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The nucleotide sequence of DNA complementary to rice ragged stunt oryzavirus (RRSV) genome segment 8 (S8) of an isolate from Thailand was determined. RRSV S8 is 1 914 bp in size and contains a single large open reading frame (ORF) spanning nucleotides 23 to 1 810 which is capable of encoding a protein of M(r) 67 348. The N-terminal amino acid sequence of a ~43K virion polypeptide matched to that inferred for an internal region of the S8 coding sequence. These data suggest that the 43K protein is encoded by S8 and is derived by a proteolytic cleavage. Predicted polypeptide sizes from this possible cleavage of S8 protein are 26K and 42K. Polyclonal antibodies raised against a maltose binding protein (MBP)-S8 fusion polypeptide (expressed in Escherichia coli) recognised four RRSV particle associated polypeptides of M(r) 67K, 46K, 43K and 26K and all except the 26K polypeptide were also highly immunoreactive to polyclonal antibodies raised against purified RRSV particles. Cleavage of the MBP-S8 fusion polypeptide with protease Factor X produced the expected 40K MBP and two polypeptides of apparent M(r) 46K and 26K. Antibodies to purified RRSV particles reacted strongly with the intact fusion protein and the 46K cleavage product but weakly to the 26K product. Furthermore, in vitro transcription and translation of the S8 coding region revealed a post-translational self cleavage of the 67K polypeptide to 46K and 26K products. These data indicate that S8 encodes a structural polypeptide, the majority of which is auto- catalytically cleaved to 26K and 46K proteins. The data also suggest that the 26K protein is the self cleaving protease and that the 46K product is further processed or undergoes stable conformational changes to a ~43K major capsid protein.


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Background High-risk foot complications such as neuropathy, ischaemia, deformity, infections, ulcers and amputations consume considerable health care resources and typically result from chronic diseases. This study aimed to develop and test the validity and reliability of a Queensland High Risk Foot Form (QHRFF) tool. Methods Phase one involved developing a QHRFF using an existing diabetes high-risk foot tool, literature search, expert panel and several state-wide stakeholder groups. Phase two tested the criterion-related validity along with inter- and intra-rater reliability of the final QHRFF. Three cohorts of patients (n = 94) and four clinicians, representing different levels of expertise, were recruited. Validity was determined by calculating sensitivity, specificity and positive predictive values (PPV). Kappa and intra-class correlation (ICC) statistics were used to establish reliability. Results A QHRFF tool containing 46-items across seven domains was developed and endorsed. The majority of QHRFF items achieved moderate-to-perfect validity (PPV = 0.71 – 1) and reliability (Kappa/ICC = 0.41 – 1). Items with weak validity and/or reliability included those identifying health professionals previously attending the patient, other (non-listed) co-morbidity, previous foot ulcer, foot deformity, optimum offloading and optimum footwear. Conclusions The QHRFF had moderate-to-perfect validity and reliability across the majority of items, particularly identifying individual co-morbidities and foot complications. Items with weak validity or reliability need to be re-defined or removed. Overall, the QHRFF appears to be a valid and reliable tool to assess, collect and measure clinical data pertaining to high-risk foot complications for clinical or research purposes.


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Background: People often modify oral solid dosage forms when they experience difficulty swallowing them. Modifying dosage forms may cause adverse effects to the patient, and the person undertaking the modification. Pharmacists are often the first point of contact for people in the general community seeking advice regarding medications. Nurses are at the forefront of administering medications to patients and are likely to be most directly affected by a patient’s swallowing ability, while general practitioners (GPs) are expected to consider swallowing abilities when prescribing medications. Objective: To compare the perspectives and experiences of GPs, pharmacists, and nurses regarding medication dosage form modification and their knowledge of medication modification. Method: Questionnaires tailored to each profession were posted to 630 GPs, and links to an online version were distributed to 2,090 pharmacists and 505 nurses. Results: When compared to pharmacists and GPs, nurses perceived that a greater proportion of the general community modified solid dosage forms. Pharmacists and GPs were most likely to consider allergies and medical history when deciding whether to prescribe or dispense a medicine, while nurses’ priorities were allergies and swallowing problems when administering medications. While nurses were more likely to ask their patients about their ability to swallow medications, most health professionals reported that patients “rarely” or “never” volunteered information about swallowing difficulties. The majority of health professionals would advise a patient to crush or split noncoated non-sustained-release tablets, and would consult colleagues or reference sources for sustained-release or coated tablets. Health professionals appeared to rely heavily upon the suffix attached to medication names (which suggest modified release properties) to identify potential problems associated with modifying medications. Conclusion: The different professional roles and responsibilities of GPs, pharmacists, and nurses are associated with different perspectives of, and experiences with, people modifying medications in the general community and knowledge about consequences of medication modification.


