990 resultados para soluble proteins
The tumor necrosis factor (TNF) family member B cell activating factor (BAFF) binds B cells and enhances B cell receptor-triggered proliferation. We find that B cell maturation antigen (BCMA), a predicted member of the TNF receptor family expressed primarily in mature B cells, is a receptor for BAFF. Although BCMA was previously localized to the Golgi apparatus, BCMA was found to be expressed on the surface of transfected cells and tonsillar B cells. A soluble form of BCMA, which inhibited the binding of BAFF to a B cell line, induced a dramatic decrease in the number of peripheral B cells when administered in vivo. Moreover, culturing splenic cells in the presence of BAFF increased survival of a percentage of the B cells. These results are consistent with a role for BAFF in maintaining homeostasis of the B cell population.
The Munc13 gene family encodes molecules located at the synaptic active zone that regulate the reliability of synapses to encode information over a wide range of frequencies in response to action potentials. In the CNS, proteins of the Munc13 family are critical in regulating neurotransmitter release and synaptic plasticity. Although Munc13-1 is essential for synaptic transmission, it is paradoxical that Munc13-2 and Munc13-3 are functionally dispensable at some synapses, although their loss in other synapses leads to increases in frequency-dependent facilitation. We addressed this issue at the calyx of Held synapse, a giant glutamatergic synapse that we found to express all these Munc13 isoforms. We studied their roles in the regulation of synaptic transmission and their impact on the reliability of information transfer. Through detailed electrophysiological analyses of Munc13-2, Munc13-3, and Munc13-2-3 knock-out and wild-type mice, we report that the combined loss of Munc13-2 and Munc13-3 led to an increase in the rate of calcium-dependent recovery and a change in kinetics of release of the readily releasable pool. Furthermore, viral-mediated overexpression of a dominant-negative form of Munc13-1 at the calyx demonstrated that these effects are Munc13-1 dependent. Quantitative immunohistochemistry using Munc13-fluorescent protein knock-in mice revealed that Munc13-1 is the most highly expressed Munc13 isoform at the calyx and the only one highly colocalized with Bassoon at the active zone. Based on these data, we conclude that Munc13-2 and Munc13-3 isoforms limit the ability of Munc13-1 to regulate calcium-dependent replenishment of readily releasable pool and slow pool to fast pool conversion in central synapses.
Malgré son importance dans notre vie de tous les jours, certaines propriétés de l?eau restent inexpliquées. L'étude des interactions entre l'eau et les particules organiques occupe des groupes de recherche dans le monde entier et est loin d'être finie. Dans mon travail j'ai essayé de comprendre, au niveau moléculaire, ces interactions importantes pour la vie. J'ai utilisé pour cela un modèle simple de l'eau pour décrire des solutions aqueuses de différentes particules. Récemment, l?eau liquide a été décrite comme une structure formée d?un réseau aléatoire de liaisons hydrogènes. En introduisant une particule hydrophobe dans cette structure à basse température, certaines liaisons hydrogènes sont détruites ce qui est énergétiquement défavorable. Les molécules d?eau s?arrangent alors autour de cette particule en formant une cage qui permet de récupérer des liaisons hydrogènes (entre molécules d?eau) encore plus fortes : les particules sont alors solubles dans l?eau. A des températures plus élevées, l?agitation thermique des molécules devient importante et brise les liaisons hydrogènes. Maintenant, la dissolution des particules devient énergétiquement défavorable, et les particules se séparent de l?eau en formant des agrégats qui minimisent leur surface exposée à l?eau. Pourtant, à très haute température, les effets entropiques deviennent tellement forts que les particules se mélangent de nouveau avec les molécules d?eau. En utilisant un modèle basé sur ces changements de structure formée par des liaisons hydrogènes j?ai pu reproduire les phénomènes principaux liés à l?hydrophobicité. J?ai trouvé une région de coexistence de deux phases entre les températures critiques inférieure et supérieure de solubilité, dans laquelle les particules hydrophobes s?agrègent. En dehors de cette région, les particules sont dissoutes dans l?eau. J?ai démontré que l?interaction hydrophobe est décrite par un modèle qui prend uniquement en compte les changements de structure