951 resultados para spawning season
At semiarid Charters Towers, north Queensland, Australia, the importance of Aedes aegypti (L.) in wells was assessed in relation to the colonization of surface habitats during the wet season. From April to July 1999, 10 wells (five positive for Ae. aegypti) were monitored to assess their status and larvae population numbers therein. All surface containers located within a 100 m radius of each well were removed, treated with s-methoprene or sealed to prevent the utilization of these containers by mosquitoes. These inner cores were surrounded by outer zones for a further 100 m in which surface containers were left untreated but all subterranean habitats were treated. Ovitraps were monitored monthly in the inner cores for 36 wk from August 1999 to April 2000 and differences in the proportions of ovitraps positive for Ae. aegypti and Ochlerotatus notoscriptus (Skuse) were analyzed by logistic regression. Analysis of the proportions of ovitraps positive for Ae. aegypti near positive wells indicated significantly greater colonization from November to March (the wet season), compared with those situated near Ae. aegypti negative wells. As Oc. notoscriptus were not produced from subterranean sites, comparisons of the proportions of ovitraps positive for Oc. notoscriptus in positive and negative inner cores provided an indication of the relative productivity of the uncontrolled surface containers in the outer zones. Differences in the utililization of ovitraps by Oc. notoscriptus among positive and negative cores were observed during only one month (March), when oviposition was greater in ovitraps in the negative cores, compared with the positive cores. Best subsets linear regression analysis of the proportion of ovitraps positive for Ae. aegypti against meteorological variables (rainfall, mean wind speed, mean relative humidity, mean minimum, and maximum temperature) during the week of ovitrapping indicated that minimum temperature and wind speed accounted for 63.4% of the variability. This study confirms that for semiarid towns such as Charters Towers, the practice of treating a relatively small number of key subterranean habitats during winter will significantly affect Ae. aegypti recolonization of surface container habitats during summer, the period of greatest risk for dengue.
This study details the novel application of predacious copepods, genus Mesocyclops, for control of Ochlerotatus tremulus (Theobald) group and Aedes aegypti (L.) mosquito larvae in subterranean habitats in north Queensland, Australia. During June 1997, 50 Mesocyclops sp. I were inoculated into one service manhole in South Townsville. Wet season rainfall and flooding in both 1998 and 2000 was responsible for the dispersal of copepods via the underground pipe system to 29 of 35 manholes over an area of 1.33 km(2). Significant reductions in Aedes and Ochlerotatus larvae ensued. In these habitats, Mesocyclops and Metacyclops were able to survive dry periods, when substrate moisture content ranged from 13.8 to 79.9%. At the semiarid inland towns of Hughenden and Richmond, cracking clay soil prevents drainage of water from shallow service pits where Oc. tremulus immatures numbered from 292-18,460 per pit. Introduction of Mesocyclops copepods into these sites during May 1999 resulted in 100% control of Oc. tremulus for 18 mo. One uninoculated pit subsequently became positive for Mesocyclops with resultant control of mosquito larvae.
In the reproductive biology of organisms, a continuum exists from "highly reproductive species" at one end to "survivor species" at the other end. Among other factors, the position of a species along this continuum affects its sensitivity to human exploitation and its vulnerability to extinction. Flying foxes are long-lived, seasonal breeders, with a rigid, well-defined breeding season that is largely or wholly genetically determined. Unlike opportunistic, highly reproductive species, such as rabbits or mice, female flying foxes are unable to produce viable young before their second or third year of life, and are then capable of producing just one young per year. Such a breeding strategy will be successful only if flying-foxes are long-lived and suffer naturally low mortality rates. In this paper, we assess the vulnerability of flying foxes to extinction, using basic parameters of reproduction observed in the wild, and in captive breeding colonies of P. poliocephalus, P. alecto and P. scapulatus, and survival rates that are likely to apply to Australian conditions. Our models show explicitly that flying-fox populations have a very low capacity for increase, even under the most ideal conditions. The implications of our models are discussed in reference to the long-term management and conservation needs of Australian flying foxes. We conclude that current death-rates of flying-foxes in NSW and Queensland fruit orchards are putting state populations at serious risk.