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In Roberts v Prendergast [2013] QCA 89 the respondent had offered to settle the appeal, purporting to make the offer under Chapter 9 Part 5 of the Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 1999 (Qld) (UCPR). Differing views were expressed in the Court of Appeal regarding the impact in the circumstances of the offer to settle, with the majority concluding that the appellant should pay the respondent’s costs on the standard basis.


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Background Physiotherapists are a professional group with a high rate of attrition and at high risk of musculoskeletal disorders. The purpose of this investigation was to examine the physical activity levels and health-related quality of life of physiotherapists working in metropolitan clinical settings in an Australian hospital and health service. It was hypothesized that practicing physiotherapists would report excellent health-related quality of life and would already be physically active. Such a finding would add weight to a claim that general physical activity conditioning strategies may not be useful for preventing musculoskeletal disorders among active healthy physiotherapists, but rather, future investigations should focus on the development and evaluation of role specific conditioning strategies. Methods A questionnaire was completed by 44 physiotherapists from three inpatient units and three ambulatory clinics (63.7% response rate). Physical activity levels were reported using the Active Australia Survey. Health-related quality of life was examined using the EQ-5D instrument. Physical activity and EQ-5D data were examined using conventional descriptive statistics; with domain responses for the EQ-5D presented in a frequency histogram. Results The majority of physiotherapists in this sample were younger than 30 years of age (n = 25, 56.8%) consistent with the presence of a high attrition rate. Almost all respondents exceeded minimum recommended physical activity guidelines (n = 40, 90.9%). Overall the respondents engaged in more vigorous physical activity (median = 180 minutes) and walking (median = 135 minutes) than moderate exercise (median = 35 minutes) each week. Thirty-seven (84.1%) participants reported no pain or discomfort impacting their health-related quality of life, with most (n = 35,79.5%) being in full health. Conclusions Physical-conditioning based interventions for the prevention of musculoskeletal disorders among practicing physiotherapists may be better targeted to role or task specific conditioning rather than general physical conditioning among this physically active population. It is plausible that an inherent attrition of physiotherapists may occur among those not as active or healthy as therapists who cope with the physical demands of clinical practice. Extrapolation of findings from this study may be limited due to the sample characteristics. However, this investigation addressed the study objectives and has provided a foundation for larger scale longitudinal investigations in this field.


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A component of broader scholarship addressing the social context in which individuals work, has focused on the role of ‘employee voice’ in determining flexible-work outcomes (Donnelly et al., 2012). Employee voice incorporates a spectrum of practices designed to give employees a say in organisational decisions (Dundon et al., 2004). This paper extends work on voice and workplace flexibility in two ways. First, it focuses not simply on ‘voice’ but on its antithesis, employee silence, which is defined (following Van Dyne et al., 2003) as the intentional withholding of ideas and opinions. We utilise an alternative reading of silence to the majority of literature which interprets it as a product of employee motivation, by focusing on the role of management and by adopting a framework which considers silence as a control dialectic (Donaghey et al., 2011). Second, the study examines silence with respect to preferences for customising the terms/conditions of employment beyond narrowly defined notions of ‘flexible work’ (e.g., reduced hours; home-working). The study utilises 30 telephone interviews with employees who had been previously identified as ‘discontent non-requesters’ (Skinner and Pocock, 2011: 75), that is they had expressed a desire to request flexible working provisions, but had not done so. Interviewees were asked to articulate the reasons for, and consequences of, their silence. The findings reveal nuanced workplace practices and structures that close down possibilities for employee voice and perpetuate silence on matters relating to customising work. They also illustrate a disjuncture between espoused organizational goals and everyday practices and norms encountered in workplaces.