de l?eau liquide en présence d?une particule hydrophobe, plutôt que les interactions directes entre les particules. Encouragée par ces résultats prometteurs, j?ai étudié des solutions aqueuses de particules hydrophobes en présence de co-solvants cosmotropiques et chaotropiques. Ce sont des substances qui stabilisent ou déstabilisent les agrégats de particules hydrophobes. La présence de ces substances peut être incluse dans le modèle en décrivant leur effet sur la structure de l?eau. J?ai pu reproduire la concentration élevée de co-solvants chaotropiques dans le voisinage immédiat de la particule, et l?effet inverse dans le cas de co-solvants cosmotropiques. Ce changement de concentration du co-solvant à proximité de particules hydrophobes est la cause principale de son effet sur la solubilité des particules hydrophobes. J?ai démontré que le modèle adapté prédit correctement les effets implicites des co-solvants sur les interactions de plusieurs corps entre les particules hydrophobes. En outre, j?ai étendu le modèle à la description de particules amphiphiles comme des lipides. J?ai trouvé la formation de différents types de micelles en fonction de la distribution des regions hydrophobes à la surface des particules. L?hydrophobicité reste également un sujet controversé en science des protéines. J?ai défini une nouvelle échelle d?hydrophobicité pour les acides aminés qui forment des protéines, basée sur leurs surfaces exposées à l?eau dans des protéines natives. Cette échelle permet une comparaison meilleure entre les expériences et les résultats théoriques. Ainsi, le modèle développé dans mon travail contribue à mieux comprendre les solutions aqueuses de particules hydrophobes. Je pense que les résultats analytiques et numériques obtenus éclaircissent en partie les processus physiques qui sont à la base de l?interaction hydrophobe.<br/><br/>Despite the importance of water in our daily lives, some of its properties remain unexplained. Indeed, the interactions of water with organic particles are investigated in research groups all over the world, but controversy still surrounds many aspects of their description. In my work I have tried to understand these interactions on a molecular level using both analytical and numerical methods. Recent investigations describe liquid water as random network formed by hydrogen bonds. The insertion of a hydrophobic particle at low temperature breaks some of the hydrogen bonds, which is energetically unfavorable. The water molecules, however, rearrange in a cage-like structure around the solute particle. Even stronger hydrogen bonds are formed between water molecules, and thus the solute particles are soluble. At higher temperatures, this strict ordering is disrupted by thermal movements, and the solution of particles becomes unfavorable. They minimize their exposed surface to water by aggregating. At even higher temperatures, entropy effects become dominant and water and solute particles mix again. Using a model based on these changes in water structure I have reproduced the essential phenomena connected to hydrophobicity. These include an upper and a lower critical solution temperature, which define temperature and density ranges in which aggregation occurs. Outside of this region the solute particles are soluble in water. Because I was able to demonstrate that the simple mixture model contains implicitly many-body interactions between the solute molecules, I feel that the study contributes to an important advance in the qualitative understanding of the hydrophobic effect. I have also studied the aggregation of hydrophobic particles in aqueous solutions in the presence of cosolvents. Here I have demonstrated that the important features of the destabilizing effect of chaotropic cosolvents on hydrophobic aggregates may be described within the same two-state model, with adaptations to focus on the ability of such substances to alter the structure of water. The relevant phenomena include a significant enhancement of the solubility of non-polar solute particles and preferential binding of chaotropic substances to solute molecules. In a similar fashion, I have analyzed the stabilizing effect of kosmotropic cosolvents in these solutions. Including the ability of kosmotropic substances to enhance the structure of liquid water, leads to reduced solubility, larger aggregation regime and the preferential exclusion of the cosolvent from the hydration shell of hydrophobic solute particles. I have further adapted the MLG model to include the solvation of amphiphilic solute particles in water, by allowing