Relationships between weather parameters andairborne pollen loads of Pinus inBrisbane, Australia have been investigated overthe five-year period, June 1994–May 1999.Pinus pollen accounts for 4.5% of the annualairborne pollen load in Brisbane where thePinus season is confined to the winter months,July–early September. During the samplingperiod loads of 11–>100 grains m3 wererecorded on 24 days and 1–10 grains m3 on204 days. The onset and peak dates wereconsistent across each season, whereas the enddates varied. The onset of the Pinuspollen season coincided with the coolestaverage monthly temperatures (< 22°C),lowest rainfall (< 7mm), and four weeks afterdaily minimum temperatures fell to 5–9°Cin late autumn. Correlations obtained betweendaily airborne Pinus pollen counts andtemperature/rainfall parameters show thatdensities of airborne Pinus pollen arenegatively correlated with maximum temperature(p < 0.0001), minimum temperature (p < 0.0001)and rainfall (p < 0.05) during the mainpollination period. The mean duration of eachpollen season was 52 days; longer seasons wereshown to be directly related to lower averageseasonal maximum temperatures (r2 = 0.85,p = 0.025). These results signify that maximumand minimum temperatures are the majorparameters that influence the onset andduration of the Pinus pollen season inthe environs of Brisbane. Respiratory allergyis an important health issue in Brisbane,Australia, but it remains unknown whether ornot airborne Pinus pollen is acontributing factor.
This study (1) investigated functional (capture rate, foraging success) and numerical (density) responses of bar-tailed godwits Limosa lapponica to an experimental decrease in densities of their prey, and (2) estimated seasonal depletion of the stock of their main prey, the mictyrid crab Mictyris longicarpus, in a subtropical estuary. It was predicted that if intake rates of the godwits are in the vicinity of the gradient section of a functional response curve, i.e. are directly determined by prey density, they will respond rapidly to experimental reduction in the density of their prey. Bar-tailed godwits did respond rapidly, both functionally and numerically, to a decrease in the density of M longicarpus, indicating that their intake rate was limited by food availability. The estimated seasonal depletion of the stocks of Mictyris by the godwits was 88 % of the initial standing stock. Despite the virtual disappearance of Mictyris from sediment samples through the course of a non-breeding season, local densities of godwits did not change between October and March, implying that adequate rates of intake could be maintained throughout their residence period.
Several anomalies occur in the developing neural and visceral head skeleton of young specimens of Neoceratodus forsteri that have been reared under laboratory conditions. These include anomalies of the basicranium and its derivatives, aberrations of the anterior mandible and hyoid apparatus, and abnormalities in the articulation of the jaws and the elements that produce them. Apart from the occasional absence of the basihyal, and failure of the quadrate processes to form, the anomalies are not deficiencies. Most involve malformations of parts of the neurocranium and visceral skeleton, inappropriate articulations or fusions between elements, disunity in structures that are normally fused and the appearance of supernumerary elements. The incidence of chondral anomalies, generally higher than aberrations that occur in the dermal skeleton in juvenile lungfish, ranges from 1-10% in laboratory reared individuals that have not been subjected to experimental interference. The anomalies differ from those found in many amphibian populations, in the field and in the laboratory, because they involve the cranium, and not the limbs, and the lungfish have not been exposed to the factors that cause anomalies in the amphibians. It is unlikely that the existence of those anomalies, if it is reflected in the wild population, places a selective pressure on the lungfish, because, in a normal season, less than 1% of the total number of eggs produced survive to be recruited into the adult population.
