 scaffold and demonstrates the importance of the secondary loop in maintaining the active conformation of the binding loop.


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La Fibrosi Polmonare Idiopatica (IPF) è una malattia polmonare cronica, irreversibile la cui eziologia risulta essere ignota, caratterizzata da un processo fibrotico progressivo che inizia nel tratto respiratorio inferiore. Le persone affette da IPF presentano età media compresa tra 55 e 77 anni. L’incidenza annuale di IPF è stata recentemente stimata tra 14 e 42,7 casi per 100.000 persone e tale dato risulta essere in aumento. IPF fa parte delle malattie Polmonari Idiopatiche Interstiziali (IIP) che comprendono patologie con quadri istologici e clinici differenti. Le affezioni su cui si concentrerà questo studio sono: UIP (Usual Interstitial Pneumonia) caratterizzata da fibrosi interstiziale e dalla presenza di foci fibrotici connessi alla pleura e corrispondente al quadro anatomopatologico della maggior parte dei casi di IPF; NSIP (Non Specific Interstitial Pneumonia) simile alla UIP ma con maggiore uniformità temporale e spaziale delle manifestazioni; Sarcoidosi, malattia granulomatosa ad eziologia ignota. Attualmente la gravità della IPF, che implica una mortalità del 50% dei pazienti a 5 anni dall’esordio, e la scarsa efficacia farmacologica nel rallentarne la progressione vedono il trapianto polmonare come unica possibilità di sopravvivenza nelle forme più severe. Al momento non è chiaro il meccanismo patogenetico di insorgenza e progressione della IPF anche se sono stati individuati alcuni fattori scatenanti quali fumo di sigaretta, infezioni respiratorie e inquinanti atmosferici; tuttavia nessuno di tali elementi può da solo determinare un così esteso e progressivo rimodellamento del parenchima polmonare. Numerose sono le evidenze di come il substrato genetico, le alterazioni del rapporto morte/proliferazione cellulare e le citochine svolgano un ruolo nella genesi e nella progressione della malattia, ma non sono ancora chiari i fenomeni biologico-cellulari che la sostengono e, quindi, quali siano i punti di attacco per poter incidere terapeuticamente nel modificare l’evoluzione della IPF. Poiché il nostro laboratorio ha partecipato alla scoperta dell’esistenza di cellule staminali nel polmone umano normale, uno degli obiettivi finali di questo progetto si basa sull’ipotesi che un’alterazione del compartimento staminale svolga un ruolo cruciale nella eziopatogenesi di IPF. Per questo in precedenti esperienze abbiamo cercato di identificare nella IPF cellule che esprimessero antigeni associati a staminalità quali c-kit, CD34 e CD133. Questo lavoro di tesi si è proposto di condurre un’indagine morfometrica ed immunoistochimica su biopsie polmonari provenienti da 9 pazienti affetti da UIP, 3 da NSIP e 5 da Sarcoidosi al fine di valutare le alterazioni strutturali principali imputabili alle patologie. Preparati istologici di 8 polmoni di controllo sono stati usati come confronto. Come atteso, è stato osservato nelle tre patologie esaminate (UIP, NSIP e Sarcoidosi) un significativo incremento nella sostituzione del parenchima polmonare con tessuto fibrotico ed un ispessimento dei setti alveolari rispetto ai campioni di controllo. L’analisi dei diversi pattern di fibrosi presenti fa emergere come vi sia una netta differenza tra le patologie con una maggiore presenza di fibrosi di tipo riparativo e quindi altamente cellulata nei casi di UIP, e NSIP mentre nelle Sarcoidosi il pattern maggiormente rappresentato è risultato essere quello della fibrosi replacement o sostitutiva. La quantificazione delle strutture vascolari è stata effettuata tenendo separate le aree di polmone alveolare rispetto a quelle occupate da focolai sostitutivi di danno (componente fibrotica). Nei campioni patologici analizzati era presente un significativo riarrangiamento di capillari, arteriole e venule rispetto al polmone di controllo, fenomeno principalmente riscontrato nel parenchima fibrotico. Tali modifiche erano maggiormente presenti nei casi di NSIP da noi analizzati. Inoltre le arteriole subivano una diminuzione di calibro ed un aumento dello spessore in special modo nei polmoni ottenuti da pazienti affetti da Sarcoidosi. Rispetto ai controlli, nella UIP e nella Sarcoidosi i vasi linfatici risultavano inalterati nell’area alveolare mentre aumentavano nelle aree di estesa fibrosi; quadro differente si osservava nella NSIP dove le strutture linfatiche aumentavano in entrambe le componenti strutturali. Mediante indagini immunoistochimiche è stata documentata la presenza e distribuzione dei miofibroblasti, positivi per actina muscolare liscia e vimentina, che rappresentano un importante componente del danno tissutale nella IPF. La quantificazione di questo particolare fenotipo è attualmente in corso. Abbiamo inoltre analizzato tramite immunoistochimica la componente immunitaria presente nei campioni polmonari attraverso la documentazione dei linfociti T totali che esprimono CD3, andando poi a identificare la sottopopolazione di T citotossici esprimenti la glicoproteina CD8. La popolazione linfocitaria CD3pos risultava notevolmente aumentata nelle tre patologie analizzate soprattutto nei casi di UIP e Sarcoidosi sebbene l`analisi della loro distribuzione tra i vari distretti tissutali risultasse differente. Risultati simili si sono ottenuti per l`analisi dei linfociti CD8pos. La componente monocito-macrofagica è stata invece identificata tramite la glicoproteina CD68 che ha messo in evidenza una maggiore presenza di cellule positive nella Sarcoidosi e nella UIP rispetto ai casi di NSIP. I dati preliminari di questo studio indicano che il rimodellamento strutturale emo-linfatico e cellulare infiammatorio nella UIP si differenziano rispetto alle altre malattie interstiziali del polmone, avanzando l’ipotesi che il microambiente vascolare ed immunitario giochino un ruolo importante nella patogenesi della malattia