different distributions of hydrophobic regions at the molecular surface, I have found aggregation of the amphiphiles, and formation of various types of micelle as a function of the hydrophobicity pattern. I have demonstrated that certain features of micelle formation may be reproduced by the adapted model to describe alterations of water structure near different surface regions of the dissolved amphiphiles. Hydrophobicity remains a controversial quantity also in protein science. Based on the surface exposure of the 20 amino-acids in native proteins I have defined the a new hydrophobicity scale, which may lead to an improvement in the comparison of experimental data with the results from theoretical HP models. Overall, I have shown that the primary features of the hydrophobic interaction in aqueous solutions may be captured within a model which focuses on alterations in water structure around non-polar solute particles. The results obtained within this model may illuminate the processes underlying the hydrophobic interaction.<br/><br/>La vie sur notre planète a commencé dans l'eau et ne pourrait pas exister en son absence : les cellules des animaux et des plantes contiennent jusqu'à 95% d'eau. Malgré son importance dans notre vie de tous les jours, certaines propriétés de l?eau restent inexpliquées. En particulier, l'étude des interactions entre l'eau et les particules organiques occupe des groupes de recherche dans le monde entier et est loin d'être finie. Dans mon travail j'ai essayé de comprendre, au niveau moléculaire, ces interactions importantes pour la vie. J'ai utilisé pour cela un modèle simple de l'eau pour décrire des solutions aqueuses de différentes particules. Bien que l?eau soit généralement un bon solvant, un grand groupe de molécules, appelées molécules hydrophobes (du grecque "hydro"="eau" et "phobia"="peur"), n'est pas facilement soluble dans l'eau. Ces particules hydrophobes essayent d'éviter le contact avec l'eau, et forment donc un agrégat pour minimiser leur surface exposée à l'eau. Cette force entre les particules est appelée interaction hydrophobe, et les mécanismes physiques qui conduisent à ces interactions ne sont pas bien compris à l'heure actuelle. Dans mon étude j'ai décrit l'effet des particules hydrophobes sur l'eau liquide. L'objectif était d'éclaircir le mécanisme de l'interaction hydrophobe qui est fondamentale pour la formation des membranes et le fonctionnement des processus biologiques dans notre corps. Récemment, l'eau liquide a été décrite comme un réseau aléatoire formé par des liaisons hydrogènes. En introduisant une particule hydrophobe dans cette structure, certaines liaisons hydrogènes sont détruites tandis que les molécules d'eau s'arrangent autour de cette particule en formant une cage qui permet de récupérer des liaisons hydrogènes (entre molécules d?eau) encore plus fortes : les particules sont alors solubles dans l'eau. A des températures plus élevées, l?agitation thermique des molécules devient importante et brise la structure de cage autour des particules hydrophobes. Maintenant, la dissolution des particules devient défavorable, et les particules se séparent de l'eau en formant deux phases. A très haute température, les mouvements thermiques dans le système deviennent tellement forts que les particules se mélangent de nouveau avec les molécules d'eau. A l'aide d'un modèle qui décrit le système en termes de restructuration dans l'eau liquide, j'ai réussi à reproduire les phénomènes physiques liés à l?hydrophobicité. J'ai démontré que les interactions hydrophobes entre plusieurs particules peuvent être exprimées dans un modèle qui prend uniquement en compte les liaisons hydrogènes entre les molécules d'eau. Encouragée par ces résultats prometteurs, j'ai inclus dans mon modèle des substances fréquemment utilisées pour stabiliser ou déstabiliser des solutions aqueuses de particules hydrophobes. J'ai réussi à reproduire les effets dûs à la présence de ces substances. De plus, j'ai pu décrire la formation de micelles par des particules amphiphiles comme des lipides dont la surface est partiellement hydrophobe et partiellement hydrophile ("hydro-phile"="aime l'eau"), ainsi que le repliement des protéines dû à l'hydrophobicité, qui garantit le fonctionnement correct des processus biologiques de notre corps. Dans mes études futures je poursuivrai l'étude des solutions aqueuses de différentes particules en utilisant les techniques acquises pendant mon travail de thèse, et en essayant de comprendre les propriétés physiques du liquide le plus important pour notre vie : l'eau.