The objective of this study was to investigate how seasonally fluctuating environmental conditions influence the diving performance of the highly aquatic, bimodally respiring turtle Rheodytes leukops in a natural setting. Over four consecutive seasons (Austral autumn 2000 to summer 2001), the diving behaviour of adult turtles was recorded via pressure-sensitive time-depth recorders within Marlborough Creek, central Queensland, Australia. Short surfacing intervals recorded for R. leukops in winter suggest that the species utilizes aquatic respiration as an overwintering strategy to prevent the development of a metabolic acidosis during the long inactive dives observed during the season. As water temperature increases and aquatic P-O 2 decreases, R. leukops switches from facultative to obligate air-breathing, presumably because of the increased metabolic cost associated with aquatic respiration under summer conditions. Increases in mean surfacing time from winter to spring and summer are attributed to seasonal changes in behaviour possibly associated with foraging rather than to the physiological state of the turtle, given that no difference in median surfacing time among seasons was observed.
Koala dispersal was investigated as part of a detailed ecological study of a nationally significant koala population located 20 km south-east of Brisbane, Queensland. From 1996 to 2000, 195 koalas from three sites were captured and fitted with radio-collars. A total of 40 koalas ( 23 males and 17 females) dispersed from these sites. Most (93%) dispersing individuals were 20 - 36 months of age. Three adult females ( more than 36 months old) dispersed and no adult males dispersed during the study. A significantly higher proportion of young males dispersed than females. Dispersal occurred between June and December, with most dispersal of males commencing in July and August and that of females commencing between September and November prior to, and early in, the annual breeding season. The mean straight-line distance between the natal and breeding home ranges for males and females was similar and was measured at 3.5 km ( range 1.1 - 9.7 km) and 3.4 km ( range 0.3 - 10.6 km) respectively. Dispersing males and females tended to successfully disperse south and west of their natal home ranges and were generally unable to successfully disperse to urban areas within the study area, as a high proportion of the mortality of dispersing koalas was associated with attacks by domestic dogs and with collisions with vehicles on roads. Information from other studies indicates that most young koalas disperse from their natal areas. It is likely that the social behaviour and mating systems of koala populations provide mechanisms for young koalas to disperse. The potential role of dispersal in the dynamics of regional koala populations is discussed.
Habitat choice by brush-tailed rock-wallabies (Petrogale penicillata) in south-east Queensland was investigated by comparing the attributes of the nocturnal foraging locations that they selected with those of random locations within a radius of 50 m. Brush-tailed rock-wallabies were shown to select foraging locations on the basis of forage quality and/or their ability to see predators, rather than protection from predators amongst vegetation that could conceal them. Habitat choice may have been affected by limited food availability, as this study was conducted in the winter dry season. The attributes of foraging locations that brush- tailed rock-wallabies perceived as increasing their predation risk were assessed by recording the proportion of time that brush- tailed rock-wallabies spent vigilant while foraging. To measure vigilance, focal animals were observed with a night- vision scope for two minutes and the proportions of time spent vigilant and feeding were recorded. No measured feature of foraging locations was related to higher vigilance levels, suggesting that brush- tailed rock-wallabies did not alter their vigilance whether sheltered amongst grass tussocks or in open habitat, or whether feeding on good quality or poorer quality vegetation. Vigilance levels significantly declined as overnight temperatures decreased, which may have resulted from higher energy requirements of brush- tailed rock-wallabies during winter. The only factors that were found to significantly increase vigilance levels were high winds and moonlit nights. On bright nights, brush- tailed rock-wallabies were very unsettled and during high winds they often did not emerge to feed. More information is needed about how macropods detect predators at night before the effects of wind and light intensity upon vigilance can be fully understood.
Incursions of Japanese encephalitis (JE) virus into northern Queensland are currently monitored using sentinel pigs. However, the maintenance of these pigs is expensive, and because pigs are the major amplifying hosts of the virus, they may contribute to JE transmission. Therefore, we evaluated a mosquito-based detection system to potentially replace the sentinel pigs. Single, inactivated JE-infected Culex annulirostris Skuse and C. sitiens Wiedemann were placed into pools of uninfected mosquitoes that were housed in a Mosquito Magnet Pro (MM) trap set under wet season field conditions in Cairns, Queensland for 0, 7, or 14 d. JE viral RNA was detected (cycling threshold [CT] = 40) in 11/ 12, 10/14, and 2/5 pools containing 200, 1,000, and 5,000 mosquitoes, respectively, using a TaqMan real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). The ability to detect virus was not affected by the length of time pools were maintained under field conditions, although the CT score tended to increase with field exposure time. Furthermore, JE viral RNA was detected in three pools of 1,000 mosquitoes collected from Badu Island using a MM trap. These results indicated that a mosquito trap system employing self-powered traps, such as the MosquitoMagnet, and a real-time PCR system, could be used to monitor for JE in remote areas.