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Much academic writing on pornography focuses on the genre’s exceptionalism (the ways in which it is different from other forms of culture). This paper rather focuses on its typicality as a Creative Industry. As with other Creative Industries, in the production and distribution of pornography it is producers who make most money. While a small number of on-camera performers become wealthy and powerful the majority lack creative control and are poorly paid. The careers of performers are typically short examples of “nomadic labour”. Many creative workers are involved in the production of pornography apart those in front of the camera, and the skills of these behind-the-camera creatives can be transferable across sectors. Like other Creative Industries, the pornography business is facing challenges from increased digitalization and globalization; and like other Creative Industries the solutions to these challenges lie in branding, niche marketing, and exploiting new technological possibilities.


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Chronic wounds are an important health problem because they are difficult to heal and treatment is often complicated, lengthy and expensive. For a majority of sufferers the most common outcomes are long-term immobility, infection and prolonged hospitalisation. There is therefore an urgent need for effective therapeutics that will enhance ulcer healing and patient quality of life, and will reduce healthcare costs. Studies in our laboratory have revealed elevated levels of purine catabolites in wound fluid from patients with venous leg ulcers. In particular, we have discovered that uric acid is elevated in wound fluid, with higher concentrations correlating with increased wound severity. We have also revealed a corresponding depletion in uric acid precursors, including adenosine. Further, we have revealed that xanthine oxidoreductase, the enzyme that catalyses the production of uric acid, is present at elevated levels in wound fluid. Taken together, these findings provide evidence that xanthine oxidoreductase may have a function in the formation or persistence of chronic wounds. Here we describe the potential function of xanthine oxidoreductase and uric acid accumulation in the wound site, and the effect of xanthine oxidoreductase in potentiating the inflammatory response.


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Dermal wound healing is a biochemical and cellular process critical to life. While the majority of the population will only ever experience successful wound healing outcomes, some 1-3 % of those aged over 65 years will experience wound healing delay or perpetuation. These hard-to-heal wounds are comprised of degraded and dysfunctional extracellular matrix, yet the integrity of this structure is critical in the processes of normal wound healing. As such, extracellular matrix replacements have been devised that can replace dysfunctional extracellular matrix in hard-to-heal wounds with the aim of restoring normal wound healing processes. Here we evaluated a novel synthetic matrix protein for its ability to act as an acellular scaffold that can replace dysfunctional extracellular matrix. In this regard the synthetic protein demonstrated an ability to rapidly adsorb to the dermal surface, permit cell attachment and facilitate the cellular functions essential to wound healing. When applied to deep partial thickness wounds in a porcine animal model the matrix protein also demonstrated the ability to reduce wound duration. These data provide evidence that the synthetic matrix protein has the ability to function as an acellular scaffold for wound healing purposes.


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The vast majority of research in the psychology of reproduction and infancy ultimately aims to improve the health and well-being of individuals in meaningful ways. Despite diversity in topics of study, research in our field can support improved planning of health and social services and the development and implementation of policy, practice guidelines and programmes to enhance the experiences of women, men and children. Research published in the current issue demonstrates this practical utility. In this issue of the journal Chin, Hall and Daiches’ meta-synthesis of fathers’ experiences of the transition to parenthood and Bradley and Slade’s review of fathers’ mental health problems following the birth of a child legitimate men’s role in the maternity care system and provide a robust basis for the development of health policies and programmes that can address their needs. Together, their findings highlight the importance of improved tailoring of antenatal education (practical accessibility and content relevance) for fathers, and opportunities for postnatal reflection, debriefing, and support...


