939 resultados para single-phase inverters


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We study the generation of coherent optical phonons in spin-frustrated pyrochlore single crystals Dy2Ti2O7, Gd2Ti2O7, and Tb2Ti2O7 using femtosecond laser pulses (65 fs, 1.57 eV) in degenerate time-resolved transmission experiments as a function of temperature from 4 to 296 K. At 4 K, two coherent phonons are observed at similar to 5.3 THz (5.0 THz) and similar to 9.3 THz (9.4 THz) for Dy2Ti2O7 (Gd2Ti2O7), whereas three coherent phonons are generated at similar to 5.0, 8.6, and 9.7 THz for Tb2Ti2O7. In the case of spin-ice Dy2Ti2O7, a clear discontinuity is observed in the linewidths of both the coherent phonons as well as in the phase of lower-energy coherent phonon mode, indicating a subtle structural change at 110 K. Another important observation is a phase difference of pi between the modes in all the samples, thus suggesting that the driving forces behind the generation of these modes could be different in nature, unlike a purely impulsive or displacive mechanism.


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Commercially available 3Y-TZP and Mg-PSZ flats mere abraded by a 150 degrees diamond cone at -196 degrees, 25 degrees, 200 degrees, and 400 degrees C. The coefficient of friction, the track width, and the morphological features of the track were recorded. Raman spectroscopy mas used to record the tetragonal-to-monoclinic phase transformation (t --> m) as a function of distance away from the track. The study was undertaken to establish the influence of tangential traction on phase transformation and surface damage.


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Gas-phase controlled absorption of ammonia in foams made of solutions of sulphuric acid has been studied experimentally. Effects of gas-phase concentration of ammonia and type of surfactant on the performance of the foam-bed reactor are investigated. Gas-phase controlled absorption from a spherical bubble is anaylzed using the asymptotic value of Sherwood number (Sh = 6.58), for both negligible as well as significant changes in the volume of the bubble. The experimental data are shown to be in good agreement with the single-stage model of the foam-bed reactor using these asymptotic sub-models, as well as the diffusion-in-sphere analysis available in literature. Influence of effective diffusivity on the time dependence of fractional gas absorption has been found to be unimportant for foam columns with large times of contact. The asymptotic sub-models have been compared and use of the rigid-sphere asymptotic sub-model is recommended for foam columns of practical relevence.


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In this paper, the role of melt convection on the performance of heat sinks with phase change material (PCM) is investigated numerically. The heat sink consists of aluminum plate fins embedded in PCM, and is subjected to heat flux supplied from the bottom. A single-domain enthalpy-based CFD model is developed, which is capable of simulating the phase change process and the associated melt convection. The CFD model is coupled with a genetic algorithm for carrying out the optimization. Two cases are considered, namely, one without melt convection (i.e., conduction heat transfer analysis), and the other with convection. It is found that the geometrical optimizations of heat sinks are different for the two cases, indicating the importance of melt convection in the design of heat sinks with PCMs. In the case of conduction analysis, the optimum width of half fin (i.e., sum of half pitch and half fin thickness) is a constant, which is in good agreement with results reported in the literature. On the other hand, if melt convection is considered, the optimum half fin width depends on the effective thermal diffusivity due to conduction and convection. With melt convection, the optimized design results in a significant improvement of operational time.


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This paper proposes the development of dodecagonal (12-sided) space vector diagrams from cascaded H-Bridge inverters. As already reported in literatures, dodecagonal space vector diagrams have many advantages over conventional hexagonal ones. Some of them include the absence of 6n±1, (n=odd) harmonics from the phase voltage, and the extension of the linear modulation range. In this paper, a new power circuit is proposed for generating multiple dodecagons in the space vector plane. It consists of two cascaded H-Bridge cells fed from asymmetric dc voltage sources. It is shown that, with proper PWM timing calculation and placement of active and zero vectors, a very high quality of sine-wave can be produced. At the same time, the switching frequency of individual cells can be reduced substantially. Detailed PWM analysis, one design example and an elaborate simulation study is presented to support the proposed idea.


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Performance of space-time block codes can be improved using the coordinate interleaving of the input symbols from rotated M-ary phase shift keying (MPSK) and M-ary quadrature amplitude modulation (MQAM) constellations. This paper is on the performance analysis of coordinate-interleaved space-time codes, which are a subset of single-symbol maximum likelihood decodable linear space-time block codes, for wireless multiple antenna terminals. The analytical and simulation results show that full diversity is achievable. Using the equivalent single-input single-output model, simple expressions for the average bit error rates are derived over flat uncorrelated Rayleigh fading channels. Optimum rotation angles are found by finding the minimum of the average bit error rate curves.


