908 resultados para service development process


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La conservation des groupements à Pistacia atlantica dans la région de Béchar est actuellement menacée par une forte pression humaine et animale. Ce travail consiste à proposer une analyse phyto-écologique fine en se basant sur la dynamique de végétation et les inventaires floristiques. Les explications sont étayées par une analyse statistique (AFC) afin de mieux cerner les facteurs écologiques prépondérants. Nous savons très bien que Pistacia atlantica est une espèce d’avenir pour l’Algérie occidentale, son adaptation au stress écologique lui permet une dynamique et une remontée biologique certaine. Cette espèce peut vivre dans des endroits très secs, de 700 à 1200m d’altitude où la pluviométrie ne dépasse guère les 100 mm/an, avec une température maximale de 42°C et un quotient pluviothermique (Q2) supérieur à 7. La diversité floristique du groupement à Pistacia atlantica est très particulière du fait de sa caractérisation biologique, systématique et phytogéographique. Cet examen fait ressortir l’importance des espèces Saharienne-Endémiques grâce à une adaptation et une résistance plus favorables sous bioclimat typiquement saharien.


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No desenvolvimento do processo de elaboração do Plano Nacional de Saúde 2004-2005 foi necessário criar um esquema classificativo dos diversos documentos de planeamento cuja metodologia permitisse, por um lado, a reorganização dos trabalhos existentes e, por outro, a orientação de trabalhos futuros. Neste sentido, esta análise passa em revista as questões de nomenclatura associadas a estes documentos e propõe um esquema de desenho e avaliação dos programas de saúde, cuja metodologia serviu de base à macro-análise dos programas nacionais existentes. As recomendações elaboradas na sequência desta macroanálise salientam, entre outros aspectos, a necessidade de definir a priori a metodologia de avaliação e os mecanismos adequados de cativação de recursos e/ou apuramento dos custos associados por produto, como forma de maximizar a utilização dos recursos escassos.


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Angola encontra-se em processo de restruturação e de desenvolvimento a nível económico e financeiro. A opção pelo investimento em Angola surgiu com as oportunidades de negócio que o país apresenta e também pela necessidade de descentralização do setor da restauração. Após efetuar uma pequena análise do mercado angolano, foi elaborado o projeto “Sweet Art” que está associado ao mercado da indústria alimentar e o mesmo orienta as respetivas propostas de valor para o conjunto de indivíduos e famílias que compram bens e serviços para o consumo próprio. O objetivo principal desse trabalho consiste na elaboração de um plano de negócios viável para a abertura de uma pastelaria em Angola, na província de Luanda - bairro do Talatona, com oferta de doces, salgados, gelados de frutos naturais e secos e também sumos e batidos naturais. Por sua vez, os seus objetivos específicos compreendem a: descrição da ideia; a composição de um plano estratégico, para um melhor estudo do meio envolvente; constituição de um plano operacional de marketing (marketing mix); o plano de operações; plano de pessoal; e um plano financeiro para analisar a sua viabilidade económica e financeira. Na primeira etapa do trabalho foi abordada a componente conceptual e, em seguida, foi apresentado o plano de negócios em si, que terá uma duração estimada de cinco anos, sendo que no terceiro ano se verifica o retorno do investimento. Após elaborado o plano de negócios foi possível concluir que o empreendimento Sweet Art é viável económica e financeiramente.


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AIM Anthracycline-induced cardiotoxicity (ACT) occurs in 57% of treated patients and remains an important limitation of anthracycline-based chemotherapy. In various genetic association studies, potential genetic risk markers for ACT have been identified. Therefore, we developed evidence-based clinical practice recommendations for pharmacogenomic testing to further individualize therapy based on ACT risk. METHODS We followed a standard guideline development process; including a systematic literature search, evidence synthesis and critical appraisal, and the development of clinical practice recommendations with an international expert group. RESULTS RARG rs2229774, SLC28A3 rs7853758 and UGT1A6 rs17863783 variants currently have the strongest and the most consistent evidence for association with ACT. Genetic variants in ABCC1, ABCC2, ABCC5, ABCB1, ABCB4, CBR3, RAC2, NCF4, CYBA, GSTP1, CAT, SULT2B1, POR, HAS3, SLC22A7, SCL22A17, HFE and NOS3 have also been associated with ACT, but require additional validation. We recommend pharmacogenomic testing for the RARG rs2229774 (S427L), SLC28A3 rs7853758 (L461L) and UGT1A6*4 rs17863783 (V209V) variants in childhood cancer patients with an indication for doxorubicin or daunorubicin therapy (Level B - moderate). Based on an overall risk stratification, taking into account genetic and clinical risk factors, we recommend a number of management options including increased frequency of echocardiogram monitoring, follow-up, as well as therapeutic options within the current standard of clinical practice. CONCLUSIONS Existing evidence demonstrates that genetic factors have the potential to improve the discrimination between individuals at higher and lower risk of ACT. Genetic testing may therefore support both patient care decisions and evidence development for an improved prevention of ACT.