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Previous empirical assessments of the effectiveness of structural merger remedies have focused mainly on the subsequent viability of the divested assets. Here, we take a different approach by examining how competitive are the market structures which result from the divestments. We employ a tightly specified sample of markets in which the European Commission (EC) has imposed structural merger remedies. It has two key features: (i) it includes all mergers in which the EC appears to have seriously considered, simultaneously, the possibility of collective dominance, as well as single dominance; (ii) in a previous paper, for the same sample, we estimated a model which proved very successful in predicting the Commission’s merger decisions, in terms of the market shares of the leading firms. The former allows us to explore the choices between alternative theories of harm, and the latter provides a yardstick for evaluating whether markets are competitive or not – at least in the eyes of the Commission. Running the hypothetical post-remedy market shares through the model, we can predict whether the EC would have judged the markets concerned to be competitive, had they been the result of a merger rather than a remedy. We find that a significant proportion were not competitive in this sense. One explanation is that the EC has simply been inconsistent – using different criteria for assessing remedies from those for assessing the mergers in the first place. However, a more sympathetic – and in our opinion, more likely – explanation is that the Commission is severely constrained by the pre-merger market structures in many markets. We show that, typically, divestment remedies return the market to the same structure as existed before the proposed merger. Indeed, one can argue that any competition authority should never do more than this. Crucially, however, we find that this pre-merger structure is often itself not competitive. We also observe an analogous picture in a number of markets where the Commission chose not to intervene: while the post-merger structure was not competitive, nor was the pre-merger structure. In those cases, however, the Commission preferred the former to the latter. In effect, in both scenarios, the EC was faced with a no-win decision. This immediately raises a follow-up question: why did the EC intervene for some, but not for others – given that in all these cases, some sort of anticompetitive structure would prevail? We show that, in this sample at least, the answer is often tied to the prospective rank of the merged firm post-merger. In particular, in those markets where the merged firm would not be the largest post-merger, we find a reluctance to intervene even where the resulting market structure is likely to be conducive to collective dominance. We explain this by a willingness to tolerate an outcome which may be conducive to tacit collusion if the alternative is the possibility of an enhanced position of single dominance by the market leader. Finally, because the sample is confined to cases brought under the ‘old’ EC Merger Regulation, we go on to consider how, if at all, these conclusions require qualification following the 2004 revisions, which, amongst other things, made interventions for non-coordinated behaviour possible without requiring that the merged firm be a dominant market leader. Our main conclusions here are that the Commission appears to have been less inclined to intervene in general, but particularly for Collective Dominance (or ‘coordinated effects’ as it is now known in Europe as well as the US.) Moreover, perhaps contrary to expectation, where the merged firm is #2, the Commission has to date rarely made a unilateral effects decision and never made a coordinated effects decision.


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Four bar mechanisms are basic components of many important mechanical devices. The kinematic synthesis of four bar mechanisms is a difficult design problem. A novel method that combines the genetic programming and decision tree learning methods is presented. We give a structural description for the class of mechanisms that produce desired coupler curves. Constructive induction is used to find and characterize feasible regions of the design space. Decision trees constitute the learning engine, and the new features are created by genetic programming.