Membrane filtration has become increasingly attractive in the processing of both foodand biotechnological products. However, the poor selectivity of the membranes and fouling are the critical factors limiting the development of UF systems for the specific fractionation of protein mixtures. This thesis gives an overview on fractionation of proteins from model protein solutions or from biological solutions. An attempt was made to improve the selectivity of the available membranes by modifying the membranes and by exploiting the different electrostatic interactions between the proteins and the membrane pore surfaces. Fractionation and UF behavior of proteins in the model solutions and in the corresponding biological solutions were compared. Characterization of the membranes and protein adsorptionto the membrane were investigated with combined flux and streaming potential studies. It has been shown that fouling of the membranes can be reduced using "self-rejecting" membranes at pH values where electrostatic repulsion is achieved between the membrane and the proteins in solution. This effect is best shown in UF of dilute single protein solutions at low ionic strengths and low pressures. Fractionation of model proteins in single, binary, and ternary solutionshas been carried out. The results have been compared to the results obtained from fractination of biological solutions. It was generally observed that fractination of proteins from biological solutions are more difficult to carry out owingto the presence of non studied protein components with different properties. Itcan be generally concluded that it is easier to enrich the smaller protein in the permeate but it is also possible to enrich the larger protein in the permeateat pH values close to the isoelectric point of the protein. It should be possible to find an optimal flux and modification to effectively improve the fractination of proteins even with very similar molar masses.
In this thesis different parameters influencing critical flux in protein ultrafiltration and membrane foul-ing were studied. Short reviews of proteins, cross-flow ultrafiltration, flux decline and criticalflux and the basic theory of Partial Least Square analysis (PLS) are given at the beginning. The experiments were mainly performed using dilute solutions of globular proteins, commercial polymeric membranes and laboratory scale apparatuses. Fouling was studied by flux, streaming potential and FTIR-ATR measurements. Critical flux was evaluated by different kinds of stepwise procedures and by both con-stant pressure and constant flux methods. The critical flux was affected by transmembrane pressure, flow velocity, protein concentration, mem-brane hydrophobicity and protein and membrane charges. Generally, the lowest critical fluxes were obtained at the isoelectric points of the protein and the highest in the presence of electrostatic repulsion between the membrane surface and the protein molecules. In the laminar flow regime the critical flux increased with flow velocity, but not any more above this region. An increase in concentration de-creased the critical flux. Hydrophobic membranes showed fouling in all charge conditionsand, furthermore, especially at the beginning of the experiment even at very low transmembrane pressures. Fouling of these membranes was thought to be due to protein adsorption by hydrophobic interactions. The hydrophilic membranes used suffered more from reversible fouling and concentration polarisation than from irreversible foul-ing. They became fouled at higher transmembrane pressures becauseof pore blocking. In this thesis some new aspects on critical flux are presented that are important for ultrafiltration and fractionation of proteins.
Background: Annotations of completely sequenced genomes reveal that nearly half of the genes identified are of unknown function, and that some belong to uncharacterized gene families. To help resolve such issues, information can be obtained from the comparative analysis of homologous genes in model organisms. Results: While characterizing genes from the retinitis pigmentosa locus RP26 at 2q31-q33, we have identified a new gene, ORMDL1, that belongs to a novel gene family comprising three genes in humans (ORMDL1, ORMDL2 and ORMDL3), and homologs in yeast, microsporidia, plants, Drosophila, urochordates and vertebrates. The human genes are expressed ubiquitously in adult and fetal tissues. The Drosophila ORMDL homolog is also expressed throughout embryonic and larval stages, particularly in ectodermally derived tissues. The ORMDL genes encode transmembrane proteins anchored in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Double knockout of the two Saccharomyces cerevisiae homologs leads to decreased growth rate and greater sensitivity to tunicamycin and dithiothreitol. Yeast mutants can be rescued by human ORMDL homologs. Conclusions: From protein sequence comparisons we have defined a novel gene family, not previously recognized because of the absence of a characterized functional signature. The sequence conservation of this family from yeast to vertebrates, the maintenance of duplicate copies in different lineages, the ubiquitous pattern of expression in human and Drosophila, the partial functional redundancy of the yeast homologs and phenotypic rescue by the human homologs, strongly support functional conservation. Subcellular localization and the response of yeast mutants to specific agents point to the involvement of ORMDL in protein folding in the ER.
The guava (Psidium guajava L.) cv. Paluma has been cultivated in São Francisco Valley, Northeastern of Brazil, for in natura consumption and processing purposes. In spite of its importance, there are few scientific knowledge regarding guava physiology, nutrition, irrigation and fertigation. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of weather conditions and different concentrations of N and K applied by fertigation in foliar contents of reducing sugars, total soluble sugars, starch, sucrose, amino acids, and proteins. The field experiment was carried out at Bebedouro Experimental Field and the biochemical evaluations at the Laboratory of Seed and Plant Physiology, both located at Embrapa Semi-Árido, Petrolina-PE. The doses of 200 g N and 100 g K2O; 400 g N and 200 g K2O; 600 g N and 300 g K2O; and 800 g N and 400 g K2O per plant were applied in an experiment field. The experimental design was totally randomized blocks, with four treatments and five blocks. The weather conditions influenced the plant photosynthesis, which affects the plants metabolism. Guava presented specific responses to N and K fertigation for each parameter evaluated. The weather conditions during the evaluation period influenced guava responses to N and K fertigation.