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This monograph begins with a case study that provides a means for analyzing the complexity of organizational leadership in the contemporary security environment. As such, it presents a high stakes problem-set that required an operational adaptation by a cavalry squadron conducting combat operations in Baghdad. This problematic reality triggered the struggle to find a creative response to a very deadly problem, while cultural norms served as barriers that prevented the rejection of previously accepted solutions that had proven successful in the past, even though those successful solutions no longer fit in the context of the reality of the present. The case study highlights leaders who were constrained by deeply-held assumptions that inhibited their ability to adapt quickly to a changed environment. The case study then moves on to provide an example of a successful application of adaptive leadership and adaptive work that was performed by the organization after a period of reflection and the willingness to experiment and assume risk. The case study serves as a microcosm of the challenges facing the U.S. Army, and the corresponding leadership framework presented in this monograph can be used as a model for the Army as it attempts to move forward in its effort to make adaptation an institutional imperative. The paper presents a more holistic approach to leadership where the leader transcends that of simply being an authority figure and becomes a real leader who provides a safe and creative learning environment where the organization can tackle and solve adaptive challenges. The paper concludes by recommending that U.S. Army leaders apply Harvard Professor Dean Williams's theory to the challenges confronting the Army's leader development process thereby fostering a culture of adaptive leaders.


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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Earthquakes have been recognized as resulting from stick-slip frictional instabilities along the faults between deformable rocks. A three-dimensional finite-element code for modeling the nonlinear frictional contact behaviors between deformable bodies with the node-to-point contact element strategy has been developed and applied here to investigate the fault geometry influence on the nucleation and development process of the stick-slip instability along an intra-plate fault through a typical fault bend model, which has a pre-cut fault that is artificially bent by an angle of 5.6degrees at the fault center. The numerical results demonstrate that the geometry of the fault significantly affects nucleation, termination and restart of the stick-slip instability along the intra-plate fault, and all these instability phenomena can be well simulated using the current finite-element algorithm.


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This paper describes the implementation and evaluation of a three-way model of service development mentoring. This population health mentoring program was funded by the Commonwealth Department of Health and Ageing to enable staff from eight Divisions of General Practice in South Australia to gain a sound understanding of population health concepts relevant to their workplace. The distinguishing features of service development mentoring were that the learning was grounded within an individual's work setting and experience; there was an identified population health problem or issue confronting the Division of General Practice; and there was an expectation of enhanced organisational performance. A formal evaluation found a consensus among all learners that mentoring was a positive and worthwhile experience, where they had achieved what they had set out to do. Mentors found the model of learning agreeable and effective. Division executive officers recognised enhanced skills among their "learner" colleagues, and commented positively on the benefits to their organisations through the development of well researched and relevant projects, with the potential to improve the efficiency of their population health activities.


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Information and communication technologies (particularly websites and e-mail) have the potential to deliver health behavior change programs to large numbers of adults at low cost. Controlled trials using these new media to promote physical activity have produced mixed results. User-centered development methods can assist in understanding the preferences of potential participants for website functions and content, and may lead to more effective programs. Eight focus group discussions were conducted with 40 adults after they had accessed a previously trialed physical activity website. The discussions were audio taped, transcribed and interpreted using a themed analysis method. Four key themes emerged: structure, interactivity, environmental context and content. Preferences were expressed for websites that include simple interactive features, together with information on local community activity opportunities. Particular suggestions included online community notice boards, personalized progress charts, e-mail access to expert advice and access to information on specific local physical activity facilities and services. Website physical activity interventions could usefully include personally relevant interactive and environmentally focused features and services identified through a user-centered development process.