After the 1st appearance of Japanese encephalitis virus (JE) on mainland Australia in 1998, a study was undertaken to investigate whether JE had become established in enzootic transmission cycles on western Cape York Peninsula. Adult mosquitoes were collected during the late wet season from Kowanyama and Pormpuraaw in April 1999, and Pormpuraaw and Barr's Yard in April 2000. Despite processing 269,270 mosquitoes for virus isolation, no isolates of JE were obtained. However, other flaviviruses comprising Murray Valley encephalitis virus, Kunjin virus, Alfuy virus, and Kokobera virus (KOK) were isolated. Isolates of the alphaviruses Ross River virus, Barmah Forest virus (BF), and Sindbis virus (SIN) also were obtained. The majority (88%) of isolates were from members of the Culex sitiens subgroup. Single isolates of KOK, BF and SIN were obtained from Ochlerotatus vigilax, Oc. normanensis, and Anopheles bancroftii, respectively. The isolations of flaviviruses during the late wet season indicate that conditions were suitable for flavivirus activity in the area. No evidence was found to suggest that JE has become established in enzootic transmission cycles on western Cape York, although study sites and field trips were limited.
We undertook annual surveys of flavivirus virus activity in the community of Billiluna of Western Australia in the southeast Kimberley region between 1989 and 2001. Culex annulirostris was the dominant mosquito species, particularly in years of above average rains and flooding. Murray Valley encephalitis (MVE) virus was isolated in 8 of the 13 years of the study from seven mosquito species, but more than 90% of the isolates were from Cx. annulirostris. The results suggest that MVE virus is epizootic in the region, with activity only apparent in years with average or above average rainfall and increased numbers of Cx. annulirostris. High levels of MVE virus activity and associated human cases were detected only once (in 1993) during the survey period. Activity of MVE virus could only be partially correlated with wet season rainfall and flooding, suggesting that a number of other factors must also be considered to accurately predict MVE virus activity at such communities.
Low temperatures impose restrictions on rice (Oryza sativa L.) production at high latitudes. This study is related to low temperature damage that can arise mid-season during the panicle development phase. The objective of this study was to determine whether low temperature experienced by the root, panicle, or foliage is responsible for increased spikelet sterility. In temperature-controlled glasshouse experiments, water depth, and water and air temperatures, were changed independently to investigate the effects of low temperature in the root, panicle, and foliage during microspore development on spikelet sterility. The total number of pollen and number of engorged pollen grains per anther, and the number of intercepted and germinated pollen grains per stigma, were measured. Spikelet sterility was then analysed in relation to the total number of pollen grains per spikelet and the efficiency with which these pollen grains became engorged, were intercepted by the stigma, germinated, and were involved in fertilisation. There was a significant combined effect of average minimum panicle and root temperatures on spikelet sterility that accounted for 86% of the variation in spikelet sterility. Total number of pollen grains per anther was reduced by low panicle temperature, but not by low root temperature. Whereas engorgement efficiency ( the percentage of pollen grains that were engorged) was determined by both root and panicle temperature, germination efficiency (the percentage of germinated pollen grains relative to the number of engorged pollen grains intercepted by the stigma) was determined only by root temperature. Interception efficiency (i.e. percentage of engorged pollen grains intercepted by the stigma), however, was not affected by either root or panicle temperature. Engorgement efficiency was the dominant factor explaining the variation in spikelet sterility. It is concluded that both panicle and root temperature affect spikelet sterility in rice when the plant encounters low temperatures during the microspore development stage.