Background: In the yeast biomass production process, protein carbonylation has severe adverse effects since it diminishes biomass yield and profitability of industrial production plants. However, this significant detriment of yeast performance can be alleviated by increasing thioredoxins levels. Thioredoxins are important antioxidant defenses implicated in many functions in cells, and their primordial functions include scavenging of reactive oxygen species that produce dramatic and irreversible alterations such as protein carbonylation. Results: In this work we have found several proteins specifically protected by yeast Thioredoxin 2 (Trx2p). Bidimensional electrophoresis and carbonylated protein identification from TRX-deficient and TRX-overexpressing cells revealed that glycolysis and fermentation-related proteins are specific targets of Trx2p protection. Indeed, the TRX2 overexpressing strain presented increased activity of the central carbon metabolism enzymes. Interestingly, Trx2p specifically preserved alcohol dehydrogenase I (Adh1p) from carbonylation, decreased oligomer aggregates and increased its enzymatic activity. Conclusions: The identified proteins suggest that the fermentative capacity detriment observed under industrial conditions in T73 wine commercial strain results from the oxidative carbonylation of specific glycolytic and fermentation enzymes. Indeed, increased thioredoxin levels enhance the performance of key fermentation enzymes such as Adh1p, which consequently increases fermentative capacity.
Jeune asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy (JATD) is a skeletal dysplasia characterized by a small thoracic cage and a range of skeletal and extra-skeletal anomalies. JATD is genetically heterogeneous with at least nine genes identified, all encoding ciliary proteins, hence the classification of JATD as a skeletal ciliopathy. Consistent with the observation that the heterogeneous molecular basis of JATD has not been fully determined yet, we have identified two consanguineous Saudi families segregating JATD who share a single identical ancestral homozygous haplotype among the affected members. Whole-exome sequencing revealed a single novel variant within the disease haplotype in CEP120, which encodes a core centriolar protein. Subsequent targeted sequencing of CEP120 in Saudi and European JATD cohorts identified two additional families with the same missense mutation. Combining the four families in linkage analysis confirmed a significant genome-wide linkage signal at the CEP120 locus. This missense change alters a highly conserved amino acid within CEP120 (p.Ala199Pro). In addition, we show marked reduction of cilia and abnormal number of centrioles in fibroblasts from one affected individual. Inhibition of the CEP120 ortholog in zebrafish produced pleiotropic phenotypes characteristic of cilia defects including abnormal body curvature, hydrocephalus, otolith defects and abnormal renal, head and craniofacial development. We also demonstrate that in CEP120 morphants, cilia are shortened in the neural tube and disorganized in the pronephros. These results are consistent with aberrant CEP120 being implicated in the pathogenesis of JATD and expand the role of centriolar proteins in skeletal ciliopathies.
Stroma mediated wound healing signals may share similarities with the ones produced by tumor's microenvironment and their modulation may impact tumor response to the various anti-cancer treatments including radiation therapy. Therefore we conducted this study, to assess the crosstalk between stromal and carcinoma cells in response to radiotherapy by genetic modulation of the stroma and irradiation. We found that fibroblasts irrespective of their RhoB status do not modulate intrinsic radiosensitivity of TC-1 but produce diffusible factors able to modify tumor cell fate. Then we found that Wt and RhoB deficient fibroblasts stimulated TC-1 migration through distinct mechanisms which are TGF-β1 and MMP-mediated respectively. Lastly, we found that simultaneous irradiation of fibroblasts and TC-1 abrogated the pro-migratory phenotype by repression of TGF-β and MMP secretion. This last result is highly relevant to the clinical situation and suggests that conversely to, the current view; irradiated stroma would not enhance carcinoma migration and could be manipulated to promote anti-tumor immune response.