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There is growing interest in comparing patterns of social and health service development in advanced Asian economies. Most publications concentrate broadly on a range of core social services such as education, housing, social security and health care. In terms of those solely focused on health, most discuss arrangements in specific countries and territories. Some take a comparative approach, but are focused on presentation and discussion of expenditure, resourcing and service utilization data. This article extends the comparative analysis of advanced Asian health systems, considering the cases of Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore. The article provides basic background information, and delves into common concerns among the world's health systems today including primary care organization, rationing and cost containment, service quality, and system integration. Conclusions include that problems exist in 'classifying' the five diverse systems; that the systems face common pressures; and that there are considerable opportunities to enhance primary care, service quality and system integration. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Real-time software systems are rarely developed once and left to run. They are subject to changes of requirements as the applications they support expand, and they commonly outlive the platforms they were designed to run on. A successful real-time system is duplicated and adapted to a variety of applications - it becomes a product line. Current methods for real-time software development are commonly based on low-level programming languages and involve considerable duplication of effort when a similar system is to be developed or the hardware platform changes. To provide more dependable, flexible and maintainable real-time systems at a lower cost what is needed is a platform-independent approach to real-time systems development. The development process is composed of two phases: a platform-independent phase, that defines the desired system behaviour and develops a platform-independent design and implementation, and a platform-dependent phase that maps the implementation onto the target platform. The last phase should be highly automated. For critical systems, assessing dependability is crucial. The partitioning into platform dependent and independent phases has to support verification of system properties through both phases.


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Estudo das condições para que os meios de comunicação comunitária venham a contribuir com a participação e organização dos movimentos populares. Os objetivos são analisar as relações entre as rádios comunitárias e o direito à moradia e compreender as implicações no desenvolvimento de processos político-comunicacionais subsidiados por uma metodologia de ação dialógica na produção de conteúdos realizados por agentes do movimento de moradia. A abordagem dialética é fundamentada principalmente no pensamento de Paulo Freire. As técnicas de pesquisa são a bibliográfica, a documental e a pesquisa-ação, a qual se desenvolveu junto à Associação para o Desenvolvimento Habitacional do Brasil ADEHAB que atua na região conhecida como Área do Chafik, no Jardim Zaíra, em Mauá- SP, em parceria com a Rádio Comunitária Z FM, situada na mesma localidade. Concluise que a criação de novos fluxos comunicacionais comunitários incidem no fortalecimento do movimento popular e da rádio comunitária e os principais condicionantes para este processo reside na disposição dos movimentos populares em se apropriar dos espaços comunicativos reinventando sua práxis.


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Theory suggests that the dimensions that are incorporated in the new product screening decision will differ according to the stage of the development process. The outcome of the application of different screening dimensions would be quicker, realistic and more reliable screening decisions. This research project builds on existing new product development and screening literature by investigating new product screening in international fast moving consumer goods companies. It further builds on the existing literature by measuring decision-making relating to projects in 'real time', as managers' responses refer to projects they are currently working on. The introduction of branded consumer products allows us to evolve scales used in new product research by further developing variables relating to branding, promotion and retailer power. The project uncovers multiple dimensions of new product screening and evaluation within this branded product sector. These dimensions are found to differ in their ability to discriminate between two groups of accepted and rejected projects at each of four stages of the new product development process. This investigation provides the intelligence with which managers can determine the likelihood of project acceptance and rejection at different stages of the development process. It highlights the need for managers to apply stage-specific dimensions in the new product screening decision and advocates the redefinition of new product screening from both an academic and managerial perspective. The screening decision should not be viewed as a single, early decision in a product development process, but as a series of stage specific decisions regarding future project potential.


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This paper examines the potential for the development of patient services that could arise from the co-location of pharmacies with medical practices in the new "one-stop" centres. A review of the pharmacy-specific literature shows limited understanding of influence of location upon service development and highlights a tension between the professional and commercial drives. The aim of the survey of health centre pharmacists was to describe the current patterns of integration in the primary health care team. The study demonstrates that co-location offers opportunities but that there are barriers linked to the loss of traditional commercial activity. © 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Building on social exchange theory and qualitative inquiry, managerial responsiveness, caring, and aggressiveness were uncovered as three key social exchange dimensions used by sales managers when dealing with problem situations in the salesforce. We used Australian data to develop measures of these three constructs. Results of the development process indicate that the measures show good validity. Further to this, we also provide examination of the relationship of the three exchange dimensions with key organizational outcomes. Overall the findings suggest that the three constructs are important in sales manager problem resolution exchanges, and that they may ultimately influence the success of sales organizations.