Functional knowledge of the physiological basis of crop adaptation to stress is a prerequisite for exploiting specific adaptation to stress environments in breeding programs. This paper presents an analysis of yield components for pearl millet, to explain the specific adaptation of local landraces to stress environments in Rajasthan, India. Six genotypes, ranging from high-tillering traditional landraces to low-tillering open-pollinated modern cultivars, were grown in 20 experiments, covering a range of nonstress and drought stress patterns. In each experiment, yield components (particle number, grain number, 100 grain mass) were measured separately for main shoots, basal tillers, and nodal tillers. Under optimum conditions, landraces had a significantly lower grain yield than the cultivars, but no significant differences were observed at yield levels around 1 ton ha(-1). This genotype x environment interaction for grain yield was due to a difference in yield strategy, where landraces aimed at minimising the risk of a crop failure under stress conditions, and modem cultivars aimed at maximising yield potential under optimum conditions. A key aspect of the adaptation of landraces was the small size of the main shoot panicle, as it minimised (1) the loss of productive tillers during stem elongation; (2) the delay in anthesis if mid-season drought occurs; and (3) the reduction in panicle productivity of the basal tillers under stress. In addition, a low investment in structural panicle weight, relative to vegetative crop growth rate, promoted the production of nodal tillers, providing a mechanism to compensate for reduced basal tiller productivity if stress occurred around anthesis. A low maximum 100 grain mass also ensured individual grain mass was little affected by environmental conditions. The strategy of the high-tillering landraces carries a yield penalty under optimum conditions, but is expected to minimise the risk of a crop failure, particularly if mid-season drought stress occurs. The yield architecture of low-tillering varieties, by contrast, will be suited to end-of-season drought stress, provided anthesis is early. Application of the above adaptation mechanisms into a breeding program could enable the identification of plant types that match the prevalent stress patterns in the target environments. (C) 2003 E.J. van Oosterom. Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Nesta pesquisa foi analisado o comportamento térmico e higrométrico em diferentes locais da Regional Praia do Canto no município de Vitória (ES) tanto no período chuvoso quanto no seco por meio da técnica de transecto móvel. A análise confirmou que as mudanças de uso e cobertura da terra associado com as características do relevo influenciam diretamente as variáveis meteorológicas, neste caso a temperatura do ar e umidade relativa do ar. A análise das condições médias de temperatura do ar e umidade relativa do ar permitiu observar dois núcleos aquecidos um ao norte e outro ao sul na área em estudo. Às 15h, tanto no verão como no inverno, a temperatura do ar atingiu o valor máximo e as taxas de umidade relativa, o seu valor mínimo. No verão e inverno, as áreas mais aquecidas ficaram bem definidas, áreas correspondentes aos núcleos aquecidos. As maiores influências do tecido urbano nas variáveis meteorológicas foram verificadas sob atuação da Alta Subtropical do Atlântico Sul. A maritimidade têm um peso importante no comportamento topoclimático urbano, sobre tudo na parte da manhã e da tarde. Na porção centro-leste da área em estudo observou-se até 3ºC a menos nos períodos vespertinos em relação aos pontos localizados na porção norte e sul. Os pontos à centroleste sofrem influência direta dos efeitos da maritimidade e dos arranjos dos prédios que formam sombreamento (Cânions Urbanos), fato que dificulta a formação de núcleos aquecidos durante o dia sobre esta porção. Foram observadas nos dois períodos, tanto no período chuvoso (verão) como também, no período seco (inverno), elevado gradiente térmico, estes localizadas onde há intenso fluxo de veículos, e também nas áreas de construção mais verticalizadas. A intensidade do gradiente térmico é maior sobre a atuação da Alta Subtropical do Atlântico Sul. Às 09 horas, são registrados os maiores gradientes térmicos para os dois períodos analisados. A umidade relativa do ar mantevese elevada durante os dois campos, tanto no verão quanto inverno. Os menores valores de umidade foram registrados em pontos que compõem o núcleo aquecido verificado na parte norte da área em estudo. Em virtude do comportamento das variáveis observadas foram identificadas três unidades Topoclimáticas Urbanas na Regional Praia do Canto.