The synthesis of a membrane-bound MalE ,B-galactosidase hybrid protein, when induced by growth of Escherichia coli on maltose, leads to inhibition of cell division and eventually a reduced rate of mass increase. In addition, the relative rate of synthesis of outer membrane proteins, but not that of inner membrane proteins, was reduced by about 50%o. Kinetic experiments demonstrated that this reduction coincided with the period of maximum synthesis of the hybrid protein (and another maltose-inducible protein, LamB). The accumulation of this abnormal protein in the envelope therefore appeared specifically to inhibit the synthesis, the assembly of outer membrane proteins, or both, indicating that the hybrid protein blocks some export site or causes the sequestration of some limiting factor(s) involved in the export process. Since the MalE protein is normally located in the periplasm, the results also suggest that the synthesis of periplasmic and outer membrane proteins may involve some steps in common. The reduced rate of synthesis of outer membrane proteins was also accompanied by the accumulation in the envelope of at least one outer membrane protein and at least two inner membrane proteins as higher-molecular-weight forms, indicating that processing (removal of the N-terminal signal sequence) was also disrupted by the presence of the hybrid protein. These results may indicate that the assembly of these membrane proteins is blocked at a relatively late step rather than at the level of primary recognition of some site by the signal sequence. In addition, the results suggest that some step common to the biogenesis of quite different kinds of envelope protein is blocked by the presence of the hybrid protein.
14-3-3 is a family of conserved regulatory proteins that bind to a multitude of functionally diverse signalling proteins. Various genetic studies and gene expression and proteomic analyses have involved 14-3-3 proteins in schizophrenia (SZ). On the other hand, studies about the status of these proteins in major depressive disorder (MD) are still missing. Immunoreactivity values of cytosolic 14-3-3β and 14-3-3ζ proteins were evaluated by Western blot in prefrontal cortex (PFC) of subjects with schizophrenia (SZ; n=22), subjects with major depressive disorder (MD; n=21) and age-, gender- and postmortem delay-matched control subjects (n=52). The modulation of 14-3-3β and 14-3-3ζ proteins by psychotropic medication was also assessed. The analysis of both proteins in SZ subjects with respect to matched control subjects showed increased 14-3-3β (Δ=33±10%, p<0.05) and 14-3-3ζ (Δ=29±6%, p<0.05) immunoreactivity in antipsychotic-free but not in antipsychotic-treated SZ subjects. Immunoreactivity values of 14-3-3β and 14-3-3ζ were not altered in MD subjects. These results show the specific up-regulation of 14-3-3β and 14-3-3ζ proteins in PFC of SZ subjects and suggest a possible down-regulation of both proteins by antipsychotic treatment.
A one-parameter class of simple models of two-dimensional dilaton gravity, which can be exactly solved including back-reaction effects, is investigated at both classical and quantum levels. This family contains the RST model as a special case, and it continuously interpolates between models having a flat (Rindler) geometry and a constant curvature metric with a nontrivial dilaton field. The processes of formation of black hole singularities from collapsing matter and Hawking evaporation are considered in detail. Various physical aspects of these geometries are discussed, including the cosmological interpretation.
Se ha estudiado la lixiviación de concentrados de cobre mediante cloro-complejos cúpricos, generados in situ por la reacción entre el Cu(II) procedente del cobre soluble del concentrado y cloruro de sodio en medio ácido. Se utilizaron concentrados de cobre provenientes de faenas mineras de Antofagasta, Chile. Se ha efectuado una caracterización química y mineralógica de los concentrados originales. Se ha estudiado el efecto de las siguientes variables, durante la lixiviación: concentración de cloruro, concentración de cobre soluble, tiempo de lixiviación, porcentaje de sólidos y temperatura. Se han caracterizado los residuos sólidos por DRX y microscopia electrónica. Los resultados experimentales indican que es posible obtener disoluciones con contenidos de cobre entre 15 y 35 g/l y de 2 a 5 g/l de acidez libre, con características adecuadas para entrar a la etapa de extracción por solventes. El procedimiento utiliza, solo, reactivos comunes y de muy bajo costo, como NaCl y ácido sulfúrico diluido. La ventaja de este procedimiento consiste en recuperar, a muy bajo coste, la totalidad del cobre soluble y entre 10 y 15% del cobre de sulfuros. El residuo final podría pasar a la pirometalurgia convencional