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A scheme to apply the rate-1 real orthogonal designs (RODs) in relay networks with single real-symbol decodability of the symbols at the destination for any arbitrary number of relays is proposed. In the case where the relays do not have any information about the channel gains from the source to themselves, the best known distributed space time block codes (DSTBCs) for k relays with single real-symbol decodability offer an overall rate of complex symbols per channel use. The scheme proposed in this paper offers an overall rate of 2/2+k complex symbol per channel use, which is independent of the number of relays. Furthermore, in the scenario where the relays have partial channel information in the form of channel phase knowledge, the best known DSTBCs with single real-symbol decodability offer an overall rate of 1/3 complex symbols per channel use. In this paper, making use of RODs, a scheme which achieves the same overall rate of 1/3 complex symbols per channel use but with a decoding delay that is 50 percent of that of the best known DSTBCs, is presented. Simulation results of the symbol error rate performance for 10 relays, which show the superiority of the proposed scheme over the best known DSTBC for 10 relays with single real-symbol decodability, are provided.


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Single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) are fascinating systems exhibiting many novel physical properties. In this paper, we give a brief review of the structural, electronic, vibrational, and mechanical properties of carbon nanotubes. In situ resonance Raman scattering of SWNTs investigated under electrochemical biasing demonstrates that the intensity of the radial breathing mode varies significantly in a nonmonotonic manner as a function of the cathodic bias voltage, but does not change appreciably under anodic bias. These results can be quantitatively understood in terms of the changes in the energy gaps between the 1 D van Hove singularities in the electron density of states, arising possibly due to the alterations in the overlap integral of pi bonds between the p-orbitals of the adjacent carbon atoms. In the second part of this paper, we review our high-pressure X-ray diffraction results, which show that the triangular lattice of the carbon nanotube bundles continues to persist up to similar to10 GPa. The lattice is seen to relax just before the phase transformation, which is observed at similar to10 GPa. Further, our results display the reversibility of the 2D lattice symmetry even after compression up to 13 GPa well beyond the 5 GPa value observed recently. These experimental results explicitly validate the predicted remarkable mechanical resilience of the nanotubes.


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Thin films of the semiconducting, monoclinic vanadium dioxide, VO2(M) have been prepared on ordinary glass by two methods: directly by low-pressure metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD), and by argon-annealing films of the VO2(B) phase deposited by MOCVD. The composition and microstructure of the films have been examined by x-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, and transmission electron microscopy. Films made predominantly of either the B or the M phase, as deposited, can only be obtained over a narrow range of deposition temperatures. At the lower end of this temperature range, the as-deposited films are strongly oriented, although the substrate is glass. This can be understood from the drive to minimize surface energy. Films of the B phase have a platelet morphology, which leads to an unusual microstructure at the lower-deposition temperatures. Those grown at similar to370 degreesC convert to the metallic, rutile (R) phase when annealed at 550 degreesC, whereas those deposited at 420 degreesC transform to the R phase only at 580 degreesC. (When cooled to room temperature, the annealed films convert reversibly from the R phase to the M phase.) Electron microscopy shows that annealing leads to disintegration of the single crystalline VO2(B) platelets into small crystallites of VO2(R), although the platelet morphology is retained. When the annealing temperature is relatively low, these crystallites are nanometer sized. At a higher-annealing temperature, the transformation leads to well-connected and similarly oriented large grains of VO2(R), enveloped in the original platelet. The semiconductor-metal transition near 68 degreesC leads to a large jump in resistivity in all the VO2(M) films, nearly as large as in epitaxial films on single-crystal substrates. When the annealed films contain well-connected large grains, the transition is very sharp. Even when preferred orientation is present, the transition is not as sharp in as-deposited VO2(M), because the crystallites are not densely packed as in annealed VO2(B). However, the high degree of orientation in these films leads to a narrow temperature hysteresis. (C) 2002 American Institute of Physics.


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Glycine Phosphite [NH3CH2COOH3PO3], abbreviated as GPI, undergoes a para-ferroelectric phase transition from the monoclinic symmetry P2(1)/a to P2(1) at 224.7 K. We report here a systematic study of the polarization switching process in this crystal. Growth of these crystals from aqueous solution has been undertaken employing both solvent evaporation and slow cooling methods. Hysteresis loop measurements along the polar b-axis yielded a spontaneous polarization value of 0.5 muC/cm(2) and a coercive field of 2.5 kV/cm. Conventional Merz technique was employed for polarization switching studies, wherein bipolar square pulses were applied to the sample to induce domain reversal. The transient switching pulse that flows through the sample on application of the field was recorded. The maximum switching time required for domain switching was measured both as a function of electric field and temperature. The experimentally observed switching curves were fitted with the model based on the Pulvari-Kuebler theory of nucleation and growth of domains. From the experimental data, the values of mobility and activation field were obtained. It was observed that switching process in this crystal is predominantly governed by the forward growth of domain walls in the high field region. However, switching process in GPI crystal was found to be slower than that found in other glycine based ferroelectric crystals.


