1000 resultados para small hydropower
This paper examines the barriers to mitigating mercury pollution at small-scale gold mines in the Guianas (Guyana, French Guiana and Suriname), and prescribes recommendations for overcoming these obstacles. Whilst considerable attention has been paid to analysing the environmental impacts of operations in the region, minimal research has been undertaken to identify appropriate policy and educational initiatives for addressing the mounting mercury problem. Findings from recent fieldwork and selected interviews with operators from Guyanese and Surinamese gold mining regions reveal that legislative incapacity, the region's varied industry policy stances, various technological problems, and low environmental awareness on the part of communities are impeding efforts to facilitate improved mercury management at small-scale gold mines in the Guianas. Marked improvements can be achieved, however, if legislation, particularly that pertaining to mercury, is harmonised in the region; educational seminars continue to be held in important mining districts; and additional outlets for disseminating environmental equipment and mercury-free technologies are provided.
Milk supply from Mexican dairy farms does not meet demand and small-scale farms can contribute toward closing the gap. Two multi-criteria programming techniques, goal programming and compromise programming, were used in a study of small-scale dairy farms in central Mexico. To build the goal and compromise programming models, 4 ordinary linear programming models were also developed, which had objective functions to maximize metabolizable energy for milk production, to maximize margin of income over feed costs, to maximize metabolizable protein for milk production, and to minimize purchased feedstuffs. Neither multicriteria approach was significantly better than the other; however, by applying both models it was possible to perform a more comprehensive analysis of these small-scale dairy systems. The multi-criteria programming models affirm findings from previous work and suggest that a forage strategy based on alfalfa, rye-grass, and corn silage would meet nutrient requirements of the herd. Both models suggested that there is an economic advantage in rescheduling the calving season to the second and third calendar quarters to better synchronize higher demand for nutrients with the period of high forage availability.
This study sets out to find the best calving pattern for small-scale dairy systems in Michoacan State, central Mexico. Two models were built. First, a linear programming model was constructed to optimize calving pattern and herd structure according to metabolizable energy availability. Second, a Markov chain model was built to investigate three reproductive scenarios (good, average and poor) in order to suggest factors that maintain the calving pattern given by the linear programming model. Though it was not possible to maintain the optimal linear programming pattern, the Markov chain model suggested adopting different reproduction strategies according to period of the year that the cow is expected to calve. Comparing different scenarios, the Markov model indicated the effect of calving interval on calving pattern and herd structure.
A limitation of small-scale dairy systems in central Mexico is that traditional feeding strategies are less effective when nutrient availability varies through the year. In the present work, a linear programming (LP) model that maximizes income over feed cost was developed, and used to evaluate two strategies: the traditional one used by the small-scale dairy producers in Michoacan State, based on fresh lucerne, maize grain and maize straw; and an alternative strategy proposed by the LIP model, based on ryegrass hay, maize silage and maize grain. Biological and economic efficiency for both strategies were evaluated. Results obtained with the traditional strategy agree with previously published work. The alternative strategy did not improve upon the performance of the traditional strategy because of low metabolizable protein content of the maize silage considered by the model. However, the Study recommends improvement of forage quality to increase the efficiency of small-scale dairy systems, rather than looking for concentrate supplementation.
Small-scale dairy systems play an important role in the Mexican dairy sector and farm planning activities related to resource allocation have a significant impact on the profitability of such enterprises. Linear programming is a technique widely used for planning and ration formulation, and partial budgeting is a technique for assessing the impact of changes on the profitability of an enterprise. This study used both methods to optimise land use for forage production and nutrient availability, and to evaluate the economic impact of such changes in small-scale Mexican dairy systems. The model showed satisfactory performance when optimal solutions were compared with the traditional strategy. The strategy using fresh ryegrass, maize silage and oat hay, and the strategy using a combination of alfalfa hay, maize silage, fresh ryegrass and oat hay appeared attractive options for providing a better nutrient supply and maintaining a higher stocking rate throughout the year than the traditional strategy.
The Small Red Damselfly (Ceriagrion tenellum) (De Villiers) (Odonata: Coenagrionidae: Ceriagrion) is classed as vulnerable (Shirt, British Red Data Book, Nature Conservancy Council, Peterborough, UK, 1987) throughout the UK, and is included in certain Local Biodiversity Action Plans (LBAPs) in the south. A large proportion of any Biodiversity Action Plan is concerned with the requirement of conservation and management programmes. In order to guide them, information about the habitat preferences of the species concerned is vital. Detailed habitat information was collected to include a variety of physical parameters particularly vegetation, both in-channel and bankside. The species was found to be primarily associated with in-channel emergent broad-leaved plants, bankside grasses and rushes, and shallow, narrow channels with dark organic substrate. The consequences of these findings are discussed in relation to the conservation and management of C. tenellum.
A detailed spore investigation of spore release and dispersal from an isolated colony of Phascum cuspidatum Hedw. indicated that approximately 98% of the spores originally present remained within the colony. The spatial distribution of colonies of P.cuspidatum and Pottia truncata (Hedw.) Fürer. in relation to those of the previous year was investigated by mapping the occurrence of colonies in five permanent quadrats for each species during two successive years. Phascum cuspidatum reoccurred in three quadrats during the second year, and P. truncata in only one, in the latter case apparently due to invasion by other mosses, principally Barbula hornschuchiana Schultz. A substantial proportion of the second year colonies overlapped in position with the first year colonies, particularly in P.cuspidatum. The results are discussed in relation to data on spore dispersal and other aspects of the life-history of these annual or short-lived shuttle mosses.