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The poor retention and efficacy of instilled drops as a means of delivering drugs to the ophthalmic environment is well-recognised. The potential value of contact lenses as a means of ophthalmic drug delivery, and consequent improvement of pre-corneal retention is one obvious route to the development of a more effective ocular delivery system. Furthermore, the increasing availability and clinical use of daily disposable contact lenses provides the platform for the development of viable single-day use drug delivery devices based on existing materials and lenses. In order to provide a basis for the effective design of such devices, a systematic understanding of the factors affecting the interaction of individual drugs with the lens matrix is required. Because a large number of potential structural variables are involved, it is necessary to achieve some rationalisation of the parameters and physicochemical properties (such as molecular weight, charge, partition coefficients) that influence drug interactions. Ophthalmic dyes and structurally related compounds based on the same core structure were used to investigate these various factors and the way in which they can be used in concert to design effective release systems for structurally different drugs. Initial studies of passive diffusional release form a necessary precursor to the investigation of the features of the ocular environment that over-ride this simple behaviour. Commercially available contact lenses of differing structural classifications were used to study factors affecting the uptake of the surrogate actives and their release under 'passive' conditions. The interaction between active and lens material shows considerable and complex structure dependence, which is not simply related to equilibrium water content. The structure of the polymer matrix itself was found to have the dominant controlling influence on active uptake; hydrophobic interaction with the ophthalmic dye playing a major role. © The Author(s) 2014 Reprints and permissions: sagepub.co.uk/journalsPermissions.nav.


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This paper investigates the effect of silica addition on the structural, textural and acidic properties of an evaporation induced self-assembled (EISA) mesoporous alumina. Two silica addition protocols were applied while maintaining the EISA synthesis route. The first route is based on the addition of a Na-free colloidal silica suspension (Ludox®), and the second method consists of the co-hydrolysis of tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS) with aluminium tri-sec-butoxide, to favour a more intimate mixing of the Al- and Si-hydrolysed species. The properties of the so derived materials were compared to the SiO2-free counterpart. The SiO2 addition was always beneficial from a structural and textural standpoint. TEOS appears to have a truly promoting effect; the ordering, surface area and pore volume are all improved. For Ludox®, the enhancement comes from the formation of smaller pores by a densification of the structure. The crystallization of γ-alumina depends on the interaction between the Al- and Si-species in the mesophase. Ludox®-based materials achieved crystallization at 750 °C but the intimate mixing in the TEOS-based mesophases shows a suppression of the phase transformation by 50-100 °C, with respect to the SiO2-free counterpart. This reduces the textural features substantially. For all SiO2-modified materials, the enhancement in the surface area is not accompanied by a concomitant improvement of total acidity, and the formation of weak Lewis acid sites was promoted. These effects were ascribed to SiO2 migration to the surface that blocks part of the acidity.


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A szerző korábban a szocialista rendszer és a posztszocialista átmenet elemzésére használta azt a szemléletet és módszertant, amelyet rendszerparadigmának nevezett el. A jelen tanulmány a kapitalizmus néhány általános vonásának vizsgálatára alkalmazza ezt a megközelítést. A cikk - fogalmi tisztázás után - példákat sorol fel a kapitalizmus néhány rendszerspecifikus vonására, majd kettővel részletesebben foglalkozik. Az egyik: a rendszer dinamizmusa. Az elmúlt évszázad nagy újításai, amelyek mélyrehatóan átalakították nemcsak a termelés technológiáját, hanem az emberek mindennapi életét is, a kapitalista rendszer és annak főszereplője, a vállalkozó vezette be és terjesztette el. Csak a kapitalizmusban tud kialakulni a vállalkozás és újítás mechanizmusa, az ehhez szükséges erőteljes ösztönzés és rugalmas tőkepiac. A másik példa: a kapitalista rendszer immanens tulajdonsága a munkaerőpiacon jelentkező tartós többlet, szemben a szocialista rendszerrel, amelynek kifejlett formájában tartós munkaerőhiány mutatkozik. Elméletileg és tapasztalatilag is igazolható, hogy minél dinamikusabb a kapitalista gazdaság állandó átalakulása, annál inkább keletkezik strukturális munkanélküliség. A hatékony bér elmélete megmagyarázza, miért érdeke a munkaadónak, hogy a piactisztító bérnél magasabb bért fizessen, és ezzel munkanélküliséget idézzen elő. A kapitalizmus reformálható rendszer. Ám ügyelni kell arra, hogy a részreformok között milyen a kapcsolat. Szerencsés esetben kiegészítik egymást. Ám ennél sokkal gyakoribb, hogy miközben szembeszállunk a rendszer egyik kedvezőtlen hajlamával, utat engedünk egy másik kedvezőtlen hajlam megerősödésének. ___________________ The author previously applied the outlook and methodology he named the system paradigm to analysing the socialist system and post-socialist transition. This study takes the same approach to some general attributes of capitalism. After clarifying some concepts, the author presents examples of some system-specific features of capitalism, before ad-dressing two of them in detail. One is the dynamism of the system. The great innovations of the last century that radically altered both the technology of production and people s daily lives were all introduced and disseminated by the capitalist system and its protago-nist, the entrepreneur. Only under capitalism can the mechanism of entrepreneurship and innovation emerge, with the strong incentives and flexible capital market they require. The other immanent feature is a chronic surplus on the labour market that contrasts sharply with the chronic labour shortage prevalent under the mature socialist system. Theory and experience confirm that the faster the ongoing transformation of a capitalist economy proceeds, the greater the propensity for structural unemployment to appear. It is explained by the efficiency pay hypothesis how an employer has an incentive to pay more than a market-clearing wage, thereby introducing unemployment. Capitalism is a system that can be reformed, but attention needs paying to relations between reforms of different parts of the system. In fortunate cases they complement each other, but it is commoner to find that tackling one unfavourable tendency only allows another such tendency to increase.