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Independent filmmaking within the context of Australian cinema is a multifaceted subject. In comparison to the United States, where production can be characterised as bifurcated between major studio production and so-called “indie” or independent production without the backing of the majors, since the 1970s and until recently the vast majority of Australian feature film production has been independent filmmaking. Like most so-called national cinemas, most Australian movies are supported by both direct and indirect public subvention administered by state and federal government funding bodies, and it could be argued that filmmakers are, to a certain degree, “dependent” on official mandates. As this chapter demonstrates national production slates are subjected to budget restraints and cut-backs, official cultural policies (for example pursuing international co-productions and local content quotas) and shifts in policy directions among others. Therefore, within the context of Australian cinema, feature film production operating outside the public funding system could be understood as “independent”. However, as is the case for most English-language national cinemas, independence has long been defined in terms of autonomy from Hollywood, and – as alluded to above – as Australia becomes more dependent upon international inputs into production, higher budget movies are becoming less independent from Hollywood. As such, this chapter argues that independence in Australian cinema can be viewed as having two poles: independence from direct government funding and independence from Hollywood studios. With a specific focus on industry and policy contexts, this chapter explores key issues that constitute independence for Australian cinema. In so doing it examines the production characteristics of four primary domains of contemporary independent filmmaking in Australia, namely: “Aussiewood” production; government-backed low-to-mid budget production; co-productions; and guerrilla filmmaking.


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Although Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a complex disease for which appropriate nutrition management is important, limited evidence is currently available to support dietetic practice. Existing PD-specific guidelines do not span all phases of the Nutrition Care Process (NCP). This study aimed to document PD-specific nutrition management practice by Australian and Canadian dietitians. DAA members and PEN subscribers were invited to participate in an online survey (late 2011). Eighty-four dietitians responded (79.8% Australian). The majority (70.2%) worked in the clinical setting. Existing non-PD guidelines were used by 52.4% while 53.6% relied on self-initiated literature reviews. Weight loss/malnutrition, protein intake, dysphagia and constipation were common issues in all NCP phases. Respondents also requested more information/evidence for these topics. Malnutrition screening (82.1%) and assessment (85.7%) were routinely performed. One-third did not receive referrals for weight loss for overweight/obesity. Protein intake meeting gender/age recommendations (69.0%), and high energy/high protein diets to manage malnutrition (82.1%) were most commonly used. Constipation management was through high fibre diets (86.9%). Recommendations for spacing of meals and PD medications varied with 34.5% not making recommendations. Nutritional diagnosis (70.2%) and stage of disease (61.9%) guided monitoring frequency. Common outcome measures included appropriate weight change (97.6%) and regular bowel movements (88.1%). With limited PD-specific guidance, dietitians applied best available evidence for other groups with similar issues. Dietitians requested evidence-based guidelines specifically for the nutritional management of PD. Guideline development should focus on those areas reported as commonly encountered. This process can identify the gaps in evidence to guide future research.


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Cognitive impairment and physical disability are common in Parkinson’s disease (PD). As a result diet can be difficult to measure. This study aimed to evaluate the use of a photographic dietary record (PhDR) in people with PD. During a 12-week nutrition intervention study, 19 individuals with PD kept 3-day PhDRs on three occasions using point-and-shoot digital cameras. Details on food items present in the PhDRs and those not photographed were collected retrospectively during an interview. Following the first use of the PhDR method, the photographer completed a questionnaire (n=18). In addition, the quality of the PhDRs was evaluated at each time point. The person with PD was the sole photographer in 56% of the cases, with the remainder by the carer or combination of person with PD and the carer. The camera was rated as easy to use by 89%, keeping a PhDR was considered acceptable by 94% and none would rather use a “pen and paper” method. Eighty-three percent felt confident to use the camera again to record intake. Of the photos captured (n=730), 89% were of adequate quality (items visible, in-focus), while only 21% could be used alone (without interview information) to assess intake. Over the study, 22% of eating/drinking occasions were not photographed. PhDRs were considered an easy and acceptable method to measure intake among individuals with PD and their carers. The majority of PhDRs were of adequate quality, however in order to quantify intake the interview was necessary to obtain sufficient detail and capture missing items.