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Model Reference Adaptive Control (MRAC) of a wide repertoire of stable Linear Time Invariant (LTI) systems is addressed here. Even an upper bound on the order of the finite-dimensional system is unavailable. Further, the unknown plant is permitted to have both minimum phase and nonminimum phase zeros. Model following with reference to a completely specified reference model excited by a class of piecewise continuous bounded signals is the goal. The problem is approached by taking recourse to the time moments representation of an LTI system. The treatment here is confined to Single-Input Single-Output (SISO) systems. The adaptive controller is built upon an on-line scheme for time moment estimation of a system given no more than its input and output. As a first step, a cascade compensator is devised. The primary contribution lies in developing a unified framework to eventually address with more finesse the problem of adaptive control of a large family of plants allowed to be minimum or nonminimum phase. Thus, the scheme presented in this paper is confined to lay the basis for more refined compensators-cascade, feedback and both-initially for SISO systems and progressively for Multi-Input Multi-Output (MIMO) systems. Simulations are presented.


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We present an extensive study on magnetic and transport properties of La(0.85)Sr(0.15)CoO(3) single crystals grown by a float zone method to address the issue of phase separation versus spin-glass (SG) behavior. The dc magnetization study reveals a kink in field-cooled magnetization, and the peak in the zero-field-cooling curve shifts to lower temperature at modest dc fields, indicating the SG magnetic phase. The ac susceptibility study exhibits a considerable frequency-dependent peak shift (similar to 4 K) and a time-dependent memory effect below the freezing temperature. In addition, the characteristic time scale tau(0) estimated from the frequency-dependent ac susceptibility measurement is found to be similar to 10(-13) s, which matches well with typical values observed in canonical SG systems. The transport relaxation study evidently demonstrates the time-dependent glassy phenomena. In essence, all our experimental results corroborate the existence of SG behavior in La(0.85)Sr(0.15)CoO(3) single crystals.


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A new topology of asymmetric cascaded H-Bridge inverter is presented in this paper It consists of two cascaded H-bridge cells per phase. They are fed from isolated dc sources having a dc bus ratio of 1:0.366. Out of many space vectors possible from this circuit, only those are chosen that lie on 12-sided polygons. Thus, the overall space vector diagram produced by this circuit consists of multiple numbers of 12-sided polygons. With a proper PWM timing calculations based on these selected space vectors, it is possible to eliminate all the 6n +/- 1, (n = odd) harmonics from the phase voltage under all operating conditions. The switching frequency of individual H-Bridge cells is also substantially low. Extensive experimental results have been presented in this paper to validate the proposed concept.


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The single perovskite slab alkylammonium lead iodides (CnH2n+1NH3)(2)PbI4, n = 12, 16, 18, display two phase transitions, just above room temperature, associated with changes in the alkylammonium chains. We have followed these two phase transitions using scanning calorimetry, X-ray powder diffraction, and IR and Raman spectroscopies. We find the first phase transition to be associated with symmetry changes arising from a dynamic rotational disordering of the ammonium headgroup of the chain whereas the second transition, the melting of the chains in two dimensions, is characterized by an increased conformational disorder of the methylene units of the alkyl chains. We examine these phase transitions in light of the interesting optical properties of these materials, as well as the relevance of these systems as models for phase transitions in lipid bilayers.


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Electronic and ionic conductivities of silver selenide crystal (Ag$_2+\delta$ Se) have been measured over a range of stoichiometry through the $\alpha - \beta$ transition by using solid state electrochemical techniques. In the high temperature $\beta$-phase Ag$_2$Se shows metallic behaviour of electronic conductivity for high values of $\delta$; with decrease in $\delta$, the conductivity of the material exhibits a transition. The magnitude of change in electronic conductivity at the $\alpha - \beta$ transition is also determined by stoichiometry. Ionic conductivity of the $\beta$-phase does not vary significantly with stochiometry. Ionic conductivity of the $\beta$-does not vary significantly with stoichiometry. A model to explain the observed transport properties has been suggested.