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Statement of the problem. It seeks to examine whether structural adjustment in Jamaica produced the desired developmental effects for labor--both organized and non-unionized--and if there is any significant difference in the Dominican Republic, which did not undergo that economic transformation. The research hypothesis is; "Structural Adjustment leads to Marginalization of labor."^ Methodology used. The methodology is mostly a straight cross-sectional analysis using data sets and publications from the UN, ILO, World Bank and IDB, as well as local statistical sources. The dissertation is primarily an historical to contemporary analysis of the Jamaican experience under structural adjustment, as it related to labor. To a greater extent it involves a straight cross-national comparison on the historical experiences of each country and a discussion of the relative similarities and differences between them, and the impact these features had on labor.^ Summary of findings. In the end, the question is asked as to whether internal factors are important in the relative success or failure of development strategies. From the data there is some indication that under structural adjustment there has been limited economic benefits for labor in Jamaica while labor standards have not improved. In the Dominican Republic the economic performance has been similar but the labor standards have improved significantly. This thus leads to the conclusion that structural adjustment may have been a factor in the resistance to labor's empowerment.^ Nevertheless, the study also shows that there may have been a causal role which local power relations had. The suggestion from the study is that in analyzing the phenomenon, attention must be paid to internal as well as external dynamics and variables. ^


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Hydrogen can be an unlimited source of clean energy for future because of its very high energy density compared to the conventional fuels like gasoline. An efficient and safer way of storing hydrogen is in metals and alloys as hydrides. Light metal hydrides, alanates and borohydrides have very good hydrogen storage capacity, but high operation temperatures hinder their application. Improvement of thermodynamic properties of these hydrides is important for their commercial use as a source of energy. Application of pressure on materials can have influence on their properties favoring hydrogen storage. Hydrogen desorption in many complex hydrides occurs above the transition temperature. Therefore, it is important to study the physical properties of the hydride compounds at ambient and high pressure and/or high temperature conditions, which can assist in the design of suitable storage materials with desired thermodynamic properties. ^ The high pressure-temperature phase diagram, thermal expansion and compressibility have only been evaluated for a limited number of hydrides so far. This situation serves as a main motivation for studying such properties of a number of technologically important hydrides. Focus of this dissertation was on X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy studies of Mg2FeH6, Ca(BH4) 2, Mg(BH4)2, NaBH4, NaAlH4, LiAlH4, LiNH2BH3 and mixture of MgH 2 with AlH3 or Si, at different conditions of pressure and temperature, to obtain their bulk modulus and thermal expansion coefficient. These data are potential source of information regarding inter-atomic forces and also serve as a basis for developing theoretical models. Some high pressure phases were identified for the complex hydrides in this study which may have better hydrogen storage properties than the ambient phase. The results showed that the highly compressible B-H or Al-H bonds and the associated bond disordering under pressure is responsible for phase transitions observed in brorohydrides or alanates. Complex hydrides exhibited very high compressibility suggesting possibility to destabilize them with pressure. With high capacity and favorable thermodynamics, complex hydrides are suitable for reversible storage. Further studies are required to overcome the kinetic barriers in complex hydrides by catalytic addition. A comparative study of the hydride properties with that of the constituting metal, and their inter relationships were carried out with many interesting features.^