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Background Radiation-induced skin reaction (RISR) is a common side effect that affects the majority of cancer patients receiving radiation treatment. RISR is often characterised by swelling,redness, pigmentation, fibrosis, and ulceration, pain, warmth, burning, and itching of the skin. The aim of this systematic review was to assess the effects of interventions which aim to prevent or manage RISR in people with cancer. Methods We searched the following databases up to November 2012: Cochrane Skin Group Specialised Register, CENTRAL (2012, Issue 11), MEDLINE (from 1946), EMBASE (from 1974), PsycINFO (from 1806), CINAHL (from 1981) and LILACS (from 1982). Randomized controlled trials evaluating interventions for preventing or managing RISR in cancer patients were included. The primary outcomes were development of RISR, and levels of RISR and symptom severity. Secondary outcomes were time taken to develop erythema or dry desquamation; quality of life; time taken to heal, a number of skin reaction and symptom severity measures; cost, participant satisfaction; ease of use and adverse effects. Where appropriate, we pooled results of randomized controlled trials using mean differences (MD) or odd ratios (OR) with 95% confidence intervals (CI). Results Forty-seven studies were included in this review. These evaluated six types of interventions (oral systemic medications; skin care practices; steroidal topical therapies; non-steroidal topical therapies; dressings and other). Findings from two meta-analyses demonstrated significant benefits of oral Wobe-Mugos E for preventing RISR (OR 0.13 (95% CI 0.05 to 0.38)) and limiting the maximal level of RISR (MD −0.92 (95% CI −1.36 to −0.48)). Another meta-analysis reported that wearing deodorant does not influence the development of RISR (OR 0.80 (95% CI 0.47 to 1.37)). Conclusions Despite the high number of trials in this area, there is limited good, comparative research that provides definitive results suggesting the effectiveness of any single intervention for reducing RISR. More research is required to demonstrate the usefulness of a wide range of products that are being used for reducing RISR. Future efforts for reducing RISR severity should focus on promising interventions, such as Wobe-Mugos E and oral zinc.


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Road traffic injuries are one of the major public health burdens worldwide. The United Nations Decade of Action for Road Safety (2011-2020) implores all nations to work to reduce this burden. This decade represents a unique and historic period of time in the field of road safety. Information exchange and co-operation between nations is an important step in achieving the goal. The burden of road crashes, fatalities and injuries is not equally distributed. We know that low and middle-income countries experience the majority of the road trauma burden. Therefore it is imperative that these countries learn from the successes of others that have developed and implemented road safety laws, public education campaigns and countermeasures over many years and have achieved significant road trauma reductions as a result. China is one of the countries experiencing a large road trauma burden. Vulnerable road users such as pedestrians and cyclists make up a large proportion of fatalities and injuries in China. Speeding, impaired/drug driving, distracted driving, vehicle overloading, inadequate road infrastructure, limited use of safety restraints and helmets, and limited road safety training have all been identified as contributing to the problem. Some important steps have been taken to strengthen China’s approach, including increased penalties for drunk driving in May 2011 and increased attention to school bus safety in 2011/12. However, there is still a large amount of work needed to improve the current road safety position in China. This paper provides details of a program to assist with road safety knowledge exchange between China and Australia that was funded by the Australian Government which was undertaken in the latter part of 2012. The four month program provided the opportunity for the first author to work closely with key agencies in Australia that are responsible for policy development and implementation of a broad range of road safety initiatives. In doing so, an in-depth understanding was gained about key road safety strategies in Australia and processes for developing and implementing them. Insights were also gained into the mechanisms used for road safety policy development, implementation and evaluation in several Australian jurisdictions. Road traffic law and enforcement issues were explored with the relevant jurisdictional transport and police agencies to provide a greater understanding of how Chinese laws and practices could be enhanced. Working with agencies responsible for public education and awareness campaigns about road safety in Australia also provided relevant information about how to promote road safety at the broader community level in China. Finally, the program provided opportunities to work closely with several world-renowned Australian research centres and key expert researchers to enhance opportunities for ongoing road safety research in China. The overall program provided the opportunity for the first author to develop knowledge in key areas of road safety strategy development, implementation and management which are directly relevant to the current situation in China. This paper describes some main observations and findings from participation in the program.